unit hi 4IM the year, cwti f. t I TElf SOUTH EHMR. I r . at Tarboty. wornr wnwia. 5 iiefcber pt. The' Associate: - -'-r Press V' ' '" TkV Associated Press It eluttoly? untitled to tn renabUcatien of 'stt bows dispatches credited W if of j not otherwise credited if M I paper and la tli loii"w 6 jtablished herein.- $!; . - All rights of wnaWicp tioii of apadal 4wtchf ' f?I" " . are als reserved. -. ' R. U8HACICKLL.-Editor A! E. SHACKELL.Aast.Ed. P. H. CREECH..Cor, Editor V. fl.' CREECH-.Bas. Mct. Address all eoinmunieaiiona. to THI SOUTHERNER, and aot4o Individual. ! !' ' TeJenfcae:.- p. O. SOS .... ..907 Enter at the Pofi Office at Tarhera, N. C, as mm-elans-Blatter ander the art of Comma f March , 17J. BTJlSCRffTION BATfB 1 year ......... - $6-00 tU ...... mo saeatha lmoatk .... .90 lwoak ... 4 achco la ia.lpwered efficiency. people pay a higher cost of living on account of failure 'of eovernmanl; t deai wisely withbuirtes. - :- ' The prtly way to avoid tnese tosses Li for 'all the people "to give more thought and intelligence to the act of voting.. , 1 The Southerner in these articles will offer some suggestions to the new "voters as to how they can act In a Way "to stop these wastes and protect their own Interests. - Vice President and Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall will-celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary today. -t One month from today a new pres ident of the United States will be elected. " Dr. Ernest H. Lindley, chancellor of he University ,of Kansas, born at Paali, Ind., 61 years ago today. The Chattanooga Interstate Fail will be opened today and continuo through the coming week. EVERY MONDAY. ''' ' '"' " ---- - Are Hate and Money All That We Owe OtheraT 1 V Hate is in some respects like the money debt, bears Interest and often compound interest, at times difficult to collect, some tims never collected, "hut .is rarely barred by the statute of limitations. But it differs frojp the money debt in a material particular, in that when the money debtor dies utterly unable to payK the chances to collect the debt are buried with the debtor in the grave; but not so with hate. God declared, I will visit the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth genera tions t man assumes the authority and power of God, and visits the sins of BAKER BROTHERS , A4fat For THE BEST MNE OF, OIL COOK STOVES AND wXTEir HEATERS ON THE MARKET THE FLORENCE The King and Queen of the Bel gians, who are now visiting South America, celebrate their twentieth i wedding anniversary today. ' MONDAY,' OCTOBER 4, 1?0. .' ' - . THE TEACHER'S REWARD. Young women whoenter the teach ing profession are sometimes regard ed as doing a foolish thing from the ir.onye point of view. The teacher has not fared as well in the readjustment of wages as the factory worker. But the teacher en i . ys a position of exception respect in the community. : This is not mere ly pleasant .from the social point of v.cw, but it enables a gin to mane exceedingly valuable friends. The teachers who desire to marry r..uu.Py win . the favor of the finest t:pe of men. Not necessarily the v.en with the most money, but they i.ually make comfortable and happy inarriagea. Those who don't marry u uaEy could do so, only their stand ards are too high. A good teacher can be sure of w.rk in any section. She has a long vacation in which to recuperate and many use the. period to make addi tional earnings. , There are many aol d advantages in the profession. Those who look only at the imme diate money returns do not make a wise judgment, The Roman Catholic diocese of Omaha is thirty-five years old today, haying been created Oct. 2,v 1885. Today .will be nomination day in New Brunswick for the Provincial elections which are to be held a week hence. , Col. Samuel E. Tillman, U. S. A., retired, former' superintendent of the .West Point Academy, born at Shel- byville, Tenn., 73 years ago today. William G. McAdoo, ex-secretary of the treasury, and Frank B- Willis, republican nominee for senator from Ohio, are scheduled as speakers be fore a meeting of the Political Equal ity League in Chicago- today. : : The Los Angeles Livestock Show, cine of the largest exhibitions of its kind in the 'Southwest, will open at Los Angeles -today for a week's en gagement. PSYCHOLOGY OF ADVERTISING Some men are born advertisers and tome are bora non-advertisers. The first clasa no doubt hollered well in their cradles, and have been at it ever since. But they learned at an early stage of the game that it is no Use hollering unless you have the real atuif behind it - ' " , The non-advertisers are all good fellows. But it fcaa never been re ported that the violet was elected as queen of the flowers. . People .rho have a strongly com-j petitive spirit, who are confident in their ability to give exceptional ser vice, are almost Invariably good ad vertisers. j. TJiey are never satisfied to sit down in a business and take what comet to them without effort; They reach out and try to win leading position by superior merit. j The Southerner, desiring to do justice to the splendid business firms of Tarboro, whose . announcements fill its advertising columns, will soon present a aeriea of tabloid editorials on- "The psychology of advertising." It will set forth some convincing reasons why you can depend upon the merchants whose advertisements appear in this newspaper, to give the best possible service to the public. OPERA HOUSE ETHEL CLAYTON IN TO MIGHT J "CROOKED ase" wfifi n..fc.ii .ftn . mQ STREETS' i"- .' .f s? f , 4t A CARD TO THE PUBLIC TAKE NOTICE . THE . NEW VOTERS. : From. 1ft to'12 per cent of the vot ers at any presidential election never voted for president, before. In ad dition a great army of women are now voting for the first time. ; Many voter previously en the list have giv en little attention' to political prob- To throw light upon these prob lems of government for all wfco feel their lack of experience in this field, The Southerner .will shortly begin printing a series of feature edito rials addressed, particularly to the new voters. This newspaper believes that everyone interested in busings efficiency and 4he progressive spirit in government, wil want to read the articles. The mistake of government lay a heavy, burden - upon the American people. r. The tax payers pay for waste. The children pay for poor 44TH SERIES 44TH EDGECOMBE HOMESTEAD AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ' Wai Open - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920 S. S. NASH, Secretary and Treasurer S20-20t ..,,.... ,...,...,..,....,,.,,.T jMim m JUST RECEIVED A SOLID CAR LOAD j iFordson Trattors 1 THE GREATEST POWER UNIT Oft THE MARKET A DemorLstration Will be Made to Any, Interested Farmer JENKINS GAR AG E HHmiHilllllllHIHIHIIIIIHMIIIMMMIM Fair Play d Equal Rights an ihia savings association was founded on these t principles the same our country fought for. - Each member shares with every other member the . same privileges, benefits, service aqd. dividends. We would be glad to have you fe&come one of us. v New Series Open Oct. -2, 1920 Tarboro Building & Loan Association ' Thos. B. .Jacocks; Sec'jr and Treat MimiwnuM t ; the father upon his children unto the first generation, and if e' lives long enough unto the . second generation, and God only knowsjiow much far ther'he would go if he could live long enough, It is passing strange, how aj person will hate another because of the hatred that he cherished for-Jris father, and this person often times; not. only does not know, and often has never heard of his hater. "Vengeance is mine: I will repay, saith the Lord." '-" Qh, the suffering brought on hu manity; when man undertook to re lieve God of the job, '' "If I can catch him once on the hip I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him." If all the haters could wreak their vengeance to their full satisfaction, we would have an amazing most in teresting and lively hell in Edge combe county; we would be fearfully shocked and woefully hurt to real ize the many enemies that we have, whom we had not the least cause to suspect, , ' There are two general sources from which hate arises; the most, prolific is envy, the vilest and meanest of all human traits save that of treachery ; the other where a per son suspects some one is opposing or interfering with his purpose or pro ject. And this is unfortunately true,- ther v the suspicion be without cause and. utterly, unfounded; or the opposition be righteous and entirely justified. . And this is why we cannot have a fine community; spirit and .pull to gether for the advancement and bet terment of all' the people. We owe a duty of tolerance and help to one an other, Jnd if we persist in neglecting it, we can never be a high class Christian community, an honor ti ourselves and our county. Those of us who have had . more oppor :nity and advantage to inform and -broad en ourselves, 'owe an absolute duty to those less fortunate, to hold a high example, and give kindly con sideration and aid to them, when ever and wherever we can. To sue cessfully do this, we must . restrain ourselves in ' any disposition to be selfishj spiteful and hateful; let your 1 Kr 0 o c IN t L D RTN K A - GO BOTTLES ThisMacluncThitMUer Hydro Soalcefi washes even bottuz useawyrtjut 'I - ' '?- y ' .1 ; il - A FTER a ' tsottle eoea ihroup-h tho Miller Hvdro 55nn1r?- after it has been: rinsed with warm water, scrubbed find ' scoured with hot caustic solution under high pressure for ten i minutes, then re-rinsed with both warm and cold watery ft is absolutely clean and more It is absolutely sterile; Particular people appreciate the pains which are taken by thie organization to deliver them' cleans ' ' refreshing andwholenome drinks 'in clean bottle - Coca-Cola Bottling Works Tarboro, North Carolina ii ii i m 4mm i ih r r 1 1 1 iiesrr i i i r intercourse be tolerant and your dealings kindly, fair and just. The people of thxe county are full worthy of all the effort that we can per suade ourselves to make; and I feel that some of us will sincerely try. So there is very much more than owing hate and money. There is but one hate, so far known that is fully justi fiable, (nd that is to hate bad roads, JOHN L. BRIDGERS. JUST RECEIVED ONE CAR CHIPPEWA SALT Assorted Follow: 100.1b., 50-lb., 25.1b., Cotton T Sacks. 140-Ib. Seek. Ground Alum Packers Salt Osono Salt 25 and 2-lb. Pkgt. t Retiof Ice Cream Salt, 10tf4b. I Bags. Stock Salt, 100 and 200-lb. Bag ONE CAR NO. I TIMOTHY 2 ' HAY. IF INTERESTED GET OUR : PRICES. R. B. PETERS GROCERY COMPANY Store Phone 35 Office Phone 844 FOR RENT , Qne room, nsr office. i -With or without board Apply at The Souther- FOR RENT Rooms for lighthouse- keeping. Phone247. S29-6tc PEARS for preserving and pickling. 60c per pk. delivered. Order now. A. Battle. 2-2t rrnannnnnnDcrn No SutcUtntes Thedford's ii u n n u DLAC-D!11UG!1T n M Purely Vegetable n liver Medidne r:n - p.i r.: INCREASED POWER RATES. The committee appointed by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Tarbcro to revise scale of power rates will submit the following raise to the Board of Commissioners at regular meeting on October the 11th, and all parties affected or interested ' 1 " 1 ........ in said raise are Invited to be present at said meeting. Power RaUs. :06c per K. W. Hour with the fol lowing scale of discounts If bill is paid on or before the 10th of month. A minimum charge of .50c per horse power for all consumers as 'long as connected to service mains and a minimum charge of $5.00 per month to all power users. Discounts. On bills from $ o $15, 10 per cent discount. ., On, bills fr!m $15 to $30, 15 per cent discount. On bills from $30 to $50, 20- per cent discount. ; , , On bills from $50 to $100, 25 per cent discount. . On bills from $100 to $150, 30 per cent discount. On bills from $150 to $250, 35 per cent discount. . On bills from $250 to $400, 40 per cent discount. v On bills over $400, 45 per cent dis count y , v J. H. JACOCKS, ' , S28-eod-toOctll Clerk-Treas. . . 1 I, FOR SALE One Jersey milch cowi with calf, two weeks old. J. D. tan caster, Pinetops, N. C. 21-10t CALL PHONE 272 For All Kinds of Tailoring Cleaning and Dyeing STRICKLAND'S -Steam Pressing Club. iW' " v:- XT' rv . ..... , iJ. tj.i ..... . ... i - , . ..it,.. .j.--. .-, THE ST. CLAIRE SISTERS. The St Claire Sisters, a ladles' quar tet, give a varied program, which combines orchestral, vocal and special novelty features. Audiences .which tave heard the Military Girls or the American Girls will find the same brightness Sand sparkle which makes these-two companies bo well remem bered. The St Claire Sisters have al ready appeared on one of the Redpath Chautauqua circuits with decided suc cess. ' The personnel of this company Is as follows : Ella St Claire, soprano, q)ana mandolin, banjo t Mary St Claire, second soprano, reader, piano, mandolin, ' banjo ; Velma ' St. Claire, first alto, violin, piano, mandolin, ban Jo; Lillian St Claire, contralto,' vio lin, mandolin, banjo.- The features of the St. Claire Sisters' program are : Mandolin quartet, ladles' vocal quar-' tit,- violin solos and .duets,, readings, orchestral music of violins, mandolins, plado ; vocal solos, duos and trios ; planologues; banjo orchestra of vio lin, two banjos, piano, especially effec tive for popular 'music i piano solos and duets; humorous, song witlt to uoirj banjo quartet. 7) IX Jt il. J THE AMFPirAM RFn rROSS I II DC A rC TlaVJC . (r ill rLMUL 1 1 mc A j ; Eastern Europe - )jjf - :-. ;7 1. 1 4 Americans who contribute te the Red Cross would feel amply repaid i for their geaeroslty If they could see what It .means to hundreds of thousands I of war weary sufferers In the Balkans. Here Is a widowed Roumanian mother j with her fire children Just after a visit to a Red Cross relief station. All are I barefoot and the boy at the left Is wearing clothes made ef scraps from tho 1 battlefields. They have just received winter . clothing, food and condensed I milk for the baby. Slmllur work Is being done for Russian refugees driven from home '-.i.' -tS.x . " iiY TO LOAN OH IMPROVED FARM LANDS ON LONG TIME JAMES PENDER DR. E. C HORNBECK X ; Osteopathic Physician . T Monday, Wedaeiday, Friday 2 to 6 P. M. - Office) Maconie Tempi Building X Over Cook Drug Store. ' U ' ..... ... . v . ;. 1M -CALL ioa For All Kind of Pln-Wa. Yonn To Jarre : R. E. L PITT WANTED Stenographer' for v next thirty days. Good salary. Apply t once to Don Gilliam. , 10 f REDUCED FARES account ANNUAL FAIR WILL1AMSTON, N. C. r - OCTOBER 5 TO 8, 1820 For the above occasion RoDUCED FARE EXCURSION TICK. ETS will bo old from stations in territory named below,' for no only en OCTOBER 4TH TO 7TH, and for train, achoduled . arrive at Williamston before noon on October 8. : -V Territory from which REDUCED FARE ROUND TRIP TICK. ETS MAY BE SOLDi Walking ton, GroonriUo, Hobgood, Tar boro, and All Intormodiat. Stations, to -WILLIAMSTON. Minimum Round Trip Far $1.00. Reduced Far apply only wkr tick! ar purckad Wore . -boarding trains. i' ' " " ' . ,-,.';.- Children's Far will be one-kelf tk Adult Fares. All tickets will b limited, returning, to reach original start, ing point midnight of Saturday, October 9. Call on ticket agents or addres the underlined for informal ticn regarding sckodules l . C. P. Skaw, Diet Paseengergent; Moaticello HoteL Norfolk, V. ' W. J. Craig- r. T.C Wklto, PaMeager Traf i Manager Ce.eral Pa.,,.r Agent, . Wflmfngton, N. C. - I , AILANTIC COAST LINE. 'THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH wklydtoct2-4

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