iv. A. ...J i J .-1 . ,-E41y .1&89. Established ! WSekIy-1824 ' " Published Every After etfxcejrt ,Sunday,,by The Southerner, Tarooro, ;"..-. --r--Qrth arUna. v . Member of Tho Attoclated Piw. The Associated Press la exclusively - 'nntitw to the use for. republication ''. f all news dispatches credited to it or not otnerwise creaitea in uus papi-i, also the local news publisher herein. All rights of republication of special despatches herein ; are also reservea. R. G. Shackell : ; : ..Editor A. E. Shackell ! ! Asst. Editor P. H. Creech . : Corresponding Editor V. H. Creech : S r : Manager Address All Communications to. The Southerners .Tarboro, North Carolina , i ., : Phone 75 P. 0. Box 907 Entered at the Post Office at Tarboro, N. C, as 2d class matter under , the act of Congress oi.marcn , xojp Dailr Subscription Rates. 1 year. . . . $5.00 1 month. . , i .?0c ft months. . . 2.50 . 1 week .... .15c Weekly . . . . . ,'. . . . $1.60 per year THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1920. Democratic Nominee. ' The Southerner stands four-square for the entire democratic ticket which - the voters of the county will be asked f to cast their ballot f o ron November second, therefore, the names of the nominees will be carried in these col i umns until the day of election so that all may familiarize themselves with the men who stand for the best form of government in America: . For president: James M. Cox. For vice-president: Franklin , D. Roosevelt. . For U. S. senator: Lee S. Overman. ; For congress (second district) : Claude Kitchin. For governor: Cameron Morrison. For lieut-gov.: W.' B. Cooper. For secretary of state : J. Bryan Grimes. :'.:.-.' ; .V; For state auditor: Baxter Durham. For stale treasurer: R. B. Lacy. I'or superintendent of public in struction: E. C. Brooks. V .: For attorney general : James S. .Iiltaning. For commissioner of agriculture: W. A. Graham. : ; , - For commissioner of labor and printing; M. L. Shipman; For . commissioner of insurance: Stacey W. Wade. For corporation commissioner; A. J.' Maxwell.' , For associate justice of supreme court: W. A. Hoke, W. P. Stacy. County Ticket, i For county commissioners : J. V. Cobb, W. H. Horne, D. B. Gaskill, ,H. G. Brown, WiM. Moore. ' For board of education: M. G. Mann, R. H. Speight, H. L. Brake. For register of deeds: H. S. Bunn. For sheriff; J. W. Thomas. ' For state senator: Paul Jones. For representative : R. T. Fountain, ' During the . war period there was a terrible row- because the govern ment moved coal into the northwest in quantities while it left Ohio, In diana and the middle west out "in the cold." From complaints that are reaching the Interstate Commerce - Commission it appears that history is repeating itself, and in consequence priority orders may be looked for that will direct the routing and shipments ' of coal, as was done recently in re lieving the situation in New England. " The coal. miners are all at work, and for once there is no strike in that great industry. ' The recent wage increases among coal miners amount ed to $85,000,000, or an increase of around twenty per cent. While the 'award was not satisfactory to the miners, they have nevtrehelesa found that it wa snot well for them to carry out their "vacation" scheme, which was in "effect a' strike. However, they have already ' asked the presi- ' deitt to call conferences of mine ope rators and miners "for the purpose cf adjusting inequalities in the pres ent agreement" : ''The railroads are handling their part of the problem in good shape, and the concerted effort of the dif. ferent companies to give the public more transportation is meeting with splendid results. ' , There has been but a small falling off of traffic due to the increased rates, and reports to the Car Service Division of the Am erican Railroad Association show that the car situation continues to im prove throughout the couutry. The different roads are gradually getting their own rolling stock back on their ' own tracks returning them from the scattered regions ' where they were ' sent through government ' operation. And as the' cars' are returned home they are being put in shape for ser vice and they are adding their pari to the equipment at hand. AVERTING jWAR. As time proceeds after a war peo ple forget the evils of war to some extent, and are not so keenly anx ious to take steps to avert future wars. " 1 .' ' '.' People who take this view should jiof" forget the taxes they Witt fcava- to pay for the fast f.. their Jive for tha-late war! ; When the wintry fin alls" gets on a settled basis,. it is prob- aW that nine-tenths of the axes for theiexV jwentx.yiE MM ! 'or easefciwWinjif out of war,, for infer esV ! pnldehtsayment of .liberty loans, 'and maintenance o the war and navy . departments, r s It is a very Hoollsb thin.? W pay outfall this vast sum of money and accept , this crushing .burden' on the life of the people, when by forming a league of nations to prevent war. it is probable that further conflict of a serious 'nature can. be averted. The Democratic party believes the only way "to avert war is to organize all the nations to unite in action against war,"and hence it favors the League of Nations. It is willing to accept such reservations to the lea gue as shall make its provisions clear and shall make sure that the United States shall not ,' be subject to" any exterior interference.1: But it is not willing to. accept such reservations as will make the league' a mere debating' society without power of action, " v . Can any one tell what the Rspilb-' lican party believes? It is attract ing the support of, men who favor the league and those who oppose it, and -both factions think theirs view is going to prevail in the party coun sels. tVhat they would probably do if successful would be to accept some miserable and shuffling compromise, that will commit the country to no thing, and accomplish nothing tow ard relieving' the people from , the burdens and horrors of war. ' "V. THE ICE SITUATION LAST SUM- -'. . MER. Now that the fall has come and everybody has had a chance to cool off, I wish to take this matter up and explain conditions exactly as they were at the time of the shortage in ice, as I understand that I am -still being criticised by some people, who seem determined to have things their own way, right or. wrong. Last June a year ago, I felt that ! Insurance FIRE ACCIDENT HEALTH 1 LIFE AUTOMOBILE IG.M. CARVER! Secretary !REAL ESTATE & INS. CO., Phone 201 Over Farmer BkZ Ti in li nil ii in., NOTICE OF ELECTION IN WHITl AKERS SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT V '. By virtue of the authority . and power, ' conferred on the Board of Commissioners, of the Town of Whit akers, by Act of the General Assembly,- Special Session, 1920: Notice is hereby given that an election will be held jn the Town of Whitakers, at the regular polling place (th May. or's office), -on the 16th day of Oc tober, 1920, to determine tbe quel- tion of the issuance of bonds by the Board of Trustees of said Whitakers Special School Tax District, to the aggregate maximum principal amount of Seventy-five thousand 'dollars ($75,000.00) for the purpose of pro viding funds for erecting, furnishing, and equipping necessary and conven ient school, building, or buildings, in .aiJ Special Tax School Diatrct, as now constituted; and further notice is given that a new registration of all electors ia said District has been ordered, that D. B. Gaskill has been appointed Registrar, and Hat th Registration books - will be opened fr l tn 11th day of September, 1920, to the 2d day tf October, 1920 inclusive, from 9 o'clock A- M. till sunse Sundays, excepted, at the of fice of D. B. Gaskill, except on Sat urdays, when the Registrar will be at the said polling place. . ThU the 8th day of September, A. D., 1920. ' . ' B. A. STRICKLAND, 1 - Clerk to Board of Commissioners ; y: ' :-;- of Whitakers, N. C. .- AdmUUtraterV Netiee Having qualified as administrator of the esUte of Dallas Daney, de ceased, late of the County of Edge combe, State of North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the ondersigned at Tarboro, N. O, on or before the day of September, 1921; or this no tice will be pleaded in bar ef their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make imme diate' settlement -' :. . , NATHAN BOYD. V. tfci tima yaw j-t li'ai to ealarg8 mf ic4-m&king plant and immediately got to vforjc'jtrepariiig for same and fin ally contracted with-the Frlck dom pany of Waynesboro, Pa., ift a hew twenty-ton Jc making machine, io 4 deh'Vered at the plant or th4 season 1920, and" 1 pttt forth every ffoft that hard work and money ould make to get all. of this equipment in stalled ..ready -for -this year's work, but labor conditions all over the coun try -were such that neither, the man qfacturers nor I could get all of the equipment herr'and set-up in time t6t this year's- 'work, and, as a Con sequence, matters over which I had bo control prevented me from doing any - better than I did,' and I would like to say right here that it is my nature and habit to do all things promptly and in s business-like man ner, or not at all, and the way I was forced to do it last summer worried me no little and I would have given a' thousand dollars to close , business up until I could get everything in and ready for making the full capac ity of ice, but I knew" that no iceTto depend on green men." Some of could be bought in the States of North Carolina and Virginia and I felt in duty and honor bound to stick to it, and make all I could, which I did, and just as soon as money would buy it I bought elsewhere all the ice that could be obtained to help supply the abnormal demand. ; ' ? - 'Now let's take the matter by the ears', and look it right square in the face." Mr. H. T. Bryan wis doing the ice delivery ; business and was getting his supply from Rocky Mount, N. C, and thefirst of May the Rocky Mount ice manufacturers wrote that they were buying ice themselves and could not ship another ton, and, as Mir. Bryan was out of town at that time, I was forced to put together what equipment I had here on the ground and go ahead making deliv eries the best I could. - With condi tions as they, then were, f knew that I might have to buy a little ice from some of the other plants, and as most of them were enlarging their plants, I did not anticipate the slightest dif ficulty in getting all I wanted from them, but lo and behold -when I had jto have it, I found all of them in my fix and at that time the only ice to ibe found was at Alexandria, Va,, and that was subject to prior sale, I im mediately wired them to ship me fee and they wired back it had been sold, so the only thing left for me to do was to cut out the ice-cream and soft drinks people and reserve the ice for the children and for food preserva tion, and I assured those people that I was sorry to be bound to do this and I worked manfully night and day (Sundays included, to prevent it,' I feel certain that I was more anx ious for them to have the ice than they were to get it, but labor trou bles, over which I had no "control, forced me to take the above "steps, which, however, did not seem to help matters, and then by the advice of Dr. Outland 1 required the people to have .prescriptions and then any nam ber of people got fce on prescriptions and deliberately made ice cream with it. Some people raised the point of paying more for labor, or getting Jt at any price and charging more for the ice. I paid the price demanded NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power contained in a deed of trusi executed to mi ty J. V. Edge and W.Tan TasseL doing business under the .firm ' nam land style of Edgecombe Motor Company on the 18th day of August, 1920, recorded in book 226, page 81, Edge combe County Registry, the under. signed will offer for aale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash before the postofflce in the" city f Rocky Mount on Wednesday, October 20th, 1920, at twelve o'clock, aeon, the following described personal pro- perty: 1 five passenger Davis. Speedster automobile 7-Redseal "Continental motor, No. 11141. . " 7' . ' 1 five passenger Economy automo bile, 7 W-Redseal Continental motor, No. 121772." 1 ffve passenger Economy automo bile, 7 W-Redseal Continental motor No. 183490. 1 seven passenger Jordan automo bile, 9 N-Redseal Continental motor. No. 48160. 1 five passenger Apperson automo bile. Motor No. 21551. i five passenger Apperson automo bile,' Motor Nd. 21591. V five passenger (second hand) Briscoe, 1916 modeV X. This September 8th,"l320. i t . . t; TTHORNE, Trestee. Thorne'4-Thorne; AMorneys. . t S2gf-Oct5,12,19.; for hUot but did nut ci.ir.j any more for the ice, and the result was that my labor had so much money, it had .'to lose. that much more time from work to spend the extra money ana the result was that more money made bad matters worse, and another thing ice factory' labor is different "from other kinds,1 as an ice plant las to run night and day, Sundays and all the time and requires ... experienced labor arid men cannot be picked up in a minute and made to do the work. The ice plants of the South main tain an office at Selma, Ala., to gath- er information for the benefit of its members and a record is kept of all ..... . J .y- . . - , engineers and other employes con versant with ice factory work : and seeking employment and, as I am a member, I wrote to them to find me some help but they could not do it, as there was none to be found.- , As to the ice delivery, I had made up my mind to give the people the best possible service, but could not do that because most of the old wag on drivers had left town and I had the people, who knew the unusual and bad labor conditions, instead of cooperating with me and encouraging the drivers to stick to their jobs quarrelled with and abused them so much that it was the hardest kind of a matter for me to keep drivers on their jobs, and as work was easily obtained, , the drivers quit" and went elsewhere, rather than stay "on the ice wagons and take the complaints and abuse heaped upon them by the ice consumers. r jSome people have gone bo far as to say that I had ice and would not sell jt and; washot trying' to supply them: ;: Well let's look at that point of yiewli What kind- of fool would be to spend thousands of f dollars earned . in .my yonng manhood t by putting new equipment into this plant and working all day and half of the night - every, night and aQ nights , a good; part of the timo to make ice and then- not let the people have it? To me that would, look like the action of a lunatic and, if I have ever been accused of being one,'! do not know it, now if ;whdt I have said does not look like an honest effort to' serve the pnblk! by, constant and diligent attention to business, I do not know what such effort is, but, on the other hand, if they had seen me riding in automobiles up and. down the coun try, walking the streets smoking, cig ars, laughing' and talking with loaf era, as thousands of others were do ing, then I could see' some reason for such assertions. , . .. As to the adequacy of the plant, I assure the public that when all the equipment is in to match the new machine already in .and what is here on the grounds, the plant will easily make twice as much ice as Tarboro and the adjacent country will call for in normal times and will take care of all that will be called for in abnormal times, ' , - ' . t - This year was one of the abnormal years as people who usually use only a email quantity of ice and that on Sundays, were last summer calling for a hundred pounds every day, and next summer,-after I have enlarged and thoroughly re-equipped the plant I fear that hard times or shortage of money will prevent that class of pa trons', from, buying ice and I shall have to care for the losses from that cause. , ' -.'- y:-Tyk-yy-x Some people have criticised me for trying to have some kind of a sys tem to . work on and seem to think that an ice man can adjust his-busi- iness so as to run it according to everybody's ' ideas and " everybody seems to have a different idea and am of the opinion that no one can satisfy 'all the- people alt the time. was harrassed beyond endurance and "was' forced to "say some things that I did not wish to say and I am sorry for that; but could not help it I did the best I could and do not feel that I was responsible for the wat with Germany, which brought much rouble for all business people throughout this country and prevent ed thr ice machine manufacturers from, filling- their contracts for new machines on time, as well as from supplying 'patrons with supplies and repairs .during the summer. I am now completing the ice plant from Where I had to leave off last summer and when It is finished it will be up to data to the minute and win JORSALE M. L. KUI3ET RXSIDENCi SEVEN ROOMS, KITCHEN, BATH AND ATTIC . Cotut CaM aa4 Si. AaJro-s St. 1 KL LALLA IIUS3SY , -,' r Apply ; ; f Jacocln -A RoytUr Co.' Offica. . producemore ice than I will possibly be able to sail tot a long time to come in a? much as I enlarged the plant to take are -for future, increase of busihesi for some years to come.' - Nearly every town irt N. C and-Va. had an ice shortage and Tarboro was as well and better off than most of them and I am sure no one here suf fered for ice. Some large cities were without ice three or four days at a time, Chat tanooga, Tenn., being one of them. yy v '::"y: y JOHN B. WOOD. advertisementv. ""y-'r.-X:-''' ; 5 WAN TADS : CEN T S PER LINE 5 LOST Bar pin, set with pearls, dia mond in center. Think lost near Edgecombe drug store r comer. Finder please return and get re t ward, Mrs. H. S. Hussey. 13-3tc FOR RENT : vate bath. -Three rooms with pri J. B. Wemyss. 12-3tp WANTED Men or women to take orders among friends and neieh ; bors for - the genuine guaranteed ; . inosiery, iuit line xor men, women and children. Eliminates darnimr. We pay 75c an hour spare time, or . ssti a ween xor lull time. Expe rience unnecessary. Write Interna tional Stocking Mills, Norristown, ra. FOR SALE -Porto Rico sweet pota ' toes at $2 a bushel, delivered to ' house. Phone W. S. Cummings, No. . 149, o8-7t FOUND Ford battery key, No. 58 Owner can get same by paying for . this ad at The Southerner, and ' -anything for boy1 who found it. FOR SALE Half gallon bottles with : i corks, suitable for wine and grape juice. Staton & Zoeller. t o8-7t WANT1SD stenographer for next ' thirty days. Good salary. Apply at once to Don Gilliam. : 9 30 tf WINDOW SASH 1,000 pair 10x15 12 light sash, all good ' glass, per pair $3.00." J. S. Rust, warehouse ' No. 10, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. 4-6tc FOR RENT-A new garage. Call Mr: Nathanson, phone 318. s29-tf TAKEN UP One red and white Guernsey cow, under crop in right ' ear, left ear cropped split in hole; one red and white Guernsey heifer, crop in right ear, swallow fork in -; left; one red and white heifer, un :r marked; one black and white heif er, cropped and split in right ear, - Same can he obtained by paying for keep and this ad. Apply W. W. Taylor, four miles north of Cone , toe. N S21-tf emw JUST RECEIVED .-, ...... . A CAR OF ' ... t ". ... ' : 1 ;WAiSE0.rL0UR Self Rising and Plain ; PRICES RIGHT O.O. BOYKIN ! Phones 267 and 160 i NOTICE. . ' North Carolina, Edgecombe Coun ty. Tim Dawes et al vs. L. B. Dawes, Annie Mae Dawes, Ralph Dawes, et al. Notice. The defendants, Annie Mae Dawes and , Ralph Dawes, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe county for the purpose of selling for parti tion real estate, in said county in which the defendants have an inter est, and tht said defendants, Annie Mae Dawes and Ralph Dawes, will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Edge combe county on the 1st day of No vember, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs wQl apply to the court for the relief demanded .in said com plaint. - A. T. W ALSTON, 27-4t , Clerk Superior Court CommUiUner' Sale of Property. In the -Superior Court, ' Before the Clerk. North' Carolina, Halifax County, Mrs.- Cottie Newberry Sherrod, widow of W. L. Sher , rod, deceased, vs. M. L Fleming and his wife Ruaha Fleming, ELL. ' Salsbury and his wife Mary Sals- bury, Watson N. Sherrod, R. L. Wood and his wife Carrie C. . - Wood, William J. Sherrod and George S. Sherrod, the two. last V nfimed being .infants under the itge of twenty-one years and ap peering herein by their general guardian Greensboro Loan and Trust Co. .';; - ' . By virtue of power vested in me by that .order and decjee entered in the bove entitled special proceeding by S. JVI. Gary,1 clerk of, the superior court of Halifax county on the 25th dar of September, 1920, and approv ed by His Honor John II. Kerr resi dent judge , for the 3d Judicial Dis trict of North Carolina on September 26th. 1920; ,1 shall, on Wednesday, November 10th, 1920 at 11.15 o'clock A.M., sell to. the highest bidder at public auction in front of the Bank of Whitakers,. "i Edgecombe county, North Carolina, upon the terms here inafter set "but, .the following de scribed tracts or parcels of land lying being, and situate in Edgecombe county and state of North Carolina; to-wit: - " . (1) First Tract: That certain tract or parcel of land, lying, being and 8ituat! in No, 6 Township, county of Edgecombe and state of North' Car olina, known as '' the Battle ; Farm, bounded by the lands of the Battle heirs, Cutehin land and others, 'and containing 648.9 acres. BUSINESS MEN'S pIRECTORY Diamond Experts Jewelers to The BELL ' W.L.& J. E. SIMMONS ''yyyr .yy ''-' -y. yr;. yyC'-y : : : : LIVE : t i FURNITURE DEALERS T. T. CHERRY & SON RELIABLE STORE V Profiteering Is Not Our Policy Tarboro, N. C. G. A. LEGGETT ' District Agent . MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. Tarboro i . N. C. . F. S. Royster Mercantile Co., Handle the Famous ROYSTER BRAND FERTILIZERS THE ALLEY STUDIO Under New Management All Branches of Photography ' and Kodak Finishing , G. I. Hightower, Mgr. SAFETY AND SERVICE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK V": MAfiB US YOUR FINANCIAL HOME FRANKLIN, PAIGE & DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS See Zeb C. Cummings ' FOXHALL & RUFFIN WE SELL IT CHEAPER Men's and Ladies' . Furnishings . - - v. ,-, . Resered For MARROW PITT HDW. CO. Tarboro, N. C THE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE COMPANY Local Agents For . ATLLNTIC COAST REALTY CO. Nam That Justifies Your Confidence Phono 201 CM. Carvar, Secy, .Tarboro Shoe and Clothing Co. (Inc.) WHOLESALE and RETAIL Austin Building ' Willard Service Station Tarboro Storage Battery Co. Main Street -i-, Tarboro, N. C. J. C RUFFIN & CO. GEN'L MERCHANDISE FARM SUPPLIES Our Specialty (2) Second Tract: That tract or parcel of land lyijig, being, and. situ ate in Edgecombe countyNorth Car olina, bounded on the north by the lands of Mr. J. C. Braswell, on the east by the lands of W. T. Braswell, on the itojith by a' part ot the eld P'.ppen lands and on the" west by the Mi;' Cutehin and Bridges land, and kna , a tjie "Ci-tchin Farm," and containing 177 acres, more or less. f (3) Third Tract: A one-half undi vided interest in and to that tract or ate in Edgecombe aounty, state of North - Carolina, formerly known as the Bradley' Homestead, bounded by the . lands of Cherry,- Bradley, and others and by Swift Creek Islands, and containing 227 acres, , more or less. -'.' "'-".'. . ' ' f-Ai'tfA Terms' of sale': One-thrd cash and the balance in one, two, and three years; deferred payments to bear in terest from "date of deed and to be secured by; a deed of , trust on said property; provided that the purchaser shall have the option to, pay all cash. Place of sale: In front of the Bank of Whitakers, Whitakers, N. C. Time of sale f 11.15 o'clock A. M,, Wednesday, November 10th, 1920. v This the 1st day-of October, 1920. R. C. DUNN, D. MAC JOHNSON, Attorney.. '.;.'' - Commissioner oct8-ltw-4wks ' .: , . -:- Wedding Rings Southern People S S O N S The Edgecoihbe Drug Company "The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy" , EDGECOMBE HOMESTEAD . & LOAN ASSOCATION ( v , S. S. Nash, Secy-Treas. Tarboro. : : N. C. 1 drinic-COCA-COLA IN BOTTLES ANDERSON, BROOKS, HARGROVE CO., Inc. .' Dry Goods, Shoes Hardware and General Merchandise STATON & ZOELLER Famous 40 Years as THE RIGHT PLACE FOR RIGHT DRUGS ! 403 Main Street ROSENBLOOM ; r . : ' ' ' : ' a": LVY t Outfitters to The J ENTIRE FAMILY W. S. CLARK & SONS' EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY Tarboro, ' N.C. BENJAMIN'S Society Brand Clothing jj Stetson and Knox Hats Edw Clapp and Regal Shoes Queen Quality Shoe FNEMAN MUSIC HOUSE VICTROLAS and PIANOS . . Musical Supplies Tarboro, : t:N. C.. AUSTIN HARDWARE CO. ; HARDWARE and AUTO j 1 SUPPUES Tarboro i , N C. , W. R. JWORSLEYi .-' . i THE STORE THAT LEADS O. O. BOYKIN THE SANITARY GROCtR 267 PhejnaalCp t

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