. . .4 k,. -J a- W T ii tt t 0 lowei pi'ices on clothes. We are giving them to you PRICE QUOTATIONS TO MEET THE L. .C. L. (LOWER COST OF LIVING) " . I , . ; ;: '.''':?; r -."v.. ... ': w t- . : c- i I ' WE'RE not overloaded. We don't need the money. We could sell 'this 'lock of fine clothins for theVegular pricesthey're great values at these figures. . , ? J f " BUT people expect lower prices and because people expect lower price we're going to see that you get them in . - Mart Scbfir & Marx Clothes IT meri tliat we'll a "great daal of fine merchandise for less than Vfe, expected.- " - v- y '' ' ' ' ' . BUT that doesn't make any difference we, want the public to feel that, we were with them in this campaign for lower prieefcHere we are; it's the greatest value-giving event that you ever saw. ' .RoseiablGbm- liew THE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES ImiMiittttiiiinniiiinittf "ni wnnnntn Amid the glorious radiance of an Indian junker morning, with the glinting rays touching the fair bride as she' stood before the improvised altar responding to the solemn words that changes her from maid to matron the marriage of Miss Eloise Wiggins to Mr. Charles Taylor Marrow -was consummated at the home of'., the bride's parents at high noon today. Rev. N.'N. Fleming officiating. . , The brlder wearing a brown suit of duveltine, with hat and 'gloves en suite, and carrying bride's roses and valley lilies, entered the room from the lower hall with her maid of honor and cousin, Miss Gladys Wiggins, of Queens. College, Charlotte, who was daintily attired in brown net with hat to match and carrying red Russell roses. . ' j. The grobnv with his best man, Dr. H. I Keel entered from the side door; meeting the bride in the center of the living room, which had been prepared for the ceremony, being art-i istically decorated in autumn leaves and ferns. I 1 . , Miss kenoir Meroer sang two selec tions before the bridal party entered, "I Love Thee" and "Entreat Me Not to Leave You," then, as the bride entered Mies Mary Wooten , softly played McDowell's march and during the ceremony the beautiful airs "To a Wild Rose" and "My Heart at Thy Sweet "Voicoj," were played. -Tannhauser's March, by Wagner, was the musical offering as the happy couple filed from the ro om. '. Mr, and Mrs. Marrow motored to Tarboro to catch the 1.58 train for the aorth and will be "at home" af ter November 1 at Rocky Mount v -Vr.J rj v ID The subject of much conversation nowadays. As usual we follow the trend qflhe times, and offer you quality merchandise at present day prices, - , Vie Solicit Comparison THE THOMAS GO. ONE YEAR AGO TODAY. International - Trade , Conference opene4 at Atlantic City. Anti-Bolshevist . troops - reported within eight miles of Petrograd. Centenary of the birth of .General Benjamin F. Cheatham, noted Con federate' commander. The American Petroleum Institute will begin a two-day conference in New .York today to consider the pro gram of proposed federal taxe recom mendations,. - V iO R S A L One new six room Bun galow on Battle avenue with all modern conven iences. We will make you art attractive price on thishouse if interested 1 EdgecombeRealty&Ins.Co. f WANTED To rent or lease a two or All : three horse farm with good bulia- I . ines and conveniences and conven- vfTl .' jent to chool. Am-a g od farmer and can furnish vou teiereces. oee flay at 3 o'clock or address "Farm" care Southerner. 2d-lw It W. C CLARK, PrwUenl J. C. RUFF1N, Vic. Prid.nt , t H. I. rUAnALL, dcretry. We are the Edgecombe Representatives of the Walter Gurley Auction Co." at the OPERAHOUSEtonight ALICE BRADY IN "THE FEAR MARKET" WE A31E IN POSITION TO GIVE YOU THE BEST THERE 15 TO BE FOUND IN : JOB PRINTING WE SPECIALIZE ON , 'V. BILL-HEADS LETTER-HEADS : ENVELOPES POSTERS : HAND-BILLS i STATEMENTS IN - ONE, TWO, OR THREE COLORS ; it AND OTHER LINES OF FIRST-CLASS PRINTING ft WORK ACCEPTED IN THIS OFFICE BY 4P.M. WILL BE DELIVERED NEXT DAY THE SOUTHERNER FOR - SALE-Very desirable resi dence lot on St. Patrick street, ad joining property of John W. Cot- ; ton. This lot will be sold Monday, Oct. 25, at 12 o'clock at the Court! : nouse aoor- ior tne niga dollar. John W. Cotton, c20-6te Fair Play and Equal Rights This' savings associ ation. was founded on these v principles-tha aamef our country fought for Each member shares with evary other member the same 'privileges, benefits, service and dividends. -We would be glad to have you become one of us. S-ri: I Open Oct. 2, 1920 Jrbro t:'l' ; & Loan Asiociation "-Tho8 B. 'J. ccJrs, Sec'y and Trea. -REMODEL AND -: ' -RELINE ? v " Ladies and Gentlemen Suits i 1 at Moderate Prices : " TV IT t ft 1"' JJ. iyramer & to., inc. f Best and Biggest Tailors in the South ft AUSTIN BUILDING TARBQRO; N.;C. I I I a .-...ii I J I I - El n " One hundred years ago today Spain ratified the treaty ceding Florida to today. - " " , The meeting of the Council of the League of, Nations is scheduled to begin it ssessions today at Brussels, "At the liquor referendum in British Columbia today the voters will ex press their choice between continuing the present prohibition set and gov ernment sale and control. A hearing is to be'hela' at Colum bus today in the complaint of the in terstate Commerce Commission vs. the State of Ohio because of the state's . failure to; comply with the commission's order to increase rail road fares to 3.6 cents per mile. ' 4 SEC 1 J2) FjTt 1 -I. M m COASTAL FLAM FAffi. Largest District Fair in North Carolina- TasSSro,'N.C, Nov. 2, 3,4, 5, m SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATE ANP PERSONALTY. - The undersignei" will sell for dl"i on the 80tu day of Kwfiib-yT, 1920rat 12 o'clock M. the' following real estate and personalty: Raal Edate. ;. '-: Two small tracts of land, aggre gating eighty-five acres, on the pub lic highway a shprt; distance north of Leggett's, and commonly known as the"Frank Denton" home place, fhis land is suitable for the growth of cot ton, tobacco, peanuts, corn, et?,', and is in a high state of cultivation rare opportunity to purchase -a good farm at the right price. Terms of sale will b ope-fourth cash, and the bdance in one, Awe," nd three years, six pwj&nt interest on deferred pa? ments, secured by rust deed on the land. ' . . Pronl Property. One ?$-horsepower engine, one 14- horsepower bolder, two- sixtynsaw gins, A and one cotton press. AJ1 in good t J condition and ready to jise, I All above property will bt sold te j the highest bidder, at time mentioned. and on tJhe premises. Everybody In vited to attend the sale. ' This the 20th day of October, 1920. o20-5t . " C. DENTON. Come td Exhibit theBIGFAIR,seetheAgriculturalandStock )he Horse Races, the Carnival, 20 Big Shows by the Keystone Exposition Shows. Biggest Free Act of them ll by the DEMORESX FAMILY with trained Horseo md Mules. .:One of these horses holds the the worlds recordf ortheHIGH JUMP. Seven feet six Inches ping the record. EVERYBODY COME nhd enjevthe treat of the year. Daily Band Concerts by one' U the best bands in the County REDUCED RATES OVER ALL RAILROADS EVERYBODY COME T f , (Hun iIGE TAI FT) TT? rrp-7T7 A TTTH) I- , - i r