4- ' THE WEATHER .I SNOW OR BAIN TONIGHT T. "ii - - ii ; ii ii - . iw - t-j h " ri r i ii ii c --J w i n - i .-1 1 t - i VOL. 4?Na.214 ASSCUTEP PRES3 ' ;,;v: ' ' Ij!: "'''' Pjl 'pj" .7 ' CENTS RIRI AMFF R Sfll 0 I FflCIIF iTinil I Sflinftfl ftRIRF liSTATE PlM J SENATE1 WILIi REJECT , WIISON APPOINTMENTS UPPR HOUSE, CONTROLLED BY J REPUBLICANS, WILL NOT CON ' FIRM TUMVLTY OR ANY OTH ER NOMINEE OFTHE PRESI DENT, SAYS MILLER. ,: Washington, Nov. l.Non of tha " appoirttmnt made by PrUent Wll , .on botyreen now and th fourth. f 1 March will bo confirmed by tho Sn- ate, .according to plan revealed by ' Clarence B.; Miller, secretary of th Republican National Committee. -,V Thia policy will be extended even to Joseph P. Tumulty, should Presi ' . dent Wilson-nominate himf or Chief Justije of the Coutt o Customs Ap-i peals, as now seems most probable, according to Miller. The, seat on the jDustoms Appeals " bench, in which it is understood the 'president would like to see Mr. Tunv ulty, is a life job, carrying a salary of $10,000 a year. - It has been va cant ince the death of Robert Mont gomery, of Michigan, several months ago. The court passes upon contro versies" developing from appraisals by customs officers. "Many Republican senators might be disposed to' make distinctions, but fhey feel that if they started discrim- inating it would be entirely too dlftl cult to draw the line anywhere," said Mr.: Miller, who added that a similar : policy was followed by the Democrats t toward appointments by President Taft. HARDIHG WILL CALL AH EXTRA SES TO CHINAMAN FREE COURT ANNULS MARRIAGE 4OF . 12-YEAR-OLD CHINESE GIRL. SPEND HUGE SUK ICQ TO ATTACK II J jxico City, Nov. .l.fc-Thi (CarranuUtag have raised lltg ." uin for publication which JwiH' ("make a fieht on the Mexican gor- ernment nd the new mc lit v Washington, Nor. 15-Pri-dent-elect Hardin will call the extra session of ( Congress ' for March 14, it is reported in Re publican circles here. The new Congress is expected to remain in session continuously for two years. It will first take up a re solution declaring peace, then re vision of taxation and Va- new tariff bill. BREAK OFF RELATIONS WTH FOREIGN UNIONS Washington, Nov. 15. Breaking off relations between organized labor of the United States and that of Eu- . ... rope is expected to follow, considera tion of that proposal by the execu tive, council of the American Federa tion of Labor here. Members of the council stated that in all probability affirmative action would be taken on the motion to withdraw frQm the in ternational Federation of Labor Un ions. Such action would be in line with the recommendation ' of Presi dent Samuel Gompers, who recently announced the opinion that the Amer ican Federation should withdraw from the international organisation because of the radical tendencies of European labor. SOLD BY FOSTED MOTHER New ' HARDING TRIES TO LEAVE : , COAST TO ESCAPE STORM Point Isabel, Nov. 15. President- erect Harding is making another at tempt to get into Brownsville over the narrow-guage, gasoline-propelled rail way In order to. escape the coastal storm. In Brownsville he will meet Sena- X- , tlfor HU. wnn wnom ne is expected to .:fwM.-"- , Tdiscuas border conditions. Jt is reported here that $2, 000,000 has been raised for a York, Nov. IS. A largo throng of spectators, impelled by cu. riotity, flocked into the Supremo Court to i witness ' the extraordinary spectacle of tiny Chinese girl of 12 years, pretty, wide-eyed, pink cheek and dressed like the school girl she is, testifying, in her own behalf in her suit to annul the , marriage to David Lee Wong intav which, she declared, she was forced ,'last winter by her foster mother. The child was a pathetic figure as she sat in the witness chair, her feet handling far above the floor, and told how frightened she was of the "big old Chinaman" whom her foster mo ther told her she must marry. The evidence disclosed that the little girl was ?ok' by the woman to David Lee Wong for $700. Anna told; the judge that the Chi naman took her first to a justice, but she cried so hard1 and declared so ve s hemently that she did not wish to be married that the jurist refused to per form the ceremony. Camouflaged by being attired in a dress with the skirt touching the floor, and. her hair done up to simulate age Anna declared-she was taken to a ho3e where the Rev. f. Valentine Parlor, of Binghampton, married the two.'. The tfttle.'gir! fled to this city and came under' the care of the Chinese mission, through which auspices the annulment proceedings were brought and the decree quickly awarded. ACTRESS MURDER - newspaper to be published in San Antnio, Texas. This journal will openly and violently attack the . ..'. ...... Mexican rulers. "Another publication will be ''La Van Guardia," which will be : " printed Jiere under the direction of Ernesto Hidalgo, who was the , private secretary to the late . President Cnrranza. ANTI-CHRISTIAN MOBS . ' DISRUPTED S-A JUBILEE Tokio, Japan, Nov. 15. Anti Christian mobs disrupted the Salva tion Army jubilee which was arrang ed to be held tpday. " - .CANNOT PAY DUTY ON ; CONGESTED GOODS AT DOCK :'i Washington, Nov. 15. The con gestion of the Havana docks is vapid ly increasing because the importers are unable to pay the duty'on the goods the "Department of Commerce s informed. ' , , ' , POLICY PAYABLE IN SUICIDE. Washington,' Nov. 15. An insur ance policy on the life of a person who commits suicide is payable if all Hhe conditions of the policy ,are com plied with, the United States Supreme Court ruled today. - Harding worked all day on his speech to be delivered in New Orl eans, where he is expected to discuss the economic possibility of the South. "NO PLEDGES NOR PROMISES WERE MADE" Washington, Nov. 15. Miss Alice Robertson's campaign for election from the second Oklahoma congres sional district cost her two thousand nine hundred andf forty dollars, her campaign manager pejHod today. ' Miss Robertson's statement declar ed that "no pledges nor promises ... -- were made," WOMAN INVOLVED SXILLA MYSTERY : Chicago, Nov. 1 5. The mur der of two pretty actresses whose bodies were found in Frant park - still remains a mystery, ' The two women war Identified as Marie Alma Ramey, : whoso ; real name is Mary Rhodes, wife of Jim McCauley, an actor and born in Altodna, Pa. The' other is Lillian Thompson, wife of Jo seph McAree, an electrician, of Wheeling,. W. Va. IN RD E wS MURDER ' GREATEST NAVY OF ANY. Norfolk, Nov. J 5, Secretary Dan iels, addressing the Rotarlans today, declared that it was America's pro . gram to make her navy the greatest ever floated by any nation in history. PRESIDENT WILSON HAS . TAKEN PERSONAL CHARGE -Washington, Nov. 15 President -Wilson has taken .personal direction 4t the major American policies com ing before the International Commu nication conference now in session. TO HEAR NEWBERRY. Washington, Nov. 15. The gov ernment has requested the Supreme Court to set Jan. 3 for sv'hearing of arwnmantx in the aorjeal of Senator -A- , Newberry and 10 others from convic tion on charges of conspiracy to vio late the election laws. - - - Four is the unlucky number among h Japanese. Philadelphia, Nov. 15. William Coverdale, a night manager of a gar age, saw two young men he believes were Elmer C. Drewes, murdered Dartmouth College student, and Wm. P. Brines,-the Penn student under arrest here accused of the murder; with a young woman in a touring car on the night Drewes was slain. The car waa driven np to the gar age at. 10 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16, for gaaolino. " ' '. Two hours later it was driven at a furious pace past the same garage and again seen by Coverdale. This time the young woman waa still in the machine, but there waa only one man, and he waa Brines, Coverdale believes. ' He is positive in his description of the enr, which was of the same make and eolor as that owned by Brines, and believed by the ,polic to have been need in the Drewes murder. RECRUIT TEACHERS TO , OFFSET THE SHORTAGE New York, Nov. 15. The question of recruitin gcollege professors to offset the shortage is now being dis- cuttdd before the convention of the Association of American Universities. SINGLE TAX FUND CAME I ' ' ' FROM PERSONS ABROAD Washington, Nov. 15. The Single Tax Party expended two thousand five hundred and forty-eight dollars in the presidential campaign, accord ing to the formal report. 'The donations came from persons living abroad. FO sEssiyp CetJSJ'RlES ARE AT- TENDING- THE FIRST? . ' SESSION. ' DEFINITE DISARM ACTION s 1 1 1, SEASON AUTO 7 STAGED!FQ,NUARY i mil QONXfe AfiTOR TELLS sOF . TRISU iUTEJPAID TO RESIDENT 4 & BRINDELL , Geneva, Nov. lG.rrT-Dlegates fcom forty-one countries are'iattonding tjie first session of the Assembly of-' the League of Nations.' T,v A definite system of disarmament and P plan for using economic block ade' Against riaiions transgreBsmg tho league's orders are among the sub jects to be discussed arid some actio is expected to be. taken, The United States is not repre sented by a delegation, but arrange ments have been made for United States representation on ' financial, economic and mandates cdmmijsion, if desired, i ; : ImIpenS d -."!"' r??y.'j;i.ebstoiol li'Z ilWjftn.Jah BoIshaVikl 'hal'V FORBID CHILDREN TO MOVIES, AS FIRE MEASURE New York, Nov. "15. The police are enforcing rigidly the ordinance forbidding motion picture theaters to sell tickets to children unless accom- TRADES HEAD STOP STRIKE ' New YcVk, rot.- lB."AA-nWfn1 of-graft io!!eifcd-b Robert iZrt& stsftd fcef ori the LWMeftiUU-.j : JtiLJi.' x ' ' 2 Ml tA v i i ! .t f. t a iV "trsrff tho whole Crl York LuiUSinn situation. tar-UMh S. L. r' -T" Robopn, who admitted W MF HT Vl, " . . A.JlT' rr-rp lid for tW' in'.iicii on- an BgreenM.ni wnjen i x , -. . , tgreement made with Brindell to insure macRs to B he h?d him n:;;ii)'.t strikes. 'BrindeD'e (eej was set at &SQ.OOD. - .. f jfRohcrtsoiMs nstmtlnghoC" naiM-iiiMing;,tt tho foot df Broaf waynd hai tS ropogoajrminal pier job of the' Cunard Line, pro ject involving thirty-five to fortytnll- lion dollars. V Kol-ertTon delareA. that-' mad this' pi1ont.f..rc23, $020,ftr having lancheon thi HoteKCom- modnro" with brindell: lfes sai4 hf panied by parents or guardian, 119 apiaC(,,i lhG $20,000 on the Beat of n resulj; of tho death of six children from a false fire alarm and panic. 0. OF C. TO ATTEN K If. 17 wm. TJe Daughters of tho. Confederacy of Tarboro have been officially re quested by the Miles Ilarvej chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution to attend the 'unveiling exercises of the bronze talllet erected tg the memory of Colonel Henry Ir win, of revolutionary fame,; at tho court house m Wednesday, -Novem ber J5. from 12 to l-o'eloefe.- The Daughters of the Confederacy, it is understood, will gather together and attend in a body. autoi'vjij.'lo in which they were ridjngy s.ujnt:,j"That's''r firsj paynsnt:on acconr.t.15' ' r-'' NEW WAR IMMINENT..,'' I i ' IF REDS COMBINE , fienva,' NoV.Thelramodlatt uo of all forces in the Near East to prevent the Union of tho Bolshevikl w.tht.w Turkish Natinalfsts' f ettes was dcclarcdrji'ocessarjt- odajrto'pr. vent the-wTiHiilationof "tho" Aftnen-" in ns and:nn other general IfafT'' ft VlaQtln'ople. 1 STA4-''RiyARY : J , Otfr.jrtCfc HOLDERS OPPOSE ". CHANCE,' .B UT LEADING CITI- 2EMAND PUBLIC MEN WAN" .T3TlN TO CONVENTION -PLN WARREN TO RETIRE ; IfR'WJWiAPERSHIP. S ' LLEWXAM.) fif)?)kdsbj.,'llXr 15 The aatronnca- (Chman TK6s"D. Warren " MSItic State Cdm'niittee fyMii. special meeting of tho fflbNfcJto b caJled within ?H!T528W'' ;''fT,W nereM sC-metfraTBltt Mr. Warren. h. J-i.Ir. AffflUAl. BEPORT -OF LOME RES-CROSS To Tho Etiltor :- 'V; . EncloaeC And financial report of tho treasurer f Edgecombe ootlnty chapter: American Red Cross, for the fiscalyeap Ending October 1, 1980, If deemed' of sufficient interest td'the publlo;you will.objjge us by pubah- Mr. Warren- has deir- C51"?18 ?!me. a4 that now, just Titfowlng' the greatest state vie- wnicK.4r,y J"" his .splendid mn.Sl?e"il , 81 insist on -Sri Jlwed to get out. MkjWtfi-ren's pecfgw hts.Jaw practice,, demand !fe Wtfrn's private business, es- mor5jt'his time than he can give ft - "".fpP, the, close oversight which ' woiji!eemnded of him were ha to fjrnfnue to" bo chairman. , - Tho ' part';ji' greatly indebted to Mr. War ren,;J?nd Btthis given much valuable timeo!'fh-interest8 of tho party, fo wWi!heWcelved littlo return, ex- ' !pjwat. satisfaction, ftlt ever duty a peg 10 state mat tno-nnancrair gohie ueonla ,-, :,;,- i V T 4 w" WWW TV1W :W.d Ujo. opposition transaction of the chapter are repprt- edjjpnthly to. dlston 4ie)lor-j m jKiania, uuvt.uw, pnapier, w placed on an honor roir Tor prompt and accurate reporting, and that the books are periodically audited by--an export 6uatefc.h'ai at vavor nnnnnnii-PNTpj diiiijyfiim'.uiiiuuia CEI.T:0imS0Li UNITED STATES DEATH RATE LOWEST RECORDED Washington, Nov. 15. Tho 1919 death rate for continental United States is the lowest recorded for any one j ear, the Census Bureau today announced. ; The total deaths for last year are one million and ninety-six thousand, four hundred, and .thirty-six, or 12.9 per thousand. V ' ' - WM, TREAT AT 0PE1 USE COTTON MILLS CUT DOWN r WORK TO THREE DAYS Biddlefordf .Maine, Nov. 15. The Pepperell and York Cotton Mills, em ploying six thousand persons, inaugu rated a three-day week schedule be ginning today. , --v. FREEZING TEMPERATURE : - AS FAR AS CENTRAL TEXAS Washington, Nov. 15. The freez ing ten peraturo is. reported as far south er the central portion of Texas. VENIZELOS CLAIMS VICTORY IN ELECTION Athena, Nov. . 15 Greece la quiet with tho exception of a few minor clashes as tho result of the election, which Premier . Venir el os claims as a vietory. Small disorders wore quieted by fire-hose streama. AU meetings are f orbiddan. j COMMITTEE MAY RESTRICT , IMMIGRATION TO. U.jS. Washington ( Nov. 15. Plans for legislation, restricting immigration and the naturalization of aliens is be ing discussed at an executive session of the House Immigration Committee. An automatic chess-player ha been invented by Spaniard. CREW OF WRECKED - . STEAMER AR RESCUED . Superior, Wisconsin, Nov, 15 The crew was rescued front tho steel freighter, Francis J. Wldlaw, which was Wrecked in tho shoals in Lake Superior. . . , The St. Claire Sisters, tlio, hlgli lights of the Re.dpath Chautauqua, will appear hero tomorrow night for one performance at the Opera House, the entertainment starting promptly at 3.30. , , ' . It is no extravagant statement to say that the four girls who make up this aggregation - are the cleverest musical organization that has.: ever appeared at the Tarb&ro opera house. Note the program. Dunn,? the eve ning you will hear a mandolin quar tet; ladies' vocal quartet; violin solos and duets; readings; orchestral music of violins; mandolin and piano; vpcal solos, duos and ' trios, pianologues, banjo orchestra of violin, two ban jos and piano; piano solos and duets;, numerous songs with action and. the banjo quartet. ' - " Such musical talent has never been here, and we have to thank the Busi ness Woman's Club for their .enter prise in bringing this musical feature to Tsrboro. More than all else, we must show our appreciation by filling the horse. An efrtortainment- under H any oilier auspices would cost $2.50 per seat, but tomorrow it can be seen for 50 cents and 75 cents; there fore everyone should embrace the op- New York, Nov. IS.-In'.'announc ing a reduction in tank wagon prices of one cent a gallon for gasoline, ef fective Monday, November 15, tho Standard Oil Company (N7J.) made the following statement 1 While there has been no material relief from any of the conditions whiclU-rought about tho riiolb rico of petrr.leum products, the Standard Oil 'Company (N. J.) believes -Jthat the process of readjustment notf' un der yay in 'the business world must eventually contribute to lowef 'iists of producing and refining!' ol. 5 To data there has beon no lowering of labor cos;ta nor crude oil prlces.Vnorj ruces.non in ine ciemana lor guouno. Reductions which have already taken plac.j in many of the principal items entovjng into the cost of Hvinf hvo for '.he r.-.o .t,part not reached th"ul- timnio consumer, but ftjls-iuiofltible that , Before long lower prices rilt bo brought about by new quotations now prevailing for primary market. kitchen shower v for miss Mclaughlin Thirty gucsjs were present lit tho kitchen thovC'er'-given by Miss Susie Wo-jten and'Irs. J. E. Morriselto at the iiomo of thp former on Sarday overling,-complimentary to Miss JJij nia McLaughlin, whose marriage .to Mr, Matry Bass will take place late in December .. .. Written teclpes by every on' of! the gueats made, up a valuable kltchoui bookl.tt for future use and then.musii and' cosversation passed a most Wt joyable evening. - ' " Little Miss Elizabeth Morrisetti wns their goalryfwSi' 'iabtfly ijrouatMn a tiecoratoa.- basket, 3a wliich the gifts of loving friends of the b'ride"-tb"-be wero'in profusion. , IV.y.i McLaughlin-and her friends speirt 'aery pleasant four fn'awrijk INVENTS MACHINE XP tor. -"CtfRErjtHEPLTS - JW BeeCiuJfMr tiom tlejllMsv' Inesvi Wy' lbpgr. A' evie, has been jBttntod wnfch, it Ms .claimed; .wiU seno ne wots? eise l 5nsomOo Pins investigating; earjous useful articles that had been pmejiV ed. The hostesses afterwardsojrvof portunity of so high class an enter-J a f-icious .lad .c ourso and tken Vd tainment i $95.43 FROM D. A. R. BENEFIT. The net receipts from the concert ere for two dys,Urting'WidSoo. given by tho D. A. R. to provide some part of the expenses for the conven tion that win be held here Wednesday and Thursday of this week, amounted to 9S.45: ' . . Jang syne." The D'A. oonvi 1 f I t. 'otton mes day and continuing thra-Thursday.' The scsiions ill bf .hold, ts,h Prso by terian ' Sunday School rooms, and the pflidic is cordially invited p at tend these sessions. i agencies, except that-whichjwaoery tfomplitlMntal. ' ' ' During the war periiyl tho chapter handled marw thousand dollars; in all ijie l)otme'n& "of tpecified amounts m inr various onves,- the chapter re turnaiaf ex'cVeaedHhe?aflo1mdnt, and baa frequently Both verbally from ft.-eaaquanoi'tfnaVjna bylet received the highrttf eommonda- Moior eftlcioney amlHro service. I Now that 'tRtf' vrtirls"'6vt5r the'more earnest work forth "greatest moth er of us all" Is necessary; The glamor Of spectacular service fa' past and it rtyktr tfirte'ady heads and. per- slstsnf mifftft to "carry on.'" iji The peac'e,'''drlv8 Is nov on and I, as chairman of the Io"cal chapter, call upon 'every citizen to rally to" tho cause, "enroir'afresh and1' do your lit tle1 hit for this'orgariizatlon thaVhas and will' forevef do so' much for hn- Sftnify. -: .7les1)eul1y7 " , 1 " JULIAN H. -BAKER. V- Chalrmanffgeleombe Chapter ; - AVA.ifn' fl,t VrAmu V.CHsh reeeived! " ' " v mnnth nf , - ' ...... Shii7, ., .Refund nurses salifrjr, k "j Material1 and supplies,iold,'vo'o.75. T Memberships,' annual, tt04.. .. ; iungazuie, ei. f "x " !' Mtfneyk leaned ' to1 ' ox-soldier re turned, IIS.'- ' ' rSalo of auto $427.5. , , Total receipts, $4,681.58. dsn paid out: t MlfftinVin'entbrshlpft, "$4.5JJV Hom'service H6it,1(iN. ' ( . Public' healtVnursing; $2,40l'.fl7.' 'Po'stage,, printing, 33,85. , Otheco'nejraWxpenscs,''$82.1T.tr Infaeiiza nufsing, f ' ; 1 . Remlftaneo h"dqtiartcr5, -$530, Moneytfbffts .alanc-e, pet,. 2.7, $1,8JL8.6. M. 0. MA'N, treasured "t. 10 tlw slate i Drimarv. . atartaH t f h sp'eckl session by Senator Brown, of C01?! is dying out and w;ll not come up strong at the regular session in Jjnuary.. But it ii; purely propa ganltt, put out at the instance of pub lic Hijih who aro tryiiiK' to hold on to the olT primar.y Jaw. As a matter of fact,' 't"hefce never was muelj opposi tiori rv tho statVprimyry among lead ing public menjviid citizens of prom inenco as at present, Jt is not based on the experiences of tho last pri mary as much as to this fact, for it is frf"" tony-JittLe ihird-rater "ot unknown- ton outer tlie lists in a pri ma'rby.'s'imply paying the fee, whe ther person wants to vote for him or not. ; That men whom tho people would like- to-place In office because 'their jSpeoijl fitnesa and ability to pc&nn jyUJnot emr a primary and seemingly put themselves in tho atti tude of .seeking tho office, whereas th6ytcould bo induced to accept when calJect, on by a convention. No non entity ever is called on by a conven tion to become a candidate. TJUe primary, champions need not P'ace too much, confidence in tho an nouncement that Secretary Daniels is f oppofed to the. repeal of tho law and that he is -going into state politics deep after he gota-out of the cabinet and returns to North Carolina. Nor need they banjc, too -strong on tho suppositio,n, which they are voicing, that because Representatives Tom JiJwief A.she and Pete Murphy of Kdwun (two old legislative war- horses who'will roappoar. in the house nekt session) are among tho advo cates for. repeal of tho primary, their. alignment brings weakness rather than strength to tho proposition Murphy and( Bowie are two of tho strongest personalities that have fig ured in the North Carolina legisla ture in a generation. They are able men, ae well, and although they were on tlie wrong side of tho fence-when prohibition was any longer V subject ox controversy, there are men hero Wn Raleigh whq will toll you today that both of themare "congressional timber." " ''"J,. ,.' '-: - ' . DoughtoaVclose call thia time may open the t way for Peto, who tried it ones n; the, primary against Dough iw. H m hencet. Bowie is wall Bm.el nl':when he jumps on a mea suro h cW-carvs) it with all tho pro cH0;aWof that bears a sim- ilaenarar V.AV-. '.'-?.; th other wpr Mr. Bowie is somo- of "discs wK XS honr tho. otartinsr handJ4 Is ;vei,- rota t. lit ofpoaite dJrsctloji4 1 tiat "tho "aUfferfr fa's wm wi-.p.-ii.oye- Oft tndes si tieyfurnnnti; after. A.short ' lpoll if !rthlnr lr groalrri!4o .-h-'i4- Jndff E. & Cpmojavf, .gouth por -lentd;; WwolkJ' lvflVrti Ka dlTolcos aro. grahted lnJSoirtli . . . . ,. tho land of nod Jn a f mirw.The machine, wUeKInpnoarfnciS laath- r ,otnpllcatd; consists oaniherJ&ing of a slaahor:; If you don't bo: .Jt. ,Ti 0TW'flUnng the ensu ing" efwon"and'.e him pcalp a few. v 'Mb& l-. B'ldgere.HosUss. tWednesdiJt Mjlos Harvey chap te . Daughitorav of .the Revolution, will ny eU 4'.bron48t tablet, erected - to thr memoryof CpL. Henry Irwin, of rvoluUonafajn; ,.lhU will be fol lowed -by a lancheon .sTivea hv Mrs. John L.ridgers to all lho . Irwin de scendants at her home HUma." Tho tea-plan is an evergreens 0

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