err, J DAIpT SOUTHERNER, FRIDAY, DEC 3, 1920 RELIEF SALE KiMay, A Be Sure to Take Advantage of It. IT WILL PAY YOU Rosenbloom-Leyy Co Sale of Personal Property. On Saturday, Dec. 10, 1920, at 10 o'clock a.m. at her late hom on the "Weathersbee" Farm the undersign ed will sell at public auction to the SMITH & WELTON NORFOLK'S GREATEST FASHION CENTER IN Here is the answer to your gift problems, easily read arid easily to be acted upon. Every floor radiates the happy Christinas spirit. Every aisle, every shelf and every counter is laden with holidy goods of every sort. We offer you the result of careful and intelligent planning for the great Christmas business now in full swing. . , . While we are always desirous of marking our merchandise as low as we possibly can, yet we never let price interfere with quality. You can feel certain, however, that any article bought here will be marked according to todayreplacement value and will bs of a quality that will give satisfaction every time the recipient has an occasion to use it. j DON'T POSTPONE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING START NOW J AO ON FIRST FLOOR Gloves, Handkerchief Panes, Novelty Jewelry i Neckwear, Veils and Veiling Hosiery, Silk Underwear Ribbons, Toilet Articles Stationery, Novelties Notions, Umbrellas Men's Furnishings, Etc. ' ON MEZZANINE FLOOR Novelties of All Kinds Work Baskets Fancy Embroidered Articles . Imported Candles Candle Sticks Boadoir Lames Fancy' Lamp Shades Stamped Articles Fancy Pillows Scarf Centers, etc., etc Any of the above mentioned MISS LILLIAN WOODROW, SMITH NORFOLK, VA. ROSENBLOOM-LEVY CO.'S : STARTS Bee .3 SALE WORTH YOURATTENTION personal property of the late Julia J. .Taylor. ( 4 Cows. .8 Hogs. j Household and Kitchen Furniture.! Farmers Banking & Trust Co., GIFT GOODS OF IMMENSE VARIETIES SUGGESTIONS WE MENTION ON SECOND FLOOR Silks, Dress Goods Dress Trimmings Lace, Embroideries White Goods, Wash Good Linens- Bath Robe Blankets Sheets, Towels, etc. ON THIRD FLOOR Suits, Coats, Dresses Furs, Silk Petticoats Millinery, Shirt Waists ON FOURTH FLOOR Infants' Dresses Coats, Caps, Bonnets Blankets, Underwear Carriage Robes Toys, Bassinette Nursery Furniture Knit Underwear Muslin Underwear Corsets, Brassiers Etc., etc articles may be secured by mail. Care AND WELTON 0 Admr. Julia. J. Taylor. Nov. 24th, 1920. Don't forget that Pay-Up Week is from December 1st to ICth. EVERY SORT ii ON FIFTH FLOOR . On this floor you will find everything to make the home more comfortable and more beautiful, including Rugs, Draperies Curtains, Portieres Floor Lamps, Table Lam;s Laundry Baskets Cedar Chests Shirt Waist Boxes Cacuum Cleaners Wicker Furniture Serving Trays ' Smoking Stands Candle-Sticks Bud Vases . Clocks . Book Ends Card Tables Trunks Suit Cafres "S 1 raveling Bag Weok-End Cases Kloiikeu Down Comforts Wosl Comforts ' . N ttc. Just send your orders to Mail Order Department. 300 TO 306 GRANBY ST. VALUABLE 'FARM kLAN0 AND 7 ' CITY LOTS FOR SALE. . ' North f Molina, Nash County. . In the Superior Court. - - - In it; W. D. Joyner, e als; ex parte. hy virtue of the powers and direc tions contained in a decree of the Superior Court of NashCounty, made in the special proceeding, therein ponding, entitled "W. D. Joyner, et-. als, ex-parte," the undersigned com therein appointed to make sale, will on the premises of said lots tituate in and near the City of Rocky Mount, Edgecombe County, North Care Jina, on Thursday, December 30, 1920, at ten thirty o'clock, A. M., sell a! i i.olic auction, Lots No. 28, 34, 35, in Block C, Lots No. 8, 10, U, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, ;2, 33 in Block G in map of the Hargrove property, map jivill be found recorded in Book 129, at page 491 in the office of the Register of Deed. pf Edgecombe County, On Thursday, December- 30, 1920, at two o'clock P.M. in front of the post office in the City of Rocky Mount the undersigned commissioner up pointed in sSid special proceeding to mane saie, wm aiso sen at puouc auc tion the following described farming lands situate in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, near the City y of Rocky Mount, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the center of small branch and cypress pointer and 536 feet op said branch from Tar River, the old Bradley and Zimmerman corner, thence 3 degrees, 49 minutes W, 2494 ft. to a stake at edge of fence, thence N, 87 degrees W. 112 ft. to corner of fence, thence C. 1 degree 24 minutes W. 156 ft. thence N. 89 degrees, 65 -minutes-W. .6,70.7 ft. to an iron stake in Tarboro and Rocky Mount Road, thence N. 20 degrees, E. 1829 ft. 'te-a stake and post oa pointer, thence N. 20 degrees W. 10 53 ft. to ash in branch or canal, thence down said branch or canal 471 ft. to the' beginning, containing forty five and four-tenth acres. Also one house and lot on Ivy St. in City of Rocky Mcrfint, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, known as' Jim Pol lard house and lot, such lot being 40x 6.0 ft. and fully described in deed from R. P. Gupton to E. T. Joyner, book 167, page 454-Edgecombe Coun ty Registry. Aho a tract of land in Edgecombe County, N.C, composed of two par eels, separately described as follows: First: In No. 12 Township, known as the "Minis Place" Containing 150 acres, more or less, bounded on the North by Tar River, East by Tar Ri ver ar-.d Buck Swamp, South ly Buck Swamp,West by Mrs. Lezinna Bul luck's old placeV Adjoining the tract above described and part of Minis land", and beginning at corner of I. C. Zimmerman yard, thence 83 degrees 20 minutes East 112 ft., thence .S. 5 degrees 81 minutes West 12 ft. td center of Buck Swamp Bridge on the Tarboro Road; thence North 58 de grees 35 minutes West 268.4 ft., thence with said road North 40 do-' grees 15 minutes West 549 ft. thence with said road 45 degrees, -50 min utes West 11G5 ft., thence with said road North 69 degrees, 35 minutes West 58 ft., to iron stake on said road in corner made by .Bradley's and Zimmeiman's lines, thence North, 69 degrees 50 minutes East 670 ft. to the sidr; of Zimmerman's yard, thence south 5 degrees 21 minutes West 27 feet' to the beginning, containing 638-100 acres. A certain tract or parcel of land in Edgecombe County, State of North Carolina, No.- 12- Township, being tracts Nos. 1-A, 1-B, 2-B, 1-C, 3-C, 2-G Block 17 and 18, 1-A, 2-B, Block 12 and 3-C, Block 17, containing 79 15-100 acres. A map bf which is registered , in Edgecombe County, in Book 1, page 92 Further described as follows: Being tracts Nos. 1-A, 1-B 2-Ei Plock 17; tracts Nos. 1-C, 3-C, 2-C, Block. No. 18; tracts NosaI-A, 2-B, Block No. 12; and tract No. 3-C, Block No. 17. 1st. Tract Ncs. 6-E and 5-F, Block 12, and 6-F, Block 18, containing " -1-2 asres, as described and. con tained in a certain map made by T. W. Secret. C. E., which map is regis tered in the Register of Deeds office of Edpeconib'e County,(ln Book 1, page 92. 2nd. Trgrt'ls Nos-G and 2J, of Block 11, containing 59 67-100 acres, as described and c6ntained in a certain map made by T. W. Secret! C. E., map is registered in the Register of Deeds office of Edge combe County, in Book 1, page 92. On Thursday, December 30, 1920, at three o'clock P.M., in front of the Planters National Bank, in the City -of Rocky Mount, Nash County, N. C, j izne unaerSTgrted commissioner ap jpoint.'d in said speciaT proceeding to i make sale will also sell at public auc ! tion, the following described lots of land situate, in Nash County, and in ! or near the City of Rocky Mount, to lit: Situate in the Suburb known as H Little Raleigh, and being lota lioar I.IO 1 d f . . n .... hv oi me jjaugntndge land, L;t No. 12, beginning at an iron , stake in North side of Murray St, . rnence with line of lot No. 11, North j one hundred feet, thenc east 60 ft. I to corner of No. 13, thence south ! w'th No. 13 to stake in north tide of I Murray St., thence along Murray St. : to beginning. Lot No. 40v beeinnine ) m north side of Cleveland St at iron .stake, thence north with lot 100 ft, thence east with line -of No. 30 50 ft -to takes' thence south 100- ft to Cleveland St, thence west' fifty feet' along Cleveland St t(T beginning.. A certain lot situated in the Little Raleigh suburbs of Rocky Mount, Nj f C, commencing at a stake on, corner of Grace and Henry Sts., running 30uth 102 1-2 ft, thence easterly 50 ft., thence northerly 02 1-2 ft. back to Henry St., thence westerly 50 ft. back to the beginning, being com posed of lot No. 1 of Block 9, of the survey of Little Raleigh lands. A certain tract OS" parcel of land in the City of Rocky Mount, Nash Coun ty, State of North Carolina, adjoin- ing the lands of the estate of Ada Howerton and D. J. Pearson more particularly described as follows: Be ginning at a stake 50 ft. from the intersection of Church and Hammond Sts., thence in a westerly direction parallel to Hammond (St. 150 ft. to a stake, thence S. 56 ft. to a stake, thence E. 150 ft. to tv stake in Church St., thence along said Church, St. 56 ft. to the beginning: v Terms of Sale: -Qne-f ourth cash on confirmation of the sale, balance in one . end two years from date of sale, with interest payable annually on deferred pay ments at six per cent from date of sale.deferred payments to ce evi dencil by notes and secured by lien on !and sale. , In respect to the lands described in the foregoing notice as the Minis lands, and the parcels adjoining it, the terms of sale are one-half cash an confirmation of the sale and bal ance in one, two and three years, de ferred payments bearing interest and secured as aforesaid. That part of the foregoing described lands sub ject to liens of deed, of trust for un- paiipurchase money will Jbe sold sub-j ect to such liens. Nov. 29th, 1920. T. T. THORNE, Commissioner. Thome & Thorne, Attorneys. .s 4t NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale vested in me by that certain deed of trust executed by Essex Gray and Carrie Gray, his wife, recorded in book 207, page 708 in the oflBce of the Register of Deeds of Edgecombe Countv. default havinir been made in the payment of the note therein se-i cured, 1 will or December 24th, tuzu, at two o'clock P. M., at the post- office door m the City of Kocky Mount. Ederecombe County. North Carolina, sell 'at public auction for sash, the following described lot or parceled land lying in tne Vy oi ROcky Mount, North Carolina and lescriDtd as follows: Beeinnine at a stake, the south eastern intersection of Myrtle Ave., and Goldleaf Streets; thence with the southern line of Goldleaf St, South, 68 degrees, 10' east 57 feet lel with Mvrtle Ave. about 78 ft 6" to Tom Boddie's lin! thence south westerly with Tom Boddie's line to Myrtle Ave. tnence norm zi aegrees 50' east with the eastern line of Myr tle Ave. 103.2 ft to the beginnig, being a part of the premises convey ed by ThosJI. Battle and wife to ly. Ut. Ins. and Kealty Co., by deed recorded in Book 165, page 285, c;dg.?combe County Registry,, refer ence i hereDy made to aooK liz, page C16 for better identification. This November 19, 1Z0. T. T. THORNE, Trustee. THORNE & THORNE, Attys. 11-20, Z7 12-4, 11 Notice of Lend Sale. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Edgecombe County, in special proceeding, entit led, "W. O. Howard, administrator jf Henry C. Williams, deceased, vs. Maria Holt and Hattie Holt," we will on Friday, Dec. 10, igze, at 1Z JU. sell at the court house door in Tar boro, N C, at public auction, the following described 'realty: Two certain tracts of land situate in No. 6 township, said county and state. (1) That certain tract of land ad joining the land of M. C. Braswell, Fate Pittman and others, which was conveyed to W. N, Williams by David Pridgcn and wife, by deed recorded in-Bock 65, Page 254, and Cfias. Grant and wife, by deed recorded in r&HMl IF. YOU- DON'T BELIEVE. BUSINESS IS GOOD AT . t - . . ' THOMASES COME IN TOMORROW AND'SEE THE CRO WD There's, a Reason Thomas's Slaughter Sale is in Full Swing The Thomas Co. . vTTTTT TTT TTTTTTTTTTt TTTVf 1 rTllili il.'l 1 1 t TTTTtYI ! TYTTTTTi 1 1 1 1 ! TH r"."""""TTTTl FOR SALE One new six room Bun galow on Battle avenue with all modern conven iences. We will make you an attractive price . onthishouse if interested Edgecombe Realty & Ins. Co: W. G. CLARK, President V J. C. RVFFIN, Vlc pMsident :' -'. H. P. FOXHALL, Secretary. We are the Edsecombe Representatives of the Walter Gurley Auction Co.- , v..i , ' . 1$ I i v. Z" I' I' 1 I" r ' 2' 1' 8 Ts sts its sfc A A A I Book 58, Page 228, of the Edge combe Resristry. and containing SO acres, -more or less. - (2) That certain tract of land ad joining the lands of M. C. Braswell and others, which was conveyed to the said W. N. Williams by A. Bras- well by . deed recorded in Book 92, -Page 492, of he said Kegistry, ana containing 59 acres, more or less. Both of the aforesaid tracts hav ing been devised to the said Henry C. WiUiams by the said W. N. Wil liams, by will recorded in Will Book I, Page 315, of the Edgecombe Reg istry, to which deeds and will refer ence is hereby made. Terms of sale one-third cash and the balance in one, 'two and tnree years. - This Nov. 8th, 1920. - ALBERT L. COX, W. O. HOWARD, ltw-4ws Commissioners. ' NOTICE. ' t" Under the power contained in a decree in a suit now pending in Edge combe Superior Court entitled "Tim Dawes et al vs. L. B. Wynne et al" tihe undersigned will offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder for ccsh, before the First National Bank, in the .city of Rocky Mount) North Carolina, on Saturday, Decem ber 18, 1920, at twelve ' o'clock M., that certain trait or parcel of land lying and being in No. 14 Township, Edgecombe county North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. H. Wynne, W. C. Proctor, B. JF. Lancaster and othnrs, containing 45 acres, more or less, being the land, wilfed to Mar garet, Susan and Harriett Dawes, and being a part of lotJo. 9 'allotted to Car jline Dawes, as shown by the re port of commissioners in book 26, page 145, Edgecombe county registry, The purchaser will be required to pay ten per cent of the purchase price on tha day of sale, which amount is to be held by the commissioner pend ing the report of sale, and confirma tion by the court, and the balance of the purchase price to be paid as soon as the sale is confirmed. ' November 11, 1920. 1 ' J. P. BUNN, Commissioner. SALE OF REAL ESTATE On Saturday, 'December 18th, 1920 et 12 M., on the premises in Speed, N. C. we will seU at public ( ? I it --------'ft TTTTTT J. l.J.AAS. S auction the following real estate, to- wit: The real estate formerly owned b fa tne late v. a. Jungnt C., and consisting of -The V. Br Kniclit residence lot. one lot wfth cottage on it now va cant, one tenant house and lot now occupied by Don Allsbrookj one ten ant house and lot now occupied by Bill Anthony. - - Terms of sale will be announced at. time of sale." . This November 15tlvl920. . K. T. KNIGHT, B. W. KNIGHT, CHAS. KNIGHT, MRS. T. A. MATTHEWS, MRS. FANNIE HOWARD;, MRS. EMMA KNIGHT. ll-22-4wks Do Glasses Disfigure? yr Imperfectly fitted yes. Properly fitted no. v. 'The style of glasses worn has everything to do with their effect up on your appearance. " That is where our ser vice is of great advan- tage- we are trained: and experienced in the art of . fitting glasses,, and know how to select ' the lenses that wilbest aid your vision and the; frames that 'will best suit your features.1 Every pair of glasses -we supply is made spe cially to measure.. That is why our glasses don't disfigure. Call and let us demonstrate - how, well Ve can suit you. . W. L. , BEIXi- v Eye Specialist Tarboro, N. C HOUSE WANTED by January 1, not less than six rooms, close in. Apply to W. B. Jenkins, at Suggs old ga rage, near freight station. dl-6p WANTED Two or three rooms for light housekeeping, gentleman and wife, no children. Notify The Sou therner. d3-3t -I V se v

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