THE JiSOOTHISIl -!-: .S.-J'. .1 Ao'ud att -uKlimifd ta$;for the f V- 1 . a V , . , - " i. pai-mept c0rijielpal4 Unrest baa It VkbrWCIStU Mill Ul fc . 5L 1"" TTVT"WWWTWfVTTffTTTfTT2i' 1 ruth&ized i7mm:rA-iZvJ-Ht- ? v :',...:.v1'4..:.'...,.a.;.;'i:.. frViW:,5,'i-( : '-r.-a' . 6 , lS , bids must' be-on' tlanlf Us,. W - " r"7TT; itlT ' : -' " ;v. uriH be furnished by ths Wftdef-- T?V'v-r;: ' V., If , , . ... 1. .sasam! , .rrr?! .saguu ...IVgarj - ''V.vrT?ti'5' ,-yfi.viy.l8g not-last.y-They prepared tor the whbMt.VM interesting to- see J tmc psj Term nance. ' ' - s& H-kfe ! nofcUuStor 'in- a- period, of .temporary b(!r :of pele' who previously would' W44wftW 'JW V'.j'-r tfWl 1 OTICTOED accompanie-by a certi, m; illMhPlnft aWWflrWjftf Po .fatfeVIEaV an frnpVsLie pfopwiJ.sSDlatf 30 tn tfowxhgaiiist iy5 Ipss'.rV All rights v W"cw?Ufi?rSJ'ue 01 tion exeeptlor people of some wea , '.v .fj-- -i . J.i. . - - ... .. .? -- . !;&re -grasped tile; cpr.ijeptfon of real v-ourne,. ..Ooceaafd. 't :.. MtrZWlAn by 'iminatinr blues. ; -, ; .-n -.J l.'V ' V' ..n yn, Th fountrjrjslh world's in'ie'ditv; ittWh8.-i :2ftJ 1 week . .' . '46c . bapkinp and currency 'syStemj - With: - 'g.. ,Wtie::ly .-.I ,.-.. . 1-SQ1JRCP yeRt' ' Eiivf) basic conditions, bu'sineia can't' lV:-fhi' 75 J.' - F. O.-Box -S07 Tc bad 05. ay Jong Jeo4;. 5 ; .-s-'"r;yhre--afe: two- types of gif tiy i'U ; . - Jl . . It! :."' xr,lA5' SAVINGS' 'ctuss. : " : J r -.; uli feive' to .flxo youngsters. ' ' bjic'con-"i'. Af f V yonrr, rjo tnarry bni b'ivsV - i-fitsts' coy "Antraplfons' .ea.w.uphft'idea' of Chrintfnas savi V.-, . II lavinirtiubs ?"WB?- 'i.l i November, ?BjV p plead in :arlcf thtfk; i-tv vGiTXllj persons in. pend theiv'-'money I ', If their income -i-aW ' e J"v M'c q- .in -;i'..-tii'e n si.t nipad in .r - . .t!-ji and as that policy becomes general it , . --M hi. Now ,Lo3Xityn"I)ecenuer 29th, : n.. TiM -. ChicacfO.Ill, ';.yP)4 CandlerJB.:: Aoa?ce8 wav,iS .m the ibanlt-jecU weekthey can rct ,"aat r"?n& ;, flxedtum :tlieciixtrChrimas,: jt lm- f 'ThW-tfcfrllStU; drt; of N4v.,i)820..'. prt-ss :eIr;lmgimrWrim ; iThcj JULIAN E.. WAIIEN, - thiiile" of all thv'y in which they. t J.&K ; 1 oi money ior or in an amount tquw j ., ;i f z-;' '-v' -v':-'' .-y'-'.i A .. .- r. I '. Two- pef 'centum -,;o v fhe tface, wl.dU 1P-S;'fi;:5&y7 ' '! 1 y-r' fenioitbejbogs :::: 9. cure, tneTowri against SinJr loss re- w;A;---aV i- v.-:r-'vl,.!V "''"- ' - sumng -jrom-tne failure 01 xne ma? -r - . .-; : ;i.-;,v i.s.-f v. - Vrii--SI M 'V der to comply TSritl. the terms of bbi V-r--y.. .Bond8-wiH be delivered to the pur- "fi.:. c - . . . i ......... ... -. - ! S.'L -; , 1 i , chCicrjii&e,;-thW;.wind up iaod-o :ia ,vhi!i a person who pn$t (jioww 91" awount. eacn we.-i., enn ap it. m . . -. wrE HAV HELPED OTHERS ,':";t'v - ' : ;Fo. AH KindiofPIumMn. , But lit kast-uueh a scheme! demon- ;. .51 Youf Ttf Srr ' ,trtc .that it, JS perfectly PoM";4 .,J,r ; P fov them to sav money. When, liavj aecumu3alp3 the total of thtlv .paymontJ.ov"n,'fca"r the bent ffdngi 'tjhoy can do -ie to. pui it -right iback irita the toank iicrai:i. Ti-y havo pent that people' who. plan t sot nsida-.-a qissi-oSeli"'" "'!."'"' ! " ' j -Thatia criettv cooil roof that we can-help you. fat- mssJone." r- , I "That ia ciiettv cood -oof that we you. 0h Ztif ftltelfief Iffna-ofgff't & -any; simple-! " ".jc ' chferish an: amfeHiw to owri your own hvmo' S I -.-. ii. r I (-3. f v lwi4;'(qa!if.(.-d execatcr of the eitt'Of 'iMis Gr.teA." UrSidl'ey.iate. .-. va- ;S Tvv3i,i;), EJgoruibe coun- in- lmmo- tjiaibl payme'n-t to me?id- afl persons ;Jftv!ftrcTaimsigaiis tjatd. ei?tate will" preeiit.sajixo tp--pic .on or before No-, "emDcr1 g7i''i1J2f, br;Ms notice will -.A iSftjifed .ifrbju ,of r.ecavery , 1 hi's27tK'day; of NbV6ini?erj::i920.- 5?--""v ' "'-EaJein N,..'C,' :--A ta '-'.Atrli4eLil:ai. aKftff!.!;' Uv.', - ' " . . - t 'r - ' T 1 NOTICE OF SALE U : :rz ;-i. :,,:..! come jiv u. . ;v -,,- - 41 "Sv-- virtue of the power of 'sale ,..:iys.-:p1';?w.v' y'"-"--. --r"--- Uw. transactions arc s;.-aignvror.wara t - nejiner j -eeaiwm bytatortam.deed of iiiiVcr-hua, -UAXU-- la?f nazy v ;.v, "- . . ' ,' f .ttCaK-ifeBrilv:,- h fcwife recorded in . 1'AfSaJrds deftly.. Ifadght to ? .. ; jt yotttoi'W Qt Wt.'.Wef can do for7.,:.-. $ boo&'207,iage 708 hi the office of "'7: . iOTCEfc553(rSSnae 'Ka - ' 1' i 1 '.:'. -r -' !- v 'v'!f A j'l'-'?:' ' '' "41 Mfd. f wM on December 24th; 1920. .i 'i.--.-"F"..Li.i-L '':;J?;''T,-lX--- '-;.!.'.,t '5 ldlSfoy,l;Ke'iiiieir. V ' 1020,' or as soon thereafter as the bonds can be prepared, and mu3tthen be paid for In New York funds, ' -V ' . " No bjds pt. less than par f-nd ac- .erued Interest will be confcidered ,?o.r the $200,000.00 Public Improvement bonds, and no bid of less thai par and ' accrued . interest ,oiv the ?20, 000.00 of , lUifjandaigV bonds,: i The right to roject 'any or all fcids is re served. V V;;' ' ' : '.-' - r; ' Dated, 'Tarbor.0, N. C.j December Ctm 1020.- . - Ht D; itAEtlJtSON, Mayor. ;- J. II.- JACOCKS, Clerk. . dlO li tTst4iWfabdrdvhefe"tKey Tilkf ttr 'v&i- .? t-irajrfTe toVshmMntfp iittie -fdikt',i-v make the best -0r fhese J ? : "' 1! II iWHlL 11! !!i 1 iTHAis TflOTjaal as ii the country we re i ' " . , ; . L10I HI f W $ondfious will. ae ac-.'; T 1 1 A 1 JLd -.- 1-, J i: . 1 A.1 -ii.. in vujnpiiKTTca rwuiriar iess oisiress man . .1. - J( j -j i f i; j? 1 ' ' I "".'-'" - -1 ' 11-. 27; i.-H-.'-i-t f-i. r ..jw;v kr-r.-.c. - i ar-.'i-v . -sp .'t .-j.- ;. :. .'a . jttt .-ip 1 " ' . " , : -v- - -., , i - .. 1:. - - - . Kl i -' ' . --- 1 ..- - ..1. - . - .--.-! m at two o'clock P. M.,. at the post- omce aoor in me uicy oi-. Kocicy ioa tit, Kdgecolnbe County, , North aroiiiin,.; sell at public auction for '.'ash,?the iolIoV,inr described : lot or parciiUiOf Uoitl- .lying in the Qity ,d liocky Blount, Norch Uaroljria ansa tlescribed'as fotlows: -v.: '--.'' '.' ,. .Beginning. at a .stake, -the 'south- .eas-terh-"intersection, of Myrtle! Ave, 4 ana-:-Gold)Saf Streets ; -thencf IsnVA the soitljern . ime ot t : .Uoldleaf St South 08 degrees, 10' east 57: feet -to .a staked thence1 southerly,! paral lel, witfj Myrtle Ave, about .78' ft, 6" to .Tom Boddic'a line; thence Isouth ;westetty - with Tom ' B octdie's ' line , to iiivi tje Ave. thence north 21 decrees. 00' easC M-ith the eastern line of MyrJ iVUe.Av fL-it'd the htieVanW.i being-a part of the premises .convey H'- by'Th'as.'JI; -Battle and-wife to a,v.- ift.; Ins. -and KeaKy C'o.i'by; deed .recorded in..;-'.Bo4k.il6o,' page'; 28S, u'dgeiombe .Coujity Registry, j refer ?c; is heveby-'made to JBVok 172, 'yoge o!G for better' identification. 1 :f ifwovtinugr, iv. J.wxu, . - . - - " r ' jj':.?ASSQCI -'!!"'"!- -!.;:.''!' '','.- i- ' H -'' ' : :'- . - Ii' ...A 11- 1 'i';!ijT:i,J.i';,'i3"'-' DISPATCHES i-if .-.:' " :ft"i.:::.iv-tV --::t-"--'-I2. ;-:,.kV-'; .iT.-notice. North CnroHnii, Edjecombc County! In the Superior Court. Hrrna Sanders ' vn 'Chrintianna .Coo . pt: andlmsbani-, ?hbina3 Coo- v AUn -Sander-i,' John Sap- , ders, Goorjfo Sauders and wife, Eosa Sanders, Arkana !Braswell " and husband, Wfiliam Braswell, GerlrBde ' WJ-anu iii-9 K. telle y kWUliarnvtbs tvo lst hai"n!i ba - tog ' infant y-PPtaa ; by - their , Guardian A4 Litem, J. .I'.; E-nn. To Chrtstianua'Cooperj Thomas Cob pcr, fchn Sanders, Gorge San , den .and Iiosa Sandors Defend, - ants:.- A-," ! ,r'.v;! OJiri?tianna( Cooper, Thouina, Coo per, John; Sanders, Goorg'd;rSanders and F-osa Sanders, defendants above named, will tafee notice that an action entitled gs above has Jie'en commenc ed in- the Superior (j-ourt of ; Edga comie! County to Establish title, un der a lost and unrecorded deed, to a ceitaiii- tract or parctl of lapd situ-' ate in the city of iBocky Jf ount, Edge cpnbo Coij t'lt j', , North"; aoins;'-..'said ! livm-ed by-the Above named defend ' fiAil 1116 tiOGmff 4 1 fiMfS-?' aiits to the above named plaintiff, aid , R; "S I - -W?:tj j : llTTrJlfl fn 5W; s-V; -i-' '' '-.-- ot?oa? that .they'jire juired , to 1 ll ro 4 trf iat. , w ' 1 : !! pear before the Glerkf the Supirif M ! ! ? Ml Hi r f t Ik J Ifi i 7 If 1 I V 0 ' -Court. -of Edgecombe County J tblftf ! - '5 L fll;! j,! fit .' . 1 1 Court House in Tarboro on the 10 th ;3.-S . day -of January, J921, antnswar f ie :' - w,- complaint of the plaintiff,, a Copy of ' .! c '. y; HfcH-Hm-.he', deposited in- thei oiSc)';' ; oft Sie ;C;erk of said County on' or-be- j4l . '-;.- .-; .,. dsjte of thii mnnohs;-!'; ,;' ui;d a'-(iwer .or, demur to the said com-!?;j !;;! jifcint ' within: ".the time. required by 14 - - , - aw- ii,-'' j: '---.'j.j i.'2 I-,., 'i' ' .: pjamtuTs will, be granted. tT!is .ths 9th day of. Dfi.t 1920,, , i.,:u A,.T;W ALSTON CJerk Superior Court, U ii;; i;'A:.i: tF keal; estate Notice to Creditors. S " " if- f 1' : -fy. . December J 18th, i ; 'Having qualified as adwini$fratorj. ';?' - -l.i-.-if,-'-; ''- -t., 'u the-pfemjsea in,. . ,' ;f .-,-..-",: i - -'.' .-.-"-- '; 'Vi ! 1 . y, ii. ;i;..;wei.wm. tell at ipubiic ; oT ?ia J- Taylor, late of Edgecomb -' ' '':.":; . :-c f'iiowii!g real estaM, to-1 count-;'"' all ' persons;" having'! -claims" ! ' :,-: Or JL'-j -, - ' -" : . V Against 'her- estate' are 'hereby hoti-! .'r,-:--V''"V:-"r.-jJ -'--:"!! -cw.-.--estate -formerly .oWiJed by v. -- . ..- ' -.,v .- .'.".--, ;'-. wv-' ; W-r.-a-,-.-i;-.-; - V. L.:ii"i-ii!ht da- Sp'ej-dV-N-' i:c-d to;: present ; the same to the ntn-i; ---,'; ';:.';:". -:"',.-V.!. .'! :;-: -; ; . ..-i i 11 'or'- . 1 1 - - - j..i.. -.i :s. j .. ' L''i . "ii .;- -' :- ;-:,',- r-v :- v.-',;' ft; .,, ..." ... . , -iri;ii'cu, . uuiy vutiueu, on or oe-. T f ' - ' ' -r- . ;-, J - - - : . ... ,ii , ;. v v S" M: 1-".. v-'i'i!- .-cottage on it niw; Va- - ft re; free. '2, 1921, or this notice will : - -.'"' j'..-:'.?-:' ;,:. S"!'--; ; 4 ':?' '-$!V."-.-'.'!' 'Jl -,':;!'5";t.. ; bjjj :Mt h ufo and.lpt.noY occupied by.lAlfttEltS BANK1N6 tRtSTaiY.i:;::!.. --r. Wh-i:,-',' f-iJ I er:nc CAPITAL 1:."! tf3A',-a2!rri.M?'Mf .-r Ume of sale. . ; ! - ; " - Admrr Julia J. Taylor,-; This NrtVomher 15th, 1920. ! - --.- : ! ; -- '---;-'-.. --'A -:;:'-.: . :f .. ,"'K, T. KNIGHT,, . - -;-'-.!u-., " - - . . - i : ::- : 3 i:.:!:!a-'i'; -: ; ! MlS, J. -A.-MATTHEWS avmg qualified as administratrix MRS.- EANNIE HOWARD,'" of tne estate of Thoi.' H, Rufflrt, late: uj. jaugctuiuuc touniy, ima is 10 notuyi 7--t... ....... 1 --yr-t'-T-tl-jJ - : - : .: " : . .u'".-.- . w -s.- ' " . -;; n i:i ,.v. . .-.-.xfT"' " ' 4., MIE1DE a n- - - SGIFTS .'...' -. y... i'---1 fv' J ; '- ,.-J-'-' .-: --1 '-? ' - "'' -' ;- " ' ' . ' t ' ,- ; 1., i.-.xj rr- ;-"J ...... .4.... . - ... - - --.-r - I ACNAIR:: 'RICMfWPANy. $220,00010 1 ' " '" !' P.ft persons havinc rlnims no-'ainBt-' tfi . TOWN CF TARBOROs N,.C. ' ' J estate'' cf said deceased "to 'present , - ; viiuiii..wui vcniieu. lo liib unaersip-n- '- -U' i'-vlViLi- iti-'-AXiV'ST' .' ' " .i'i iH'1-- .joyn.uiau:n-.saia. AQwn, ior i , . . " Uie purchijse of all or a part ofeither j persons inde'bted 'td said "estate 'will r both. of the -following issues of i please make immediate payment " J:T!jr8 the ; 26thday :ot Nov'., 1920: " :-'" ! ' EMILY V. RUFFIN, - J : ! T M -.-- ' , " "i r v I;"- 1 - .- . -v.- -.' '.! -s. , - - :'i . r 1- Da 4 lyjids of said "Town :' ; "'. " ' j " - - i-200.000.0Q -: Public Improvement. b-.'d, denoinination $1,000:00, ma-. 5u;ii.g wiiiuafiy October 1st -s. f olio-., v Four bonds 1922 to 192.6, 'both inclusive, and Nine bonds 1927 to ii'l'C bah Ku-lusive. s -' -: !,'. : ' '$0,000.00 ' Rdf endiiie' bonds de- .X..;f' j ni juiftiuia.- $ jOCOP, "maturing a'nnu'- I : y Octobei-ilst as follo-wsvOne pond 1P2 to J931, both inclusive, andlTwp. bonds 1932 to 1946 both iiiclus5ve." J Bqlh issues are" dated October- 1st, j 1 j 20'.' Interest' a't the rate of 'Six pei' Ice'rtJni'ppf vanhuVh', principal; andJ s-iiiVii):nal interest (A. & O.-l) !pay ! Jlfti in.NdV.- York iri gokl at the pf- ', - "J -;e.u.r.;Lpl Stites llortgsge & t. 1 ... : - - -.-- !!.--. ;-' : : ' ;r' y- '''i'-.--; - ; -3- r-Vr...;,V.V :J -'l'-'!'V --;. It Jxll' 4 St v TT Whitakers,N. C. " )' Administratrix Public-Renting pf Land. . On- Wonday, Dec. 20,' 1920, at 11 o'clock a-m.j at the Court HousfeiDonr in, Tarboro, N. C, the undersigned will rentie the highest bidder'at irob-Ji -' 1- -lc biddingjtfor-a term of five years; from January 1, 1921, the plantationl near Leggett ewned by the' late' ju; lia; fx Harrison, whereon the and her husband,' .the -late J.- T, Taylor; lived nt tho fima Zt l-t.U,.- Vt p-lli of the !, VMfliVV,.- Wotlm-r.1ilTT v i--'- '.i li,. - - A.;.' : r;!.r!--,--.::ilf'- "- . i ,, j 1. ".- 'Tl .; .v --: . ' .'j 'IMil ! l''TMi-:.MMv-; ::rB!te JKvSSSS. I?3t-,:M..4, m y-! Kiu -'" f Urref y--r-r 'rrr ' -th;-.s:-r wi!hnt ri-irw.' - -i.'-r:' ' :: " It - ' " . . . . . ..... r ... . rr-j - - . - - ' i i - llll u TV - . RllTinnnA . . I I . . - . .- 'a- .-.. - - . . .fr: y.rjc.-4tacidce dii-ect and general 1 JL - . ' i i i '. 1 - ..-.- 1 " - " ' . t - . .. . .- Guarosn and TiHif f.TOJi: II - 1 . ' .... , t .., ...w. iii v8-- fiZ.-iaa 4 awn. ci , iartiovo. t- -: - ' T. " 11 . , i j .,! i - j-T . !y Ffc j--feffi ' , jueu unaer tno iuunicipai' inance j . iienry-.ttazr '-'- - , ':': !. . -;. - : -'v.; ':.- 44 - lfei" ft "i . ft ri V" ' - Ar.i s r n;5i aj at . " 1 V ;-',-. ;: 'r:.r. - ' ' ' , " 1 - . ' v- .'i'4v":-i,- '.".' -"' - -v."' ''-.' ' .' i -"-.' : - .;!ir ;- . r -:1 - - - : r . - ' r - . - - - - . -t 1 -t - - - ? -r-.... ' A;-; ': : -;..vv ft'; - v r-ff XX . . . .... .'I :.- ' " .--j- Ji-.-f -"?.',- fjV - r"0! TTlT7TT7TT7TrT74, 1 jf?TttTt77rrrffl: