' 1 PAGE FOUR THE SjD UTHERtfER MONDAY, OCT. 3, 1921 1 " ,l r 'I ..1 .4. I TfyJZ? vlriWlr Ws I" low's Business? That's the -universal greet ing of one business man to another. iUJJQ Y- hope yours is as good as Lmi i ;t. We're going to tell Ju what makes ouis so good, and ict vt.u use' the information any v, ploase. . lu 1 he first place we "took our medicine" when we had . ;.;ul took it quickly. r, ..n we reduced expenses : . minimum so as to give our . ..v.u'nu is i'ull benefit of ;i: v. o.jk-sale rediu ticiis. a e down ', Of bu.-.i'u-'S bu.-iues i.iik further jtrnlU to brin? we can't do that but it s and it good. course now It' iness," too, to We have the !' i lollies a business man ...'ir.ands -HAUT SCHAFXER & .MARK clothes our prices a. re .me-t h ird lower than a year ag"o. You'll be amazed at the values we offer at $35. to $49.50 Other Suits $25. to $40, Copyright 1921 Hart Schaffner & Marx Rosehbl 00m- Levy Co HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX GOOD CLOTHES THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, OCT. 3RD, ACCOUNT OF HOLIDAY. WANTS THE MOORE MONUMENT CO. OF Sterling, 111., guarantees all their work and at lowest prices. See W. VV. Moore, agent, Tarboro, N. C. WE DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST time" we ate masters auto radia tor repairmen and can make that leaky radiator good as new at a reasonable price, prompt service assured. Ship it today. Reliable -' Radiator Works, 233-35, S. Wash- TRUNKS, BAYS, SUITCASES. Why ington St., Rocky Mount, N. C, 5 14 tf FOUND PAIR HORN RIM SPEC- tacles. Owtitr can get same by pay ing for this ad at The Southerner : office. s2-tf FOUND ON ROAD BETWEEN Tarboro and Scotland Neck, black leather bag. Several order books and other small articles. Owner .can get same by paying for this ad at The Southerner. slS-tf pay two middlemen profits? Buy from factory direct. Send for free catalog. Ideal Trunk Factory, Spri.-ig Valley, 111. s25-o2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Married or single. Apply Mrs. R. H. Parker, 112. Main street. tf LOST BETWEEN ROCKY MT. Pressing Club and Pinetops: Blue serge, dress, jacket' and plaited skirt. Name attached Ruth Moore. Finder please notify Miss Ruth Moorej Pinetops, N. C., box 66. o3-3te ' M AT THE COLONIAL FIGHTING FATE ----- ;- ' - . . ' "' '- Colonial Phone No. 518 ANY KIND OF HAULING, SHORT on ong trips, moving a specialty, slab wood, green or dry, for sale. Marrow and Norman. Phone 287 pr 188. v , o3-St WANTED GIRL TO OPERATE hemstitching machine. Apply sec ond door from 5 to 10c store, 10 a.m. Singer Sewing -Machine Co. Phone 517. " -': V It LOCAL 'SOCIAL ITEMS Little Minnie Bruce, the 6-year-ol laughter uf -Mr. and Mrs. Wacle An drews, is confined to her bed "with scarlet fever. Begiiniing. 'tomorrow the Tubli -.ibrat-y hours will be from ,3.30 U .HO p.m. x The Girls' Friendly Society wil' old Its regu.ar meeting on Tuesda; veiling at 8 o'clock, at' the home o l iss Klizabelh Corbctt. Mi', and Jlrs. Thad Tillcry an Ir. anil Mrs.-1. H. Spruell and daugi er of Weldn, motored over am .pent Sunday with Mr. 3. E. Tillerj uul family. Mr. .lames Battle and Mr. T. B 'acod-i, jr., left yesterday for th University. Dr. In Williams, Mr. W. S. How ml tnd Romano Howard returnee! esterdny fron Chapel Hill, when ihey attended the football game on Saturday. Mrs. Williatfi Rogers returned to ier home in Greenville today, after t visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. K. L. Cook. Thomas 'Meighan in' "Cappy Rick" it the Colonial theatre tonight. Mr. Joe Lee spent yesterday with friends in Gieenville. Mr. William Brewer spent yes terday with friends in the city. Mr. A. S. Barnes, jr., returned j last night from a short visit to I friends' in Raleigh. Mr. J. M. Shields returned last nijht- from a week-end visit in En field. ' Partly cloudy and cooler tonight; Tuesday fuir and cooler; fresh west and northwest winds. Mrs. Haughton James and chil ren have returned to their home, in Vilmngton after a visit to her pai nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clark. Mrs. Robert Walker is much bet er, her numerous friends will be ;lad to learn. Rev. B. E. Brown spoke to the chool children in chapel todays He leclar-.'d that there are three cardi al virtues all boys and girls should ultiv.tte. These are: Kindness, truth 'ulness and industry. ; -. MAYOR'S COURT. J. T. Hyman, violating traffic law, ;2.8o; William Long, speeding, $2. 5; S'i n Jones, turning around it niddle of block, $2.85; Ed. Bulluck peeJing, $2.8ft;'C. Meighan, violat ng traffic law, $2.85; M. E. Mat .hews, .speeding, second offense, $5'; lathe.v Bryan, speeding and cut-ou. open, $4. JOMING WEDNESDAY: COLE BROTHERS' SHOWS :y 111 i 1 1 Kijiniusasamss SALE OF FURS ' ' '. ::- i---.. . .:;'.!, : v ': - , '.; :;';."'.::-'; ' .. Tuesday October 4th ' $30,000.00 Worth on Display COATS, SCARFS, CHOKERS, ETC. PRICES $7.50 to $750.00 COME LOOK 'EM OVER THE THOMAS COMP'Y J f ttt t r The big show is coming, boys. The smell if the sawdust is in the air. leaf the vail of the bugle alid the .rack if the ringmaster's whip. Cole 3ros.' World-Toured Shows and the Trained Wild Animal Exhibition at farbo;.), Wednesday, Oct. 5, just 2 Jays off, for two performances, aft rnoon and night, rain or shine. This h the show that you have been wait ing for, the Cole Bros.' famous show j that stands without a rival: Every-j jody kno.vs them, for they never ad .ertlse what they do not give, henci j -i the big top is always jammed will. J EEL!V? happy eager crowd. Originality am progTessiveness have ben watch words of these kings of the arena. Tlu-v have invested hundreds of ! thousands of dollars, have given j years of careful systematic prepara tion to perfect their wonderful or-' ' ganization, and a glirious reward is the culmination of their efforts. Look! Look! Look! FOR LEDBETTER'S TRUCK, MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. French Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Tail-' ors. Our work guaranteed. Cive us a trial ihi see the quality of work we are returning to our customers.' LEDBETTERS, ROCXY MOUNT, N. C V Phone 717 227 Tarboro St. LT!r-)r.E NURSE k ui:d s. -:.'.v - - :e The victim's husband also is held. COLONIAL .UEAC."-'., V.i.. O The county investigator of the murder of Mrs. Margaret Eastlake, j today found the key of the Eastlake j liome, where Miss Sanrfl Knox, a ! Baltimore nurse, ordered held by the! 1. 1 WINNIPEG TO GET CALL , TRADING FROM CHICAGO FOR SALE PEA" THRESHER 4' Mr., nnd Mrs." Carey.' Warren aiii engine, Champion No. '2 ; ' 6 ' 1-2 )n returned yesterday to their hp. WUl sell cheai Mrs. John Wair ),i,me ;,, Greenville, after a few days' - i ren, Farmville, N. C, R. 2. U visltr to. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Davis. CHICAGO, Oct. 1 The grain exchanges of the entire country will coroner's jury, said she climbed over j over a new leai tonay. iraaing the fence pursuing a man. I'olice in tal,s was over Saturday. The pri- V The Farmers Warehouse -ay only one person went over the fence. , r - - Authorities say they also foun-j bhodstaincd undergarmelits of -Roger D, Eastlake, a naval petty officer. . ' V 4 viloges will run until this week em pires, and then no more. "PutjS a?id calls" can be traded in at Winnipeg and ( rhat exchange may get some big business. , ," i TARBORO, N. C. Below We Give You a List of two Sales Made On Our Floor Friday Sept. 30th Sale made for J. A. TAYLOR : 96 Pounds at 47 cents 64 Pounds at 42 jcents . . . ...... 114 Pounjls at 92 cents , . 84 Pounds at $1.02 .... . ..... 7 .. . 12 Pounds at $1.56 ..r. 150 PounJs at 44 cents 150 Pounis at 68 cents ... 32 Pounis at 51 cents . . . 96 Pounjls at 80 cents .......... 20 Pounds at $1.10 . 818 Pounds Sold for j AVERAGE $69.00 Sale made for PITT & JOHNSON: V 66 Pounds at 89 cents . . ......... . : ; ...... 80 Pounds at 70' cents . . . . . ....... 90 Pounds at 44 cents 106 Pounds at 55 cents ...... . . 50 Pounds at 60 cents ... :.. . . .... 64 Pounds at 33 cents ........'. 456 POUNDS Sold for ...... ... ; A AVERAGE, $58.0O . We Sold Friday 12,188 founds on our floor which averaged $33.00 per hundred, and the total amount of lr.eney paid out was $3,935.47. These figures ought to convince you that the FARMERS WARE HOUSE th PLACE to sell your NEXT LOAD. Try us and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed. 84 Pounds at $1$.$$$SHRD$SHRDLUNUNUNUNU . .$45.12, . 26.88 ...104.88 ... 85.68 18.72 . 66.00 .102.00 ...16.32 .76.80 .22.00 $564.40 $58.74 .'' 56.00 ,.. 58.60 . 58.30 30.00 .21.12. $263.76 n The r? n Farmers T I mm vareiiuubc TARB.ORO, N. C In COLE BROS. World Toured Shows and Big Trained Wild Animal Exhibition v WILL GIVE TWO GRAND FULL AND COMPLETE', PERFORMANCES IN ; ' - Tarboro on Wednes day October 5th . .'..' . -. ' ' ".'.' ' v AT 2 AND 8 O'CLOCK P. m'. RAIN OR SHINE A Great all Feature Show With Ev.rythinf to plem.e and nothing to ofmcl. Clem "rV lined, moral, hifh-cU and iiitructiv pxhibitioa$ fmt anten. Uiniig .ladia, (entleman and children. - " ' ' -''' Take tha children to tea our little BABY LIONS it's a real eight of a lifetime. They are the sweetest and cutest Utile pats' , '"-.' ' ' .-'"'..' - ' - : you have over teen..; Wonderful performing lions, tigr.rs, leopards, pumas, panthers - and bears., - V- Highly educated horses, ponies, mules, dogs, goats, monkeys seals and elephants. - i . - - 1 : " ' Great acrobats, gymna.li, contsrtianisft, 4ariaJists, Teolters, leapers tumblers, jugglers, wire walkers And 20 FUNNY CLOWNS WE DO NOT give any street parade hut a series ef FREE OUTSIDE Exhibitions will ba given on the Show Grounds at 1 and 7 P. M. Don't "miss seeing this big free outside aaow, as if is worth going many miles to sea and it is absolutely free to -all. '":''' ';':.' ".'.-'.. SHOW GROUNDSi CORNER WILSON k. PANOLA STREETS . I .T .' n l .;- if it A ! J, i i I 1, w ! i ii! V aa. - 4