vilwimiwWmu i toil1 toi-feaiA m.ti 'Tirimkiua JIQNDAY, JOCT. 10, 1921 THE SOUTHERNER PA (IF THKEIfi Pinetops Tobacco Board of Trade REPORT OF SALES REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING OCT. STII, 1921 TOBACCO SOLD, 152,960 LBS. SOLD FOR $62,024.43 AVERAGE $40.55 '. II. WKHP. VV. E. C'OBI!, Secretary-Treasurer President. i SEARCH DETROIT FOREIGN QUARTERS FOR BANDITS DETROIT, Oct. 10. Police to day instituted : i.forouM search of the foi-vijfn quart' " of this city for j'our bandits in ci. i: .icction with the mail "uliliery Friday-after finding a trunk with the rifled sacks in an alley. FIVE EANDITS GET $10,000 DYCR, Ind., Oct. 10. Five bandit-, toliy held up the First National Kank .ind escaped with $0,000 cash ami $1,000 worth of honds. Notice. ('., ;, Notice is 'hereby, made ;bat ap- ' ' plu'A' will Le 'made to. the guvcr-! Reivis i'c if T; " i.uv of the state of North Carolina for ihe pardon of Charlie, Jr., who was convicted tne September term of the criminal court .for Edgecombe county and ' :isf! sentenced to live years in the s!;.l" ',-"' penitentiary for an alleged n?Rult .(,:: on a female With cviminal -intent.; this step is made as result of the diseov.'i'v of new evidence with ref erence to the facts and ircgn:. stances involved in the ca o, and which tends to establish the inno cence .if tile defendant. Tins Is! day of October, i!2i. O. I). INGRAM, ol-tf Attorney for Mefend't. -tain nvi'tea;''. recorded ;:i 1. at aei- Edgecombe ; and vlierea-: there has been .lilt in the terms and provi: :u:;s -'aid i.r.:''t.!t,e; .-w, therefore, under and ly v!v-' I'li.'il in liu.iiv 172, .I;.;-.-: i:uoe l!.f;b try, and BANDIT KILLED. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 10. One of three bandits who held up the Mun- i. St'ite hank of Miincio, Kansas, '.'.a hilled while the others were cap- Mortgagee't Sale of Land. Whereas .1. .1. Bailey wife, Ruth '!. Bni'n-y. did on the l".;h day of October, 1!)1I, ey.ccuto a-:,! de. liver '. i the ' Kdjrecombe Hon.estead H l.n-.n Association, of T.nrhoro, X. e of the powers contained in the lorti-are, the uitderingnod vvil) '. .".t public auction before tc Ilousi'' ihiir in the iov,-,; of rlin'j, at lfl M. on Monday, the o'..y of X.ivei.b'er. 1 f2 1 . to !' v :ii: he-t bidder for cash, the folb'.v : !,.-. r!hcci ji! opcriy conveyed in :.': :irtjt.iKf; : it : Lyi.-.':,-and U'irg in State, of .North i C"f .i::i. County of r"dge.'Oi:vc. ! '..: .,f T.irbrvo, he:.'".: .lots No.-., 't ai;.!'-t, '' I, on ;lat Pino!:1:.-.-.!. 'Hc'i '. recorded in book lad, at l'.i,r ' .'21, Educe milie Kecl.-'.ry : t'oiK'.'.k''! on the south by J. P. Su';r, on west, by Main street, on pcrt'i by Daniel, st-'vet, on tlie ea-r by St. Andn .-'.'.; street, being the .-ame : "o-;is"-ty desiribed in deed from I.. K. Edwards to Scima K. Edwards. ie-1 it pag'o 474, I onveveit (..'.I. '. Bailey by Selma K. Welsh ' t a:vd. ! ar.d in-hand. II. T. VVel.-.h by deed I recorded in Edgecombe Registry on SIXTEEN LIVES LOST WHEN the 1'i'H of October, Wl!. ( I.AIRD LINER GOES DOWN I .!:'.- -loth o:,y of Sep'.,. 1.1. ; NJBJ'.IX, Oct. 10. Thirteen of1 ;;!;; KCOM KF. 'HOMESTEAD the crew and three iassen:.'ers are ! J.OAX ASS'OCIATION, Mort'i.Tte. j .,,-! i-.-v lo.-t in the sinking yesterday J ltw-lw.of the Laird liner Nowan, off the; .juu'.U.vost coast of Scotland. It was! one eleven cigarettes Three Inseparables One for mildness.VIRGINlA One for melbwness.BURLEY One for aroma.TURKISH The finest tobaccos perfectly aged and blended. Dii'.aeii Ci.liam. Attorney. A Very Popular Name PERHAPS il will surprise yoti to know that more than hall' (if ALL the national bank of the whole nation' Jt re '"First National Banks.' There's reason for this. Tb" 'lame "First .National" tells an interesting story. Vi .km) yot! see a bank of th::i name you know a pood many things about it without asking any questions. ' You know that it is the jiik-st national bank in the place. You -know that it is organized, supervised and managed at ( (ydiiitf lo the. unthjiial bankhifi' laws. And you know that it has plenty if capital and surplus and that its officers -and stockholders are reliable men. And you know too that the v hankt are always mem bers of the threat Federal Reserve System which has . doite so much to make bank5, safer and stronjrer than oa;r Ifefore.. THINK T O'EK! The First National Bank Member Federal Reserve System TARBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 3 Notice. ,j:'th C.'iivli!'.'., Kdiiceonibe l.i Tii'ierior Ci '.irt. ) ---a : ; k m a heavy fog by the Clan j County. ' li.)ov Clan Walcoln. Aid was rush I ed to tie reene. ,' WiNSTON-SALEM LARGEST BifiKCTlt Keijiilia Kir'-fhi 'J'lie (h'lVndant lai.e let .t e ' hat r. a'ii '. e lee'i co:i:me-!red Su')er:..r luiir: of Kdsi'C-eo.i:!" Ly to Secure an absolute divorce Ironi me (!i : . : da v.t. Knie'li!. j ; 1 i 1 ;ibnve nameil will ' 1 . ; I : I a' -.ion o-p:ed a i EXPECTS ARRESTS SOON 1 :hol IN MISSING LIQUOR CASE an- ! WA.SHINCTON, Oct. 10. Am-fts ! ,vit.1n hours is nroniied bv the I a::d ;.".; said ' V.'i. diington police and Virginia all-! defendant will further " ta'cc notice! I'n.rith's investijatimr' t'ne theft of '.ii;:t 'le is i-',Hilij'ed ta a.ri.'ar btuv.e j vf , !!,:,.00,0()0 in wiaes and liquors the ci 'i i; "f the Superior court f I f.-om the estate near here, of ,lo?epli M'reoiube e unty at his ofiioe in j ". I T.''.i, .. (.., on the. 1 I n day October, i. :JI, a: d answer or ocnitir i to the complaint in said a.' lion or I . suortsm.'in te r.ttendarl" ai' of liquors in the ai'o by drilH:ir clubman. The chocking tb'.' eiiar robbed a tlirou'ih the ;! On Tuesday October 1 1th FARRAR HOTEL the ol :ir.titT wi'.l apply to the court for the le'ief demanded in said com .i ;.d;,:lt. n A. T. WAl.fTON, ! .if ilie Suoi rior Cint.r', I Th 1"'.'; oe.y of .i ptenihe:', lt.L'1 Qmart WomerfjWear Norfolk, Va. REPRESENTED BY Miss Louise James WILL HOLD AN INTERESTING Fashion Exhibit DISPLAYING THE Newest Fall Modes In Smart, Paris-Inspired D -ftses, Coats, Suits, Furs, Skirts, French Blouses and Millinery at Moderate Prices. - YQU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND iiri.'.':-.: jua iiietl as -HdniiniflTr.t ") the i ::.le of A'vana AVa.'reii, iti j re: seit. late vf Edireco'.rbe coU'iry i N i: h ':.!(!!! a, to notify al: I ;:cr-ons .hEVitt? c!:iim against tilt ' .-..aid de -ea-ed to present them to th:-! urder-sined on or before the 8th da- I .f Scot ember, V:i22, ir thi nolic h frei door with iiti acetylene 1 l' 1:. No evidence was left enr-opt. j M !;etl ci'iiar and ne broken door. S. M. CREDLE CIVIL ENGINEER Industrial EnlneeVing Drainage, Draughting afVid Designing Land Surveying Catarrh MANUFACTURING CITY :ili;t,TON, O-t. lf:-M-.V.f-i N"i t!; i aroih:a in 1 1'i!'1 of .i-fure; :-:iiow Whim w-SuVm ; i'l V'U. Sli'H). is" . ':(!() : r.';.ntl -i!'.rS-;o.(rJ.uUit -;;o'A'.: a'- i1 :linee:.- ,W-: her. : Dr. .a u .".in.-.- Nh !:ob:.-in of yr.'.ir p'-( em i- a'. i thei" ,:,ter, liiii. r ! X-i: Wiiii;:: jurie' , on .Sarjrd ,e..ty-'i on:! li (.) tier te:i o'clock. Sa , V.' .-!'.;. i-f..fv. N. C ".':..-' Ki! Au-U'-i. IVter'. re You Going tu Bod Any .A U SO, STORE IT WITH VS. CHEAP RATES AND GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION YZVR COTTON DELIVERED ON DEMAND Edgecombe BGndid Warehouse Co. ON? P Capacity 5,000 Bales TARBORO, N. C. j 2arfwfcBiwJ MTiKtiAjifc'K..Si'. iawaac :.v. .-a'i-'''"imiMiitii will bo pletded in bar of. their re C'jvery. f This 8th day of Sentemher, 10-1 i J. E. WARREN, Administrator, sS-Ot I-'armville, N. C. I NEW EISHOP OF BALTIMORE i .ST. AIKil'STINK, l'"la. Oct. 10. tev. M. .1. Cur Icy, bishop of the Cath cli.' di.uese of St. Au'sru.stine, tdday . anounced that he would . assume the I'.'tii'S of bishop of Baltimore No vember 13. i Catarrh is a local Oisease greatly In3u ! enceil bv constitutional r onditioi:... i HULL'S CATAUUI.I MIU'IfiN tO vs I Tanie ami Hlood I'm rilier. liy el..a:iso:: : 4(Ue lilood and ti'alO.: m ttw .-.ysl.-e.. ill.M.l.'S I'ATARRIl MKTMl'lN"!-: i.'ft.o-.-r normal 'nMililioiis ami allows Nalim- (o I rf' i(s wnrli. i All e-nnista. ('ovulars frcp. I F. J. Cheney & (',.:, Tolctie. Ohio. "AN UNJUST SENTENCE" " K.Af.KHiH, Oct. 11K U-aviiiK' a ' :l."r captioned "Ah I'njust Sentence,"- Frank Henderson was elec t,.KUU'.i here this morninj; for wife ...111 (l.'C. : mmJ .j '. - " 3 ' Fl y7 -AFTER The new sugar coated shewing which everybody JffA ":N sf32J llkes-you will. V WX: SZ too. -VC X SU 1. WAX erh delicious pepperm!nt flavored suaar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing sum that will aid your appetite and diges tion. polish your teeth and moisten your throat. . .. B122 THE FLUOR LASTS Sale of Real Property. l..'nd''i' and by virtue of the po.'.'-j ,-r of sale contained in that certain j noi'ie- n;e executed to the undersign- i .il by 1. VV. Stokes and wife Nannie i;. Stores, dated November 1, 1117, tnd duly recorded it? Hook lS.I'a: i iiijre J'i0, Kdirecomhe County Uejfis. j ry, he indebtedness therein secur-j el being past due, I will, on Satur- ' lav, S'oveiiiber otli. I!i21 ,:t 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House (loor in Tarboro, N, C. offer, for sale at public auction to the ; hitrhef-t bidder, for cash, the follow- : ' h'?cnbr-(1 real estate, to-Wit: That certain tract or parcel ol land Htuate and being in the Town of Pitietops, lvdgecombe County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. B. Pitt. I'istate, The Pinetop; 8,li."Ar Blind Company, Speight S. V ebb end other, and more partic ularly described asi follows; Begin ii'itir on the old public road at a itake oi the W. B. Pitt a'nd Jl.iceks. .ie.d 'Ceni'rtswy ili vidint? line, thence with aid road N.,111 1.-2 K. tl.l i"'.l!"i i ':iai':s to n cornerMaM- uii ....... j i:h VV. P.. Pitt -Estate, thence NV 70 ! -.2 VV. 3! 1-6.2-3 chains to a. corner ! Makr- ';. h snid VV. B. Pitt Estate, ! thence S. 10 1-2 VV. 4.18.25 chains to a center stake with said W. B. Ktt Estate in the dividing line be Uveen the said W". B. Pitt Estate and the .Macclesfield Company, thence ith si'"d dividing line S. 88 E. 3.18 jiiains to the first beginning, con. taining Jfl" acres; more or, and being the same and identical tract or parcel of 'tnd conyeyed to the fiiid I. AV. Stokes by VV. E. Philips by deed dated December 31, 1912, acd of record in book 1G5 at page 69, to which reference as made lor further description. ' : Thia the 29th day of Sept., 1921. VV. H. PHILLIPS, Mortgagee. Henry C. Bourne, Attorney. , SOt Equip Your Car With Lord Tires 1 cil lip ncs Get More Mileage For Less : Mo Us For. Prices NEAR DEPOT Distributors o Peerless CvEirs GASOLINE 20c PER GAL.

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