i ; : ' J I! ; ;:. 1L 61 ! ;1 it! PAGE TWO THE SOUTHERNER Daily 1889 ESTABLISHED Tarboro, North Carolina. : V Member of The in .The Associated Press is. exclusively entitled to the use for 1 1 1 A 1 1 T 1 J 1 1 J J .1 i i. . i ii . repuDiicaiion oi an news cuspiucues creuneu iu it or noi otner iwise credited in this paper, and also the local news published Jierein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein t re also reserved. Foreign Advertising Representatives. Frost, Landis & Kohn: Brunswick Building, New York City, fceojples Gas Bldg., Chicago; 1004 Candler Bldg., Atlanta. HENRY, C. BOURNE ........7.:........ !;.!'.'..'. EDITOR F. H. CREECH COR EDITOR V. HERMAN CREECH MANAGER Entered at the Post Office at class matter under the Act Daily and Weekly Subscription Rates One Year, $5.00; Six Months, $2.50; Month, 60c; Week 15c; Weekly, $1.50 per Year. PHONE 75 - And now they are having milk campaigns .. . The scientists and medical . men are urging now that the people of the country are not drinking enough milk. And the v.- . reason wny is simpiy oecause they can not get it. This is a good hint to Tarboro people to . Witte returned home. And on I .Amj these men were called patronize the milk plant. 'his journey to Russia a report j-nown Eastern Calamity How- reached this country that he en This epithet came from Every week means a fair,! had been murdered. Instant- (the middle and far west too. never before in the history of.ly cotton fell two cents per, But manv months have now the state have there been so many eounty fairs, and if all reports be true, they are so far great successes. The exhibits show great improvements on every line of business and in dustry and agriculture The Middle West say they can weather the strike. So can Edgecombe county, if it takes hog and hominy, sweet pota toes, sorghum and peas to ride the storm. 'Possums, coons and j N, Y., comes the glad news Ya.vki'n county commission- j statt rabbits are plentiful and squir-j that Hon. Claud Kitchin, con- ers refused to levy taxes for.Um.. rels are in abundance. jgressman from this district, the -ehoois and locked horns' b:-!-.-' who has been ill for many . wilh a democratic board of ed- j W! :1. Supt. Brooks has his ire up j months, is going to get well, ucation and a law suit follow-j only now and is threatening to scoop ! In an .interview, he said ed. jal.- .-; down upon little Ashe county , like the Assyrian upon the fold. Brother Brooks had bet ter take a care before he stirs up the hornets of mountain county. the little Brother Brooks says that Ashe county must come forth with the taxes for the six months school and Mr. Bowie says he will not do it, and there you are. It looks like a law suit in the lost provinces. .It looks now as if some hand stronger than that of man can save the country from throes of a strike, if the plans of the strikers are carried out as agreed upon. The Postmaster General says that the mails of the United States will not be stopped on account of the strike. And when railroad officials claim they can run their trains, as the country is full of unem ployed labor of all kinds. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH COTTON? Only a few days ago, cotton ,was selling for 20 cents per pound, and there it stayed for Bome time, and then with the space of a week it began to go down and hit 17 cents. It is a strange thing, that when the government gives a large .estimate of the cotton yield, the cotton world accepts ,it without question. This has always been so. A few weeks ago the gov ernment report came out very strong for low- yield, the shortest in years, but no sooner ,.was it published than a propa- . ganda was started to discount " this, report because jt gave a small yield and had a tendency to push prices up. And this pro paganda Is' still go ifi g ion and 'cotton has '"gone 'down. It peems.that mere rumors have wore to do with. the rise V Weekly 1824 - Associated Press. Tarboro, North Carolina, as 2nd of Congress of March 3d, 1879. P. O. BOX 907 and fall of cotton prices than i actual supply and demand. Several years ago Count De Witte, a Russian, was sent over j f0r their ' opposition was that here s one of the commission-1 the eastern counties were do - ers to arbitrate the war mat-1 prassed and almost bankrupt, ters between his country andjand unable to pav the extra t A, tu h. . ... ,, ., ovn. nuw mc ukiicis "e,taxes tnat wouiu necessarily amicably settled Count De pound, and all the while the count was in perfect safety in his cabin on the steamer, un- touched. And well may the Southern farmer ask himself the ques-'the tion Over and over again, what 'can De tne mauer wun coxion . ' CONGRESSMAN CLAUD ' KITCHIN. From a hospital in Albany, ; these words: "I am going to get well. My treatment in Al- bany, X. Y., has, I believe, Your Choice of THS covery." , His many friends through out the district "rejoiced to hear these words from him, and are glad to learn that he will soon be back at his post in congress soon. The country needs Mr. Kit-j lowing interesting informa chin in the halls of congress, tion: more probably than any other "Tar river at Tarboro this Southern congressman. The ; morning was lowest of record. Republicans fear him, because j The surface of water is 10.78 he is bold, honest and right in j feet, above ocean level. The his attacks upon them and j average stage is about 4 feet their principles. j higher," The Southerner wishes Mr. j Tarboro people should be Kitchin a speedy return to his thankful that with this low re former health and earnestly : cord we still have an abund trusts he can soon be at his'ance of water for town con desk in the halls of congress, sumption. HOW ABOUT IT NOW? During the last session 0f the egislature, while certain. measures were Ire tore the Sen - ate. there were several Sena - tors from the east who fought with nil their might these m'ea - , .. . i sures and one reason they give follow. passed since last January and some 0f these westerners are Changing their tune. They now 1 realize, but too late, that their ! eastern brethren were telling 'ruth about financial con- ditions. not onlv as it applied t0 tho east, but also to the ; west. Unless I am badly mistaken some of our western' friends i are having troubles of their own at this time. Ami now State Supt. o'f -Ed- i ucation Brooks is going strong ' after the officials of Ashe to any piece in this lot for REGULAR lOc to 25c VALUES. -'; y "EVERY THING FOR EVERYBODY" V'' tUC to 3X.i YALULS. SOUTHERNER force a levy for school pur poses. How about things now? LOW RECORD FOR TAR RIVER. Mr. E. V. Zoeller brought to The Southerner office the fol- O. HENRY LITERARY SOLIhlY ! At the regular meeting of the O. .Henry Literary Society on Thursday on Goo(, HeaUh was given . Eai,h . spoaker shVVod thought and ' preparation, and easily held the at- Mention of the society. ; L frur,;i',,t e"ts' Bruce Williams 2. Health and beautv, Miss Doub. T. ... ,,.,,;.. . Knight. ' 4. Is your hair "a crown of (dory" : Evelyn Wonky. i, &- "'The windows of the oul," .-So-. 'eta Felton, fi r.r th ,,. V1 6. Care of the ! Brown. 7. A healthy understanding, Lucy Claire Ivey. 8. Clothes and health, Vera Boy kin. !'. Anecdotes, Eloise Moore. CARD OF THANKS. j We wish to express to our many ' friends thanks for their kindness ex- 'onded to the family during the shoit! illness of our father, Ruebin Waist- s on, who at the age of so, departed ft this life on October 11." 1921, lcav-it inp a widow and six children to, mour Iheir loss. By his son, FRANK V ALSTON'. Mr. Jes-e L. Brake, Edgecombe's ; pin iphcr. was in town today. He I that at the Planters Oil Co.' tp to September Li."., 1921,. 1 100 ( .f cotton had been ginned.. j op T" the s:ir;e dak' la: t year j 100 bales had been ginned. Hej ys. t-hat in his immediate neigh- . horhood -90 per cent of the otton ij has been picked and in a few more day the 'fields will bo cleaned. 49c Each, The Time Friday Oct. 21 1921 at. 10 o'cloclt a.m. - it .: . K one eleven TLa VIRGINIA it-!TCijaC, BURLEYv Notables TUKKISH The three greatest cigarette tobaccos, blending MILDNESS -MEllOWNESS-AROMA one -eleven fcigarettfes 20firl5 51 r. R. F. Barker of Asheville was l town yesterday. UNLOADING A CAR OF THE OLD RELIABLE GILT EDGE FLOUR VOIGT SELF RISING MIDDLINGS AND WHEAT BRAND NONE BETTER, FEW AS GOOD R. B. PETERS I 35 PHONE 84 w 'SI, .. ---w. Girls and Women . 4 Who Are Ailing What Tliis Woman Says is of Vital Importance to You ' Ludlow, Ky. "I had suffered every month for a long time with henrim'he and backache, until recently 1 began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and I am astonished at the way it has helped nie. I have no more hen'dache or back ache, and 1 have taken only a half dozen bottles. My daughter aluo lias hud about this same experience, with tho '1'avorite Prescript ion'." Mrs. Herman Hlackar, 19 Ash St. A beautiful woman is always a well woman. (Set this Inscription of Dr. Pierce B in liquid or tablets from your druggist and tsec how quickly you will have sparkling eyes, a clear skin and vim, vigor, vitality; or Head 10n to lr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in liuffiilo, N. V., for a.triid pkg. of tabids and write for free confidential medical advice. S. M. CREDLE CIVIL ENGINEER Industrial Engineering j Drainage, Draughting and Designing . Land Surveying . Money buck without quention if HUNT'S QUARANTEKD SKIN DISKASIS RbMttDlKS (HuntBSlve nnd Soap), (ail in Kinfcworm.Tctierorolhcrttch- .i i Tfii thif treatment nt our iif.k. EDGECOMBE, DRUG COMPANY Catarrh Catarrh is a locaJ disease greatly Infl i onced by constitutional conditlona HALL'S CATAHRIJ MEDICINK is . t Tonic and Blood I'urltier. By cleansing the blood ami laitldlnR op tho Hyrtrni, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICIX'K rentores normal eondftiona and allows Nature to do its wci'k. All DrugiMsts. OlrcularB frea. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sale of Real Property. Under and by virtue of the pow er of ?ale contained in that certain mortgage executed to the undersign ed by ,1. W. Stokes and wife Xannie C. 0. Eurnette w I ANTHRACITE COAL THE BEST GRADE MINED IN UPPER LEHIGH VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA We now have on hand one car nnd are delivering same. This is the only cr.r wo will have this winter aiid would be glad to serve our friends, while the car lasts. Tarboro Coal Co. '. I'.-n?;;: 2cc Your Choice of &ny piece in this REGULAR $1.50 TO $3.00 VAIAJES. : r mt " j wMfm 5iito Mm " ' Hi 'Tr TUESDAY, OCT. 18, 1921; E. Stokes, dated November 1,"1917, and luly recorded in Book lM t page 430, Edgecombe County Regis try, -he indebtedness therein secur ed being past due, I will; on Satur day, November 5th, 1921 beginning at ' 12" o'clock M. -in front of tho Court ilouie door in Tarboro, N. C. offer for sab.- at public auction to the i highest bidder for casn tne follow ing described real estate, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land situate and being in the Town of Tinctops, Edgecombe County, ' North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. 13.. Tilt Estate, The Pinetops Sash & Blind Company,' Speight S. Webb and- others, and more partic ularly described as follows: Begin ning on the old public road at a stake in. the W. B. Pitt and Maccles field Company dividing line, thence with said road N.-10 1-2 E. 3.16.25 chains to a corner stake on said road with W. B. Pitt Estate, thence N. 70 1-2 W. 3. 10.25 chains to a corner slake with said W. B. Pitt Estate, thence S. 19-1-2 W. 4.18.25 chains to a corner stake with said W. B. Pitt Estate in the dividing line be tween the said W. B. Pitt Estate and the Macclesfield Company, thence with said dividing line S. 88 E. 3.18 chains to the first beginning, con taining lf)3 acres.more or less, and being the same and identical tract or parcel of land conveyed to the said J. W. Stokes by W. E. Philips by deed dated December 31, 1912, and of record in book 165 at page Ci9, to which reference is made for further description. This the 29th day of Sept., 1921. W. H. PHILLIPS, Mortgagee. Henry C. Bourne, Attorney. 30t J. L. McGehee lot for $1.39 each. .r ,...1