PAGE ifoUR J.2T.SE THE SOUTHERN J5B TUESDAY,- OCT.: 18, . 1921v 1 J! II i If" 4r- Pfew Merchandise Arriving Daily Our Buyer has returned and we are receiving new merchan dise to replentish our already large stock. Our selection now can please the most critical. DRESSES New and alluring patterns, and designes. The color combina ions are the richest we have ever offered. COAT SUITS Styles to suit everyone, wheth er large or small, and the price will suit you as well GOATS Plain and fancy with fur collars and cuffs or with out. You will find the coat you have been look ing for. Rosenbloom - Levy Co. HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX GOOD CLOTHES New Bakery We have just opened a new and up-to-date Bakery ' i . ,;' :.' ' -"'' " v v :. " '. ; '"' . and are prepared to furnish you with . FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES AND PIES In fact, most anything found in an up-to-date Bakery. We have all new machinery, in charge of an ex perienced man. . WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE The Tarboro Baking Company ' ' Near A. C. L. Depot '.'.' PHONE 532 ' ' - JON'T FORGET THE MOTTLE. tone demonstration from 4 to 6 ' o'clock, each afternoon at Austin, Hardware Store, Oct. 17, 18, 19. ' ooti7-2t ' LOCAL SOCIAL ITEMS WANTS Partly cloudy tonight and Wednes day, unsettled on the coast, warmer! in northwest and central portions to night, -moderate to fresh shifting! winds. I I Mr. Aubrey Leggett and Bert Stan J till mjtored over to Ureenvuic ims morning. NOTICE. ' All Want Ad ire cash in d- .... il vance from today on. Nobody will be charged with any Want Ad. If they are phoned to the office they will have to be paid for before insertion. If is worth more to keep booki on these mall accounts tNan they are worth. Please bear this in mind when phoning Want Ads to this office. "The Marriage of William Ashe.'j THE MOORE MONUMENT CO. OF starring Mae Allison, and "The l ile Sterling, 111.,; guarantees all their lU-.:-s," featuiing Charlie Chaplin, at wor) n(j t lowest prices. See W. he Colonial theatre tonight. j W. Moore, agent, Tarboro, N. C. The Concord Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., will meet at 7. 311 loni;rlu ui the Masonic Temple. Have you noticed the old and i.i- j teiesting curios in the window- of C. B. Keech & Co.? I Miss Jennie Burbank of Washing- tun is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Wig gins for a few days. Miss Lillian Pitt returned yester day' from Wilson after a short v::t to friends. WE DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST time ' we are masters auto radia tor repairmen and can make that leaky radiator good as new at a reasonable price, prompt service assured. Ship it today. Fr.liable Radiator Works, 233-35, S. Wash ington St., Kocky Mount. N. C. 5 14 tf WANTED OFFICE GIRL. APPLY Columbia Pennut Co., Tarboro, N. C. ol4-3tp , l . t Dr. John Pi. Griggs, of Elizabeth City, gland secretary of the grand ggi'TLES FOR SALE SUITABLE I chapter ot Koyal Arcn .Masons nil ! North Carolina, will pay an oflmi; I. visit to the Concord Chapter, No. ai their regular meeting tonight. j Mr. L. V. Bassett of Rocky Muli spent Monday in the city. lr. W. H. Home of Rocky Mjunt attended, the Commissioners' meet ing here yesterday. Coal bills are a Iarjrc part nj i vour living expense reduce them by using Cole's Hot Rlast ' Heaters. i M' Krnest Dawson is home on visit to his father after a short visit he returns to Asheville. , Mi. M. F. Jones, cashier of tin Planters National Bank of Rocky Mount, was a visitor here Monday. .Air. John J. Wells of Rocky Moun spent Monday here in the interest oi the pr-iposed new highway thru t!i city. for grape juice, cider, home wines and vinegar. Staton and oZelh'r. octl'J-lOt PIANO FOR SALE OLD STYl '. square. Stietf's make. Low pric Miss Elizabeth Zoeller, corner i I. Patrii'k and Granville sts. ol3-f'):c !-OR RENT SMALL FOUR ROOM house on Pliillips street. Apply to H. M. Phillips. oS-;f MALLORY HATS ARE SURE TO PLEASE THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER THE THOMAS COMP'Y I OOM AND BOARD FOR COUPLE or two gentlemen; close in; phone .133. oil URNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Married or single. Apply Mrs. 11. 11. Parker, 112 Main street. tf VNY KIND OF HAULING, SHORT or 'ong trips, moving a specialty, slab wood, green or dry, for sale. Marrow and Norman. Phone 287 or 188. o3-5t POSTED ALL PERSONS WHO are net members are forbidden to enter or trespass on the grounds THE MOTTLETONE DEMONSTRA used by the Hilma Golf Club. All I trespassers will be prosecuted. J. 1.. Mcfiehee, chairman, executive Committee. 2tw-4wks 57 MILES PER GALLON MADE "with new patented gasoline vapor izer. Write for particulars. Stran- i sky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D.'j .-'-.'''' i FERTILIZER MATERIALS, IN MY j opinion, will be higher next year. ! Let me book your order now at low prices. You pay when goods ; are delivered next spring. A. D, Mix (11, Tarboro, N. C. ., o!8-30t .i- . " - " ' . . . I . -i .. , j THE MOTTLETONE DEMONSTRA- j tion will be held at Austin Hard-1 ware Store each afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, Oct. 17, 18, 19. j Everybody cordially invited. ol-2; tion will be hfeld at Austin Hard ware Store each afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, Oct. 17,1-8, 19. j Everybody cordially invited. ol7-2 Your only care is the cooking WITH just ordinary care in the cooking you car. make the most delicious biscuits, v. iffles or hot cakes that ever went on youi table. You buy the skill and the ingredients in Occo-nec-chee Self-Rising. Flour. ? Yo'ir baking is bound to be successful when-yo.i rrl e Occo-nee-chee Flour yo-T- ntrrdV-' Salt, baking powder and soda are : .already mixed in it and cost less than when bought separately. By adding .water or milk and shortening you get fine flavored batter that bakes wonderfully light and tender. It surely takes the guess out of baking. . See how much simpler and easier baking can be, by trying Occo-nee-chee Flour. It comes . in the sack with the Indian Head. Your grocer has it. Alwayt u Prle$t whmn you ntti good plain Hour. A U S T I N - H E A TON COMPANY Durham, North Carolina Every tack f Oce. M-che Flaur carrttt ' tkii Iftdian Hatd OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self -Rising Flour Takes the Guess out of Bakinjf and Saves you Money " ''' ' ; -' ' -: ' ' ' ' "" - -' r '':' ' ' -' ' DON'T FORGET THE MOTTLE- tone demonstration from 4 ' to 6 o'clock, each afternoon at Austin Hardware Store; Oct., 17, 18, 19. octl7-2t Look ! Look! Look ! FOR LEDBETTER'S TRUCK, MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. French Dry Cleaners, Dyer and Tail-' on. Our work guaranteed. Give u a trial and the quality of work we are returning to our customer. LEDBETTERS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C Phone 717 227 Tarboro St AT THE COLONIAL "AFTER THE SHOW" -v ".-'':.-'. . ,..'; ' .. . '.--. ' Colonial Phone No. 518 Those Long Winter Evenings keep your home warm and cosy with a - ORIGINAL W HOT BLAST HEATER 7 "HE health of your family depends upon properly heated rooms warm floors. .The maximum radiarion, low base heat, air tight construction, and Hot Blast Combustion insure even temperature in all parts of the room at all times. And besides, Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater is guaranteed to consume one-third less fuel than any underdraft stove on ' the market guaranteed to hold fire for thirty six hours. Let us show you yours today. o 01 GJ ra i V I Penadfer Hardware Co.