, FRIDAY. OCT.. 28, 19j21 v THE SOUTHERNER PAGE THKEE ly of accessory before the fact anil accepted a lifp sentence. House was sentenced to be elec trocuted January 2. Best Steak TENDERLOIN SIRLOIN and ROUND NATIVE and WESTESN CASH PRICES 25c POUND. CHARGE PRICES 30c POUND. R. W. Jones Beauty and Health Go Hand in Hand Here is Scund Advice for AH Women CoviiiKUm, Ky. "For a hnfr time I suffered severely every month with head ache and puins in my buck and limbs. Then 1 Ik'kuu usiiiK Dr. .Pierce's Favorite Prescript ion ami I can testify that it Sve me murh relief and that it has been io same ureal benolil to my daiudner for similar trouble. All women who sutler with trouble of a feminine character should try- Dr. Pierces Favorite Pre scription Mrs. Klla MliJIins, 2Uo7 Center St. Start on the rond to Health and Beau ty by obtaining this "Prescript inn" of Dr. Pierce's from your neighborhood drug gist, in tablets or liquid. W rite Dr. Pierce, president Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. : BILIOUS JHILDP.Efl Black-Draught, Long in Successful Use, Praised by an Arkansas Mother, "Soon Does Its Work." Marmaduke, Ark. Speaking et Thedfords Black-Draught, .which from long use In her household nas become regarded as "the family medicine," Mrs. Mary E. Hill, of Route 1, this place, says: "When the children set bilious, I give them a couple of good doses, and when we bare sour stomach, headache, or any liver or stomach trouble. we use Black-Draueht. It is an easy laxa tire, and soon does the work. I cer tainly think It is one of the best rem dies made" black-Draught acts on the Jaded liver, gently, bat positively, and helps It In Its Important function of throw ing out waste materials and poisons from the system. In thousands of households Black Draught Is kept handy for Immediate use in time of need. Prompt treatment often is half the battle, and will often prevent slight ills from developing in to serious troubles. Its woll-establtsbed merit, during more than 70 years of successful use, should convince you of the helpful affects obtainable by taking Black Draught for liver and stomach dis orders. Get a package today, and keep It In your house. See that the package bears the - words, Thedford's Black-Draught" NO-141 S. M. CREDLE CIVIL ENGINEER Industrial Engineering Drainage, Draughting and Designing Land Surveying At Colonial Theatre Friday Night Oct. 28 EDWARD STALLINGS Noted Violinist o BENEFIT RED CROSS - 50c ADMITS TO PICTURE AND CONCERT The Red Cross Deserves Your Support What's VHEN you take VV out of the oven Usually just a bit whether the inside is tender or doughy. But that's not so with the woman who uses Occo-nee-chee Flour. She knows her biscuits are going to be light and fluffy. Occo-nee-chee Flour con tains salt, baking powder and soda in exactly the right pro portions to the flour. With it, the beginner in cooking can AUSTIN OCCO Takes the Guess Death of Mn. J. L. Brake. Mrs. Betty Brake, the wife of Mr. Jesse L. Brake, died at her home near Rocky Mount, Thursday after noon. Mrs. Brake was a most estimable lady and beloved by all , who knew her. Her great love for her family and her life-long devotion to her husband and her many children made her an ideal wife and mother. The entire community mourns her death. She will be greatly missed. The Southerner extends its sym pathy to all her loved ones. Valuable Land For Sale. By ''irtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Edgecombe County made and entered in the special pro ceeding therein pending, entitled W I. Joyner, Jr.. et als, I will on M.n day. November 28th, 1921, at 1 o'cloek noon, on the premises in IMgeconVbe county, near Rocky Mount, sell at public auction the f illowvig described two tracts of lan 1 situate in Edgecombe County: First: Beginning at a point in the corner of small branch and cypres; pointer and 530 ft. up said branch from Tar river. tht. old Bradley an I Zimmerman corner, thence S. .'! d. if) m. W. 211)4 ft. to a stake at edge of fence, thence N. 87 d. W. 112 ft. i ) corner of fence", thence S. 1 d 4 m. U. loG ft. thence X. 80 d. f. j m. W. 070,7 ft. to an iron stake in Tarboro and Rocky Mount roa ! thence X. 4 d. E. ISL'O ft. to a : t-.k Catarrh Catarrh la a local disease greatly inu ciicud by consUtiilional condition!. HALL'S CAT A KHU MEDICINE iu i Tonic and Blood I'uriHer. By cleansln' the blood and building up th Svsti'iii HALL'S CATARRH MKDICINK restore: normal conditions and ullows Nature t( do Its work. " All DruRglst3. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. bgsghoi Mtner without question umut'9 nil AR ANTEBD S:iIN D1SBA3U REMEDIES. (Hunt's Salve inn rtopMn i)..,..im.nl of Itch. Ect ema. I7ic.r, TetterorotherltcU- j ind 'in dieee. Try thlO troatmcm sl our ti. EDGECOMBE DRUC COMPANY In Recital (Ki ll im-urn m w i inside the crust? biscuits turn out wonderfully good bis you're cuits, hot cakes, or waffles as worried easily as the most experienced cooks. Water or milk mixed with the flour, shortening added, a little care in cooking the batter, and the result perfection! Order Occo-nee-chee Flour from your grocer. It comes in the bags with the Indian Head. Insist on it, because it brings baking success and lessens the cost of ingredients. - HE ATON COMPANY Durham, N. C. - NEE - CHEE Self -Rising Flour out of Baking and Saves you Money j end post oak pointer, thence N. 20 J d. E. 10 m. 53 ft. to' an ash in branch (.; canal, thence down said branch r: canal 471 ft. to the beginning, containing forty-four and four-tenth acres. Second: Tracts Xos. 1-G and 2-G, Block 11, containing 59 07-100 acres as described and contained in a cer tain m:ip made by T. W. Secret C. E. which map is registered in the regis ter of deeds' office of Edgecombe County, in Boo1. 1, page 92, to which map reference is made for moiy par ticul;." identification and description. I Being trac ts Xos. 1-0 and 2-G and I the entire biork 11, this block hav ing been -subdivided into two tracts described as 1-G and 2-G.) Tc; ins of Sale: The purchaser to like tl.c hind subject to the indebt edness now constituting a lien on it!"Ul' "'Khbor . , , . . . , . r.a i o give hi own notes in place of I "i inuooieunoss. rurcnaser to pay one-fourth cash of the amount of :.':e bid and the difference be--. '.C"'ii the amount of the bid and the "( ;'. indebtedness to be paid in o 'c and two years from date of sale, Such indebtedness to be evidenced by role.-, and secured by deed of trust oa l;in. sdd. This Oct.. 2(Jt!i, 1921. W. D. 'JOYXKK, Jr., Commissioner. J home it Thorne. attys. o2K-K-4w ' To Speak at Conctoe Tonight. -Mr. i. II. Austin of the Greenville : ini."p; f-chool will speak at the i. et ie hic;h school tonight. H;s ;-.!.! oject will be the "Essentials r r.ur.il Education." Mr. A u: tin is an attractive speak- ', and there is a treat for those who .ar hmi. The community fair will be held U'in.'i the day and the speaking will at night. i ' f Notice to Edgecombe Women. Edgecombe county has no home d: irrnstration agent this year to ct !:eet the canned goods and so all the women are urged to send or bring it themselves. Xash, Halifax, Washington, Beau fi rt, Northampton, Hertford and Greens are to have exhibits and this ccunty must come up as usual with it? shute, especially as it is the home county of the fair. The 'exhibits will be well eared for so don't let Edgecombe fail. EFFIE VINES GORDON, Supt. Home Economics Dept. PRESIDENT BACK HOME. WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Presi dent Harding and party returned to Washington today from their south ern trip. 1 -r . . MRS. WALKER DEAD. Mrs. L. B. Walker, of "Conctoe, died this morning at her residence and will be buried at the family bu rial grounds tomorrow afternoon at 3 6'cloek. Mrs. Walker had numerous friends in and around Tarboro, and her death will be learned with deep regret. . , j With the object of abating the ra cial prejudices aroused by the world war an exposition is to be opened in No v York City today to demonstrate the contribution of such race to the upbuilding of the nation. Every sack uf f co. Mis-ch Flour rrlei this India sla! Si When buying plain flour get Peerless. It's the best. TOBACCO MARKET. The following Clipping from the Rocky Mount Telegram hits the nail on the head. The editor is exactly ri:ot and his view of keeping up a lo!:aeco market is correct, whether it "PI'Hes to Rocky Mount or Tarbera: The idea that the tobacco market was a business to be run-by the ware housemen alone, and that only those planters would be brought here that tiny could urge to eo:,.e heie, i. r;:ther the wronir idea, or at anv rate ire nt permitting it to rest tncre for thev are h'.i ,. , . .1 lie matter ot pre 1 erence for filing, any warehouse should be 'econdarv and even remote for that, matter fia Kreat bifr need is to fret the the ales i made on tiiis lr.r.rket. Le. any tobacco interest in any town iiai down and the town looks like a cemetery. And on the other hand !"l the people and business men neglect the local market; and ph.-c ali the re -possibility of m;ti:ituininv. it upon the wan housemen and tile huyeis, and you will see the niaike' ccet. sdack and finally drop out of the Raine. It is about time for Taiboro t . start r..crain an extra bcost and !;ee thinRi? . niovinR. Our nei;hiiorin-.' towns are retting on the ::r.-; for this season and the-nest ;' o. Let us all ;ret husv. BURLINGHAM STABBING NOT WORK OF COMMUNISTS WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Both ... . .. i -i .. cne imeiican .urn .'.lewicon goc;n- nents are investigatin;.' the stabbing ' f I.Ioyd rturlingham, American car-u- at- Salin.-t Cruz. . Present, indier. . icr.s are that there is no co"neein; ' 'tlvvcen the ass;'!!'., and the Coin--nunisl activities against Amoti an I'idomalic ol'l':cials in Europe. The tereral belief here is that the inei-' lent was the outgrowth of the spo radic outbursts of banditry report- , -'d from that region of .Mexico. i State department officials under- ' stand that Burlingham has resigned, j but his resignation has not yet been ; received. His injuries wci e reported , as not at air serious and Albert Palii j the Mexican foreign minister, has J tendered his personal apologies. Notice of Application to Amend ardj Con.olidate the Charter of the Town of Pinetops, N. C. J Notice is hereby given to all per- j sons that application will be made to the General Assembly of North Car olina at its ly 2 1 secial session, to amend and consolidate the Charter of the Town of rinetops, Edgecombe County, N. (.'. This the 26th day of Oct., 1921. o28-30t . E. L. PITT, Mayor. Henry C. Bourne, Attorney. MRS. WHITLEY GUILTY; GIVEN LIFE SENTENCE SNOW HILL, Oct. 2o. The trial of Mrs. Sarah Whitley, charged with first degree murder in connection with killing of her husband by Write Rouse, a negro abruptly ended to day, when the defense pleaded guil-, n Pi. GEN. PERSHING ARRIVES. NEW YOKK, Get. 528. O'm r:0 John J. Pershing arrived today on the Trier George Washington in time t) n'let't Marshall Foch aboard the liner Paris. NATION WIDE BOH1 BY RADICALS, IS liOSTON, (lei. 28- Federal agents "ay they have unearthed in Boston )ih. lis of an organized gang of rad icals t i spread a reign of terror over the whole United States next Sat urday, Sunday and Monday. The plot, according to the investigators, was to have been carried out by rad icals who hoped to aid the cause of Sacco and Vanzctti. awaiting scnt e.'ces here for murder. The conspirators planned to dyna "riite buildings all over the country, nrd specially buildings housing de p: vtmoiit of justice offices. Precau tionary measures were taken her.' and warnings have been sent to local' authorities of threatened cities all over the United States. - Allli S ENVOYS OF NEW REPUBLIC VASIIIXCTOX, (let. 2s. Three Siisaissioners from the new Repul) of Central America, which is l.e- np -et up out ol the republics el e.a:, aiala, Honduras and Salvjtu -ir, j r. on the way to Wa.shinytim to re-eat to Secretary Hujthcs their! i. lenient of I ho constitution and or- .i 'ixation of the new nati.in. I El Mis u ill take place in I he j of Central America hct . u , i u "lav- and the cone;re.ss then chos ! a will hold its iirst met'ting on ami. !'). -The provisional federal coum-il .s-unied political administration on hto'jer i. ( illCAGO, ,!!' I. Big Oct, 28". That Wili Bill Haywood, former W. chief, liiM-s not intend la back to America from Idi.-ia . '. orae ii' irvo hiaaeh" up to the federal authorities was taken for grantei! v. lien i; became hnovMi that the woh l.iy bi ani-.at.ion was collecting $",-. i 00 frpin its membership to reini l urse the bondsmen of Haywocd and nine others. Harry Keinberg, secretary of the lirfo-ise committee, stated that the rvoney would be raised from among 21,0(10 members by assessment and donati ms. He thought it would take :; yea'" or more to raise the money. Sale of Real Property. ' Under and by virtue of the pow. tr of sale contained in that certain j-;r.ortg-igc executedkto the undersign- fd by .1. W. Stokes and wile Nannie E. Stohes, dated November 1, 19 17, and duly recorded in Book 183 at ;vige 420 Edgecombe County Regis try, -.he indebtedness therein secur ed being past due, I will, on Satur day, November 5th, 1921 beginning at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House door in Tarboro, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to tt highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real estate, to-w it: That certain tract or parcel of land situate and being in the Town of Pinetops, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. B. Pitt Estate, The Pinetops j REPORTED CEMTI send j PAYS BONDSMEN i or il 1 UNDERWOOD The First National Bank TARBORO -S MILLION DOLLAR BANK Look! Look! FOR LEDBETTER'S TRUCK, MCKAYS AND THURSDAYS. French Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Tail ors. Our work guaranteed. Give us a trial arid see the quality of work we are returning ij c-r c.:s'.omcrs. LEDBETTERS, ROCKY MOUfH, In. C. Phone 717 227 Tarboro St. a - & IViind ('onipany, Speisht K. WeVn t-nii otiiers, and more partic ularly described 'as follows: I5ep;in n. !!. on ibe o'd public road at a stake oi the V. IS. Pitt and Maecles- l -'A Company dividiaK line, thence j viih aaid 'road X. Ill 1-2 E. 3.10.2.-- I chaii's to a corner stake on said road I W. 13. Pitt Estate, thence N. 70 1.2 W. 3.1'o."5 chains to a corner ;take v. ita said V. K. Pitt Estate, .'.u-.wv S. 1!) J-2 W. ..J.1K.25 chains to corner stake wi'.h said W. H. I 'itt Estate1 in the dividintr line be L , , the :i the said W. P. Pitt Est at" and Mac . lesiicld Comp.-my, tl:en - s. ! dividing line S. SS E. r,.f is to the Iirst he ginning, eon. ,vi. eh: ta.ninjj 1113 acre he;.!;; tin- same laove or leas, ana le same rail identical trad (,r parrel of. land c iiivc-yed to tin .aid I. W. Stakes by W. E. Philip, y d.cd dated 'Jecember 31,. 1012 ad of record in laid: ':, -t which ref ere;: cc 10.1 at. iag. is made fo Y.rlh r 'lescrip'.ion. 'iliis the 2!Hii day of Sept., 102; W. II. PHILLIPS, Mortgagee.. : 1 enry C. Bourne, Attorney. ttOt ft'-CNEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY r -IVE YEARS TIME HLNRY C. BOURNE." Ally. s i ri cm !::: pi, f 1 in ;r:r.C ;er and t.v vist ue of i h d and .o-.tahi-sd in tvs YOUR CHANCE AT GETTING The $300.00; In Cash IS SLIPPING AWAY THE CONTEST CLOSES Tuesday Nov. 1st At Six O'Clock Take Advantage and Pay Your Account on or Before November 1st W. S. GLARK & SONS Everything for Everybody aaie i3a rr I -f 1 ru.-t isiven by i'f Hardy to .', on the .. one re Hod, and . . the UVi- Cordon M. C 12l'-i day of ci'ieil m hot 1 : t: .'-. y lil'J , pa '- der.-ipaic.d wi;i olE.'r I'm lie auction to the liiii-.e cash, liel'ore the court in the cilv of Tarboro, at p.ub- ; -J.idder for house door, 'orth Caro- lina. -..-n Satu.day, M'2: ..I 12 oVloeti i i?ie. ; racti or iarccJ. in l.'dj'.-d-ri'iic four.:. Caroli'ia and dese rih ut Irusi as follows: thi'-e (Ci lain .No.'fiiiliw 1 2h, !(:n, the fldhv.V- - ,-,f land. Lyi n': c, Stab- of Nona ed in both deeils tracts, of land :.''U';I.-! aail being in th Eilgcior.-.'.-e a:;d sta" of U'i-.V Carol r ,i il, n le, two a'l-l tiireo car the tov": of Tarhor.), nuts No.. One ( 1) Nine 1 o j Fourteen (11) and i'e n .1' ifi divi si (Ml -.1 one-! en eh. re oeiag an un est hereby co:-.-1 foiaaerly ow:'.- . if in of i:: bv iiia:a ..!ni s Churlcs and. : C!.:aee V.'il. i n farm, as ;; ui i,!::t:( ,1 by h'. C. SU;. s, .! o l v. i! i :- o!f record in. s s.ahe Ccasly I'.c yister of ice in ; .:.! brtok No. 1 at tj .:. h'ich ;ai..i p'al refer--' . her, ml c and I 1 1 ;.ci - mace lor a niori' per vsplete ilesct-tntion by Hinds: tract. No. 1 con-' met : sees, tract No. ! contains , tv.-nt. No. 10 contains tract' No. 14 contains 28 . ... t so. 1.1 contains 2(1.2 ". a.t.itai of lGl.o acres. . e :;air".l trac ts being the ' a:..! c-r".eyrd by ban W. '''. V. Man.'v by deed :. ::l naee 200, (. o,"ly i; !'.. try. t'.'th. 1:121. (.(iiil(). M. CARVER. 1 : lid's (let ..hi r o 1 .V 1 1 w-4 whs Trustee