i 4 i 1 av ii w PAGE two THE SOUTHERNER ily 1889 ' ESTABLISHED Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by The Southerner ? " ; Tarboro, North Carolina. UJ Member of The Associated Press. Tne Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for if publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- fwriitpri in rVns naticr. nnrl aIko rhfi local news niihliahed herein'. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein re also reserved. t Foreigu Advertising Representatives. tYosfc, Landis &, Kohn : Brunswick Building, New York City, Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago; 1004 Candler Bldg., Atlanta. PAUL JONES 7.7J. .""MANAGING EDITOR F. H. CREECH COR EDITOR V. HERMAN CREECH MANAGER1 Entered at the Post Office at .'. class matter under the Act i i . Daily and Weekly Subscription Rates One Year, $5.00; Six Months, $2.50; Month, 60c; Week 15c; Weekly, $1.50 per Year. PHONE 75 A LOCAL NEWSPAPER The. average man knows but little about the cost attached to the .publication of a news paper. ..Not one man in a thousand, whe.n, he has placed on his breakfast, table any morning newspaper, realizes how much brain, energy, money and hard ypflj; it, has taken to place it there.. . 4 Jxid the same thins applies to the local newspaper, whether it be a daily or a weekly. It..takes a . hard day's work every day to place in the hands of .its . subscribers any daily newspaper. In towns like Tarboro the patronage of a local news paper is Jjmited to a certain ex- tent..No paper can run on sub scriptions alone. ., In the State of North Carolina it is impos sible to find a. college or a hos pital, that is supported alone by tuitions or fees. And so it is with the news papers. It can not be support ed alone by a subscription list. J 2. Because of her determination The advertising patronage I to hold on to the 750,000 miles of of ft newspaper is its biggest I lanf area and to perpetuate her asset, and on the other hand 1 domination ovver more than a mil these rates, for advertising lion miles of seas that she has ac 3ja.ce is based on the SUbscrip-i quired or seized since the Japanese- tion list. The question may be asked, what good does the merchant! derive from advertising? Just exactly what he should get out of it, publicity for his business, and the continual reminder to the people. What is his busi ness, where and what kind it is- A merchant who does not know how to advertise had bet ter keep ont of a newspaper, if he doesn't want to throw hv(ky nis money. ', Stale, lifeless, meaningless advertisements are injurious, rather than beneficial, because ihey are indicative of the man and his business. Whereas live, active advertisements with "pep" and "vim" show up the Irtisiness and the businss man in the true light. ' Beaide the matters of sub scription and advertisement What is a local newspaper worth to a town in dollars and cents? Tliis is hard to answer. '" It ' is 'easy to disparage the efforts of the local paper, be cause It in some way does not meet the exact approval of this person br -that person. It would be-impbssibje to find any one roan ' fn Tarboro, that suits eVerybody. Jiist so rt is impos sible for any one paper to 'please Wverybbdy. Ve are not all1 made alike, neither do we all think alike. -' . ; . . 'Yhefilocal newspaper is one of the tbwirt'a biggest assets. It keeps the outside world in toiicTi with each other. The bfgget booster any town lias is it's rie'wepaper. " ' ' i'til . .v . . -,:-. ' - ' f , . . i-' :. ; . ; . . . . WnX RAVI A HEW HOME. la purchasir.g the old Parico burilding, the Edgecombe 'Building fi lei . ncistioa tti ecurd t Weekly 1824 Tarboro, North Carolina, as 2nd of Congress of March 3d, 1879. P.O. BOX 907 good bargain and an ideal place to do business. Mr. M. U. Clark who bid in this building for $10,500 stated that the officers of the association had in this building a splendid, bargain. This building is already equipped. It has a vault and beautiful banking furni ture worth at least $1.5,500. CHAPTER VIII. Japannae Problem and Why Japan Wants the Arms Conference Conditioned. By F. HUNTER CREECH. In the "BaBltimore American" for September 2j, 121, on the first page, are given ten reasons why Japan balks at unconditional arms parley: 1. Because expansion is absolutely necessary for the survival of a popu lation if 79,000,000 Japanese, hem med within the borders of an island territory. Russian war, ten years ago. 3. Because she is determined to Provi,; a lar'er fieU1 for hei' raP'dl' growing merchant marine, through which she hopes to dictate the trade conditions of the Far East and the Pacific. 4. Because she will demand non interference with her program for exploiting the natural and commer cial resources of northern Chhaa, Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia and Si beria, whose population, aggregat ing nearly 3 ),000,000, are deffnse less against her huge army and splendid navy, 5. Because of her ambition to dominate, through the application of imperialistic policies, the political and economic fortunes of the coun tries she has coerced with her mili tary machine and from which she must secure raw materials to gratify her ambition for woTld power. . Because she is determined to find homes and occupations, from which she will greatly profit, for the teeming millions who struggle for a Iiveihood in the overcrowded terri tory of the imperial island empire. 7. Because of hr confidence that, by the application of force, she .'will finally compel the assimilation of the 30,000.000 of aien populaon of Formosa, Shantung, Mongolia,' Sa ghalien, and the islands in the Pa cific mandated ta her by the Versailles treaty and the league of nations. ' . ; ' f w : 8. Because she wilT demand- the fullest liberty , in fortifying the island now administered by -her as a means of defense against any at tempt to deprive her, of the territory the has illegally seized or te curtail her dire need for expansion. ; .. 9. Because of her demand, that other nations-shatl grant .racial equality to Japanese "subjects seeking homes and occupations outside fcf the( imperioV Japanese empire.- jT; 10. Because of her dterminati6B to resist any encroachment by th United States or any ether power KIMS CONFERENCE THE one eleven cigarettes Three Inseparables One for mildnessVlRGINIA One for mellowness. BURLEY One for aroma.TURKISH The finest tobaccos perfectly aged and blended 20forl5 FIFTH AVE. with which she lv.is nut consented t share 'he trade of Asia ami the Pa cific tlnoiigh the instrumentality t secret uvaties negotiated for nuitua' advantaw." Japan is probably not seekin.tr wai pref -iriitK to maintain her statu-, quo by the subtle diplomacy of hei Orieiu-ii statesmen, if possible, but", if nec.'ssary. is willing to resort to the swiii to lfeep that which she now has. Her absorption of Siberia and ; I Manchuria will give her the raw ma j tenuis which she m much need- '.; j I order u. make her. elf ec.)nr.!i:ic:.:i i tndupeiident, and there is every rea son' to believe, in furtherance of lie: j' policy of establishing economic in ' depen fence, that ,-he will insist at the ' cumin. r conference 011 the twenty I one demands she recently mailt China, ll is altogether probable that .-.he w;Il bring into the conference her l-'inands for racial equality, which America would hardly agree to, risking the displeasure of the Pacific coast. Equally interestea with the Pacific coast in this question is the Western part of Canada, and ai; of Australia, bo there is every reason to believe that we will havve tii eat Britain in sympathy with us on this issue if not actually open for us. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Noith Carolina, Edgecombe County. In the Superior Court. Emma K. Knight and husband Arcnie B. Knight, and Eanne K. Howard. vs. K. T. Knight, 'Charles V. Knight, An nie K. Matthews and husband, T A. Matthews, Bennie W. Knight, lunatic and George M. Fountain nrd Rocky Mount Savings and Trust Co. - ' Charles V. Knight, one of the de fendants above named, will take no tice ih it an action entitled as above has ben commenced in the Superior Court )f Edgecombe County for the partition of the lands of which the late V. B. Knight died seized and possessed and any and all other lands in Edgecombe' County owned in com mon by the children of said V. B. Khiglit, said lands being described as follows: Lying and being in Edge combe County, North Carolina, No. Three township, adjoining the lands of B. F. Shelton, W. A Savage, Nor man Burnette, and the Tarboro-Hob-good road, containing 250 acres, more or less; and said Charles V. Knight will further take notice that he is -equircd to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superiw Mix with a 25-lb sack off i our r avonte r ion a paekage of Horsford'a, and then you will know your I self-raising flour ia absolutely pure and wholesome I ' free from any adulterant. Horsford'a always makes hot 1 : breads,- cakes and pastry of fine, even texture more deligious, and easy to digest. Horsford'a Self-Raising Bread Preparation is sold, only in original packages. 4 SAVt THE RED LABELS fer valoaU FREE PREMIUMS ' ' -.' GatmrrinlUtemithw - . . , . Bumford Chemical Works, Provideoce, R. L ' SELF-nAlSi.IG BI1EAD FnEP.nitlDil SOUTHERNER Court for Edgecombe County, in Tarboro, on the 12th day of . Dec-m-bcr, 1921, and answer or demur to the complaint in snid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint November 7, 1921. A. T. WALSTON, Clerk Superior Court. DIED FROM POISON. Augusta, Ga Nov. 8. Mrs. J. F. Lee, wife of a farmer in Barnwell county, S. C, died this morning after drinking water from a well alleged to have been poisoned. This is the fourth death in this family since last Tuesday, three children having died recently in this family. Mr. Lee himself is in a critical j NOTICE OF SALE ' 1 North Carolina, Edgecombe County. I Under and by virtue of a power of ! sale contained in a deed of trust from ; dohn Tiattle to Zi-b Vance Norman, (trustee, the said Battle having de faulted in the payment of the note ! secure I thereby, and the holder of said note having made application to ; said trustee to sell said land, the" undersigned trustee will sell at pub- lie sale at the court ' house door in 1 Tarboro, North Carolina, at 10.30 a. , ' m., to , the highest bidder for cash on ! Mhe Until day of November, 1921, the I following described land in Rocky j Mount, North Carolina: i j Beginning at a stake on the west , ! side of Nugent street, 121 feet south f the intersection of Nugent street . 'mil in rllev: thence alone the south- . ! line of lot No. 17, li feet to ' 1 lot No. 15; thence S. 50 degrees 35 minutes W. 4,'! 3-4 feet 'to -a stake in the line of lot No. 1-1; thence in a iouth-jrly direction with the eastern line of lot No. 21, 30 feet to a stake; hence with the northern line of lot So. lt. 129. .1-4 feet to Nugent street, thence along Nugent street 50 feet !o the beginning, being lot No. 18 of Jie W. A. Jordan & H. C. Nugent iand, survey f which is recorded in Book 128, 'page 4MS. I-:dgecombe I'oun.ty Registry. Reference is furth r made to deed from Howard Diyin :o Cm. T. Burnejlte recordet! in Book 107, iage 363 and to deed from Ceo. Burn'ette and others to I'aul Gor 'uim recorded in book 1S2 ).ijre 202, inth uf Eilgeeombc County Registry. Th'-s the 20th day of October, 1921 ZEB VANCE NORMAN, n2-1tw-!vks Trustee.. r:CTICE OF SALE. iitue of the power co-.tained By in a certain mortgage executed by I. T. Willoughby and wife Louvciiia. Willouahhy to T. M. Daii on the 3rd day 0 December, 1917, duly record ed in Book 199 page 311 of the Reg ister cf Deeds Office in Tarboro, Edgecombe County, default having been made in the payment, of the, notes secured therin, the undersign-, ed will expose to public sale, before I the court-house door in Tarboro, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash j on Monday the 5th day of December' 1921, at 12 o'clock M, the following described tract of land: Lying and 1 being in Edgecombe County, State of North Carolina, beginning at an I iron stake in the line of R. B. Owens and Windham's line, a short distance south of the Hurricane Branch and; running eastwardly to an iron stake on a ditch, the dividing line between R. B. Owen's and G. M. Smith, thence with the various courses of said ditch southwardly to a path or road, thence westwardly with said path or road a short distance to W. R. Ow-j ens' corner, thence south 6-25, 1188 feet .0 a black gum, thence south! 2015 feet to a lightwood knot, cor- ner, thence north 87 west 783 feetj to a sweet gum, thence north 51 -SO West 106 feet to an i iron stake, thence north 2 west to the beginning, j containing ioO acres more or less, i , This the 25th day of October 1921. f T. M. DAIL, Mortgagee. John Hill Taylor, Atty. n3-10.17,24 "''- 4tw i If condition. The mystery has as yet been unsolved. Are You a Weak and Ailing Woman? Beauty and Health Co Hand in Hand Fprt Tltonma, Kyj "Several yoaro ngo 1 had beewtuc so poor and peak from trouble of a feminine character thai I could pot war: around in my room with out noldiiiR 1o the furniture or having some nun to assist me. 1 was so nervous at times 1 could hardly endure any one walking across the tioor.; Finally I bean taking Dr. Pieivo's Favorite Frescription and in three months' time I Rained 20 pounds. 1 continued taking the medicine until 1 was entirely well. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Inscription certainly saved my life." Mrs. Laura Klcpfer, 15 Oak St. Health is most important to you. D6 not neglect it. Obtuiu this Prescription of Dr. Pierce's now, in liquid or tablets, from your druggist, or send 10c for trial nks- of tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., or write for free medical advice.. SUMMONS. North Carolina, Edgecombe County. In the Superior Court. C. W. Slade, administrator of Simon Slade, de ceased, vs. Ada Slade Baker and hus band, Ed Baker, James H. Slade, W. A. Slade, John R. Slade, Lizzie Cain and husband, Willis Cain, Bennie Macnair and husband, Andrew Mac nair, Mary Mizell? and husband, Wal ter Mizelle, Ned Slade, Madger Brid ge, and husband, Bennie Bridgets, Lucy Sihde, a minor, Geneva Sttiton. and husband, Theo Staton", Fred Jones, a minor. King Walter Jones, a minor, Lizzie Slade, a minor, Chestei Slade, i minor, James Arthur Slade, a minor, and Elnora Slade, a minor, M of '? "'ithout genej-al or testamentary' guardian, Lucv Slade, Chester Slade, James Arthur Slade, and Elnura Slade, being minors un der the age of 14 years. Heirs at Law. Janus H. Slade, one of the'defen dants above named, will take notice jl I ' ; "-' - - '- ; ' ' - v'-T-'::.;..., v, ,'',:'? v. '') i :. - . ; : ' 2S1ffrieMai A SMASHING off erl A ehinco tc !rote(jchtbfjSplfcr'3 :, of pure Aluminum cheaper thsn you thought yell would ever be able to ascuron Aluminum Set any place. Look at these pieces ao-Qiiu-tPesutifullv. Paole4 Tea Kettle, a fi-Cup Beautifully Paneled CcSaj Prrco!r.tf-r. Sauce Pans the very thinir yox ui d most. AND K CH' PIECE PURE ALUMINUM OF TINE QUALITY! ; -Mere if the way voir art thit rfl. Qo o any one of th? Jlrr whox name appears below nud buy cnourti soap to rct 5 trs-fe miirka. Or ; poMibly yon nwy have ti trace marl; if your house riKhiiiow.- NVa have tr.ade it very easy, lo or more trade aaarks may be taken from Kxport Borax or White Naptha and th balance tn rclUce!iip 4he 8 !. trade marka can be takeu tip from Cruudraa'a Powdered Soap or ' Oval Pearl Soap. . . , . v . The, when von hnve the f5 trade mnrW. cend then wHh yenr., etieek w money order for fi9i euh tj the Gjrbc t'oti;n.iuy, ' Cincinnati, Ohio, and we will tend you nt oaca tty pucel rjL, pre- . paid, tb Spleadld Piece Set or AiLrjujarjj. Hid Complete Set Ganshis cf A Beantifnlly paneled s-CWnrt Tea Kettl-atid a Cu.i i-anelrdCoflVe Percolator two exeepticmaily fiuikiid i.ieie, Willi ttio r.iuta welded and not ae-ribed. Tiics piece tire never ftmnd ia liioao. Aluminum ware oiler. Ia addition there are tUrre Sauce Pans' (I quart, lH quart and quart). Then. Hiere ia a Strainer-Funnel with Ave dtatinctusea. U ran bo mej aa (1) a ane fiint Dipper, . U) Fruit Funnel, (J Fruit Funnel with Strainer, U) Vpout Vunsci, (5) Spout Ftmnei wiih Strainer. Alton sood tiled Stniner Ladic. a real kitchen necewity. - . - w . . ; THE GLOBE SOAP TOMPANT, Cadunati, Olio R. B. PROCTOR v. . - 4 - . EARNES-HARRELL, lac. D. PENDER GROCERY ( CO. AGawd YUlaw taal-1 ' ; ASaltDdld WnlWeloaU '. Boas a WoadarlMt ' lH Soap fcrloiictaxd Waaker.ftc ' ' ' aUih -aal Suaju fcv that an action entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Edgecombe County' N. O.', for the purpose of Silling tne knds of Simon Slade, d'e-.cease-d, to make assets to pay the debts of said estate, said lands being described as follows: 1st. -Tract of land in Edgecombe County, N. C, No. 3 Township, adjoining the R. J. Grimes land on the north and west, Petei Wnrslpv nn thp past, Rnhprsnn I . .. - , - . . land on the south, being land bought of Harper estate, containing 76 acres Carolina, beginning at the southwest more or less; also all the right, title intersection formed by the crossing and interest of Simon Slade in and of Bakr and St. David streets, thence, to tract of 15 1-2 acres lying in Edge-j northwardly with the western side of combe County, N.' C, No. 3 township, ! St. Davfd street 140 feet, thence being Lot No. 2, Division of lands of ! westerly a line parallel to Baker Mary Mayo, report of which is reg- j street 75 feet, thence southwardly a istered n book 92, at page516; Edge-) linP parallel to St. David street 140 ."onibe Registry, and described in j feet to Baker street, thence east Joed to Simon Slade, registered in ! wardly along said Baker street 75 Book 111, at page 243, Edgecombe j feet ' f t'le beginning, being same Registry; and said James H. Slade I property conveyed to S. S. Johnson will further take notice that he is I D" Hfiwcrd Trust Company by deed required to" appear at the office of 'in book 172) at page 71, Edge'cohibV the clerk of the'Superior Court for Edgecombe County, N. C, in Tar boro, on the 1st dayof Dpcember, 1921, and answer or demur to said complaint, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. A. T. WALSTON, Clerk Superior Court. Nov. 1, 1921. .ltw-4wks MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND UndVr and by virtue of the power! of sale contained in a certain mort gage leed executed by G. P. McNoe ly and Catherine W. McNeely, his wife, to the Edgecombe Homestead & Loan Association' on the 15th of January, 1920, which said mortgage deed is registered in book 131, at l' van wfttb to start ti ; ti 9 K n I y t t.et ratrtil il A1, i r 'tin. which must b ftjw UoraxtJT V.'hitc N?t!:vrl v.:e t remutaitir front Orar.(.inft' ' J'owrtciei Soup n" Gi'ul V.r ScTfj ftonrr orrhtr pn'i 1H trade mark, lea Kt-.t'e will V cent parcel post pieri;tl. IS-TraiieSSails .. and .9Sc. Cash'-' for Hi 3 C cn;i PerzuliiLi If ycq on!? wh in itnrt nut by petUnff onl the tlotl'cc fVrrtv. I.itnr, ienduSc incni i."AfI J-fTn.de , Mirk-Mt least of u hiWi ni'iet he from Hxuort IViniXor and U remainder from waoctru&'f .-t9dcred Soap or Oral ?eaii Son 9. , Send money order or L-'ieek find Trade Mrkf. Ctfcelerclalor will be ent parcel poet prepaid Vou cah gei titsse soaps at: -. '.j ',. ' " - '. ,-- 1 - j . -' TrikSE DEALERS SELL GRANDMA'S POWDERED SOAP: " 1 W. S. CLARK A SONS O. O. BOYKIN , C. T. MARROW COMPANY ; . mm rovAif A ri"Vt We 1,4a-rfry Hard erboiY Vvaur TUESDAY,: NOVVli page .256, Edgecombe Registry, de fault having been made in the 'terms . ? and nrovisiohs thereof, said mort gagee will on Monday, December 5, 1921, at 12 M. before the court house door in the town , of Tarboro, Edgcomb" County, North Carolina, off.cr fcr itile at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash the 'tol lowing described lot or parcel of land to-vit: ' ' Ling and being in the town of Tarboro, Edgecombe County, ; North' Registry, and conveyed to G.' P. Mc neely by said Johnson and wife by deed dated January 15, 1020. This October 29, 1921. Edgecjmbe Homestead & Loan Assn. Mortgagee, Donnell Gilliam, Attorney. 4t Notice of Application to Amend and Consolidate the Charter of the Town of Pinetopt, N. C. Notice is hereby given to all per sons that application will b made to the General Assembly of North Caro lina at its 1921 special- session, to amend and consolidate the Charter of the Town of Pinetops, Edgecombe County, N. C. . ' This the 20th day of Oct., 1021. o2S-30t ' E. L. rITT, Mayor. Henry C. Bourne, Attorney. cut hv K cl ! i f. Ml' ii II kTOort VVlutJ 3,sotit A ewitMrt . Heady (or inttaat Can. 5c aaat laj-aer Patau a. Waaderfal lr" 1 waaoias cioiuaa. . mmm. fiBf ml POOR DDTMT