THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1921 ET8KiWgr" T HE S OUTHE R NER PAGF. PERSONALS -'; Highway Commssioner' Cohoon o Elizabeth City was a visitor in tht city today. -.' The Tea and Topics Literary ciul met this afternoon with Miss Mar, Wooten at her home on Main stree i Mr. A. S. Barnes, supcrintenden ; of the Methodist Orphanage at Ra? eigh, was in town today on business Mr. J. Q. Stalls is now in his ne place of business at the foot of Trad treet. The present structure is onl, I, built for blacksmith work. His otho . building will be ready for occupanc, in a "few weeks. However, he is no ready to serve his old friends in tht blacksmith line. Lee Jones and Henry Stat on. Judges: Misseg Raymond Cosby, Martha Jenkins and Selcta ' Fclton jf the O'Henry Society. " HOMICIDES IN 1920. ' ; According to a computation by F L. Hoffman, third vice president anc statistician of the Prudential Lift ' Insurance Company, nine thousnhY homicides were committed during the year 1920. These figures show this record to be five hundred less thai in 1910. This computation shows that in th. Southern States with large negro po pulations' there was the highest rate. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Smoot Jr., of Gastonia a son on the 19th, of November both mother and child are doing nicely. Mrs. Snwot, be fore married lived in Tarboro and is we,ll known in this section being the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. C. M. Cobb. " FACTS ABOUT ENROLLMENT IN CITY SCHOOLE A study of the latest school eensus for Tarboro Township No. 1 and the enrollment in the various schools re veales several interesting features. There are in the district 1058 white and 14)8 colored (total 246G) chil dren between the ages of G and 21 There are of compulsory schol age (7 to 13 inclusive) 589 white and 718 colored (total 1307) children: Of these numbers the school actually enrolled on November 23, 749 white and 841 colored children (total 1588) distributed as follows: White: Central: Grades 1-7, 554; high school, 8-11, 114; Runnymede. grades l-4?i 79. Colored: Princevillc: Grades 1-7, 667; high school, 49; McNairs, 77; Daniels, 48, The total ' enrollment to date if considerably above the actual -enroll ment, a number of pupils having moved away. The census shows 66 white i'liter ates over 21 years old 23 men ahH 43 women. There are 103 colored adult illiterates 36 men and 67 women. Twenty-three whit and i colored children between the ages ol 12 and 21 k-annot read and write. There are nine white and five color ed feeble-minded and idiotic persons in the district. CONETOE NEWS. Mrs. J. B. Bell and children of Hobgood and Mrs. James Davenport of NewportNews spent Thanksgiv ing with Mrs. L. H. Edmondson. ''"I Miss Pearl Southerland returned to her school duties Monday, aftei spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents in Teacheys. :Mr. B. K. Black of Hopewell, Va., spent the holidays with Mr. A. R. Burnette. .:'- ': ."" ': ' Mrs. J. E. Bulluck and family spent a few days with relatives in Scot'and Neck las week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor of Roa noke Rapids spent Sunday with Mrs. L; H. Edmondson. Mr., and Mrs. R. J. Madry anr" family jOf. Scotland Week were visi -tors in Conetoe Sunday. INTER SOCIETY DEBATE HELD AT SCHOOL TODAY : The first-inter-society debate ol the year was held in the city school building this morning, 'the . contest ants being; the O. K. and Wilkinsoi societies. The query was: Resolved "That the great nations of the world should disarm." , The debate was spirited and hard fought, but the boys from the Wilk " inson society showed better prepa ration and won the decision' of the iudres. The debeaters were: O. K. Society, Nash Johriso and Alex Denson; Wi'.kinson Society, Robert LITERARY SOCIETY , ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Tau Literary Society, at its ast rcgulnr meeting, elected the fol owing officers: President, Athlcen Vhitehurst; vice-p' .. icy Tedesco; secretary ...... or, Rosalie Parker; critic, Anne John- on; censor, Dolores Pitt; marshal, Bessie ''Coker; reporter, Velna Boy ;in. The program committee an nounced the following program for fov. 30: Jokes, Rosalie Parker; cur rent evenW, Marion Jenkins; recita tion, "Lifting up a Burden," Annie May Lee; debate, -Resolved, "That Excessive Going to th0 Moving Pic ture Shows is Objectionable for the Boys and Girls." Affirmative: Anno Johnson and Bernice Dobson; nega tive, Edna Melton and Nancy Ted sco, Song," Star Spangled Banner, by the society. NOTICE OF SALE. , , Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Edgecombe County, made in the speeial proceed ing entitled "C. W. Slade, adminis trator of Simon Slade, deceased, vs. Ada Slade Baker, et als., . Heirs at Law," the undersigned commissioner will on Tuesday, the 27th day of De cenifior,' 1921, at the hour of12 M., at the court house door in Tarboro, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash all of the right, title and interest of the heirs at law of Simon Slade, deceased, in and to the following described lands in Edgecombe County, North Caro lina: Lying in No. 3 township, bound ed on the north and west by the R. J. Grimes lnd, on the east by Peter Wc.rslhy land, on the south by the GIPSYSMITH BIG CARD IN NORFOLK Roli'i'son land, being the land bought by Simon Slade from the Harper es tate, containing by estimation 70 acr?s; also lot No. 2 in the division of the lands of Mary Mayo, report of which is recorded in Book 92, at page :UG, Edgecombe County Regis try, containing 15 1-2 acres, and de scribed in deed from John Mayo and others to Simon Slade, recorded in Eook 111, at page 243, Edgecombe (County Registry. Dannell Gilliam, Commissioner. No ember 24th, 1921. : The great evangelist, Gipsy Smith, is now preaching in Norfolk to im mense crowds. The following in stance occurred a few nights ago at the Tabernacle: Mr. Smith caused much laughter, and possibly was successful in his appeal to the generosity of the audi ence, when, at the time of the offer ing, he asked those who believed the revival was better for the city thai all the circuses that ever came tu ! Norfolk to raise their right hands.: Six thousand hands went up. i "Now . put- them in your pockets gat out some money, lieve it," he commanded. NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Jennie B. Walker, this is to noti fy all persons having claims ' against her estate, to present them on or be fore November 28th, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of. any' recovery thereon. LOU BUNTING, Admr'x., n23-ltw-6wki Cbnetoe, N.C. 1 W. O. Howard, Attorney. i KOTiCE OF SUMMONS PRAYER MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING NOV. 23TH Prayer meetings for the week will be held at the following homes: Mrs. George E, Pennington. Mrs. Roy Bell. Mrs. Edward Rbherson. Mrs. uini Jenkins. Mrs. O. O. Boykin. ; Mis, W. L. Bridges. Mrs. M. A. Keech. Mrs. H, I.. Williams. Mrs. P. R. Riggan. Mrs. Howard Parker. Misg Delta Hyatt. ' Mrs, Willie Wagner. Mrs. Alford, Runnymede Mills?' J. D. Foster. D. D. Taylor. C. W. Austin.' B. B. Slaughter. Mrs. Eli Taylor. : . ' Mrs. S. B. Ship. Mrs. Raefcird Liles. , ' Mrs. William Strickland. Mrs, Alford, Runnymede. Mrs; Willie Wagner, W. Tarboro. Mrs. Osborne, W. Tarboro. : Mrs. Mrs; Mrs. Rev. INSURANCE OF EVERY KINO yt,i 'J jt .---v.: - yj When Conditions Change v Your insurance needs change also! A man who knows your business can and will tell you how to be secure. Investigate Then Insure. Don't if u ore the fire dangers in your home.- The Hartford Fire Insurance Company of 'ers a fire prevention service which will prevent loss. s Jacocks & , Royster Co. TARBORO, N. C. Nort'i Carolina Edgecombe County. ; In che Superior Court, C. V.. S'ade, administrator of Simon Slide, deceased, 1 vs. i Ad i Slade Baker '"and' husband," Ed B,l;ei'; James H. Slade, W. A., John R. Slade, Lizzie Cain i.: d husband; Willis Cain, Bonnie M .-ten air and husband,' Mc- n:;:r; Mary Alizzelie and husband, ( Walter Mizzcllc; Ned S'ade, Mar-j th:v Slade, Madger Bridgers andj husliaiid; Bonnie Bridgers; Lucy oii.di!, a minor; ueneva fetaton ana H.ushand, Theo Staton ; Fred Jones, a minor; King Walter Jones, a nvnor'; James Arthur S'ade, : a minor, -.all of said minors being without" general or testamony guardian; Lucy Sade, Chester Sl.'Je, James Arthur Slade and Elntira S'ade being under the ago of 14 years, HEIRS AT LAW . KING WALTER JONES, one of t'.ie defendants above named, will take notice than an action entitled as above has" been commenced in he Superior Court of Edgecombe county, N'. C, for the purpose of selling the 'ur.ds of Simon Slade, deceased, to make assets to pay the debts of said estate, said lands being described as follovs: Lying and being in Edge combe county, North Carolina, No, 3 township, bounded by the R. J. Grimes land on the north, and westr by P. 'cr Worsley on the east-, and l;y the Roberson land on the south, beii!R' part of the Harper tract of land, containing 70 arres; also all right, title and interest of Simon Slade in and to a tract of 15 1-2 acres, lying n Edgecombe county, N. C, No. 3 township, division of lands of Mary Mayo, report of which is registered in Book 92, page 316; Edgecombe Registry, and described in dc.'il to Simon Slade, registered in Book 111, page 243, fidgecombe Reg istry; and Baid King Walter Jones will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Cierk of the Superior Court for Edgecombe County, N. C, at Tar boro, on the 12th day of December, 1921, and answer 'or demur to the comprint, or plaintiff will apply to the ccurt for the relief demanded, November 14, 1321. A. T. W ALSTON, Clerk Superior Court. -11 15 ltlw . ' NOTICE. Under the power conlnyd in a deed 'it trust given by A. C, Wells and wife, Hattie B. Wells, to J. C. Brasvvoll, trustee, on November 12, ID 19, recorded in Book 213, page 490, Edgecombe County Registry, the undersigned will offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the National Bank of Rocky Mount, in tha city of Ro ;ky Mount, North Caro'inn, on Saturday December 10, 1321, tt 12 o'clock M., three certain lots, tracts or parcels of land, lying in Edire- f coribe county, North Carolina, and described as foKow&i 1. (a). Beginning at a stake in the w, 'stern line of th.- i'oad leading frf .n Rocky Mount t: Wilson, John T. Dickens' corner; t: e N. G8 d. ,10 m. 'W. 292-fw.t to o pine; thence S. 17 10 m. W. !:: .f'.-etto a pine; tin nee S. !! d. !:() in. K. 210 feet tf'i :i stake in tile wester;) boundary of the road; thence with sa;d road lit feet "to the beginning. (b) Bep-lnning at an iron stake, cur icr between A G. Wells and John T. Dickens; thence N. 8S d. 20 m. V,'. 38!) feet tn4 a stake; thence N. 3 -i: ' 0 in. E. :;() feet to a stake; thence M. S4 d. HO ni. W. 55 ffct, to a stake ; thence N. 3 d. 30 m. E. 835 feet n a stake; thence S. M d. 30 m. E. 'Hi feet to an iron stake; thence S. ! r'. ,)0 m. W. 2o5' feet to an iron ,tul:c; thence N. 88 d. 30 m. E. 47D !vet to an iron stake; thence S. 2 d. !!" in. V. (!.';0 feet to the beginning, :nri'nit)iiig 10.8 acres. The courses and distances herein t;v;n fire from survey made by 1 ro le!: Williams on April . 1919;. these :v. o tracts being the lands conveyed to A. G. Wells by O. E. Harper by e'e:l ec.onled in Book 182, page 104, Edgecombe Registry, which Iced is intended .to convey all the ni'.d assigned to J. B. Armstrong in the division of the lands of Cray Armstrong deceased, and that con veyed by Jacob Bau l' Com. and H. W. Thomas, except that part here tofore sold by . John' .T. DickenB, J. A. Thomas, this deed passing the re mainder of the land now ilnsoM known as the Jolly Armt tronr place :n Edaiedimbu coufily, N. ,C., No. 12 township, and is the; sanm'.laiwl con veyed by J. B. Arm.itroiur1 to -Sabra, O'Neal by deed recorded .5n ' Book l.'!S pngc 182, Edgecomba? County Registry, the intention of this dued being to convey all of 'the', afove dcseiibed land conveyed v U0. Ei Harper by S. (. Allen irJ ',.wii'o by deed recorded in book 107, pa:e I, Edsf-ccmUe County Registry, an. 'I conveyed lo W. (i. Mattox by thft .-:uid O. K. Harper. , 2. Adjoining the lands of Dr. !. L. Wirtibei-ly, Villiam Proctor and others. Beginning at a small pine in j i-enter of ditrh, J- T. Dickens' corner ! in S. F. Brasvve.H'f, line; thence N. , 87 l. W. H 1.7 feet to a stake in au'. ; Ti.)or'.-. line: tlience with Paul Tay lor's line S. d. 40 m. W. 752 feit.: to stake in center. of ditch in Wilt; Proctor's line; thence S. 83 d. 50 in. ! E. 37 feet to center of Wilson an Rocky Mount road ; thence along cen- i ter of f.aid road N. 00 d. "A) m. E, t 8C9.3 feet to Mrs. S. F. Braswull's ( line; thvntfe along her line N. 1.7 d. j 10 m. E. 290 fieet to the beginning, i containing 9. 02 ncrefl. Survey June .1.2, 13 U, and being the tract of land conveyed by J. T. Dickens and 'wife ' to H. J. Downing by ded rec orded j in Eook 150, page 125, Edge ;ombe I Regis! ry. ' ; 3. In No. 12 township, Edgecombe county, about 2 miles from t' le city of Rocky Mount on the Wils-jn and Rocky Mount road, adjoining t!ic lands of 11. J. Downing and jolliers, bounded as follows: Beginning at a small pine in center of ditc ft, J. T. Dickens' and 11. J. Dov.ning's coiner; thence S. 59 d. 25 m. E. 14iV feet to the center of Wi'son and -Rocky j Mount read; thence along said roa S. 59 d. 30.. m..W. 3i9 feet to H. J. Downing's corner; thence along his line N. 17 d. 10 m. E. 290 feet to the beginning, containing .82 of an acre; per , survey of J. J, Wells i 191 1 ; this being a portion OH ,lho land conveyed to . Sabra Taylor O'Nci! by J.-'B. Armslnir.g in 1907, recordiwl in Book 135, page 182, Hldgecooibo Regi.trj-, and conveyed to II. J. Downimg by deed recorded in book 1-15, page 501, Edgecombe Registry. -: ''J'lieKe last, two descriptions are taken ..'rem deed from John McDon ald to A. O. Wells, dated November 3, 1919. ; -. . : ; J- 'O. BRASWELL, Trustee. ' U ! 1 'tuv ..!,. &vA T T H E CO LON I AL m BETTY COMPSOr in "LADIES MUST LIVE" Froia 7:33 Until 9:00 I POLO NEGRI in "ONE ARABIAN NIGHT" m From :00 Untii I0?4S - P ALL FOR ONE ADMISSION y" 7l S Colortial Phone No. 518 3wg""iMa m gsj ll jr Two Days Monday and Tuesday De TWICE DAILY AT 2:30 AND 8 P. M; ' METRO'S MARVEL OUS MASTERPIECE 1 Never Fonret- ' 'y-M.'-'dr' . . . . ' 4:::'i!bfc AH I Wl 2i.i&r.'i.."'s.X.i. erf mn liHi-tiMMtltim" - a fhey arc really only shadows on a screen of silver. They do not, nor did they ever, exist. And yet you will know-them, speak of them by their first names; dream of them, perhaps, and of the great human drama their lives constituted. They are people you will never forget: the principal characters in the Rex Ingram production of the masterpiece of Vicente Blasco Ibanez's novels .mm er1 tf- HARTROrr fom&& In Order To Properly Produce This Great Masterpiece A SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Under The Direction of L. E. MANOLY of Boston Is Carried to Render the Impressive Musical Score, Owing to the Un usual Score' and to Gain the Symbolic Beaut jc!Vfce Story Patrons are Requested to be in Their Seats at the Beginning. NIGHTS $1.00 A Few at $1.50 400 Seats at $1.00 Matinees 75c a Few at $1.00 400 Seats at 75c plus tax Balcony 50c plus tax y PRICES m i m m Ll f:' m p(' N tt 4 i 1 r