THE SOUTHERNER '4 SATURDAY, DEC. 24, 1921 PAGE TWO ! - A '- A A' THE SOUTHERNER paily 1889 ESTABLISHED Weekly 1824 Law of Mrs. Mary Armstrong, ex parte, will on Friday, the lith day of January, 1922, at 11 o'clock a.m. on this premises hereinafter describ ed, located on the Wilson road, in No. 12 Township, offer for gale, to tht highest bidder for cash, sub ject to confirmation by the Clerk of Superior Court of the above county !?ubli8hed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by The Southerner I Tarboro, North Carolina. I Member of The Associated Press. I The Associated Press is, exclusively entitled to the use forami state, the following described Republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other fwise credited in this paper, and also the local news published I herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein f also reserved. land cf which Mrs. Mary Armstrong died seized, to-wit: Bex-inning at an iron stake on the road, coiner of Lot No. 4 thence north 80 d. 50 m. west 230 feet to an iron stake in the line of I.ot No. 2; thence north 12 d. east 200 feet i 1 Foreign Advertising Representatives. mta4 T QTinia Xr KfirlTl T KrllT1KVl P K rlll i (1 1 tlC. ISfW" YoVk (jltV. ' til nil ii'ftti st.'ik'i I'firtiM' nf 1 nt Vn d. east 2HS on the road; PAUL JONES lAlANAt.lM. hlUlUK. thence with the road a southwester ly' it Mnnora rfV PnTTflPl . . - r. XI. jXtHiJCL.xi 1 iv iiirocnon tii leet to tnt. bej;m- nini;: containing 1 1-.") acres of 'and according to plat of division of the Mary Armstrong property made by J Iredell AYi'liams, surveyor. This the :i-d day of Dec. 1921. THE KOOKY MOUNT SAVIXiIS AXD TRUST COMPANY, ; Commissioner. 1 l'.attie & Wi'islow, Attvs. Frost, Landis & Kohn ) Peoples Gas Bldg, Chicago; 1004 Candler Bldg., Atlanta. 2; thence south so 1-2 , i feet to an iron stake PAUL JONES MANAGING EDITOR I thence with the road a F. H. CREECH cuk ismruu V. HERMAN CREECH MANAGER fEntered at the Post Office at Tarboro, North Carolina, as 2nd class matter under the Act ot Congress ot March 3d, 18 Daily and Weekly Subscription Rates f One Year, $5.00; Six Months, $2,o0; Month, 00c; Week loc; ' Weekly, $1.50 per Year. i SUMMONS North Carolina, Edgecombe County. Minnie Lillah Farmer vs. Herbert Carter Farmer. In the Superior Court. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe Coun ty, North Carolina, for the absolute dissolution of the bonds of matri mony subsisting between plaintiff and defendant, and said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the Clerk's office in Tarboro, Edgecombe County State of North Carolina, on the 12th day of January, 1022, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded in said romplaint. This the 12th day of December, 1021. A. T. W ALSTON, ill 2- It Clerk of Superior Court. Christmas Greetings :; r.. J, PHONE 75 P. O. EOX 007 BIBLE GEMS secretary of state is empowered t-. He that loveth his brother abideth 1 appoint inspectors to visit the i.;v- -tv In tho liwht. and there is no occa- Bion of stumbling in him. 1 John .'. "a 4:7. ' ..a owe no man anyimoy uui iu ". i,w one another ; tor ne wmi imcm m.i- . .V,.... hit i In h Km t ie aw. i For all law is fulfilled iu one word even in this, thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Hal. .":! !. The most talked of tiling in Wash ington today is the agricultural bloc. that has made a OiocK-.icau oui o: the republican administration. l-o! l the hand that guides the plow to .'3 have a hand in writing the tax laws of this government is very obnox- ;yj ious to protection experts. It bloc against bloc. if! With the Gardner forces on the lookout and the McCloan followers the tutuie. we won (jov. Cooper will come in. And then again there is Mr. Ayedlett of Elizabeth City. It is said the democratic voters in tin extreme east want Aydiett f.'i- governor. J- laying plans fo '' a der where I.t M "3 Hi Y-:-l 3 A "slapptritis" is a board with a cartridge in it, used, for spanking initiates in the Praetorian Order. When Mrs. Os-born of Ohio was tak ing tha Queen degree, she was spank ed with the slapperitis with the cai tridge side, that caused her damages for she is suing the order. This is a warning to the orders to keep every thing on the right side. Henry Ford is like a saying in the Bible, that no man knoweth what a day may bring forth. So it is with Mr. Ford. He has recently thrown a bomb shell into the railroad world by calling for a reduction of 20 per cent in reduction on coal along his lines. The Interstate Commerce Commission disallowed that request on the ground that the reduction would constitute a discrimination against other mining teriitory whose coal product is sold in Toledo, De troit and other cities along the Ford railroad. The commission has allow ed all other reductions in interstate rates on the Ford railroad which he has made on other commodities. NEW TYPE OF CRIMINAL. Hardly is there a paper issued from the press that does not contain one or more accounts of some highway robbery on some back alley or on the public thoroughfares of our cities and towns. Some bold bandit in the -broad open day time walks into a bank and walks out with his loot. Some bold thief appropriates to ? own use some handsome auto mobile standing in a public place and makes a clean get-away. ' The U. S. mail ears are held up and robbed and big pay rolls are snatched and stolen. It is seldom that burglary is reported. The old fashioned way of breaking into houses and blowing up safes has al ; inost disappeared, and the country is face to face with a liew type off ri iminai,'!-" made, it is -riaimeii, by the war.''- . and cities and report 'such violations of tin- iiutomobile laws. NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Jennie H. Walker, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against her estate, to present them on or be fore November 28th, l'J21, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. I.OC Bl'NTINC. Adnir'x., n2S-ltw (inks Conetoe. N.C. W. O. Howard, Attorney. : NOTICE. j I'lsder tile power contained in a ' deed nf trust given by W. E. I'ar i l ish to J. I. Hunii, Trustee, on Jan i uary I', l!2(). recorded in book 21( ; page 571. Edgecombe county regis try, the undesigned wiii offer foi sale, at public miction to tile high- est bidder for cash, before the N'a tiona! Bank f Kocky Mou:::, in tn i city "i i:.n y Mini!:!, North Caro i I iiui, on Saturday, January 21. H'22, i at 12 o'clock M., a certain lot o: - parcel of hind lying in the city o: ky Mount. Edgecombe county FIFTY DRY AGENTS IN DRESS SUITS TO STOP DRINKING l'HIl.AMEI.PHIA. Dec. 2 1. j- il'iy prohibition agents in dre--s-uils will appear in hotels and cafes tonigh: to prevent liquor drinking. I state of North Carolina, as toLows: j Fronting on Ivey 1'laee. : I corner of hey Place and T -tree! . and being lot No. 17. I "A," r.s shown on the plot I ni-nperty of John 11. Logan -irilieil at Hit homa. Hlock if the Trin North I Not it ed Km- Compai tue- of i of the above count spe-.dai nroceeiliitg irolina, Edgecombe County. is g'ven that the un.ei--:en-y Mount Saving:; & Trust , as conniii-sioiicr, hv vir leci ee of the Suin : ior court and s'ate, in a hereoi ponding which of tlx conibi iirn by lirasw i rccoriii Edge.-., ing tin E. l'..n entitled J. 11. Tay ion et en- plot is recorded in the office : UeeisteV of Deeds of K.lge- . oaTit- in booi; 75, pait.-s 570 1 , to : hieh I'lot ref. nen ce is , for a.-L ti'-ate .lest riiit ion by I and, rcferi'tiie being iiooie !o deed from M. K. . '! and wife to J. M. Shot-rod. ' ..! in book 1 07. page 2!4, i o'.in'. y i.gist'y. and be- nb-n- .a! b.t eonvc-y.-d jo W. i-:sh by J. M. Sheno.l. by deed lanuany 0. li'2o. liber 17, 1'.'21. J. P. Pl'NN. Trustee ' llli-ltw-lwks. State of North Carolina Town of Princi'ville. lie it remembered that at an elec tion opened and held in the mayor's il'lice 'in said town on the second Tuesday in December A. D. 1021, j he same being the loth day of said looitli, to deride on an ordinance 'tithori '.ing the said town to issue I M.OOO in electric light bonds and 110 registered, and the f'o'lowing lumber -of vo'tes were cast for the1 o.iii'.ance, 72 votes; against the or-' finance. 0 votes. We. the undersigned judges of , aid election do-hereby declare the ndinance for the issue passed. Si.rned this the 1:1th day of Do-' rem her A. 1). H21. j Tl'KNEK PENDER. Registrar. . KODEIJT WALTERS, I CARY FARMER. j Pollholders. j Ifa-ltW-Iwks Among our assets we like to count the only one that money cannot buyryour GOOD WILL And so at this Holiday Season we extend to you not as a cus tomer alone, but as a friend the Best of Wishes for the com ing year. The First National Bank TARBORO, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE. which secured an obligation of the i the same time and place or after the North Carolina, Edgecombe County, three owners of said land in the sum conclusion of the sales above de- Pub'ic notice is hereby given that of $25,00(1.00, with interest from ' scribed, offer for sale to the highest hv virtue of an order of sale made February 1. 1921, the principial of j bidder for cash, subject to the con- bv the Hon. jos. B. Cheshire, Refe De HALF AJENTURY Oklahoman Praises Black-Draught, Having Used It "Can Safely Say for 50 Years." " i It is 'reported thut there are in the state 25,000 automobiles oper ating without licenses or with license belonging ' to ither people, and known as borrowed licenses. The THE UNIVERSAL CAR $660 $625 SpcW aoUd or rn.imntlc And - All pnui t. u, B. IWwit The President of the Ford Motor Co, Mr. Edsel B. Ford, says: "We are taking ad vantage of every known economy in the manufacture of our products in order that we may give them to the public at the lowest possible price, and by so do ing we fesl that we are doing the one big thing which will help this country into more prosperous times. People are interested in prices, and are buying when prices are right." The enormous de mand for Fords proves that Mr. Ford is right. For reasonably prompt delivery, place your order now. Terms if de sired. '', : : . JENKINS GARAGE COMPANY Granafleld, ( kla. One of the best known farmers of TUmsu County. Mr. O..W. Tlsdale, who owns and manages , a waRon yard here, says . "I have used 1 hedford's Black Draught I believe I can safely say foi fiXty years. , "1 was born and reared In Texas, 1 Treostone County, sixty-four years rko. ; I have been mariied forty-four years, i Jly father used Black-Draught before I i was married, and gave It to us ... -' "For forty-four years of my married ! life. It his had a place on our medl- ! cine shelf, and la the only laxative, or ! liver medicine, we use. We use It I for torpid liver, sour stomach, head ache, indication ... I don t think we could pet alonR without It, knowing what it has done for us. and the money it has aaved. It Is Just as good and re liable today as it wsb when we began Its use. My boys use it and they are satisfied it's the best lirer medicine they have ever used." Thedford's Black-Draught la purely and acts in a prompt and natural way. i in a certain deed of trust from So many thousands of persons have , j.-....,,- Gorham, G. I.. W miberly. Jr. ree in Bankruptcy, in a certain cause i.-t'ciTcd to him, entitled IN' RK: H K. BRKWKR, BANKRUPT, which cause u pending in the United States District Court of the Eastern Dis trict of North .Carolina, the under signed R. 1.. Huffines, Trustee in Bankruptcy, of 11. K. Brewer, will, on. Friday, the 20th day of January, .):'.;2. at eleven o'clock A. M., on the premises hereinafter described, of fer for sale at public auction for cash, to tin- highest bidder, subject to confirmation by the above named referee, the one-third undivided in leres of II. E. Brewer in and to the 1 folloviiiK tract or parcel of land, to wit : !.yin-j in No. 11 Township, above ,-oii-ty state, and known as the i'eK.-r.di. e Farm, located at the in-li;r-i cf.o.' of the public roads from Tarboro l WiSoti and from Tarboro 1 to Rocky Mount; containing in thoj aggregate tf7fi acres, after excepting one acre beinK the McKendree Church lot, and 4.7 acres conveyed to the County Board of Education, by deed recorded in Book 18!), page til, Edgecombe Registry. The land referred to herein as containing S7t acres, exclusive of the church lot and school lot, is described accord- j ing to a survey made by Iredell Wil- i liams in December, 1920, the metes ; and bounds of which arc contained which loan is due February 1, lfl2fi. firmation by said referee, three lots The sale will be free and clear of all or parcels of land, the property of other liens, including taxes for the year lll'Jl, and free also from the inchoate right of .lower of Mrs. Jo mc C. Brewer. By viitue of said order of sale the undersigned will also, at the same t:;r,e and place, or immediately af ter the sale of the premises herein above described, offer for sale to the highe.-t bidder for cash, subject to confirmation by said referee, the one fiiird undivided interest of said II. K. Brewer in '.he personal property on and u-eil in connection with said, farm, consisting of mules, horses, cows, hogs, sheep, farm machinery, tools, implements, vehicles and all other personal property thereon con tained and owned by the said lior ham. Winibely and Brewer. By virtue of said power of sale the undersigned trustee will also at said bankrupt, lying and being in 1 Princess Anne County, Virginia, de scribed as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Cleveland street and Michigan avenue, thence running ensterly along the southern line of Cleveland street 12 feet; thence southerly parallel with Cleveland street 125 feet ;o the eastern line of .Michigan avenue: and thence northerly along the eastern line of Michigan avenue To feet to the piont of beginning; being Ids 1, 2, and in Block 52 of a plan of Euclid Place, which is duly recorded in the Clerk's office of Princes--. Anne Coii"ty. Virginia. Til': - the . l!)th d-r. M' Di-cember, 1:21. K. ... IU FF'XF.S, Tiu.itc in Haiik!-,:-tr; . f II. E. Brewer. ,lll-: v'-4v. Is. been benefited bv the se of Thedford's Blark-Iiraueht, you should have no ficslranry In trying tbls valuable old wpll-e!-.tahllshd remedy, for most liver and stomach disorders. NC 1311b. and H. Kmmett Brewer, to Frederick Frelinghuysen. Trustee for The Mu tual Benefit l.if" Insurance Com pany, which deed of trust is record ed in Book 225, page of. '.I, Edge combe Registry, to which reference is made for detailed description. The sale of the bankrupt's one third undivided interest in said farm- ade subject to the lien ot nis . r .u.. .1 1 f guaranteed. Phone 75 and let us proportionate pan oi u,c ... estimate on your work. I trust to Frelinghuysen above named LET THE SOUTHERNER JOB Department take care of your I printing.. Books, pamphlets, fold- i cis. and office stationery of ul' , kinds. Service and satisfaction i is We Wish to Thank The People of Tarboro For Their Loyal Patronage During The Past Year And We Wish You A Merry Christmas And a . Happy New Year Thomas Candy Co. : AND - : THE PALACE OF SWEETS" ROCKY MOUNT NORTH CAROLINA WHY NOT EXTEND THE JOY OF YOUR CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL TO YOUR FAR-AWVY FRIENDS Send Them Flowers No matter where located I can make delivery of flowers or plants iu any city in United States or Canada within an hour or two of your order, if necessary. HOW WE DO IT FOR YOU 1 HOLD MEMBERSHIP IN THE FLORISTS' TELEGRAPH DELIVERY an organization of leadintr florists in the United States and Canada formed for the purpose of making deliveries of flowers or plants on telegraph orders, in any City or Town in the United States anil Canada. Under the system inaugurated I can fill orders for you anywhere, in a manner as faithful and satisfac tory as I fill orders for you here in your own commu nity. You can thus present a floral token at a distant point within an hour or two after placing your order with me and rest assured that your instructions will be carried out to the.letter. Our system enables us to give detailed instructions regarding orders, without the ordinary possibility of error, and the requirements of our organization are such as to guarantee your perfect satisfaction. Your box of flowers, bouquet, floral basket, or floral design of any kind, with your personal card, can be placed in the hands of your distant friends with prac tically the same expedition that we make in deliveries to points within the local jurisdiction of our store. LET ME CONSULT WITH YOU ABOUT IT V. Herman Creech FLORIST PHONES 75 and 410 TARBORO, N. C.