J PACE TWO THB SOUTBERNIh TUESDAY1, DEtVar, 1921 THE SOUTHERNER Daily 1889 ESTABLISHED Published Every At on, Except Sunday,-by The Southerner Ti.. Doro, North Carolina. V, ' ' .Mem"er f The Associated Press. The Associated Press is, exclusively entitled to the use for iepublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper, and also the local news published herein. .'All fights of republication of special dispatches herein i. re also reserved. ' Foreign Advertising Representatives. Frost, Landis & Kohn: Brunswick Building, New York City, Peoples Gas Bldg, Chicago; 1004 Candler Bldg., Atlanta. PAUL JONES F. H. CREECH V. HERMAN CREECH Entered at the Post Office at Tarboro, North Carolina, as 2nd class matter under the Act of Congress of March 3d, 1879. Daily and Weekly Subscription Rates One Year, $5.00; Six Months, $2.50; Month, GOc; Week 15c; Weekly, $1.50 per Year. PHONE 75 BIBLE GEMS. , act of the legislature, and the ques- Be strong and of good courage; ! tion with the people now is where be not afraid, neither be thou dis-1 will the site be located? The pres mayed, for the Lord thy God is with ent bond issue is a big one and calls thee wherever thou goest. Joshua for a big amount of money. Only 1:9. I will instruct thee and teach thee in the -way which thou shalfgo; I will guide thee with mine eye. 1's. 32:8. And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in ray statutes and ye shall keep my judg ments and do them Ezek. ;!2:'J(i-27. The bonus for American soldiers is showing -its head again in congress and in its head rises to view there comes over the republicans a feeling of fear. The piesent national ad ministration is against it, but no plausible means as yet have been found to keep it covered up. The republicans realize that something must be done, but how to do it u beyond comprehension. Some favor tax on light wir.es and beer, while others favor the sales to provide the bonus funds, neither of which will become a law. Politics make strange bed-fellows, and when the game really begins it also makes some peculiar playmates. The array of names recently pub lished for the vacancy in the state chairmanship of the democratic par ty cause many a tongue to wag and many a democrat to dream strange dreams. Consistency is a jewel. Personal political ambition is a fast growing weed. I remember last winter that no sooner had the pres ent governor taken the oath of of fice and was declared the chief exec utive of North Carolina, the game for four years hence began instant ly, and the cards were shuffled for another hand. Some people think more of personal political prefer ment than they thing of political service, and if these same people would put forth as much energy in serving this state as in serving them selvesi the public would be the gain ers ' '. ' " 'So Eugene V. Debs is free at last, released from the Atlanta prison by padan-of the president. When ask ed his views on the release of the political prisoners, he said, "I left 2,300 men back there in prison, and they all should be given their liber ty. They are all friends of mine." Debs' was convicted in 1918 of try ing t obstruct the draft. He was sentenced to ten years in the Atlan ta prison.. If his asttement as quoted above istrue, he seems as defiant as ever of governmental authority. The railway, association reports 631,337 Idle cars as of Dec. 8, 192 J. .;!,,. r;'t rir which -0uld Del placed lft immediate' service. -The idleness of, these, cars is due to bust iness" conditions', ' this association M.'wiiiM rnnHition is ncme other than due to ligh pro- in) the senate- arrjtryf-U;fcedge. JjiWifvefreight "rates and the iriabil-' 'the Measure- around with such re ity Vf the people ta buy." High rates frictions as will make it inoperative for-transportation and W prices tor, if little" value totfiA farmers.';;; j pro4uW will.-r.ot wear theme yoke.. ; jiC-tfi' g.jx n u j The Tarboro school trustees have said they would not use the proper ty in the upper part of the town for I h';h school site and" they can't get Weekly 1824 MANAGING EDITOR COR EDITOR MANAGER P. O. BOX 907 the town common without a special one person so tar thru the presvs has sanctioned it. These columns are open and the public is invited to en ter therein. With oats selling for 20 cents a bushel and a small bowl of oatmeal selling in a restaurant for 15 cents is about as bad as peanuts selling off the farm for SO cents per bushel and retailing on the streets for about one thud of a cent apiece. From the producer to consumer, the road is a long and costly one very burden some and full of holes. WHAT THE AGRICULTURAL BLOC IS TRYING TO DO. Senator W. S. Kenyon in the Jan-; uaiy i -sue of Farm Life, writes very eleaiiy about what the agricultural bloc in congress is and what is will I attempt to do in congress at the' present session. This bloc has as its program the passage of three very important ; measures, and if. the signs of thej times e true, some of these meas- ures :f not all will be put thru. I The first bill we will try to pass is the one to require that agriculture shall be represented on the federal reseiva board, he says. It is the intention to bring this up in the sen ate and pass it at the earliest op portunity. The senators who are backing this measure intend to pro vide, if .-possible that th e person ap pointed to the federal, reserve board representing agriculture shall be a genuine fanner, one who is actively and, in good faith, engaged in farm ing and not simply an agricultural ist, -v . .f - The need for a farmer on the fed eral reserve board is so "well known that I do not mean to discuss it at length, For many months, there has been complaint among the farmers of the country and the complaint has been justified that the federal reserve board had no adequate. grasp and understanding of the Credit need of the farmers, including the live stock men,:thevgrin..rnen, and oth ers. The - board ' has .been freely charged .' with having no sympathy with the farmers and with 'the agri cultural industry. , . The agricultural bloc will insist that a man who is himself a farmer and who has a thoro grasp of the needs of the farmer in respect to loans and, credits bejnamed. I, believe this: bill jwill, - pas'i .ialtho there will be strong.' objection- to ; it ; from; a number of senators and from vari ous interests. ' ; - -, The J second' bill ' which ; will r be pressed by the agricultural bloc this scason.,is .the, cooperative; marketing measure. The.qurpo'se ..thi.; bill is to iieoui r- -f- mprs in the- buying and .selling of wioducts. .Opponents .of the jaeasare , :W,Tthe , agricultural bloc - jjects to wwrk.out to the regular ses sioir some new system ol rural cred its which will give longer and more satisfactory credit to the grain far mer, the liva stock man and others tnry tck tf Osm-dm-ctaM Flour carrlts lb La Indiai Head TRY just one sack of Occo-nee-chee Self Rising Flour and see what it saves you. See what wonderfully good biscuits, waffles and hot cakes you can make every time you use it. You don't have to worry about measuring out baking powder, soda and salt. They are already mixed in Occo-nee-chee Flour, in just the right proportions. Their cost is less when used this way than when bought separately. By adding water or milk and shortening to Occo-nee-chee Flour your batter is ready for cooking. Think of the time and bother that saves. And you can be absolutely sure of its turning out right. These are the reasons for the great popu larity of Occo-nee-chee Flour among common sense housekeepers. Order a sack from your grocer. You can tell it by the Indian Head on the front. It will pay you. Bo sure to bay PtorXen when you want plain Hoar AUST1N-HEATON COMPANY Durham, North Carolina OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self -Rising Flour Takes the Guess out of Baking; and Saves you Money in the farming industry for periods ranging from nine months to two years or thereabouts. The ordinary short-term credits for thiee months or less are not ade quate for the farming industry. The purpose is to have the proposed cre dits based on commodities, on the products of the farm, or the ranch, or the plantation. If you curtail the buying power of the farmers, you cripple the whole nation. The day cf Dives and Laza rus as applied to the fanners of this country is about gone, and agricul ture is no longer content to take merely the crumbs that fall from the table of other industries. All the farmers are asking is a square deal and that is all the agri cultural bloc is seeking for them. ARMS CONFERENCE TO RECESS UNTIL TOMORROW WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.-The Aims Conference probably will re niai.i in recess today, pending in formation on submarine limitation ' from the French and Japanese gov ernments. SYNTHETIC GOLD DOES NOT BOTHER WALL STREET NEW , YORK, Dec 27 Wall St. is undisturbed over.. the reports that a German scientist has discovered synthetic, gold. Some chemists are skeptical. . Certificate of Dissolution Stale of North Carolina, Department ' of. State, . V . To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: ' V Whereas, it appears to my satis faction by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unani nious consent of all the stockholders depopited in .my office, that the Bennett Company, a corporation ..of this State whose principal office is situated in the City "of Rocky Meunt County of Edgecombe,' State .'of SELF-FIAISIIIG 1 s.s :t .if. BREAD PREPAnATIOI Ordinary, flour lacks the phosphates . which build bone, muscle, sinew. Hors fordl is rich in pur phosphates. The'1' best self-raising flour is made by mix ing Horsford'i with a good frrade f jsour,- - use .Horslord s for Health and '. baking success..'. Save the Red Labels MJfyM froa lwvlr ahnnrino VRCK , i srAumuin' oj , writing , Kujnio: ' CJien2ioal4 Works, JPnjvidencejJKj Make Delicioas Hot Breads SAVE the Premium Label - Tn nmrifn , . ' 1 Common sense in good baking North Corolina (E. C. Speight being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consol idated Statutes, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: j Now Therefore, I J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 15th day of December 1921, file in my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dis-1 solution of the said corporation, ex- j ecutei by all the stockholders there- ( of, which said consent and the rec- j ord of the proceedings aforesaid are j now on file in my office as provided ; by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 15th day of December , A. D. 1921. J. BRYAN GRIMES 1 t v--4w Secretary ofState NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of su'e con tained in the deed of trust executed to me on the 5th day of April, 1921, bjj John R. Chapman, such deed of trust being recorded in book 175, at page 444 in the office of the reg ister if deeds of Edgecombe county, North -Car6l!na, I will on Monday, January the 9th, 1922, at 11 o'clock A. M. at the court house door in Tar boro, Edgecombe county, North Car olina, sell at public auction for cash, the land described as follows r All that certain tract or parcel of lahd ' situate in No. 14 Township, Edgecombe county, North Carolina, bounded on the north by the lands of Trumnn Daughtridgc, on the east by the lands of the heirs of Jno. Dorsey Barnes, on the south by the lands of the late Chas. H. Harper, and on the west by Kelly Gay, containing 92.6 acres, more or less, ; known as the mill pond tract, and is a part re maining unsold of the origin a' of the 132 acre, that was conveyed by Jas. W. Hines t T M. Hfnes', his wife.1 . niiii ---mtiffltni -i" ; and R. H. Ruffin, trustee to Jas. H." Chapman, by deed recorded in, book 76, at page 121 in the, office, of the register of deeds of Edgecombe county and the same lands conveyed n the last will and testament of Jas. H, Chapman, deceased, to J. R Chapman. . ,. , . This Decembef th, 1921. , ! j T. T. THORNE, Trusteed Thorno & Thome, Atty.,: 4 decl2-ltw-4wks ' ' '' SALE OF PARTITION. North Carolina, Edgecombe County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Junius C' Swindell, et als., plaintiffs, vs. Nell White Swindell, et als., defendants. Notice of Sale. , By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Edgecombe County made in the above entitled proceed ing directing the undersigned com missioner to sell the lands described in the petition filed in the above en titled cause, I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, before the First National Bank of Rocky Mount, N. C, corner of Tarboro and Washington streets, on Saturday the 28th day of Janu ary, 1322, at twelve o'clock noon, the following described real estate, to-wtf: Beginning at a point in the north ern property line of Battle Street G5 feet east of the intersection of the northern property line of Bat tle street and the eastern property line of Arlington street, thence along the northern property line of Battle street in a westernly direction 65 feet to the eastern property line of Arlington street, thence at an inte rior angle of 89 d. 50 m. and along the eastern property line of Arling ton street in a northernly direction 216.3 feet to a post, thence at an interior angle of 63 d. 35 m. and in a southeasternly direction 59 feet to a post thence in a southernly direc tion 42 feet to an iron pipe, thence in a southernly direction and paral lel to Arlington street 149.9 feet to the beginning. This 23rd day of December, 192t. GEO. L, WIMBERLY, JR., Commissioner. Jos. B. Ramsey attorney, j 2-9-16-23 LET THE SOUTHERNER JOB Department take care of your printing. Books, pamphlets, fold er:', and office stationery of all kinds. Service and satisfaction gu-iranteed. Phone 75 and let us estimate on your work. NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Jennie B. Walker, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against her estate, to present them on or be fore November 28th, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon.' LOU BUNTING, Admr'x., n28-ltw-Gwks Conetoe, N.C. W, O. Howard, Attorney. North Carolina, Edgecombe County Notice is given that the undersign ed Rocky Mount Savings & Trust Company, as commissioner, by vir tue of a decree of the Superior court of the above county and state,, in a special proceeding, therein pending entitled J. B. Taylor et al. Heirs at Law of Mrs. Mary Armstrong, ex parte, will on " Friday,' the 6th day of January, 1922, at 11 o'clock a.m. on the premises hereinafter described,-located on the Wilson road, in No. 12 Township, offer fof jsale,. to thf highest bidder foe cash, sub ject tc confirmation by the Clerk of Superior Court of the. above county and " state, the following described land cf which Mrs.' Mary Armstrong died seized, to-wit? Beginning at an iron stake on the road, corner of Lot No. 4 thence north 80 d. 50 m. west 230 feet to an iron stake in the line, of Lot .No. 2; thence north 12 d. east 20Q feet to an iron stake corner of Lft No. 2; thence south 80.1-2 d. east 296 feet to an iron stake' on the road; thence with the road a southwester ly direction- 207 feet to thfe 'begin ning; containing 1 1-5 acres f Jand according -to plat of division of the Mary Armstrong property made by IredelJ. Wijliamst surveyor, ........ . This the 3r4 day of Dec., 1921." THE ROCKY MOUNT SAVINGS v - .. AND TRUST COMPANY, I .,, . ; .Commissioner. Battle & Winslow, Attys. : ' ' . NOTICE. ',.'.--- ':' .TJndeT.the. power rcntained-In Aadi of, tjutt- given by. "W. tE. Par rish .to J. P. Bunn, Trustee, on Jan uary 6, 1920, recorded in book. 1$, page 571, Edgecombe county' regis try, tha undersigned will offer for sale, at publie auction to the high est bidder for cash, before the Na tional Bank of Rocky Mount, in tha Sharing Our Profits DO YOU KNOW that we divide our profits with our depositors? ,.' .'.. V During the past twelve months we have paid many ' dollars to our patrons as their share of the profits on Savings and Certificates of Deposit. . . Did you get a share of this money? i When you deposit money here as an interest-bear-1 iog account, we either lend or invest it as we think ' best. If you want your money again before it is re turned to us, we will take over the account and give ... you your money with the interest due you. 1 . And if it should ever happen that we make a bad - loan or a bad investment, the BANK takes all the loss. AH your money and your full share of profit is paid to you just the same. The bank takes all the risk. And you can deposit any sum from $1.00 up, as often as you like. j,. The First National Bank . THE BANK FOR YOU. city of Rocky Mount, North Caro lina, on Saturday, January 21, 1922, nt 12 o'clock M., a certain lot or parcel of land lying in the city of Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, state of North Carolina, described as follows: Fronting on Ivey Place, at . the corner of Ivey Place and Thomas street, and being lot No. 47, Block "A," as shown on the plot of the property of John H. Logan, Trustee, which plot is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Edge combe county in book 75, pages 570 and 571, to which plot reference is made for accurate description by metes and bounds, reference being hereby made to deed from M. R. Braswell and wife to J. M. Sherrod, recorded in book 107, page 294, Edgecombe county registry, and be ing the identical lot conveyed to W. E. Parrish by J. M. .Sherrod, by deed dated January 6, 1920. " December 17, 1921. J. P. BUN'N, Trustee. dl9-Itvv-4wk8. SUMMONS North Carolina, Edgecombe County. Minnie Lillah Farmer vs. Herbert Carter Farmer, In the Superior Court. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe Coun-. ty, North Carolina, for the absolute dissolution of the bonds of matri mony subsisting between plaintiff and defendant, and said defendant will further take notice that he is re-1 quired to appear at .the Clerk's office i in Tarhoro, Edgecombe County State; of North Carolina, on the 12th day of January, 1922,. and answer or tie-1 mur to the complaint in said action, , or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. .. This the 12th dayof December, 1921. ' . . A. T. WALSTON, dl2-4t Clerk of Superior Court- State of .North Carolina Town of Princeville. ; V ' i- Be it remembered that at an clec tion opened and held in the mayor's office in ..said town on the second Tuesday; in Qecember A- D. 1921, the same being the . 13th day of said month,: to decide on. an . ordinance authorizing the said , town to issue $4,000 in , electric .light bonds and 1 10 registered, and the following number; of votes were' cast for the ordinance. 72 votes; against tho or dinance, 0 votes. ':','.'. -j "... v ; We, the undersigned -judges of said election do hereby declare the ordinance for the ussue passed. - Signed this the ' ISth day of De cember A. D. 1921. - -i - i .-V TURNER. PNDER Begistrar. ROBERT 'ALTERS, I'S' caryVrmejb,'. .k X dl9-ltw-4wks;! je jroj-w- , . NOTICEOF ALE. V , . North" Carolina," Edgecombe County! Pub'ic notice Is bereby "giveri'fhat Ty -virtue'-of ''an. erdt of- sale made by -the ilom Jos. B. Cheshire, 'Rfe-; ree in Bankruptcy, ine certain cause referred to hira, entitled IN RE: IL E. BREWER, BANKRUPT,' which" cause i( pending in the United States District Court r of, the Eastern Dis trict of North Carolina, the under signed R. L. Hufflnes, Trustee in 5! Bankruptcy, of H. E. Brewer, will, on Friday, the 20th day of January, 1322, at eleven o'clock A. M., on the premises hereinafter described, of fer for sale at 'public auction for cash, to. the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by the above named referee, the one-third undivided in terest of H. E. Brewer in and to the following tract or parcel of land, to wit: Lying in No. 11 Township, above county and state, and known as the McKendree Farm, located at the in tersection of the public roads from Tarboro to Wilson and from Tarboro to Rocky Mount; containing in the aggregate 876 acres, after excepting one acre, being the McKendree Church lot, and 4.7 acres conveyed to the County Board of Education by deed recorded in Book 189, page 61, Edgecombe Registry. The land referred to herein as containing 876 acres, exclusive of the church lot and school lot, is described accord ing to a purvey made by Iredell Wil liams in December, 1920, the metes and bounds of which are contained in a certain deed of trust from Frank Gorham, G. L. Wimberly, Jr. and II. Emmctt Brew 31, to Frederick i . cii:;.viuyst . , j wc. e iw. vxv- Lu. l Uo.r.cfit Lif Inara::.e.. Com pany, whk-h 'ecl of trust is record ed in I'.oo'i 225, page 569, Edge combe Rerytry. to which reference is made for detailed description. The sale of the bankrupt's obe li: !rd undivided interest in said farm la ::"..'. r.'t t the jot of his pro;'ri 'n?. par' of iV.: (hH - of trust X-i r.-cil. ghujtn above nihnic which sccu-?.l- an o'.'ligation of the thr!c (rvrer?! i f flst.Jir.nd1n tSe sum of ?2.i,0OO.C0, with; interest ; from February 1 ,1921, the principial of which loan is jue February. 1, 1926. The sale will be free and clear of all other liens, including taxes for the year 1921, and free also from the inchoate right of dower of Mrs. Jo sie C. Brewer. " By virtue of said order of sale the undersigned will, also, at th same time, and. place, or immediately af ter the sale of the premises herein above described, offer for sale to the highest bidder for" cash, subject to confirmation by said Tefereer4he one third undivided interest of .said H. Brewer in the personal property .on and ur.ed in connection .with said farm, consisting of mules,' horses, cows, hogsi sheep, farm machinery, tools, implements,-' vehicles. and all. -- veiiicjvs. mu tif party theretjn con- by the said Gor-I I Brewer. .. r . other personal property tained and owned ham, Wjmbely' and ' , By virtue of said power of sale the undersigned trustee will-also at the same time and place or after the conclusion of the sales above de scribed, ofTec for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the con firmation by said .referee, three lots -or parcels'.of land, the. property of said bankrupt," lying and being in Princess Anne "County, Virginia, ' de scribed as follows: ' ' -'r; ' ! K- "' " ' f '. .Beginning at the southeast corner of. Cleveland street; andi Michigan avenue, thencerubnlng easterly street -12. feetf, thence ' southerly! parallel . with: Cleveland street '.125j feet to the eastern line of Michigan ayenue; and thence, northerly, alonjf the eastern line of Michigan 'avehua & feet to" the" pi oht of beginning! beihg tot "f , 2i' and 8. In Block 62 .Of pla'nf Euclid" Place, wiich is dul recorded In the Clcrk's'offlee ol Princess 'Anna County,'-Virginia, i This the 19th day of December 1921. " "' ... ' ; R. L. HUFFINES, Trustee In Bankruptcy of H. E. Brewer! dl9-ltw-4wks,