1 THE SOUTHERNER Dijy 1889-EstatIisliecf-WCTk 1824 hliXISrerSAitetntttLa - Except , . $undy,-.b?.XHE SOUTHEENEE,-at ' Member f VWstcjateJ Preai. The 4. P. is eiclusjveiy- Entitled -to .the ; ose for republication of all news dis patches credited' ta'tt or not other wise" iredltji this paper, and,' also the focal news published n'ereu'AU rights of republicaJAoa.pf special dis patches, hergii .are also reserved. ' P'orfiign ''-Advertising ftepresenta tivetr. Fost-tanfis-& Kohiu-Brunswick B14g.. .N. X,.City; Peoples Gas Co.,., Chicago, 1004 Candler. Bldg , Atlanta. , . ,...:;..!V. .. , ' PsuYirfettta Managing Editor F. H. Creech Cor. Editor i V. flermaB Creech Manager r " Entered atP. 6. at Tarborp, N. C, as gd 'class matter,under Act of Con . gress of March-8F, 1879. i i i 'i ii '" ' " 11 " Sbscron. Rates? Daily, 1 year, 5;, 6 months,. 2.5Q; 1 month, C.Oc; 1 weeK ISc. Weekly, 1.5Q per year. PHONE 76. ..P. 0. BOX 907 LEADERLESS DO-NOTHINGS. Every day that passes brings forth more and more evidence that the day of the political bosses in ihe rnost nf the expenses involved by the change in Tso-lin's headquarters was stae and nation is fast fading away, war without the market which the announced by General Wu Pei-fu, The power that used to be wielded war created and are consequently central Chinese leader reported kill by the so-called bosses in Washing:, pretty, nearly paralyzed. In this sit- ed in action. Foreign legations are ton City lias forever gone from them , uatioa they are to some extent pre- investigating his death, and' the people are taking to doing pared to regard strikes as a blessing . ,-, y. their own thinking." and; are content to let the tariff re-, Cmly recently this old time power, pose at.the switch." , Delegation to Hampton, Va. of the bo'sses has been attempted, Syracuse, N. Y., .Poet Standard, XEW. YORK, May, 3. A delega- but every time it has lost out. republican, saj"3: "The senate ,must tion of men and women left today lit a recent issue of the Dearborn, give ar to the changed conditions of for Hampton, Va., to attend the 54th Independent Ais question is refer- red to in a most telling manner. It says: ' A few years ago the country re- volt'ed over the rule of bosses in the United States Senate and House of Representatives. ' Cannonisin in the republican, but with a sense of hu Lower rfouse and Aldrichism in the nlor onstantlv stimulated and arou,- Upper House brought forth the po litical anger of the nation. iNow, the Congressional pendulum has reached the other extreme. From the day when each body in cluded a dozen or more outstanding figures our government has swun to the point where 'neither Senate nor House i.i -able to offer a single exam ple of real leadership. . TheVe' 'are ' independent men, and industrious' men'. There are learned and experienced ' legislators. There are men-'i'epresenting all viewpoints on the country's "problems.' But of statesmen able to- combine enough qualities-to get thought transmitted int action there is an utter void, . TB "sins-of bossTsni were the 'sins of enmmission. The sins of the lead. erles flocR Of Congressmen we now - . . - i- . . possess are Sins of omhwion.Bossism .v .- - - - .... at least had the virtne of doing some- . .. ... . -tr v - th.nwhethethatomethinK was right ef-wron. Gehgress, now at it". it ' . lowest ebb since -the Union was form- ed, does practically nothing. A be isc d Congres earned -its' pay but the ' courvtry-'-eould 'well save the $7,500 , salaw!eVf the five hundred members of the '.two' houses. ' ?; REPUBLlfeAW PRESS CONDEMNS SElitriT1" B,ur:..'- 'Hee-rie-some additibnal 'editorial opirHons-'-bn; kh f ordney-MfcCumber Tariff flilU -rertleadfngre'pnbhcan'-t'j .paperi: ; ,5-fi. -A i i Tile StJ Lfais' taobebemoerat, -the '.'4eadJg'teJMrtSitfifoiBtM-t)ort' , westalyB-1 .The" hrll-4eem to; have" appVled-ie'prrfielpTe f proteetion to eveiyirr, WHhfu regai-d & present world' eonditions' and without regard to air Alter! positioii in relation to the world's trade. If or tariff dee- not permit-fair-ctrmpetitiorl wittrthe other ountries hoWj are we-to main . tainthe vorld trade that ia now so . essential to oucprosperity.?"-.,-.. .... . ThejBoston Transcript, .the- graBd-, motherof 4he New England Republi,! v ll iiraca J yi"". .J party guidance is thrown to the wind "iritK respect to the tariff and says this is undoMbte'dly due to the preva lont"(irnr1"'tnrldrtions of interest and1 6f -Views. It then adds :MThef e maybV someJconsolatioif in the fa'ci' thaf'it'wllt 'tak a lotir time to strai ghten'' 'Ot'thiscHSos of views "arid, thaf tne fiSay'wiiJ give an opportun ity ii letnict 'of oTne bf the' tajus- tices involved tirthr jerlati inU"1 But I II . o4 amimmSm carried JmiliS II a ;u!irJL-.-.i j ;n the meantime,, the manufacturers 0f .the. country are carrying all or worjd trade due to our change from a Jebt r to a creditor nation. It must give ear also. to a demand that the rates on foodstuffs shall not be the highest ever levied." The Ohio State. Journal, soundly ed by. this administration, says: "Eco nomic conditions in the world have changed so much since the war that the tariff problem is vastly altered We are the creditor nation now and the only way in which our debtors can pay .is in their products. Our ag ricultural and manufacturing inter ests need, as never before, a wide, free foeign market. No one apparent ly, except the hard-shelled old high protectionists, .who is wrong about; it, has a clear idea of just what ought ' t0 De done. This is one of the cases where it is better to do nothing than ,i0 the wrong thing." ' While"" 'it', takes millions to build waisriips,' there is one thing comfort-' inn v nnT.r wm.nm, in 4nn inn,,-1 ,0 ;.','.; , i, "., Dr. Pierce found most effective, in't sands to junk them. Recently con-. I f . inn.i l mntnina. noeY . :, . . d bC J8 1 J " ;v"?"fa ''f,;"r gress has been asked' for an appro-1 alcohol, and M an extract p patieU . . -- . ', , . 1 roots with the ingredients plainly pnation of $70,000 to junk warships1 t til9 wr(,pper. Ciood red- .. : S vim. vigor mnt vitality are suW . . . . , ; ; . j to follow if you take tins Alterative i Extract. lr. Pierce's Golden Iediea(' , , . ,;v:lnit Am mv nimnle-. ami .une great neanune in one oi me daily newspapers reads that the Eu- r .. ; . .'. . . e :. ,. t . iv'tu -)ituaiiuii nun oil - i n.icui ,mny" be averted' by a big loan. The n W ' -" '" i -.'.'-.( i Russians seem to think that Mr. Mor i gan "can fix' up things'satlsf'actorily!" nOBSCRmErii W ;. i : '; III JUi'KIBE jnau,.ijj.L..'UL-Uj MBHB '.7 vn 'til, CASH w f fT'.Ia . hai'o FOR 30,000 iet 6 Inch AVe.tKer Boarding at ..... . $18.00 25,000 fet CenmiTat.:............. ... ........... r $18.00 - G. DA VIS LUMBER CO; THE-OrH.iBtartE .Wa are pffering the following at prices that (are , very lpw : ., c. -.-t t'i'. ; "''.; -'-- . CEMENf , JIL SEWE ;IIPE. . ROOFING ,v r CORRVGATED MEJAL NAILS ETC. s . T ;ti. Bring Back Your' Honeymoon tit Offlf i MULTITUDE of tinapprect-r ated things in your borne, that once were lovely, are Mill underneath their scratched, worn surfaces! as beautiful and useful as ever. All they need to make them new again is the lustrous glow, the gleam ing sparkle, and the rich color that is In every can of Devoe Mirroioc. Mirrolac comes m ail wood tones and in many artistic effective enamel col ors. Easily applied. Extremely durable. Devoe Products are time-tested and proven.backed by the 168yearsxperi ence of the oldest paint manufacturing concern in the U.S. Founded 1754. 'Austin Hardware Co, Tarboro, N. C. LINES CARRIED HERE . --.v.- . CHANCES HEADQUARTERS PEKING, May . 3.A general anniversary of Hampton Institute,) the object of the pilgrimage being to link more closely the north and south in developing the institute, . What This Buffalo Physician Has Done For Humanity The picture which appears here ef Dr. Pierce of Buffalo. N. Y.. was taken in 1910. As a yoitaig UHi Ir. Rercw - practised medicine m l'ennsylvania and was known far- and wide for his great success in alleviating disease. ' He early moved to 'Buffalo and put up :J in ready-to -pse form, his Golderi i Medical Discovery, the well - known , tonic- for-the blood. ' This rtrength- k.iil ia m 1 H O f-nm n f..l'tnlllf1 1X'llirth y, " : u I nini.'.oif, ...... .v f the complexioii -fresh and clear. ; " Tbia. Discovery corrects the disordered con- 1 ' - ditions in a pick stomach, aids diees- ! !; tion, acts -as a tonic. and purities, the-. L blood, unte ur. nerve's n h..,,j : unttn X Y jinrl i leree a irivuuus receive" 'conridential. medical advice without- charze. AH druggists sell Discovery . tablets or noma, cena iuc tor uiui pag XlLTf1oTn'Hl:KNEP 5 AILY - ilOUTHERNE ONLY a. " .: t .'l .i'O .'& 7;i SALE THE SOUTHERNER SOMETHING NEW: PLACE YOUR "j order -frith The Southerner for '..'stationery in .colors.- GoldenroS, ' purple; pink and white bond type- writer and pen paper, with envel- j pes tc. match.. 24-hour service. f.tijfeSMfSiSS MONEY-TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE ' IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY , FIVE'YfcAS TIME? HENttY X!.? BibURNErA :'is v V if : ' -ON- ' IMPROVED FARM LANDS - JAMES PENDER 44 JUST UNLOADED ' Z J 1 Car Light Mixty Tirri' othy Hay. 1 Car 400 Bags Retsof Ice Cream Salt. 35 Bbl. Franklin's Granu lated Sugar, assorted in bags and packages. PRICES RIGHT. R. B. PETERS :i . , GROCER . Phone 35 211 Main St . Wholesale and Retail . T it ,n,,-B: ,;, , , ' ;- ' ' - - - -V ,..- When We Get It We Get It Out E quickly.;: We; do j not; Relieve that in. case. of the rush order, it . is necessary to. sacrifice : GOOD printing for speedv Considering the speed oiv this .kind of jobs we have done, the quality of,,the . woifk is invaria ly 9urpi'isinp; to 'our patrons. - BILL HEADS, LETtfitt ) HEADS . I . STATEMENTS, EEtpiPES " CARDS,' PROGRASlW; pXM-. v ; PHLETS, FOLDERSj" rj60tS,;- .. . CATALOGUES:.. 'AND .ALU , , K.INES OF.R: i ." r " - v ": "-- ' ' -' '-',".," ,.... ;'.':.! ' - ' 'A- aaa aaaaamaa fllT " .'.-';'. ; . .. t t" - : - .i J- Vf - i A. I ' ' .:. ' v I- L fZ: v" fc- L; ' vi ' ' 'n " ' xThe Southerner. Job Department SciiJ YATS V?;-H i'i r-iimi ai rj'v-sYfS f' - --SijT CC'j4 . flail's Catarrh' Medicine 'Those who are in a rui flown' condi i .biii nniica thai Catarrh bother "tbem much more than whea- they -yr In ariorl lieaitn. this ibci proven uim wmm Catarrh Is a local disease, It la (freatly fenced by StuttaJal conSitlu'ri. --Tonic and Blood Purtflwr, and-actr through I II A I I ' U r'ATAWHM RlruUllHIUI.fl ..&, tilanI iinnn the mUCOUl surfaces . of : the body.-ihua reducing the Inflammation " anfl"rostortnir -norrrrah rondltrotuw " F. i Cheney7 Coi Tola. , J i ! ,..,r C r 1 ... M r ISb of EVJEM V bit of fire fighUn PPatJ8,', yM Hattdl. it ,ia..a j.yrtsftcrad proper question, to, put. up to thi fire , insurance agency, it will be answered. INSURANCE UNDERWRIT ERS AND ENGINEERS will know, from experience in meeting just such problems, where to put a fire pail, where to reel a hose just what to do wilh each piece of equip ment you have. Bring your troubles, here. It is as. much a duty to help you as it is to. .issue a policy that wjll pay all loss by fire in the Hartford Fird In surance Co. Jacocks & Koyster Co. '; :'l ) v. li .'-'a '"' ' -TARBORO, N. C. , REALIZE that : ii ' it is often neces sary for a firm to get printing . clone -, 3 '-'- ' ' til A 'X..5V '.;;t u.3 V: t f.r : i". ' t v : i -..: ...... w.'lA.;'.! -2 t.cz rr.it. T9!W.ei. 6C!i VE.t'I ass-"' AN ATTRACTIVE; LETTERHEAD may be had in colored paper using any tolor ink desired, with envel- 5 vpes fo-match.' terns print you a email trial lot. Prices very rea sonable.- 54-bour serYiceiThe Som! thernef..i 1 - '' Notice of Adminiatration. 1 Thp 'undersigned-"' Having ' qualified as administrator of the estate of the lnle Amos B. Wooten, thisM to Jioti- fy all persons -holding claim against . ..... - ' the said estate to present the same to the7p"h"der87gned at "ce1es1!e N. V., tiuly verifiedj on or -before the. 1st day of May, 1923,; or this hotf will be, pleaded, in bar of theirr-l .......... f an- :J..w. in '.,;'.iF estate 1 will pjedse' make '.immediidi settlement. . . . . ' ,., r ... r . n This the 1st' day of MayJ ip22.;'i J; J!.: BROWNJ AdniinSsUtot, ml-Ctw Macclesfield, N. C. Notice of Adminiitration. . . The undersigned having quulilied as Administratrix C. T. A. of Jthe, estate of A. R. Nunn, deceased, thiM is to. notify all persons holding claim against the said estate to present thtrj same to .the undersigned at ReckyJ Mount, ,N. G (July e.nled, on. Or Jjij, fore .the' 28th., (lay of April. 1923, T this notk'e wilj bq,pleaded in bac of thejr recovery. All persons indebted, to said estate, will please make Sin.-, mediate settlement. , . . ' i ....'. i This" the 38th day of April, 1922!. ,,, . . (Miss.) Bonnie J. Nunn, . , Adrninistratrix, C.,T. A--' M. V. F.arnhill,"Atty. . a2a-Gt-0w ' , ( NOTICE. ...j , . Under, and by virtue of the power and authority contained in two cer. tain chattel .mortgages executed byt J. B. Pennington Motor Car Com, pahy and.J.jB, Pennington, to the undersigned, recorded in Deed Book 217, page 477, and in. Deed. Book 209, . page 237, Edgecombe County Ito'gistry, the - undersigned will on Saturday, " May J3,. J922, at 12, Mi, at the Court House Door, Tar.boro, NT. Cy, f ell At public :awction, -the foJ". lowing- described personal property to-wit: ,. ... ... .' . ; ' ". ' One Six Cylinder Studebakcr Au tomobilo, seven ' passenger, serial number 318177; Touring Car type and style .. '.' ' : -r- One Peerless Touring' Cor NuV 250702. ; -' ' '-o : ' The. aboye njimed and described automobiles can be seen and Inspect ed, at the garage of i. 3. Pennington- Mdtor Car Co. . f Term's of ale i Cash.'" - ' This April'"J8; l922.t- ' PAMLICO SAVINGS & TKU?T' ' ; h r s 'COMPANY, Mortgagee . A. W. Macnalr, 'Attorney. 1 ev-day-to.maj-13 ' ' 1 ; : ' ' " :" ' notice 6f SAr.?:. ' VMdt Snfl by virtue'-.of the power of isale contained in a certain mort gage executed f 'i: E? Weinberg and Helen W.1 Weinberg,'"his- wife,' on the 28th": day fef OctoDer) i92i! Which'' ii (JoTded in- Book 229, at "page 220, -Edgerombe County fieg"iBtryl; defauitj having' Been "made" jn lh pajfrnent'of the infleof edness herein seiuredj the Ainderslgnerl will on Monday the' 29th dajr of Ma;'H)2l2,'at' the hour 6f 12' Mj b'e'fcire -trie 'court fifiuse door in th town of 'Tarboro';1 N: C'.i'ot f er for sale- teethe 'highest; b'idder'Tor' cash the"ioHowlng--' described 5"lo't' 5with dwelling thereon, lying in tne 'towii of Tarboro,- Eageeoiribe county,' North' Colma7;1oWitf;I J'U " - 'i jBegimiing it" the southwest corner of;tfctesectloft of Panoia' stre'ei and- Baker. treet,' 'thence ' westerlyj witS Bake? stTe ' fifty" fbef.' thence south'erljr1 pafalrel ' tiol" Paribla'' street one-hntidrerl Jan'd foHy feetcofner- Ing street1 then onjr' nuWdred 'atMT forty .'feVf io" the I begfrminj pon'ht;' betngv the ' same "lot conveyed To" JT'irjWelriBerg.y Herriniff Creech Vnd if'n'd' Henry C. j B'ourn'e'by "deedf aatetf January 8, Edgefcombe' RomesteaA anS Loan rAwdclatlon. Morttaeee. apflf ig-ftw-lwk? J i t-4 Tiri , -r Notice JafySeb !ofi Lands.; j l-t ynqer- anu; vyiTinne M' a. ccnaiw "th'ertci i' jea'ftey'paVaTiS to Baforl and bounded 'and described as fdN ttf feet "to Taiiola street, low, 'tis: The same being part of the ce 'northeVly with' Panola' street lot -desrgnaTW- ien lhS plan r6i tiaiif wdwigTi4'!b.aJ"Jltrattpn:and4i:j ipJfiBl-ftl4sI,il92i. ij-4-W A ' Lrife, Jacqueline Penningtsar.briccyiit 20th day of Msy, 1921, duly record WEDNESDAY MAY "3," 1922 ThwAaiiWdrtK1 T tYI T 5 Gent Ori a Savings -,- . it Account BOYS AND GIRLS - ' Success depends a great deal upon your education..,. A bank ; account will na kp both your education and. your success more certain.; START AN ACCOUNT TODAY the First National , .Bank Of tarboro "Tarboro's Mil lion Dollar Bank" ' ,-' .- ,'!'-'. ' . ' 'I Every Boy or Girl Who Will Save and Bring One Copy-' of Our Advertisement For 20 tuccetaive weeks appearing Each Wednesday in The Sou tberner, Will Be Given $1.00 m a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. c' ed .in Book 23?. jP;ajre 7S . o tbe fJ'f'fSyv.i-bpx'ns?' bpen r.if.do.inthe ayonen'i of the in debtedness ,thereir ecured, and.de-v mand having been made, for the fore closui.e upon the undersigned (bjr the :p!i!r;." i;f t'itr -notes., the, undersigned, ii u -' r.- -vjn ii;?er i if mIc on Wednes day, 4! ay lil, 1922, in front of court hon e, doof-,in TarboBo,.. , C, be-'.vi-tcs'; '.he hoar?; ,of 12..M.. and, two . o'clock jP.M.,.- to the highest , bidder ; fjr, cash, the following described lijnds, yij:: , . . ;v ;.f First Tract: Lying on h) east side tt the! TaTbo'ro-Sparta ttoad,' adjoin ing the. 'lands of' 'Lam Lawrence, James iPender,' W. O.i HowaMa'nd otHers; and 4eing Lot Vlo'. i 'in the division of the Crornweir FSrni be-fweerifthd-eaid Jao((upIine Perming tori, W. O, Howard and JanieV Pen de.nhe report ef the itfommissTrinera appointed to triake ea'ifie,''beiTig Re corded in Booli ItiSage-iSS.-d the Edgecombe Registry. Said trat'ton tains'tii1 hundred 'arid 'fouteeri' anJ four-tentJii n(61 4.4 )-crs; W6re tor less; RpfereAre'iSmadeito tne"Bfdre-said- partition proceedings s'nd also to Map Bwek i; pagre! tl oHtik- eombe Hegistry for a further de-- senlption. 4 J RdpnnH Trn.f That .a.i. f,..f of jlam? lilua'te hr'thtf ' Toft lif Tar- KrtfA ' fVra tt firoao J? annntw h rwl Li Tojwn as Lot No. 66, being the part ' of 'said .let -lying west-of ot Ho fJSli -an Mas(j j)f the;jail Jot anbeingitha id naltjInd!.MgvefedtolJ.?at ro,gnjidi.ftanaiOT:)y H. G. Allsbrook, trusteeeljyj.dae4 in plook 160, page 353 of the Edge-wUe-RSstr "an"r Vie,iwara'st By s6T "AssocrationT riorrveye'd" to 'jY'Iw Hd!fn:ir eedfin'Joi'Mre1'' 882'of i(l--Eeglifry,Jan4yySaid' "J fldilrHeiiff wife onVeyerJ'!b"J.; rermingion- ny - aeetf tn BooIC 219, 1 E. C. WINSLOW, Tmste?.1- - G. M. T. Fountain A Son, Attyj.