5 i I " w' 4 . :v , - r v .. 1 X v.. "- I: ':j'"i. 1 u, r t'V 3,' i Si .3 PATIE FOUK THE SOUTHERNER Do Not Fail to Get LOCAL SOCIAL ITEMS WEDNESDAY; MAY 3, 1922- DRAIN CONGRESS ll ANNUAL MEET ABLE TO GO HOME. I Benefit of I lie The 12the .Annual North Carolina Drainage Convention, which opens at Goldsboro on Friday of this week Af;.-'M Kuth Shillings, who lias been under the auspices of the N. C. Drain- in the hospital for several days, was ae Association and the N. C. Geo able to return home this morning. , logical nnl Economic Survey, bids She will soon be able to resume heri fair tCWing tlK ' rnst ' interesting i nfid "tastttk-r1Vehieitfnt 'of its kind ever 'tothfllrWie Sou'trl." A program has been arranged which will brintr a larre attendance not only from the Vi.rii.us parts of Nai-tli Carolina, but fniiii Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia. work. HAVE INVITED VETERANS. The Daughter of the Confederacy have invited all the Confederate Vet erans to their dinner which will be as usual on May 10. RETURNS FROM CHARLOTTE Mis. John L. Bridfrers, who has been in attendance at the ladies' aux iliaiy of the Episcopal church, Char lotte, has returned home. While away lie al.-io attended a meeting of the ixecutive committee of the U. D. C, it (la.-lonia. eciais ere LEAVE FOR RALEIGH. Nina Powell, Miss Kale Aus tin and Aliss Emily Austin went to Kaltih today to visit friends ar.d relative. tf Roenbloom-Levy Company Home of Hart iJcliaifuer & M arx Clothes. NEARlNG COMPLETION. I ne beautiful little chapel, called St. Ami's, now in course of construc tion rt the Cray place, a few miles from Ti.riioro, will soon be complet ed. Till.; chapel is a beautiful struc ture, of pressed brick. The interior decorations are most attractive and when completed it will present a .-plendid appearance. LAND SALE. Pursuant to a deed of trust execut ed to rue by Joe Taylor and wife, recorded in Book 225 page 574, Edgecombe Registry, default having been made in the payment of the notes therein secured, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in Tarboro, N. C, on Monday, May 22, I iP22, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow 'i:" described real estate situated in :...! io 11 Township: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands of L. D. Britt, Columbus Dunn and others, containing 42.2 acres, more or less, and well known as the Blount Tedder land, conveyed to the said Joe Taylor by R. G. Allsbrook by a deed recorded in Book 145 page 318. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the lands of Cooper Wells, or his wife, Daniel Price and others, containing 62 acres, more or less, except one acre conveyed to the Board of Education by a deed recorded in Book 189 page 61, and well known as the Battle Bryant land, conveyed to the said Joe Taylor by W. S. Clark et al by a deed recorded in Book 156, page 181. April 18, 1922. W. 0. Howard, Trustee NOTICE Oh' SALE UNDER EXECU TION. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Supe rior Court of Edgecombe County in an action entitled, "Capitol Buggy Company vs. J. Ray Marks," J will on Monday, the 5th day of June, 1022, at 12 o'clock M at the Court House door in said county, sell' to the highest bidder for cash, to satis fy said execution, all the right, title ! dud interest which the said J. Ray j -Marks has in the following described real estate, to-wit: (1) One lot in the Town of Whi ta kers, N. C, Edgecombe County, be ginning at a stake on the south side of Marks St., thence southwardly 200 feet to a stake J. L. Dickens line, thence eastwardly 50 feet to a stake, R. F. Weaver's and Mrs. M. A. Por ter's corner, thence northwardly along Mrs. M. A. Porter's line 200 feet to Marks St.; thence westwardly along Marks -St. 50 feet to the point of beginning, being the identical lot of land conveyed by J. R. Marks and wife, to J. L. Dickens, by deed re corded in Book 167, Page 301, Edge combe County Registry. (2) One lot in the Town of Whit akers, N. C, Edgecombe County, be ginning at correr Marks and Porter Sts., then ir an easterly direction along Marks St. 160 feet to a stake; WENT TO RALEIGH. Mr. J. C, Ruffin went to Raleigh yesterday on business. SICK IN BALTIMORE. The many friends and relatives of1 Mh-s Penny Cray, who was recently operated upon in Baltimore, will be glad 'o learn that she is on the road to recovery. It is likely that a sec ond operation will be made. FROM WILMINGTON. Miss May Houston of Wilmington is the 'guest of .Mrs. Janie Robertson this wi ek. At theFridny morning session the general subject will be "North Car olina's Black Soil Lands; Their Re clamation and Utilization." Mrs. 1 Edith Vanderbilt, President of the North Carolina Agricultural Socity, will make an address on Their Agri cultural Value; Hon. S. H. MeCrory of the U. S. Dept. of Agricultural will discuss Their Timber Value; and Hon. Hugh MacRae of Wilmington N. C. wil discuss Their Development and Settlement. "The Slate's Interest in Reclama tion" will be taken up' at the Friday aliernoon session, and the following points will be discussed: What the University can do to ,aid in Recla iiuuion Work, by Prof. CM. Braune Head of the Dept. of Engineering; The Slate College of Agriculture and Engineering, Prof. M. E. Sherwin of the State College; The State Dept. of Agriculture, Comm'r. M. A. Graham; The Slate Board of Health, Dr. II. A. Taylor, lion. Mark W. Potter, mem ber of the Interstate Commerce Com-! mission, will discuss the cfticstion from the National Standpoint. A special meeting of County Agri cultural Agents will be held during the Friday afternoon session to dis cuss 'he general subject of the drain age of North Carolina Lands. Dr. B. W. Kilgore, Director of the State 'Kx ptr.'mcnt Station, will ' make an ad dress and -discussions will be led ly Missus, lieo. It. 15uyd and F. (). Bart el, drainage engineers of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. .On Friday night there will be an illustrated lecture on reclamation by , Serviee.-A Splendid moving picture I film has been secured fprthis lecture On . Saturday morning the big' feature -of the program? comes, when "A National Reclamation Policy and: the Settlemcna of Idle, Lands" will be discussed, with addresses by Sen-; ator W. E. Borah of Idaho and Con-' gressman W. B. Bankftend of Ala. Discussions will follow; ltd by Hon.1 Clement S. Uckcr, Director of I)e-! velopment of the S. A. L. Railway! and member of the Federal Board of Indian Affairs; representatives from! various industrial and' development .' organizations from Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia; and Hon. W.. A. McGirt of the. North Carolina! Landowners Association, . Saturday afternoon t."The Duties of Sheriffs, Clerks of Court, Drain age Engineers and . Commissioners under the North Carolina Drainage Law' will be the general subject. Hon. Frank Nash, assistant attorney general of the state, will discuss va rious points of the Drainage Law in connection; and this wijl bo followed by n round table discussion by sher iffs, clerks of court and' drainage on gineers and commissioners present. SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday arid TO LOCATE TOBACCO STATIONS IN NASH COUNTY Dr. JoVncr and Mr. jPatton of Richmond, Va., will bein Nashville next Friday to locate theVobaceo sta tions for'lhe farmers ofyNash coun ty. While' there are no warehouses or drying plants in NasHvitte at the present tjinie, this wide-a.ake town has told the Tobacco)' operative Marketing Association that if Nash ville is made a receiihg station al! the necessary equipments will be placed in the town as soon as possi bio. A big crowd of farmers is ex pected at Nashville Friday to hear Dr. Joyner and Mr. Patterson. Saturday Only Collapsable Canvas Cots $3.95 Ideal For Camping Army McClellin Saddles $9.95 Just a Couple Left TARBORO ARMY GOODS STORE 2 Doors From Court House The Edgecombe county health de partment will conduct clinics to give treatment against typhoid fever at places and on dates as follows: Pinctops: May 1, 8 and 15; Crisp: May '!, 10, and 17;' .Macclesfield: May 5, 12 and 19. On Saturdays, beginning May fi, Tarbnro health department in coui-L house. You may have your blood tested on Saturdays. N.,t;cj of Sale V.ii-je of i f;'. - th. '(.' ill,'.' Cou.i Under Execution. in t:;ei.ution to me Superior Court of :y in an aci.on en- '.:.n-d ,'..i.iei...:i, tU o.ik.i & Hargrove, (Inc.), vs. Joshua Anderson, I will on Monday, June 5th, 1922, at 12 M. at the court house door in Tarboro, N. C., sell at public auction (or cash, to satisfy' safd execution, all the right title and interest of the said Joshua Anderson in, h) following tract of land, U-wit: A certain tract of land situate, in. No. .r Township, Edgecombe Coonty,' I and State of North Carolina, which r as devised by Thomas Anderson to J. :'. Anderson for life and thert to his children, by will recorded in Will Book H, page 425, the land being de scribed in said will as "tie tract' I purchased from Micajah Andersan.V said land adjoining J. P. McDowell,. Cht.rlio Barnes, Mrs. Leah Harper." and others, ' . ' ' May 1, 1922. J. W. THOMAS, Sheriff. ..:j;.:"X:"W-k-':- .;.;.;..j.;.;;.,.j.4g..2.. -;..;...;j...-..; '.W":-:--:-4--i-..44.; Notice To Subscribers Candidate For Legislature Our esteemed friend,' Dr. j'. C. Biaswel! oT Whitakers i a candidate for thp legislature f mm JMah county. rz u , TRADE . STORE MARK SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1 INSTANT SWANS DOWN, Package... 25c Add Water and Bake a Cake. SWANS DOWN, Cake Flour, Package Prepared 35c We want all our customers to try INSTANT SWANS DOWN, a ready mixed cake flour of unusually high quality, therefore we are making these soecial prices. Use SWANS DOWN and BAKE BETTER CAKES. STRAWBERRIES EVERY DAY. Meetings at Jones Chapel. A series of evangelistic meetings will begin at Jones chapel Sunday t, t, ...... ... rr., . . ' ."ay i. i ne Kevereml L,. L. Smith of Pinetops "will do the pruacmng. Air. bmith is a very fine! pastor-evangelist and a preacher of great force and power. He has done a most wonderful work on the Mc Kendree charge. Franklin Hs Bif Sales April. If the sales of automobiles is an index to the return to normalcy then the good old times have come backv Mr. Zeb Cummings had a telegram this morning from the Franklin com pany stating that the sales of Frank lin ca.-s for the month of April was the biggest they have fever had dur ing this month; 1,134 cars were sold and delivered. During a period of 22 years April showed the second big gest saies. The telegram also stated that 400 cars were sold and delivered yesterday. I , Your DOLLARS Buy More Unheard of values in one of America's best tires, the Doss Extra-ply Mileage Masterpiece. Non-skid Cords, guaranteed 10,000 miles; Non-skid Fab- rics, guaranteed 8000 miles Note these striking exam pies of value; all other sizes of tires offer the same time ly economy. : Iv rr XX XX SETTING OUT TOBACCO. All over the county the work of setting: ".'out tobacco plants u '.pro gressing rapidly. In some sections the plants are scarce but as a general thing there are plenty of plants every where. thence southerly 50 feet to a stake; thence westwardly parallel with first Kne 160 feet to Porter St; thence northwardly along Porter St. to the beginning, containing 8000 square1 feet, and being the identical lot of! land conveyed by J. R. Marks and wife to J. B. Cutchin, by deed record- e in Book 167, Page 365, Edgecombe County Registry. This April 29, 1922. iril-4tw J. W. THOMAS, Sheriff Edgecombe Ceunty. N.-S. N.-S. Conl Fabric 30x3 $ 7.75 S0:;3H- -- $ . $ 9.05 32x4 ?22.75 $16.50 n:i.4 $23.50 $17.40 ''4x4 $24.25 $17.35 32x4 i $28.75 $20.85 34x4 Vi $30.75 $22.15 3r,x5 -1 $.17.95 $24.95 Membership in ' National Chain: Dealer Association gives- us great buying ad vantage no other dealer en joys. Come in; and learn how to BUY TIRES' RIGHT. Special Price On Fisk Tires Way Be low List Price. TARB0R0 VULCANIZING CO. a ay I vv XX tx TV Vv vv tx vv vv If IF Your Subscription Is Due, You Have Been Mailed a Bill. We Must Hdve Payment Now Or We W Be Forced To Drop Your Name From Our List On May 15th. Please Mail Us Your Check We Need The Money THE SOUTHERNER h r i