I ); I ii.j . Til ft SCOT Erik ft ht illilr UUUIHLIII Pn, lSBM&uWiafieJT-TVMklj 1824 mfrcnrmfrimrir fabllshcd. Every Afternoon Except WBtfy,-rTHE SOUTHERNER? !.f MomWrt Associated' Press: The X. P i e5cclusleiy entitte'd. to'' the m for repuWicatioB of all newB 4i patched Credited to "it of tot "otfoet- 4hf ttiaHoi in this? paper; Bad alao th local new published herein. All rights, of republication of ipedal dis patches herein are also reserved. a, ' .1- r . ,; 4 ForefgQ Advertising Represerita-ttveafFrc-'st, Landls" St tohn, Bruns wick Bldg., N. Y. City; Peoples Gas Co.,' Chieafro, Atlanta."- 1004 Candler Bids., Paul Jones ...... Managing Editor F. Hv Creech, . Cor. Editor y.' Herman Creech Manager Entered at"T. O. it Tarboro, N. C, as 28 Clalss matter, under Act of Con ' cress of March 3d, 1879. ' Subscription Kates: Dairy, 1 year, f 6; 6 months, JZ.SO; I thonth, 60cj 1 week, 15c. Weekly, 1.50 pet year. '! Indiana Yearly Meeting, the larg est organized body of Qulcer i ihe vjjorld, wiil meet for tj 102; aniHial conference August S to. 14. This meet -fiig nnd Westerif Yearl Meeting control Earlhara College. ' - The bwiniai session of the Friends General ., Conference . the .; Hicksite Friends ind the oldee branch are sot organically -uhited, they -have part icipatod in number of movements, notabie jtha dtstribr.tiijirl of; relief in the war stricken countries of Europe. Many Congregations of the rficksite branch are' in the eastern, states and will be represented by delegates. . The1 five Years' Meeting of Friend, composed of thirteen yearly meeting will meet here from September 5 to 12, with official representatives from the following yearly meetings: Canada, New .Bngland, New York, Baltimore, North Carolina, Wilming ton, Indiana, Western, Iowa, Kansas,' Nebraska, Oregon and California. The loreign and home mission work of the affiliated yearly meeting is directed by this organization, which meets once in five years. 1440.68 ' ,Y ... : J. B. Pennington, Garage St. Names St, Assessment 813.12, In- i terest; ' 33.85, Costs 1.20, Total, The First National Bank, 8-ft. aUy, St. James St. Assessment 58.32, Int. 2.08, Costs 1.20', Total, 61.60 ! Mfssi i t Minerva ' Pittman, ". Res. Wilson St., Assessment 4958.75, In terest ' 249.38, Costs 1.28, Total, 5209.33 ' .'::' ,i. Missionary Baptist Church, Church Prop'. , St." Johns' St., Assessment 1744.28, Interest 72.12, Costs 1.20, Total, 1817.60 '4. That the maxiwuit tax which may i be levied aid collected each year to pay the intifcresf and principal of said bonds shnll'not exceed twenty five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of all taxable ' property in said district, and seventy five cants on each taxable poll in said district. At" oaid ejection those iavoring the' issuance of said bonds and the levying! of a speeial tax therefor, shall vote bal- -j lot on whichshall be printed the words "For Schoolhouse Bonds", and those who are" opposed shall vote a ballot; T on winch shall tie printed the words PHONE 5.. P. O. BOX 907 THE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH STREET ASSESSMENT .The" street pfeving for 'the Primi tive Baptist church assessment is $1,440.68. In this church there are about 20 members. Of this numbeT 19, are. women and 1 male member. Mayor Foxhall states that he has already promised to him more than $309 with which to pay this assess ment and he thought he would be able to raise the balance. If thefe are others who wish to subscribe to this fund he would be glad to receive it arty Jinie soon. This action on the part of our mayor is most commen dable and our people should respond to his call. CALVARY CHURCH. Church school instruction and an nouncements of plans for the sum mer: 9:45. Men's Bible Class, uptown, 10. Holy Communion aad Sermon to ChildTen, on the Meaning of Whit sunday with'combined children's and adalts' choir; 11. This being the first Sunday, there will be a musical service at the Co lonial theatre at 8 o'clock. Many ia miliar hymns will be sung from the screen, with short lesson and prayers. And then will follow a five-feel pro duction called "Safeguarding The Nation." This is a great scientific picture obtained with some difficulty from New York. It shows from a me dical standpoint the effects of alcohol on man's brains, nerves, stomach, muscles, bones, and every other part of them. It has moving picture copies of mfcroscopic tests of the affects of alcohol upon all sorts and conditions . of animal life. It ought to be a won derful picture just to. see, if what is said of it is true, and more than that, it ought to da a great deal of good. Admission is free, of course, but I do wish everybody would come pre pared to contribute something tow ards the expense of these pictures. Somebody has to pay far them, and it looks to me so mach better for every man to bear his part than for a few generous people to bear it all. BAPTIST CHURCH. "Can you find a better Way for to spend the Lord's Day .Than we're taught in the Book? In Isaiah fifty-eight: Thirteen, fourteen, up to date! Get the Bible now and look." . . Services tomorrow as follows": Sunday school at 9:45. Preaching at 11 a.m. B. Y. P. IT. at 7 p.m. Thare will be no service at 8 p.m. on account of the revival services at the Methodist church. J. E. KIRK, Pastor. "Against Schoolhouse Bonds". And $ if a mnjarity of the qualified voter NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION shall' vote "For Schoolhouse Bonds", ji IN - THE CONSOLIDATED MAC-1 then it shall be the duty of the Boardj CLESFIBLD HIH SIOL DrS-'l of Sounty Commissioners to issue TRICTv TO AUTHORIZE THE IS-; said bonds, not weeding the amount SUANCE OF BONBS OF SAID BIS-j specified', and shall thoreaffrer anau- j TRICT FOR SCHOLHOUSES;AND! ally levy a sufficient tax, not exoeed- $ ORDER OF NEW RE6JSTRATJ0N; ing the awount specified, to pay the $ OP THE VOTERS OF "SAW Dli-! interest and principal of said bonds'! TRICT FE SUCH SPBCIAL; so issaed. as said interest and pricipal t ELECTION. Notice is hereby given . that a special election wrtl be held in the Consolidated Macclesfield High may fall dut. And it i farther ordered that said' eleetinn bo held and conducted in the .niaie mainer, and at the regalar polling place in said District, as now proscribed for holding gcne&al , FROM BURLINGTON Mr. Ely Taylor, formerly of Tar boro, but now living in Burlington, is spending the week-end with rela tivet anJJriends. . . ' ;;.. H lit ,V-- r- I . . v ILEE tARLHASlGOLLEGE . RICHMOND. IND., JUNE 3 Known as the "Quaker City of the .West,"' Richmond will , justify- its to the title in the next three "months when. thousands of Friends from all parts of the United States meet here to participate in the diamond jubilee of Eariham college and to attend four important confereaces. : The seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding -of. the Quaker college fn" tWi city .tll be conducted June 3 'to 7, and the principal speaker on Commemoration Day, June 6, will be Herbert C, flooveq, seretary of com worce, himself a Quaker. The growth ,pt the institotion from a Friends' Boarding School, which opened its Voors June 7, I8t1, will bo depioted in a pagent on June 5. The thirteenth anoai general con feronct of young Friend w to be held St., James Se.j AisessmOnt 1382.35-, --at larlhaai College, Jilly 21 to 81. Intoreot 17.13, Costs 1.2,'. Total, TOWN SALE W REAL PROPERTY FOR UNPAID SPECIAL AS SESSMENTS, 1921. By virtue of authority conferred on mc by law I will on Monday June the 5th, 1922, sell at Court House door at 12, o'clock noon, the follow ing parcels of real estate situated in Town of Tarboro, to satisfy the a- moant of special Assessments, in- terest and costs due the Town of.1 Tarboro for 1921 payments. Owners of property and the amount of As sessments, interest and costs appear below their respective names. J. H. Jacocks, Clcrk-Treas. Mrs. K. L. Dancy, Res. St. Andrews St., Awi'ssment $294.80, . Interest 27.54, Cpsts 1.20, Total, $223.54 Wade H. Andrews, Res. Pitt St., Assessment 1857,24, Interest 119.64, Costa 1.20, Total, 1977.48 Mrs. J. B. Wemyss, Res. St. Pat rick St., Assessment 1039.26, Interest 137.60, Costs 1.20, Total, 1776.46 . A. E, Hudson, Res. Trade St., As sessment ; 413.84,; Interest 38.64, Costs 1.20, Total, 453.68 j John B. Hyatt, Agt. Mary Horne.j Estate, Res. Trade St., Asessment 432.57, Interest 82.46, Costa 1.20, Total, 1516.23 W. M. Newton, Res. Trade St., As sessment 519. 63, Interest 44.33, Costs 1.20, ToUi, 565.16 B. F, Moore, Res. Trade St., As sessment 398.82, Interest 32.40, Costs 1.20, Total, 432.42 C. B. Keech, Res. Trade St., As sessment 389.38, Interest 36.31 r.sivivn. Total. 426.89 . J. S. Hoard, Res. St. Patrick St., X Assessment 1448.72, Interest 80.00; Costs 1.20, Total, 1529.92 R. S, Sentelle, Res. St. Patrick St., Assessment 63.32, Interast 33.88, Costs 1,20, Total, 3S.'4i John Pender, Res. Sf. Patrick St., Assessment 383.72, interest 31.69, Costs 1..20, Totcf, 416.61 S. 3. Naihanson, Res. St. Patrick St., Assessment 1852.31, Inferast 101.77, Costs 1.20, Total, 1955.28 Mrs. M. S. Whitehurst, Res. St Jamef St., Assessment 1668.06, In terest 13i.36 . Costs 1.20, Total, 1800.62 . "John L. Jenkins, Agt wife. Res. Bridgers St, Assessmet 844.40, In terest 4,89, Costs 1.20, Total, 880.49 Potor Heirs, 4 Vacant Lota, Poter St, Assessment 1293.93, Interest 63.49,' Costa $4.$0 Total. 1352.22. B. Benjamin, Res. Battle Ave., As sessment 360.42, Interest 14.88, Costs 1.20, Total, 378.50 ., t T D. T. Williams, Re. BatUo Ave., Assessment 671.56, Interest 2f.77, Costai.20, fotal 700.5? , . Primative Baptist Church, Church School District of Edgecomfce Sounty North Carolina, on the 6th day of June, 1922, at the regular polling eleotions, and there shall bo a place in said District, under the auth ority contained in Article 39 of Chap ter 95 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, and acts of the General A' semWy of North Carolina amendatory thereof,, to ascertain whether the Voters of said School District are in favor ot isswing bonds for the purpose of building, rebuild ing and nepairing a schooHiouse or schooihouses ia said Dn'strict and fur nishing the same with suitable equip ment. 1. That the amount of bonds to be issued thereunder not to exceed the amount of Tweaty fkre Thousand Dollars (,?25,000.0) 2. That said b"tids shal bear a rate of interest not te exeed six per cent annum, payable-senli-anaually. 3i That saki fcoads shall be ia de nomination of ae Thousond ($1,08.60) Dollars eaeh, and skall mature serially as follows: One each year from th 6th to iOth yewr, in clude, from date of issae; and two eaoh year from the 11th to 20th year, inclusive, from date of issue of said bonds. . . ii new Dis roeistration of electors in said trict for said election. The Registrar, between the hours of nine o'clock A.M. and sunset, on each day (Sunday . excepted) for twenty days preceding the day for closing the registration, books will keep open said books for the registra tioi of any electors residing within said School District and entitled to rojjiat-rntian. The said liooks will bt closed for registration at sunset on the 2nd Saturday before said olec Hoa. On each Saturday during the period of lvrtristration the registrar shall ' attend with hie registration book at the polling place in said Dib trict for the registration of voters. Tlw foliewing Registrar ad Judges of Election n hereby appointed.Ior said election. Reatrar: J. Walter Edwards. Judfcs o$ cluctioti: J. T. Winiitottd and W. P. Harris. fail tho 1st day of May, 1922, By ordo-r of the Board of County Commissioners. K. S. BUNN, aU-daiy-tf. Clerk t N. C. STATE COLLEGE of Agriculture and Engineering SUMMER SESSION JUNE 13TH TO JULY SOTH X Sourses for Teachers holding State Cettiflsates and for Prospective ij) t Teachers who are graduates of Standard Hn;h Schools. Courses for J College Entrance and for College Credit. Course in Cotton Classing. Catalogue upon application. j Apply for Reservation at Once to tW. A. WITHERS, Director :-: :-: Raleigh, North Carolina 4- GASOLINE AT COST ON ACCOUNT OF HAVING MORE GAS THAN WE CAN STORE, WE AHE GOING TO SELL 1200 GALS. AT COST, 27 l-2c THE' o. h; store . No. 7 East Church Street GLINE 27c Per Gallon. r At i ' a 1 ! rm,n-. ft ; iMi.iiin ; l4 u u Jl JI m . V 7 .ih : A: 4 v. -.jl'i.- SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1 922 fi The Southerner St- Job Department RECEIPTS Q are; YOUR Si- l' Increased 92 Percent During the Last Six Months. WE HAVE IN OUR FIRE PROOF VATJLT 75" SAFE TY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT A T THE SMA hLs COST OF $3.80 PERjYEAE WE INVITE YOU f6 COME IN AND INSPBOT SAME. ' ,. .The First National . Of Tarboro '. . Tarboro'a Million Dollar Bank. 1 Q SERVICE Plus V1U1 1 i 3L PRICES. 2 Wrt-sma tost doii s5 X'S.4&S2-X'2i-'i'i., ' - -'. ill'' T " ,-- ...-.. -'; 111 It is petite possible mL t!e (anfgtst part of xsur whulo seasoti'a investment may be lost in a fjre m jm-a barrag of hail ttomet ANOTHER -RE A 5 O N WHl tOUR CHOPS S" II O U L D B PROTECTED B Y A HAIL I N S U E A M O fi. POLICY Aik about the tort of protection guarantetd by a plicy ia 1 i f Jhe HarUorL v. Jacpchs& Eovstcr Co. TARTORO, N, C. Tte 1 :ili -. 2r a.Tm.,v:..Il':. ;r:'T Reduced $ Lowest Pridci Ever Sold For in The Past 16 Years, E Few Months in 1916. t:,...;::V. Let Us DemonstrateFrankli Qualities to You 2eEo do Franklin GET! Lit i: ; F ranldin S ztA c cf' JUST UNLOADED ; CAR OliD ETniJAfjfiE' - - VCKiT'S FLOUR : Conasifr'j cf ' GILT-RDOri,- WHITE : ROytT AND AIJOVE ALL Self-Rising and Plain t CAR TIMOTHY nAY 50 RHL. GRANULATED SUG-ARy AH3UR7KD BAGS ANT) CAKES PRICES RIGHT . R.B.PETERS GROCER ' Phone 35 21 1 Main St .... .. ... . . Wkolesal and Retail , AnnouOcemcAt. I hereby announce mysolf a can didate for the oftc of sheriff of Edpcconibc county, sabjecfti' (he democratic prrmary in UAe. m22-tf : JESgE W. THOMAS. AnnoBncemenl. I hereby anriouWe myself a eandi I date for the oJffce of1 register f of i deeds for Edgecombe coMrfty, ouBJect ' to the democratic primaries lo ' be ! held Juno 3,'l82l ; 'fT'" f " . . i m22-t'o-j3 ' H. 'S. BtfSlN. j. IlaU'A Catarrh Medlcfa . .Those who ar m a "run flown" cotidl Won nt notic that -Catarrh bmherrf Uiem much more than. hen thr ar in ; good heulth. Thla fact (frovet ttiat wMla Catarrh Is a local dtseai. It la-nnuitty i hiftuncd by "etTt!tuttor:;tt - aandicNMili: ' HALL" CATAHUH MWDICINE hi ft Tonfc and Bltfo Pnrlrtef. and atts HirouitW 'th blood upon, ttie muceufr snrfacaa of the body, tlrti reducing tlieynllainmattort and -rtorrnff normal condition, , i AIT dniKfriaia. Cfrculsrn feJT I F. J. Chener Co.-. JTolado, Ohio.! l"; MOIEY.TO Ml ..V.ON-.. IMPROVED FARM LANDS . JAMES FENDER - . ; MONEY TO LOAN OH IMRROVED REAL, ESTATE IN EDGECOMBE. COUNTY vFIVE YEARS. TIME f HENRY C BOURNE, Any.