.Saturday',- jtJNK.v ftfwr '' SkM Tarboro- June6tol2 for &etuboff I v . V,.. ...II I Buy a Season ticket $2.50 1 Qs Ms A& .0 LET A -4 SOUTHERNER WANT AD SOLVE THE PROBLEM FOR t d u -: 1 I 1 ! ' : I 1 QWV" w.lr'Vtr WHY BUY A SEASON T 1st BECAUSE IT Yeu and yur folks will be sure to attend some of the exercises and tfhte general admissions will be 75 cents for each number, exept tke play, which will be one dollar. " 2nd BECAUSE THE SEASON TICKETS APPLY ON THE GUARAN TEE AND THE GENERAL ADMISSIONS DO NOT. 3rd BECAUSE YOU ARE PUBLIC SPIRITED. : YES, it may rain ae that you cannot attend some of the exercises. You may be too busy and tired to attend all the exercises. . v You may Hve too far away to attand all the exercises. BUT, you are public spirited enough, to invesr the price of a Season Ticket. . Because CHAUTAUQUA is cwie of the few forms of entertain ment that you know will do the young folks of the community . good instead of harm. Because you know that your guarantors arc public spirited enough to pledga much more than the price 1 of season tickets for themselves and their families. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY '. TAXES. ' Uder and Ik. virtue of th,e power vested in me as sheriff ef Edgecombe Ceunty, by tke public laws ef .the State of North Carolina, Chapter 131 Article 14, of the consolidated stat- i otes and amendments thereto, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the taxes ipr the year 1321, I -will on the 5th day of June, 1822, which day fe the first Monday in June offer for sale at public auction to I the highest 'bidder for caah, at the court house door in the tow of Tar. boro, North Carolina, and selhthe fol- - lowing property te satisfy tke tuxes now due and unpaid on tke f sHowing property iid cost of advertising and ualo: To-wit I Property on which tax is unpaid, in following townships: I Pompey Herne, 1 lot Woodland, J. W. THOMAS, I tax 8.42, cost 1.2, total 9.62. Skoniir Edgecombe Coanty.! L. A. HoHma-n, 1 lot Albewnarle, Ne. 12 Township White: 1 tax 11.84, cost 1.20, total 13.04. J. D. Baker, 1 lot Arlington, taxi John W.-Kiag, 1 lot Park ave., tax .7, cost 1.20, total 1.90. -1.0,8, cost 1.20, total 2.25. J. C. Barnes, 1 lot Short at. 1 lot) Allen V. King, 1 lot Carolina, tax Nugent s,t., lax 3.16, cost 2.40, total i 2.11, cost 1.20, total 3.31. 8.56. i PfKPy Lawrence, 1 lot Phillips st. S. Breen,' 135 acres RieJmond land tax 1.40, cost 1.20, total 2.60. tatc 79.25, eost 1.30, total 80.48. Frank Lucas, 1 3-4 ocree Hfcme Carolina Fertz. nd Phosphate Ce.,! tax S.20, cost 1.20, total 7.40. 15 lots riantors, tax 8.42, eost 18.00,1 Ed Myers, 1 lot Mitchell st., tax tbtai 20.42. I 8.42, cost 1.20, total 9.62. W. C. Cokor, 1 lot School St., tax. No. 12 Townnhirp Colored: 3. Gl, cost 1.20, total 4.71. I Susan Medley, 1 lot Logan St., tax D. W. Hocutt, 1 lot Branah st, tax! 1.85, cost. 1.20, total 2.25. 1.39 cost 1.20, total J.59. I Chai-Ix; Mtroer, 2 lots Ifclly &t Lawrense Johtisrm, 1 lot Bra-nch st.,j tv 12.64, sost S.4-0, total 13.04. -tax 10.53, cost 1.20, total 11.73. ! Hardy Miller, 1 lot Park ave., tlx J. S. Leonard, 1 lot Red Gate ave., 1.40, cost 1.28, total 2.60. tax 18.S0, cost 1.20, total 19.7. I Alex Murry, 1 lot Penn. ave., tax J. W. Leonard, 2 lots Myrtle ave.,1 1.05, cost 1.20, total 2.25. ' tax 1.40, costs 2.46, total 3.80. Amie Marrior-t, 1 acre ' Braswe'll P. A. Moore, 1 lot Mercer St., tax, lad, tax 1.32, co:?t 1.20, Utal 2.52 20..7, eost 1.20,.t6tal 22.17. I Mareie II. McLaurin, 1 lot Bullucl W. L. Owens, 1 lot Buen Vista,' st., tax .52, cost 1.20, total 1.72. tax 5.26, co.st 1.20, total 6.46, L. H. RandoJph, 1 lot Horirrove, 2 lot Carolisa, 2 lots Park and Myr- tie, tax 6.56, cast 6.00, tota-1 12.56. Va.-Caroliha Laid Corp., 1 lot Mercar, 1 lot Soheal, tax 4.59, cost 2.40, total 6.99. A. M. Dauprhtritlge, 42 acres Wo me Place, lax 78.51, cost 1.2J0, total 79.51. ' " . , , 1 G. B. Kornoga;, 4 aoras Watkins, lax 2.35, cost 1.20, tatal 3.55. No. lS Township Colored: Willie Arrington, 1 lot Raleigh rd. tax 8.16, cost 1.20, total 9.36. Leouder Alston, 1 lot Grand ae., tax .71, cost 1.20, total 6.91. Charlie Armstrong, 1 lot Highland ave., tax 1.75, cost 1.20, total 2.95. Jossa Baker, 60 acres Bulluck land tax 42.94, cost 1.20,' total 44.14. (192& taxes.) , Lucy Battle, 1 lot Woodland, 1 lot A Mermarle, tax 7.63, cost 2.40, total 10.0-3. ' Itickard Battle Est. and Lizzia Battle, age, 1 lot Myrtle, 1 lot Cand st, tax 2.82, cast 2.40, total 52. Rascoe Battle, 1 lot Short st., tax 12.02, cost 1.20, tatal 13.22." Julius Bryaat, 1 let Myrtle, tax 8.42, coat 1.20, total 3.6Z. " It. Klly Bryaat, lot Crand, 1 lat Atlantic, 5 lots Matthews, tax 47.82, cot 8.40, tatal 56.3C. Cliftoa Bulluck, 63 acres Home Place, tax SS.J, cast 1.21, total 84.5-3. Vf. tt. Brown, 2 lota Myrtte ave., Ux.I4A cl 2.40, tatal 26.S3. Lawrence Cherry, 1 let Tarkora rd.. tax l.6, cost 1.20, total 2.26. Lonn-ie L. Coopac, 1-2 int. lot N Mum, tax 35.10, cost 1.20, tatal 3C.30. iMA11 SAVES YOU MONEY. Grunt Faison, 1 lot Carolina, tax 10.62, cost 1.20, total 11.82. Arthur Floyd, 1 lot HoHy St., tax 9.64, cost 1-20, total 10.84. John Gardner, 1 lot Pen", ave., tax 7.73, cost 1.20, total 8.93. C. G. Gai ner, 1 lot Highland ave., 1 lot Carolina ave., tax 14.30, cost 2.40, total 16.70. Mrs. C. G. Garner, 1 lot Highland ave., tax 1.58, cost 1.20, total 2.78. General Grant, 1 lot Tarber rd., tax 5.7-S, eost 1.20. totul 6.93. Bsbox Gray, 1 lot Gold Leaf, tax 11.94, cost 1.30, total 12.14. Clint liawly, 1 lot Grand ave., tax 1.86, cost 1.20, total 2.58. Green Harvey, 1 lot Tarboro rd., tK 1.05, cost 1.20, total 2.25. ; Harry Ihlhard, 1 lot Tarboro rd. tax 3.36, cost 1.20, total 4.50. Toav Newton, 1 lot Short st., tax 3.95, cost 1.26, total 6.15. ' Geo. Nickols, 1 lot Hill st., tajf 31.43, cost 1.20, total 32.63. Willie Nixoa, 1 lot Carolina, ta 1.40, east 1.20, total 2.60. . W. B. Parks, 1 lot Holly st, tMi 6.58, cost 1.20, total 7.78. Erntvst PiHman, 1 lot Gold Leaf, 1 lot Myrtle ave., 1 lot Grand ave., tax 44.33, cost 3.60, total 47.93. Ekza Pittman, 1 lot Carolina, tax 6.32, cost 1.20, total 7.52. " Bon Smith and sister, 1 lot Penn., tx .33, cost 1.20, total 7.58. Mose Summcrville, 1 lot Carolina, tax 9.23, cost 1.20, total 10.43. W. L. Stanoill, 1 lot Gind st, tax 1.40, cost 1.20, total 2.60. James Stith, 1 lot Carolina ave., tax 6.32, cost 1.20, total 7.42. J. W. Taylor, 1 lot Carolina ava. tax 1.40, cost 1.20, total 2.60. Lewis Taylor, 1 lot Pennsylvania, tax 10.33, cost 1.20, totaMl.55. James A. Wadins, 1 lot E-ast Qrahd lax 8.68, cost 1.20, total 9.88. Tom Watson, 1 lot Afbermarla, tax 14.13, eost 1.26, total 15.84. . Dan Whitehead Est, 1 lot Dunn st.', tux 7.86, cost 1.20, total 9.06. K. W. Whitley, 1 1 lot Arlingtoa, tax 7.11, cost 1.20, total 8.31. ' Charlotte Wimberly, 1 lot Caroli na, tax 1.4. cost 1.20, tatal 2.60. William Winters, 1 lot Atlaotia, tax '8.51, eost 1.20, total 8.71. , Augustus Corbett, ' 1 lot Myrtle, tax 11.97, cost 1.20, total 13.17. Hear? Roberts, 1 lot Albermarle, tax 13.95, cost 1.20, total 15.15. . Fenny Lawrence and Fred Rimp son, 6 acres Moore land, tax 11.24, eost 1.20," total 14.44. ' No. 13 Township White: ff' ICKET? -:-.-.t' PCLISH REPUBLIC BEGINS UNIFICATION OF ARMAMENT WARSAW, Juna 3. The ' Polish republic has begun t!ie unification ef ite ' arrsa-aient, which, it has been fond( will involve th sorapping ef tltc bulk of the material accumulated frr.m various sources duriag tke past fear years. The renewed equipment will be e. more step in the tranformati6n of tJw Palish emergeacy force to a motkediiMiil'y organized natioaal body Pu!-tiaes are being made princi pally in Franqe to replace that past of the old material that cannet ba uad for the aiiafpmeut af the new aiy which, on a paaoe basis, wars Vod at 250,000 m in the last bud-. Frenck officers are helpms; in ttojt reorganizltion of the araiy, but i smaflar aarabers thaa aarrsd during the campaign against the bol sheviki. There were then 1,986 of ths F.ronch oficws in the field; thare ara now 63, all told, attached to the army ak..-; instructor in ; the Polish military school. HORSE RACING RESUMED IN MOSCOW AFTER FIVE YEARS MOSCOW, June a.-For the first titie in five yns, horae raaing has been resumed in Moscow. The open in;; meet was attended by a huge cjfiwd despite the entrance fee being 1,000,600 rubtes. The women present were dothed in tko. Iat'eat, fashions, rid tii new boargeoise rivalled the Soviet aristoorfc in the art of spend in money. Much business was done at the twmliffttor, bets being trans acted in almfcst aatroJiomical figures. LE CilEUSOT, France, June I. A group f American banksia, now vMiisg this part ef the department af Saono-et-Loira, wer shown over the celoiiratud local iron aad steel works ky Charles Schneider, the di rsctor of the enterprise. The visit-ors were astonished at tha iaacessful transformation of the va rious plaats from a war to a peace Iwisrs. The section devoted to the making of hotvy artillery daring the war is now turning out dally 35 loco motives,' and the factories which net long ago produced light artillery ar today making turbine engines. A total of 28,000 workmen is em ployed, in the Le Creusot works, Mrs. M. L. Lancaster, 87 1-2 aores Meore laad, tax 8.15, ooet 1.2, total I4.3S. : G. Z. Lancaster, 105 acres Knight land, 267 acres Calhoun land, 9.8 acres Jenkins land, 203 aarea Jen kins horaa place, Ux 218.74, cost 4. 80. total 223.64. Br. W. P. Mercer Hst., 580 acres Home Place, 580 acres Nannie Mer- aer, 104 .acres Pig Tail, 47 acres Proctar, 57 acres Braswell,' 74 acres Bin ton Land, 25 acres John Baker, tax 143.38, aest 8.40, total 551.78. Seseum Hoirs, 9.62 acres Jeesa Proctor land, tax 2.74, eost 1.2i, to tal 3.34. No. 13 Township Colored: Wm. C. Jenkine, 12 1-3 acres at Brawn land, tax 6,94, cost 1.21, to tal 8.14. ' V Na. 14 Township Colored: , Matilda Hines, 20 3-4 acres John son HiRes land, tax 17.35, cost 1.2, total 18.55. - Wm; Wwght, 8 aafe John Mnes, tax 22.17, cost 1.20, total 23.37. Notice of Adminittralion. The undersigned having ..qualified us administrator o the estate of the late Amos B. Wooten, this Is to nati fy all persons halding claim against to the undersigned at Macclesfield, N. C, duly verified, an or before the 1st day of May, 1920, or this notice will be pleuded in bar ef their re covery. All persoas indebted to eaid estate will please make immediate settloment. - ( This the 1st day of May, 1922.. J. F. BROWN, Admlaistrator, rnl-6tw MacclessScld, N. 0. NOTICE C-F SALE UNDER EXEC0- By virtue of an ekeuion directed to the undersigned from the Supe rior Court of Edgecombe ounty in hn action entitled, "Capitol Buggy Company vs. J. Ray Marks," I will en Momlay, the 6th day of June, 1922, ai 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satis fy said execution, all the right, titb and interest wnich tke said J. Ray Marks has in the following described real estate, te-wit: (1) One let is the Town of Whita kers, N. C, Bdgecoinba Ceanty, be- gmriiiiar at a stake ofc the south side of Marks St., thence southwardly 200 feet to a stake J. L. Diokans liae,, thence eastwardry 50 feet to a stake, R. F. Weaver's and Mrs. M. A. Por ter's corner, thcoco northwardly aloag Mrs. M. A. Porter's Kne 209 feet y Marks St. ; thenca westwardly along Marks St. E- faat to the point of 'emhint', being tke idexitiaal lot of land eonvayed by J. R. Marks and wife, to J. L. ickens, by deed ra aarded in Bak 167, Page 304', H'dge- cemtbe County Rog-istry. (2) One lot in the Town of Wkit akersi N. C, Edgecombe County, ba g;inniK at corner Marks and Porter ,., then in an easterly direction along Marks St. 1.CIB feet to a stake; thence southerly 50 feet to a etake; theacc westwardly parallel with first line 160 feet to Porter St.; thenee northW:ndly along Porter St. to the bogintiing, containing 8000 square f-cet, anI being the identical let of land emivcyed by J. R. Marks and wife- to J. B. Cutehin, b,y deed racord e in Book 167, Page 365, Edgecombe County Registry. This April 29, 1922.. . ml-4tw J. W. THOMAS, SherkT Edgecombe County. NOTICE OF LAND SALE, The undersigned trustee under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust te him executed by A. F. Backer and, others duted December lOt'n, 1021, and duly recorded in Book 218, Page 609 of the Edgecambe Register, de fault haviiri keen made in the pay ment of the indebtedness . theretn .-cured, and demand for forcolo. ure having been duly made by the party to whnni said indebtedness is due, will on Men-day, June 10th, 192, of fer far sale in front ef the Caurt House Boor hi Tarboro, M. u., De- tween the hours of 12 M., and two o'clock P. M., to the highest bidder for ea4i. .the following described tract or parcel if land, vi:- Bituatd in No. 1 Township, ttie County of Edgecombe, and kcing tne same land coaveyed to- L. E. Feuntaki by Orren James and wife by deed recorded in Book 200, Page 5 ef the E'feecombe Regirtry, where in said trrxt is described as follows : BeginniRg on the narth eMe 6f Tr River al the oornef e the land of the Old Grant Land: thence alonr the line of this land to the public road leading from Tarboro i,o Sparta;, thence down said road f be corner of the land a W. M. Edmondson; thenco along his Jine to lar River; thenee np said River te the beginning containing 124 accs, mere er lees. Also being the same land cenveyed te the esid A. F. Baker and ethers by L. E. Fountain apad wife by deed recorded in the Hdgocombe Registry. This May lth, 1922. ' Gsw. M. Fountain. iK"S-H"i"i""H,,''H''"'' Notiao ef Sale Under Exeautioa.. By virtue of an execution to ma isfluod front ' the Superior Court of Edgecombe County in an action en titled Anderson, Brooks & Hargro?f, (Inc.), vs. Joshua Anderson, I will jm Monday, Jane 5th, 1922, aflB Miat the court house door in TaAore, 'if. 0., sell at public auction for caah, to satisfy said execution, all the right title and interest of the said Joshua Anderson in the following tract f land, to-wit: . J. A certain tract ef land situate U, No. 6 Township, Edgecombe County and State of Nofth Carolina, which was devised by Thomas Andersen to J, H. Anderson for life and then; to his children, by will recorded in Will Boek H, page 425, the land being de scnibed in said wiM as "the tract I purchased from Micajah Anderson, -said land adjoining J. P. McDowell, Charlie Barnes, Mrs. Leah Harper and others. " . May 1, 1922. J. W. THOMAS, Sheriff. NOTICE OF SALE. IjJnder and by virtue of the power ef sale centamed in a certain mort gage executed by J. L. Weinberg and Helen W. Weinberg, his wife, on. the , 26th day of October, 1921, which. is recorded in Book 229, at page 220, Edgecombe County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned will on Monday the 29th day af May, 1922, at the hour of 12 M. bef are the court house door in the town of Tarboro, N. C, offer for sale. to the highest bidder -for .cash' the follewing described lot . with dwelling thereon, lying in the town of Tarboao, tdgecombo county; North Carolina, to-wit: M Betpnning at the siovthWest corner af the interseetion of Panola street and Baker street, thence westerly with Baker street fifty feet, thenc southerly paraliel to Panola ' street ene hundred and forty' feet, corner ing; thence easterly parallel to Baiter street fifty feet to. Panola street, thence northerly with Panola, street one hundred and forty feet te the beginning point; being the same lot conveyed to J. L. Weinberg by V. Herman Creeoh and wife and Henry C. Boome by deed dated January 8, 1920. '- ' This April 28th, 1922. ' Edgecombe Homestead and Loan Association, Mortgagee. CITATION. ' ; ' . North Carolina Edgecombe County. In tie Superior Court. Before the Clerk. In the matter of the Will of Mrs. Oney Long. v To Jasper W. Long, SaIKe" Grey Whltehurst, and Lillie B. Mobley of Edgecombe County, North Caralina, : Joe B. Lon of Wilson County, North Carolina, and Mrs, Ella fiarris, for merly of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, residence now unknown, and all ether persona interested in said will and the estate of Mrs. Oney Long; -'..: ' ' You and each of you as persons interested in the estate ef the Ute Mrs. Oney Long, are hereby notified that Francis Williard Harris, George Daniel Harris, Oney Elizabeth Har ris, aad .Borethy Grey Harris, , by their next friend, J. D. Hanris, hST ing entered a caveat to the prolate of the paper writing purporting tp be the will of Mrs. Oney Long and hav ing been allowed te enter said caveat as a pauper aad the ease having been transferred to the Superior Court far tcial at term you will appear atthe June Term, 1922, of the Superior Court of Edgecombe County, wfiich terra convenes on the 5th day of June, 1922, and make yourselves pro per parlies to the proceedings if yoa choose. ( . This the 3d day ef May, 122, ' A. T. WAL8T0N, : , , Clerk Superior Court. At the last regular meeting of .the . .... . ,. - ' ' . .'"'''