JL- i "5-1 i: v 1! i i' M, IH SDUTHERNER Dly USSS-EstablUhed-Wceklx, 1824 Pablished. Every 'Afternoon Except! was $10, Out. 000. 000; when lie rctir m.day, by THE SOUTHERNER, at1.,, Bt l1t inA (r n vm s E wa J taboro, N. C. " i .. ; ' $3000,000, OQJ.OUU, n gain of 215, .Member af Associated Press: The A. P. is exclusively entitled to the Die; for republication of all news diis ; patCBta credited to it or not other- wise, credited jnthis paper, and also tor local news published herein. Al) i fights of republication of special dis-1 patch herein are also reserved. j Foreign 'Advertising Representa tive: Frost, Laiidis & Kohn, Bruns- i wick BIdg., N. Y. City; Peonies Gaf : Co., Chicago, 1004 Candler Uidg.,! Atlanta. Paul Jones Managing Editor ; . H; Creech Cor. Editor Vi. Herman Creech Manage) Entered at P. O. at Tarboro, N. C, -ti class matter, under Act oi bon press of Marco 3d, lh79. 1 11 ' t Subscription Rates: Dariy, 1 yeAt 5; S months, $2.50; 1 menih, 00c j 1 week, 15c. Weekly, $1.50 Tier year I P0NE.75 P. O. l!OX 90 GREAT DEMOCRATIC LKA3- ERSHIP ON TARIFF. -.The- old Spanish proverb, -UV Wat of hither to ehavo a i would seem to appaV to tbe f.tV expended in criticism-!! tin iten.iii republican tariff bill. bi".;:.usi- absolutely certain that the t.i its - multipliatium of inii;uit:cs, Ix ing eveitything from the :i : p in- a new-born infant':. ubii.ii'.wM bandage to the tombstanc in the ces etery, will e passed. -'Hhe tViaacnatic anay.is of t:ir v rious schedule, howevwr. are jusi lied bv the fat that ;ne v :u entitled to know and to uad-.-r.-tit the size ot the nieiiniam i.n lion- and the indeteai.-tible peiu-y a; der which :t is levied. No other tariff bill has 'vim : thoroughly anai.vzi-ii. tti.-onen -n. vivi.seeted so fur as tiie dt-ifl' proceeded . a tbist'indo-fn:Me ' ure aHl the indefensible . ,t.- protection responsible i"i u. deraocratic senators who hr.v; mos prominerii in exposinv: ' "' n esses, inconsistencies, frau i downright: roWxri-y in tU;. pr! tai-rff bill are perhaps ihe bes: t ped and most exjiet it nC'.-d deaf with tins FiihjwH .tai Ikiv. sat in either house -of i-on'-rrrss derwood, Sinmionti, i'omc-i cue. -of New Mexico, Koohisoii. Pi: Hitchcock, Kinff, iUetcher -or. include a large maj.orii,v of :r. ting democratic senators. On the other side of the ( h i there -seems t he bill one hum. J (Rep., Utah) veteran sint'.l-p reactioaary advocate of the t' nf i-uecial nrivilesK'- wiioxe tht-oi.e.- of 'government in the imu-tei i-ix. aiion swtm to mtlwle the l-eii :.! (Jepotism ii. rciiet-icK the l.i csn ;.n. the polmv i4. levyine tribute -..: ; ed by the feudal baons before .M:iv aa' Charta. ' REPUBLIAN GAINS. (From - Deanocrat-Argas.- CaruniciJi-Ville.-Mo.) In 120 it was Harding or burst now it'ji both. LODGE, THE UNCONSCIOUS HUMORIST Senator Henry Cabot Lodo is tint f the best aneonscious hunioi it m rcst,v,lituve 0 tyie AsstH-iaSt. ! i'revs, the eountry. After assertin.tr that the j,r oiava iVerred sr,ewfica.ny t ' metheds employed by the Denim rts n(.;rfr.tioni now under .way wim. in exposing the infamies of the-I orJ- Americans for important ptihl e ney.MeCuaiber Tariff : hill fer pt- otk? in Colombia, as for instance. ' jobhi? the arrival of a period of stH- t),c construction of the Antioq'.na bility, he said: n -'.iinad : the lean : tor the eitv t.t j "Business could not fully Tccovt-r Jiedillin; laiprovenients at Damn-: while ur-certainty existed as tt the quillu, Coloaibia's moat miportaat' tariff rites". seaport on t:e Atlantic, and for the TTie Republicans came into control ..opening un of the deltas at the mouth of both branches of Consresa follow-. tf the Jlagdalena River. "ing the general elections of 1918., Amcrieun . c.wineers have been: ' Thpy have been n full cantrol of all stodynar prtjteets of development in , 'tranche of the ovcrnmcnt Mnc Coleatbia, tbc Alinipter. coninued, the Frouih of Marc, 1921. Ft wtis ..,) have repeated f avorably on ntore ' Hot until a few months ago that they than one attracted possibility. Also! jiaye even attempted to revise the ' meriean banker are showing the ' tariff tneir PTasnt efforts are real iterest in Colombia. j ' axciting the ridicule, contempt and "The notable increase of recent ; ' denunciation oi even their own party years in the foreign trad- of the re-i press. " " : ' public of Colombia, Er. Olaya con-j DEMOCRATIC PROSPERITY VERSUS REPUBLICAN DISASTER When Woodrow Wilson wont into office us President m 19-13. the es- timatcd wealth oi the .United St ate I Ouo.Oop.uOO. The present estimated the I nited States is $ 000, shotting- a decrease weallh o1 S7,".,0b0,- 000,000 ill the fifteen munths publican adiftiiijstialion iius be Tower. it --e figures ivei revel fly sta-tct ah. I upoi They ar-- it or iMit; :uir of V matt !- i v ! i v .-iaieeil i em.. T Senate. ,'t. -it ii r : ; i u-:-: .'ir.:1.- ;::: l iioily of wii.it it njoiufs.i-i tile iroiiei iry to have a )).- .hi iidaiitiitrstn tt.id 'hit '. 'i. n rbe .yay '.i ii-;" or ; iitnv oiiarv Tiep-ii-i.V.-i'! ai':-.i;'o.i.- va- EP WORTH SOCC1AI. ITaH-T-iS. 1 e IV -1 .in :u'i C. i'i- rh: io Ir ian V it fiien,i. .' 1 ? It ,!i j a i- isi I ii v y rqrnpon-Trri : i i i V L. 1 i I ; J L Hi ! I J W I w I V -h.t,i ION, .1 - t " Hi .V ,;:::. i-r of ("oioaibi-i to the i 'f, !. t h'-.i.e -. ir. Hnriipie Clayt'. in his ad- I ii:-o.'i . to Pre.-hlent iiaif;i,nr toi tin ccaskn of his formal rcpt;oat, j divelt upon tlie increasing b .fife'-i'i-i p- r.ilton between Aiaeru r.r.e and. Coloiiihiaris. i.nd e.'-: preyed . hi-; hpt? for even better relaiien ri t.to if gard 'i the future. IH 'velup-ing tins idea later t'i a rep- sum of ..17i,r 000,000 for the year 1920. places Colombia fifth anioi; Sbuth American countaioiv a Jf This tiii' ;.:- lion aUamod'-oiilv hv tl livr.'i-ini ' " md . unceasing ett'orts e.f ih 1 ni-i labor-idicap- working and inuustvious peopi ing under. da-hc:u-1 cninir ha and iliiTiculiii-s of tran.s jru ..': 'The government t.i (' V(Ui;lMZO!i rfio need of btl'e. 'if co.aiiiuii icaik.'i, and to ti.i; :s sludyinsv with ."avciul ul;i iu iety- of jiropuMals au'iMimt. y Citnj'fti ivt enjfiivcers." .iff pi Jti wil the m tiH of pi'Jlr 'm the aerie iro-ttdtMtt of ki-, e' r.v, who rctv-cc- f-v v.: A lit: wh, 1 "A h. I' 1 si armed, "reached-th TARBORO, TI. C. V .a-. J- I- H is quitt? p . . ltrcbt part ;ji teaicn's inv : he Io;t in a kdiiast? of he Che .ale ' A X O Ti, k i: a s o n .: t Y 0 U 11 C i iJ i. S' H O U L M JJ i PROTECT V, Jj -B Y A H A I I: IN S U R A N C L POLICY Ask about the tort f protection gu;rantced by a policy in , the Idartferd.- . Jacocks & Royster Co. TARBORO, Ns C the, happy impiessiiiiis; which h bad ' obtained of-tiiu Ameriuuns whom lie met in Fri.i.ee during: the war, and he "appealed to AmcneH to assist Bu- i.h. Lhrnnrh thn ilnrkiJit Sour sJih O-- T Tl :tl c:viierwjici sinoe the armistice wan ljtai.suiiie energy iinu Kcnee she sli"ed during the- war. "MM ;v. Xf '.i $.. .tonutkh Trouble? -Tf-iUih-'ir-ist InHiortnnt'Jo, You. ("olnijilitv a. "Dootar I'mrce'8 (.'i l'.l.-n 'iii'.li'Mi Ui.-covery is certAmljr i -ii-d uici'ifipe tor ctMBiaeli trouble. i b-'.v-v siji .i i-ei-i ariiitlv all my lite !v.j-h :.M:.!-'n; led .-Hiarli. .Mv food !-... irrrl to : henj v, t. diatlf r what i :.a I have tilten mniiy oi Hie niedi- s';,i's!i)vii-:--i''.l t - Hilt trouble, but i ii. ot them- br.s ever como up ta (..-M-.-'i .V..--;!iit'.l I'listcovery for giving', i.v. .in iii. :vii." l.'-:iu' relief. Whenever , 1 i.-.i vp a kinTi liver, with sick. In---la.-ln-c ami .on-'Mpatimi, I have i - -ni- lir. f u.i-j'rs I'luusaat Pellets a , rv w1i.,wn rt-Hie-iv. liter 1' not in o or e-::y.v r.ov other disdvspaig .ii;ii-,r m-ii us a groat, luanv pills do "Aire. r.a.ti.l Kmibrougii, ; ijoOJ I i ti ll. A t i eiie. -. t 'brum this ledieal Piscevery of ..:i r i -iea t- f at vour Mearaet drug : v. in uil.iol:- or liaiiil;-r nd 10c. i..ii i e n e s Invalids Hotel m i,-;,...iio. i,. T.. i"t twal luickagf, and write !r tret: uicdifell ad viae. 1 j o ir ..ome .i.'.i.-, Ti..L.tr -inti Time i. . cj ,!;.; : soever and will, ..... ,-. a. .o-.'f.rr and werk (.'..- ,: . ord.hf.rr lye. i ije.ii ovo will save you . ...,-v in T'-ii'.v ot!cr wsys. It . . a si ica.ot fo ;p for kitchen laiindry Witnoly take one , - :e.-i Kr-u iea! Lye and vr-h r; : i: and water. No . or i:t-:' unit 'labor; One ;. i ; niMi? twenty cakes of t; oap. . Rt r-i! Sooktct ric ' i .- ir-,t:v lni:-tiuH usf s. -' t .. i: ' Hv vi prevent . ;s, -' - ! 'ru'Lc, ' "I).a?rc?- -'',- I" . i.:. rr.vte easy.' . in in-iii ii-.." ;.. ! 'us v.'.ttiblc hnnklirt will ' ' ii. -i.'.ii-it y'B fr-e. Write ', ,- i: l--"av. AV "t.ur dealer - n:i;'ji:it Kcd Sfal L v.:. Take no other. hiUJ?!p:dn, Pa. - i - - - 1,1 1 i : J a. r .' i .4 . rra ie Reduced $500.0Q Sellinff at hv Lowest Price4 Ever Sold For in The Past 16 Years, Except a Few Months in- 1916. f a ' i f j f M Let Us DemohstrateErankli Qualities f tYou r r I I' !' t . OV U 11 M it li kl i 1' I ' i U II U LliUVv Franklin Gars ' . . ... . s. A . , I '.TTTVTT1TTTT nTTTTTTTTT'rm'lTTTVTTTTTTTTT.1TTTTT ri; 1 I v f WHY? The Southerner t ? $ - .. J .;. ' 'i .j t X A J '1 Job Department RECEIPTS Increased 92 Percent During tjie I Y .' v i Last Six SERVICE Plus RIGHT ( :;..k----H"W-'H" IT' ' 1 rran AJLJU . jil ! t ' '.. " 1 Y f : V Months, PRICES, Franliuri: xit&txt. 7U. r ARE VOUR !f.'-, '-i-V.', .. i' . .'. - H' -..-.' .- i tV ,,..o .' , . ... .'.!' depoibo)c liy our fir, proofl vault it Uk4 two bia. tq ift . YoUi havenei,kyy k tlv tknltbjiar thfc hiMteti latrjft Nitiiew odir tltfl key 1 alon will 1 opto your box. 'Evin if you r Ior yoUr- key yoUr vkl 6 uablc are' safe): 'Safe " saft--safeat. TwoSi4o;$3 and $S Per Year. ' . The First Nctiraal: Bonk Of Hrborfr '.' J tl '" -Vt.- ?" Tarboro' Million Dollar Bank. 3 Hiit i rja JUST UNLOADED CAR OLD RRLIAVJLR VQIGT'S-ftopR. Consisting of ' GU.X EDCB, WHITE ROSE AND ABOVE ALL Self-Ridng and Plain CAR" TIMOTHY HAY 5fT BBt..'" GRANULATED si:ga, assorted- ! bag's and cas1sj PMG1 R. Bi PETERS GROCER " PlvjheSr , 2n JMata St. Wholesale and Retail NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. The undersigned having qualified a administrator of the eslate ot the late Louise J. JS. Van Kirk, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present the same to the undemgaed at Tarboro, N". C duly verified, on or before the 3d day of June. 1928, or this notice will be pleaded "in tar of their re covery. All persons indebted to .said estate will please make ? immediate settlement. ' v ,.' This the 3d day of June, 1322. "-.' Geo. Howard, Sr Administrator, C. Tl A., ltw-6wks V Tarboco. K. C. HalPrCatarrfa Medicine Those rr arw lnr m-"run Ovwri" con- UOD Will nollPA that" Cat.i.,1,1 Kr,thr tlm-murh'.mre'thsrr wherr they are In Catarrh Is a larat diseaae, It la greatly lllJ" by "mwtwtional cnndlUona. Tonic aM flead TirtrWrT.t.. ...i. nimiuh k I?5 blond upon-, tha, ruenua- surfacM of TrtrHT-bedy, tbu ra1uein 4h-livmBiaJon .1. normal ondttioaa, . , Aa drir4 lOacutBMK fp... - ' IT T rk. A. -A.t... . - i ' "'imlit -7,i -a f i ' i' 1MTROVEO REAL ESTATff 1 ItfEatCBCOMBB C&JNi-YI; : HVE TEARartTIWB-' KERrC, : BOJNBr AiW : t: 1,1 x. 'J-'' '' " ' . ;y s.t-mts&t'