..I $1' V.'' THE? SOUTHEK, "'.FRIDAY, JUNE 23,-1922. Ui ,-'t, Si MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. Dry Goods irFEMS CO-OP WAREHOU Devonshire 27c BEST QUALITY RENFREW DEVONSHIRE, 32 IN. REGULAR 39c VALUE. The Nashviile Graphic curries the glad tidings that the business men and farmers of Nashville and Nash County wiJ4 begin at once the erect ion of 4i)rfbbacco wurehouse for the use of the Cooperative Marketing As sociation. The Graphic Says: ' Activities continue, in the matter of the erection of a tabhacco ware house jn. Nashville for the reception of the tobbac.co, of members of the Farms , Co-operative' Marketing Association and the faft that the contract' has been let for the erec tion of the warehouse and work has VISITING HIS GRANDSON. Mr. W. A. Glyes of Blackville S. C. is here this week on a visit to his grandson. Dr. Gyles County Supt. of Health. Mr. Gyles has been at Richmond this week atteiulint? the Reunion and on his way home stfiupcd over in Tar boro to pay a visit ti his Grandson ft Family. Mr. Gyles is a Confederate Veteran but he bears his age., well. ..... v,4 Masonic Annual Celebration.. , St. Johns Day that falls this year on Saturday, 'June 24, but the annua! celebration 'for that day will not oc cur until Tuesday, June 27. . This change has been mude for the reason that Saturday is always busy day and there will be many Masons j who would be unable to attend Sat i urday. On June, 27 a barb&ucju-jtll be given (he Masons and their familie. and there will also be the installation of officers of .Tarboro lodge.... . ful social hour, in chiigeof Mrs. Ar thur Baker, was enjoyed. The hostess then served ajeliewus '- ice course 9-4 SHEETING 38c FINEST QUALITY PEPPEF1ELL SHEETING, FULL WIDTH, RETAILS AT 55 CENTS. English Nainsook 1 2c FULL "86 INCHES WIDE AND GOOD QUALITY NAINSOOK, VALUE 25 CENTS YARIWs-? ? Death of Mr. Joaeph Cox Phaup. Fune.-al services for MVs. Joseph actually begun on same is bringing : C ox Fhaup. formerly .'-Miss Maria new life to the Association member-, Lloyd Hunter, Tarbora, -hi., ('., who ship and awakening a deeper inter- died unexpectedly Monday n'ght at est on the part of those farmers who i her home in Richmond, were held A, are yet without the Association anil Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Welter R. jO! are content to let their fellow far-; Bowie, of St. Paul's Episcopal church mers do the battling for the interest officiating. Burial was in Riverview ! of ali men engasred in the cultivation , cemetery. Besides two daughters and of tubbneco. ! a son, Mrs. l'haup is survived by a On Monday morning the contract ' diuightet, Mrs. Av.'-'N. Turner, Dur TY1 for the erection of the warehouse ham, and' a son,.;Char!es H.". Phaup, XX which will be 100 x 200 feet in di-j Ahoskie. She also" leaves a brother, . tX mensions and constructed of brick on W. H. Hunter, Kansas City. ,ShjMad.U the neck of the femur. LA WESLEY BIBLE CLASS The Woman's Wesley Bible- class. met with their president, Mrs. J. V. Keech, last evening, The tegular business session was held nt which several committees Certificate of DUiolution. State of North Carolina, Department of State. ' To All to" Whom These Presents May' Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my aatisfac tion.'by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution therepf , hy ; the unanimous Vn-'i4HitockhoI(lera,'' he positi.ja .jii .ijfriiw,-that the Edge combe Realty, and Insurance Com pany, , a-corporation of this State, who"pruc4piisfnce is situated at No. 116 St. James Street, in the town of .Tarboro, ...County of Edgecombe,' State of North Carolina H. P. Fox hall being th fluent, therein and in I'cTiarge "thereftf, upon whom process may be serveii)v, has complied with were appointed. Then a.yery deTVght- .the requirements 'Chapter 22, Con MRS. DELLA J. NEAL MEETS WITH SERIOUS ACCrDENT Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, just after Mrs. Delia J. Neal had closed the blinds to her bedroom and was walking to her bed, she accidentally fell to the floor and broke her hip. Dr. S. P. Bass was callerf j'n,arid U.p'onJ examination the fracture was found Keep Your Sink Drains Clear Her. U th.be.t in.urwiw against clogged drm , and atopped-up pip ; If the .ink "?itc2gie3: or run. to slowly. ift a Seal Lye down the pipe. The lyt; will iirinediately combine greaee in the pipes. W?T. . water ie dded you will hear the Seerful "gurgle" ta the trap , nd , know that the drain free and th.( pipe, clean and aamtary. . Pure lye 1 the strongest and; most effective disinfectant in th cheap brands. Red Seal Lye a -Jure, unadulterated and high, tested. : ' ' ; Red Seal Lye is also a wonder fl wafer Softener Hard water mean, a P.t te of iSfl; labor. Add one-iuui .K-- rir-js b.-i i.tn tverr bucket ail AA tne site slated in t he liraphic last i been a sunerer tor years iroin asm- - ' S week. v:a let to B. W. Batchelor & ma which finally affected her heart'.? the accident is most serious. 4- :; Co., local contractors, s4 . . -ff morning a survey oj Unbleached Domestic Vssc GOOD QUALITY DOMESTIC, FULL 38 INCHES WIDE. REGULAR VALUE 15 CENTS. On T the I- made ftnd the following duy mat J erial was belli jr placed on?thV4fit HVA Tuesriay-HWrs. Phaup was a ,daugltfe(.of jiBif-jiWr. John B. Hyatt told the1 South wBsihaVcldWKunjerof TaTM)';,' i'6'1- tKis ,'11Mlling ,hi,t Mvsv Neal , f .'"'' . ' ' ". " 1 was getting On as well as could be - RSte'nl bloom-tevy Snii CUaTane'e! peeled, ana inouRn ix.u -ui.orwig, !u- holding up under t ie ac.''ide:it. II j;;!' this morning finds a .fore' p0rfbiiS'i'. TJie'big tiiisuinlBncr' clearance sale w'a eas preparirg io begin on the'foand-4 of RosenblooivLVv ConipaRy.began j. XX ntion?. The warehouse is to be co.wfet-this morning'at 3, o'clock The entire i .t... pieted. in sixty working days, mid. when completed and equiped i solidated Statutes; .entitled "Corpora tions,' preiiminary' to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution : Now, Wherefore, I, J. Bryan Grimrar, Sefcfptanr'of State of the State of? North Carolina, do hereby . 7.. , 5 ! ftertliy ihat the sfaid corporation did,! on the 21stldfiir",df June, 1922, file in ' my office a duly executed and attest ed cbn'setit ;in Vrftinif to the dissolu-: tion of said corporation, executed by . all the stockholders thereof, which said' fpnsewt .and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are pow on fle in my said office as provided by )W. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hard and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 21st day of June, A.D. 1922. J. BRYAN (JRIMES, Secretary of State. waging wiTer and notice the Sowy whiteness of your garment ; and how much les. soap la used, j , e,v. -00t meat ana J"J "T" " i-A r..i Lve. On can ol rf Buy aiction are i : . n- and atlr your deal lor ; Be tare i ellable iranuia. ,-at th Re oi uii lamoue product Wnte today. a. , 9f 'S STANDING OF CLUBS. Rosenbloom-Levy Co. Home of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SaaaJaMMeaa 1 n E ti fVfe'eflieiW.rTanKd and Uubs: u ;- ;'' ' j ' Washington !tfheirp(ls sire1 : shown olf to a good v.nen rompieiea ana eanipiHt w'inod''rre,sHown off to a good! cost approximately ?20,0uCV,van1 will i adisaMagV.XtraH'lerlss stand ready lie one of the very best to bejied t-l'onjmoB't'he pafroni and thisjT in the stale. s(orc ijss uen ousy au aay. .-A,'? SiM''i.'.i."if '' ' "i- ' v . $. -.. - - ' '! ! ordewrti M.Ot) teis of shell rock to j be used for f urfacin $irl I'ouds be- week end with her piircnts Mr. and twecn Ciarks and Dover, a distance i .Mrs. I.. L. Brown. J of 8 niiies, as ah experiment. EXPECTED HOME. 3Iia Elmer Brown who is nou liv ing in Rocky Mount, will spend the I Clubs: W. L. Pet. j Washington !) 5 .643 New Born lJ 5 .013 Tarboro .- 7 6 . ;;.538 j Kinston 7 '''.533 ! Oreonville . ... . .... 6 9:, ' ,40U ! Farmville .....'.. i 9 .30S SICK IN COLUMBIA. Mrs. Tom Armstrong 1s.5HV' with Mr. Ai nibtrongs Nephew who is very Hi at Columbia OTHER EAST CAROLINA GAMES New Bern came near shutting out (lie Greenville boys in the game at New Bern yesterday. The only score nade. by Greenville was in the sixth. Sco$e, (i to 1. In an 11-iniiiiiR game at Farmvilla tbu locals defeated the visitors by a score of 2 to 1- mm r. C T0MS0H CO. x $o4rk r. o. nuH&rt. , Miss Marion 'Be.vehour has retijrn . -v. ,. .. .. i.i , . od toF h(jmcy) New Oxford, Pa., after a pleasant visit to Miss Annie Hyatt. Back Prom Richmod. j A few day ago the cry was heard "O nto Richmond!" but today tha, veterins from Edgecombe county, all have returned and report' tAe most glorbus time they have ever experi enced at any former feunion. Mr. S. S. Nash and Mr. Clark ah3 Capt. Gatlin are profuse in their praiees of the hospitality of the Rich mond people and say no city -could have done more for the Confederate Veterans that met there this week. The entire delegation from Edge combe all returned safe and soUrld and without a mishap to them to iiiaj the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. R..-G. Allsorook ma'da a short vifit to Scotland Neck yester day to tee friends and relatives. . i.i 1 f i - w w W w a r am m , -av B w m 'v a vi v m A - - - - Wf w?m i-ssms mmum ware been off ' 11 11 mm kite (SiliW VVilvUiTim rC &fe5a rfe" jm ; fNVTy WEFlWrvS tSeVlAS-1. Ld' '' " .J ftp fElQUTy5 rVli 1 - J j . lXVTZ. . flS!. VJHILE V?L.y ilL1 cgaprr ' MTWfZ-' V MTMS &UZ ZAth, WHILE THYZAST& . r r . n . .. , r-, , i i ii i . T1 1'.' i " !"' .1. '"' . .. j . . , .... . , i . i . - . - : - SALE BEGINS PROMPTLY ON SATURDAY MORNING it ' 9:0'CLOCK HARROW-PI TT HARDJVA'RE COMPANY 1. 1 I it 1' I ! I' ! M-H" UHMIlHff , .. , ....,( ,... ........ ' . ... . : '.. .:... . "..i. J ? ......... . - , , i -f ftvi I I i M C M I . I 1 I I tl J yTTvi - - - -. -. .

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