ti ie- LI . run If T! ! ! 1TTTTTJ V.Ut 11 v.-? c 'i if : i ., ltsj fit 1 ..W.,-.." ra Kill Vint m,v ... ':,.t aJginn ..isiii'ia 1L fi'. -Si. ' 7 if '11 1 ... and 1 5 !!'! "J i 5 ! fci ::: r time .11 Specials Bleached Sheeting ' 3-4 LENGTH SPORT SOX 19c ceriitobed s,. , ;BcR; brown, whiter ifliiM'w''10 sox 2?c '. '1 li-Stf Spxjiw pulk,;black, brown, green and oogee. 50c valu 29.C ...'iesfMHierceiriaed lial., black and white, jjg jfIia i Jje -in.; 8Rort ribbed 25 C Laj . Wlkiiude color, three seam effect, jeniialr-rPair . , ifc' rofirceried lisle. Black with white clock', White with black clock. Hose for real wear, g, :.'..;:...r.v-.. ; ; Remnants D-i . Vfteached Sheeting sold by the pound. Costs around 25c Yd. 'pmall pieces one, one aiv half end two yards. Suit able for pillow cas. crib sheets, etc.- 1 All Devonshire 25c yd Three-Day Price of 25c Yd. on All Pevonshires. Just 3 days only for this extraordinary price on this popu lar and durable fabric, Solid arid stripes. (C - ft a FASHIONETT HAIR NETS ALL STYLES 10ctah Ginghams At 8c yd. Checks Plaids Stripes Take Advantage pf These Low Prices Now 36-in. , Percales 14c Yd v Saver A A SO -INCH TU5.4)N.GEE. HEAVY WEIGHT yd. A ..II Lacuji i t Slippers Pair Woodbuiy. Facial Soap V.. V .''"'."'... i ' ' Umbrella Special 98c Fast Color, Cotton Taffeta, Ivory Ring and Silk Loop Handles. Old time value 4$8c RomperCloth At 19c yd. Extra Value Solids and Stripes. S( ? TABLE QlL CLOtH WHITE AND FANCIES V " - ' ' !a' .' V- V-rd ' l :: White ami Flush Lustrous Lingette Wash Mercwd Satin. Mne dollar quality. - 7Kr :;: .. ;,, l( 5 ' .)':.....' . . " ' . - ..'4. ' Yard KABO AND ALL CORSETS AT REDUCED P.RICES. , r-4-,r r-"r. - - T REDUCED PRICES ON ALL LADIES OXFORDS,' STRAP AND SPORT SHOES . S'JtCi'iiiiiOTrTWORLD BEATER SU5'?HT ALL PURE II good 5TANDARD APRON CHECKS 12k YrJ 72-INCH MERCERIZED DAMASK - -75c Yd fir we k ORGANDIES AT : yd. it A A ii I Nets. 5c BLACK BROWN avis Talcum 19c ials f oi i ! ,-; Pearl Buttons 5c a Card SOCKS IILACK, BROWN, 'IUC ioc--tiikJ:.i: I 'on. 2:;c MLUCLRSZI'P I ISLF. 'K)CK ur.ACK, f'.HOVN WHIUEUk- iVir : SILK SOCKS ' Wool 98c PA! N"j CAt'S it ?ains Not List That 4 H A A Ladies Fancy Silk Garters - 25ca Pair" 3p 1 - (- ace; ;: .. A : : ... - : - - :! Snap Fasteners 3c a Card SMK CLOCKED SOCKS 4f mlkci vaz o ri.oc:: ff.'CK 4 t i IVLiCLRIZLD WAS"' lf. T.ACII SILK KNIT TJ LS SJ 'EC I A L 3Sc Sli-K AND KNIT TiES, lTr M EN'S WORK SHIRTS-. 50c MI'N'S SOFT COLLARS COOP I'-.AVV OVEPALLS i-Sc . ',) VLiCHJ CJNION SUITS WLLL MADE . C5C : v 'Id .ti j 'n.di V.l Lfitlicrrltu Hand Glip M.-.dc Wtli rt $1.25 Wo offer Ihe GiLvaHcr Vulcanise! Fibre Suit Case I ityii;;3 1,000 ounds weihi. A Suit Case that will riiyi'ya come Lack home wilh ycu. Special S3.48 Vc Ofltr Some Clohe Out Valuta in Real Leather Hand Bags Leather Lined .i-if..:..ti i n l -l-l--t-e--!- a ft i t fr-H-H-I- .HrH'4HH'H'-H"H qq4AliATi Tit i i m i i i mil MfH&$& , . i - . " - - '3 K 'V. J .:riti: :;?. I'ii.'XX :W.AA . ' - W -j. J .J..;. i -I-!'A-! :-A .'A mi' AAA A ...;..... AAAA A3..r.i fh. ini iE :.! .j..A.;. ntt -j. A tin tm ?-A .;..:.. iA"i ..-..'A -si-AA :: lllf ::! -:! :.:..! A-AAA nh A.J.A i$it itti A-;. Hn ..?. A A ...;... A .j..;..A AA tut