Datljr 1889-Established-Weekly 1824 Published, Every Afternoon Except Sunday, by THE SOUTHERNER, at ' v '" Tarboro, N." C " THE SOUTHERNER Edgec u Monthly Statement THE SOUTHERNER, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1922 Membe?"! "Associated Press: The A. P, ia exclusively , entitled to the for republication of all news dis patcbea credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis patches herein are also reserved. Ftreign Advertising Representa tives: Frost, Landis & Kohn, Bruns !V SM.'. N. Y. Citv: Peoples Gas Co, Chicago, 1004 Candle Bldg., Atlanta. 28,90 441). Kfe J 102.60 ! 17,17 r. i Paul Jones . Managing Editor F. H. Creech Cor. Editor ,V. Herman Creech . Manager Entered at P. O. at Tarboro, N. C, as 2d class matter, under Act of Con gress of March 3d, 1879. Subscription Rates: Daily, 1 year, 5j ft mdnths, 2.50; 1 month, 60c; J week, 15c. Weekly 1.50 pel year. PHONE 75 P. O. BOX 907 RULES FOR CORRESPONDENTS. 1. Write on one side of paper. 2. Leave blank line between each item f news. 3. Do not number your items. 4. If you report a visitor to your section, tell where he isfrom. 6. If some one in your section makes a trip, tell where he goes. 6. Do not report the neighborhood visiting. 7. Be sure to report all deaths, marriages and meetings of various kinds ot interest in fhs community. 8. Send news when it is news. Do not wait until everybody knows it anyway. 9. Sign your name. The following bills are allowfld and'.-.o.rdererf jpaid from the' Bridge Bond A: Thp Marrow-Pitt Hdw. Co., Car Load cement Ry. Mt. Road Dis.-1 $&76.0d Tarboro Army Goods Store, Supplies .for Bridge . First National Bank, Frieght Ry.'M.f. LHs. Bridge J. L. McGeehee Contracting Co., Grave..' Ry. Mt. Road Dis. .....i O. F. Yount, Pay Roll - Comjass Creekv-: - O. F. Yount, Rejair Equipment - ---- J.' Bryan Grimes, License Bridge Truck1 & Ford Car --. Boyle Robertson Construction Co, Steel ,Vy. Mt. Road Dis. . Tarboro Army Goods, 2 Cots Bridge Foive ------ Farmers Banking & Trust Co., Freight O. F. Yount, Fay Roll-Compos Creek O. F. Yount, Pay RoH-Compiws Creek ' -- O. F. Yount, Account Equipment -- - 0-. F. Yount, Salary 1 : ' Farmers Banking & Trust Co.,Inteiest -J- ... ... First National Bank, Freight . . LeggeU Lumber Co., Mercer Mill Branch . K. F. Craven, Cuncrete. Miver etc. Standard Hdw. Co., Equipment -,.- - Southern Engineeiing Co., S'el and Freight.,..,-. - I The Marrow-Pitt Hdw, Co., . Supplies-Comjass Creek District' Bros.. Compass Creek ----- J. S. Gorhani Hiw. Co., Supplies Coir -uss Creek - Enterprise Carriage Co., Bridge Equipment --.-, . J...M'. Keeoh, Pay Roll No. 7 Bridge., : J. M. Keeeh. Pay Roll Bridge No. 13 Tp. - First National Bank, Freight .- " Nero Engine Co., Repairs- Engine J. II. Ward Lumber Co., Compass Creek City Hoise Showig Co.. Bridges Compass Creek . ------- First National Bank, Invoice -- ' Leceett Lumber Co:. Lumber. Compass Creek 26.20 2.00 ' 64.48 S.50 413.35 137.7-5 , 195..VJ U7.H5 325.00 2750.00 152.00 14.76 1147.75 39.95 781.46 167.97 7.70 9.00 182.5C Berry Lewis, Witness S. C. ----: Spencer Purvey, .Witness S. C. Walter Bass, Witness. S. C Buster Marrow, Witness S. C. . ii--- 'Charlie 'Hardy, Witness S.' C. Dr. W. L. Stallings, Witness 6. C. Peyton Randolph, Witness S. C. ..- -.. - Richard A. Lewis, Witness S- C. Sam Highsmith, Witness S. C. - .-,- Lawrence , Dew, Witness S. C. , . J. K. Newton, Witness S. C. ..-. -- J. A.' Branch, Witness S. C. - 3. M, Lewis, Witness S. C. .- ,-..--- J. T. Tyler, Witness S. C. - TL10 .L ... statem When the farmers in Sampson can j talk as independent as some of the j papers say they do about the boll- i weevil they must be all right. Why, j one farmer has made the statement i that if every producer got 20 cents for every pound of cotton this year he would realize more on the huskl- j berry crop than he would on his cot toa crop. When folks talk like this, the boll-weevil had better find other accommodations, for in (Sampson hi. rations are liable to be short. 100.00 100.00 18.42 ' 3.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 2.28 100.00 18.15 12.00 20.00 25.00 52.20 12.00 ' 12.00 100.00 WI.Q6 100.00 50.00 23.87 8.33 258.33 18.24 4.00 EDITORIAL -- --- ... ttfioui v The Virgin-ia papers are carrying the news that the Lily Blacks of that state in their meeting at Buckrow ' Beach, near Norfolk, will, declare in favor of Mr. Henry Ford for the pres idency. Wonder what the Georgia Peach has to say about this? The ku kiux klan is always coming in for some good as well as evil re port. Whenever a fellow ' jiow aday. gets beat at the polls for an offioe he either contributes it to the primaries where he says some republicans got into the fold or else he puts the blame on the ku kiux klan, when the whole trouble is that the poor devil just , could not get the votes in his own . party. " " After all, the railroad strikers still have some heart left in them, even . though some folks think to the con- y trary.. Some newspapers think it a . great thing when these strikers actu ally went on a wueck train to help to clear the tracks for the passenger and ..freight trains. The lirikers are hu man beings after all, and yet know their duty to suffering fellowmen. t'i Governor Morrison and a party of the state's leading citizens are this ;-wek oa the coast of North Carolina inspecting the fishing industry. To pass laws for the fishing business of eastern North Carolina is about as hard job as to pass a etate-wide fame law. Attemps have been made before every session of the legisla ture since the year 1 and but little -, ae far - has been accomplished. The . governor is to be highly commended for. his endeavors to get at the trufh tof the eastern situation and the Sou- -tbeTner wishes him great tmccess in bis efforts in its line. .Everybody is expected to go out to Bryan Park tomorrow and see Tar t.ro clash in the initial game of the 'mnd half of the league series. -- - lft6.24 --------- 8.89 . ,-- 43.00 -------- ' 2.50 ' 683.00 184.35 $9,203.86 The following bills sue allowed and ordered paid from the General Fund : J. A. WeddoH, On Account ;- Jno. D. Lancasjer, Copy &. Taking Tax List Jno. Mayo Jr.. Registrar & Judges Primary No. .3-2 H. L. Statun, For Ned Williams Mai Rffin. Burial of Jerry Whitakers ' Dennis Juki'son, Veteran. Mrs. J. A. VViggs, Expense Pagi' Dt'.mpsey . Air.ii'ijan Railway Express, Express Jno. I.. Cherry. Taking Tax List &' .Copy No. 3 Wetkins Powell, Registrar & Judgi'S Primary No. 7 .. J. T. Moore, Veteran ---- Mrs. W. C. Bogey, Account Tax List . ' W. E. Elmore, Account Tax List J. W. Thomas. Sheriff, Indigent pupils ptvid State 1921 Raifnul Liles, Expenses Confed. Veteran J. II. Grimes. Expenses Confed. Veteran J. A. Wcddcll. On Account --------- E. L. Pitt, Registrar. & Judges No. 10 Frank S. Lawrence. Taking Tax List No. 7 ------ E. C. llinton,. Taking Tax List No. 14 ------ Mi-s Georgia Henry, Expenses . F. C. Boyle -Treas.. Children Home S''ety of N. C. State Bo:rd ,f Health, June Appropriation -. D. F. Jones, Registrar & Judges (ico. Kilkbri ,v. Labor Co. Home E, VV. Bunti,-r, Care Self II. S. Hicks, Screen-Health Department Laura WeddoH, on account Tax List A. I). Ander-on, Patsy Ann Summerlin (Pauper) .. Mrs: V. C, Bogey, Work On ..Tax 'Lift J. A. IV.ji.lv.eiilge. Jonlon Groham Harry Fagan. Tax List & Copy V. A. Weddell, ' On Account .. ' Claude Wilson. Tax List & Copy No. 1 . - .- L. M. Allsbrook. Pay Roll Home -- L.M. Ali.-Vo'ok. Pay Roll Farm . . , Eagl'.' 6 L.ivelace, Lumber Cha-. Fosh!. Sparta ' Bridge ---- Laura Weddyi!. On Account Mrs. W. C. Bogey, Work on Tax List ... W. E. Elmore, Work on .Tax I-st - )'. G. Shchon, Copy Tax List K. .'.ydfci Ccbb. Care Self -- '' 11. I. Legcctt. Capture Stills .--j-- -.-- -. Southern Grain Co., Provision? H. A. &. I . ... Miss Ballard B'.win, Copying Vital Statistics H. S. Bunn, Tel. Postage & Salary u. B. Peters, Outside Poor , -'. ' V. G, Clark, Soda-County Home The C itt Printing & Index Co., Daily Index ---- -.-- -- Edrt-n.ds Broughton Ptg. Co., Cott Index--..- - V. S. Clark & Sons Forage . -.. -..- - W, S. Clark'-& Sons, Provisions Home W. S. Clark . Sons, Clothing ' i-Hiniers Mutual Fire In. A3so. Invoice Home Miss Gcorela Henry, Sal. Public Welfare June . .., Edgecombe Drag Co., Medicine H. A. & I . -, ,, . Dr. J. H. Cutshin, Ex. Miss Mary Hendrick - Zeno Moore, Farm Demomtration-June H. H. Philips, Judge Recorders Court -.----,. H. C. Bourse, Salary-Recorders-' Court .-- .- ---.,.,. Miss Sallie B. Dickens, Stenographer Superior Court Tovn of Tarboro, Court House Water .--. ,,-. To7. li of Tarboro, Court House Light ., -,. --. Tov.n .of Tarboro, Jail Water ,. - -....- -. ' Town of Tarboro, Jail Light -. .. - The Worrell MdV Co., Disinfectants for C. H. & J-ail 'y Edv-r.rds Broughton Ptg. Co., Reg. of Deeds office Anchor Supply Co., Hammocks for Jail , The Peeman Printing Co., Supplies Auditors Office Mis? Norman Sanders, Court Stertorgranher -,- .- -,- - The Seeman Printing Co., Supplies Reg. office . The Jrirrow-Pitt Hdw. Co., Supplies Farm & Court House i ' .1. A. Wedddl, Tel. Rent & Tolls & Postage .... J." W. ;Thomas Maintenaces Jail Prisoner ........ : J. VV. Thomas, Conveying Prisoners J. W. Thomas, Inmate to Asylum .1 W. Thomas, Recorders Court . . ...... ... J. Wr. Thomas, Superior Court .. J. W.. Thomas, Officer Grand Jury . J. W. Thomas, Janitor Court House J'.'W. Thomas. Bal. Rent , A.: T. - Walston, Fees R. S. for June -.. .-.-- J. W. Thomas, Sheriff, Fees R. C. For June .......... A.'T. Walston, Fees-S. C. For June .r.... 3. W Thomas, Fees S. C. For June -..,'.. . Town of Tarboro, Fees S. C. For June .,' .,- Ry. Mt. Recorders Court, Fees S. C. For June G. T. Bottoms, Fees S. C. For June .. , 'S G. C. Spvey; Fees S. C. For June . V R. H. Denton,- Witness S. C. . - .... ...... ... Bradley Denton,; Witness S. C. 2 ...i... . ' L, E. Summer. Witness S..C. ...- . ..... Will Henderson, Witness S. C. .--i -. Henry Savage,' Witness S. C. .. Evans Standwick, Witness S. C. . ... C. B. Buning," Witness: 3. C. ..:-. . A. James, Witness, S, C. ....1..' Paul Warren, Witness S. C. ..L.......' T. L. Littla,'-Witness S. C. A. M. Bloomer, Witness S. C . G. D. Wheeles, Witness S. C. , .-. E. II. King, Witness S, C. ----- ----- R. L. Yount. Witness S. C. - -.---. H. Duty, Witness-. S..-C- J. N. Hudson, Witness S. C -. J. O. Dudley, Witness S. C. -- -- -- Douglas Graham, Witness S- C, . - : Lettice Lloyd, Care Slef, .-- - ---- Priscilla Lloyd. Care Self -.,.. -.--- -. Ann Be-nnett, Care. Self ; . .- W. E, Philips, Care Mrs. Wright Hagan Mrs. 0. E. Harper, Cate Ed Cobb & Wife . --i-........ J.'j. Seesoms. Veteran Epcnese to Richmond P. L. MeCahe, Chief Appropiation for Firenmn (wiiitc) - -. P. L. McCabe, Chief, Appropriation for Fireman, (colored) JR. G. Allsbrook. Fees S. G. June Term -------- D. P. Store, Provisions H. A. &. I. Mrs. W. E. Bogey, Work on Tax List - 135.75 j Henry Harft, Repairs basement C. House 77.-.60, jjss Luey Staton, For Joe Bryan Pauper, : Susan Hires, Care Turner Hines .--'- ' Z. A. Harrell, Pauper :. Chas. II. Cott. On Account InOexing . " $4,461.58 The following bills are allowed and ordered paid, from the, Road Fund: T. F. Marrow, agent, freight . R. S. Harper, pay Richard Johnson . American Railway. Express, express on repair equipment .. R. S. Harper, pay roll . . J. Bryan Grimes, license Republic truck and Ford car R. J. Pe.ll, Clerk S. C. Dave Keel - - - American Railway Express, express on bloodhound R. J. Pell, Clerk S. C, Charles Whitfield J. L. Heal lie, car load buy American Railway Express, express .- -- Paul Jones, corn, . , . !- Wals-ton Cobb Co., wages --- H. P. Foxhull. secretary road commission - R. B. Proctor, provisions camp Murphy Jenkins Co., gas and oil . E. V. Zoellsr it Co., medicine camp ... B. F. Dunn, repair equipment ... , W. S.' Clark & Sons, provisions W. S." Clark &. Sons, clothing - --' W..S. Clark &. Sorts, repair equipment V. S. Clark & Sons, provisions ; VV. S. Clark it Sons, clothing . . ! ---------- J. G. Stalls, lepairs equipment --- W. E, Philips, repairs equipment ... , Hart Cotton Mills, provisions camp . H. W. Knox, repair equipment'... r :". L. Hcarne, forage Camp No. 1 '-., . ''0,. L. Hearne, foi-age Camp No. 1 ----- , 16.00, j W. P. McCraw Drug Co., mediuine for camp 60,00 r Enterprise Carriage Co., repair equipment 3.00 JI. Heilbroner, repair equipment -i.J 24.00 j i. T, Lawrence Co., repair equipment . -- ... 2.00 , O. W. Vines, truck hire No.'lO and 11-.- W. G. Clark, soda provision for camp , : Thad Cale, lumber for bridge - - , ... The Marrow-Pitt Hdw, Co., repair equipment :.- The Marrow-Pitt Hdw. Co., ' repair equipment -.- ., The Marrow-Pitt Hd.v. Co., repair equipment '- Pender Hardware Co., repair equipment No. 2 . Pender Hardware Co., repair equipment Pende-r. Hardware Co., repair equipment No. 3 ----- i. E. F. Craven, lenair eauinment ... E. F. Craven, repair equipment - i E. F. Craven, 'repair equipmeHt . - -, . E. F. Craven, repair equipment --. - -- Stmdard Oil Co., -supplies .'.. .'.'..-,-'..: -. --- R. H. Langston, repair? equipment No. 3-. - .-- .- Town of Tarboro, water camp R. H. Langston, labor No. 3'- ------ -------- R. S. Harper, camp ---------- . J. T. Lawrence, labor '. .- -. --. J. T. LawreiiK', repair equipment .-'-... T. F. Marrow, agent, freigrrc , . 21.30 Wiley Hammond, shoeing team No. $ .- - -------- 40.25 1 Wiley Hammond, shoeing teem No. 3 . Wiley Hammond, shoeing team camps ,.- - 'T , ; , R... S. - Harper, wages Otto Stroud J. Bryan Grimes, license White truck. -.-. --- - R. S. Harper, )ay roll No. 1 and 2 camps ... ,,: -. .-., R,. S. Harper, superintendent's salary ..- 110.00 125.00 200.00 80.58 79,50 70.00 6.50 30.00 24.00 60.00 100.00 10.00 100.00 15.1.) 27.50 43.73 31.88 176.35 32.43 2C5.00 7.30 10.69 :62.50 ,4.55 5.00 125.00 83.33 100.00 63.70 ' 26.70 . - ' . ' $3,022.86 The following bills are allowed and ordered paid from Court House Fund: Farmers Bkg. & Trust Co., int. Court House Bends - ..:.- -.- $225.00 The inllowing bills are allowed and ordered paid from Road Bond Fund: 18.36 ' Farmers Bkg. & Trust Co., interest Road Bonds---,. .,. $800.00 5.40 j The following bills are allowed and ordered paid from Bridge Bond Fund: 10 7 Farmers Bkg. & Trust Co., interest Bridge Bonds ..-. $2,300.03 88.50 i ' The following bills are aWowed and ordered paid from Special Fund: . 7.71 ! Wilson L. Bell, return tax sales and cests. $23.71 74.00 ! ' H. S. BUNN, Clark to the Board. 11.05 -7 ...... . '.,, , , . GO io 4 08 j! 3.00 13.43 ! 60.6) 15.C0 14 r,0 , 6.0Q 40.0'! . 6.00 25.00 2.50 " 9.10 4.90 56.98 16.75 4.68 18.951 1.10 iio ; . 2.70 2.70 4.9o' . 2.20 ' '2.20 ,3.80; 3.20 ! ..8.101 . 3.00 , - 3.00., JUST UNLOADED ": ' ' - ! 3 Can No. 1 Timothy Hay. : 1 Car Old Reliable Flour, con sitting of Gilt Edge, White Roe, Above All, : Self-Rimg - f and Plain. ' ' j 1 C, Fna Odi. 1 Car Hog Feed consisting ot Red Dog,' Middling, Feed Meal and Peanut MeaL 1 Car ReUof ice Cream Salt. Turnip and Rata Been Seed. : Price. Right. R. B. PETERS ; - - . " v.. - : GROCER Phono 2S 211 Main ft, Wholesale and Retail .' i Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are li a "run . down" condi tion notice that Catarrh bothers them mech more than when they are In good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease, It la greatly Influenced br constitntlonal conditions. HALL,' CTARRH MEDICINB I- ; Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through The blood upon the m'jeous surfaces ol the body, thus reducing the mnammatlor and restoring normal conditions. All druRglsts. Clrculsrs free. '! JF. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. It it OF THE CONDITION OF . .'.' ;. ' .' ; '' THE First National Bank AT THE CLOSE OF, BUSINESS , JUNE 30, 1922 WE OWN: NOTES: Representing money loaned to Farmers, Merchants and Professional Men to enable them to carry on their business ...$1,115,289.40 Government Bonds and Other Bonds; We invest some of the money left with us in good bonds, so as to have it liquid when our eustomers wish to check on same 190,950.00 fWe own stock in Federal Reserve Bank and several railroads and bonds of the State of North Carolina -67,696.47 We own our buHding and lixturcs.""....... 23,238,82 Due us by our customers on checks pre sented for payment and could not be charged to their account ...................... 706.96 Cash in our vaults and deposited in large banks to pay our customer checks with when presented 121,083.15 $1,518,964.80 WE OWE: ' Our customers representing money left with us in our checking and savings department $1,018,882.32 We owe the Federal Reserve Bank and the War finance Corporation for mon ey borrowed to aid our farmers in mak ing this crop 287,110.00 We have in circulation First National Bank currency for which we have pledged like amount of Government ' bonds 50,000.00 $1,518,964.80 We Own We Owe Which leaves One Hundred Sixty Two -Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Two Dollars and Forty Cents as capital and surplus with which to protect our depositors. $1.j18,0G4.C0 .1,355,992.40 DO YOU HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH US? IF NOT, YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN; ONE. WE HAVE MORE THAN THREE THOUSAND SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. OUR POLICY IS TO TAKE CARE OF HOME BUSINESS FIRST. - YOUR BUSINESS WHETHER IT EE LARGE OR SMALL, WILL RECEIVE OUR MOST CAREFUL ATTENTION. THE First National Bank Sale ol Land Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed by Thomas Jonas on the 19th day of May, 1920, to secure an indebtedness due to The Real. Estate & . Insurance Company,' said deed of trust beiag registered in book 223, page 275, Edgecombe County Regiatiy, default having been made in the payment of said indebt edness and demand for foreclosure having been made,-the undersigned will on Monday, the 24th day of July The Bank That Serves The People the following described lot or parcel of land: That certain lot of land lying and being situated in the county of Edge combe, North Carolina, o 1 Town ship, and in the town of Tarboro, be ing lot No. 47 on plat of land former ly belonging to C. B. and J. P. Kecoh, known as Keechlown, which plat is recorded in Map Book 1, at page 147, Edgecombe County Registry. Farmers Banking & Trust Co., Trustee. June 22nd, 1922. ltw-4ws NOTICE, North Carolina, 1922, at 12 M. o'clock, before thel Edgecombe County. Court House door in Tarboro, offer j FMrteW Basking AIrtmt Companyi for sale to the highest bidder for cash and Mrs. Glasgow Evans, I ' vs. Tarboro Leaf Tobacco Company. Notice is hereby given that ' on June lPth, 1922, at Chambers in Tar boro, in tho above entitled iki'Xin for the appointment of a reciiler jf the property, assets and effects af said Tarboro Leaf Tobacco Company, Hon. J. Lloyd Horton appointed C. A. Johnson and J.'C. Ruffin, receivers jof all the property, effects and as sets of the defendant, Tarboro Leaf Tobaeco Company, secured and un secured, are hereby notified to pre sent their claims to said receivers at Tarboro, N. C., on or before Sep tember 1st, 1922. ' This June" 24, 1922." A. T. WALSTON, f Clerk" ol tfig 'Superior Court. J30-4wks . , . ,!T - 1 V W .

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