THE SOUTHERNER, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1922, . . i i i . - 448' .i it. .int. ,i, ,1. .t, ,,,,, it, J, ,1, it.. 8..t.,t, ,. .I. ,. .;. !. .;. .1. .t. .. .1. 4M'HwH I SWIMMING MING- a -SWIM SWIMMING- I Now Is The Time To Go Swimming SEE US BEFORE BUYING YOUR ing Suit Bath LOCAL SOCIAL ITEMS Dr. K. E. Miller Her. Dr. Miller now in the public health serviee of the state was here today to attend the fun oral services of Mrs. Powell. While Dr. Miller was a citi zen of our town several years ago he made many friends in the town and county and they are always glad to see him when he comes to Tarboro. At the Hospital. Mrs. Peyton Ellis of Conetoe was operated on this morning for tonsi IH's. She was resting easy this morn ing, it was reported. TRDuPS ORDERED TO RQCKYM0UN1 By The Associated Press. RALEIGH. July 20. Acting upor Governor Morrison's instructions. Ad jutant General Mette today orderet. state troops from Wilson and Golds boro to proceed to Rocky Mount at once and the squad of raed now at Rockingham will proceed to Aber deen. Choir Members Attention. The members of all the choirs in town are requested to meet in the Methodist church, Thursday evening' at 8 :30. This meeting is designed to prepare special music for the vespci services in the Town Common. After he Hist practice the program of thii special music will be announced thru the Southerner. Visiting in Conetoe. Miss Florence Crocker of Couni; bus, Ohio, is visiting her ami, Mrs. Pvyton Ellis, of Conetoij. ( f ,. ; Suits All Colors & Sizes. 4- 4-:MM-M-5- LET US SHOW YOU osenbloom Levy Company r.;...H--W,H'W'W,W WANTS GET YOUR SEED PEANUTS shelled at Mewborns Mill. ll-30t OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR; SALE. Apply Southerner. ! SECOND SHEETS: 75 CENTS PER thousand, cut to any size desired without charge, Southerner. OLD NEWSPAPERS . FOR SALE. Apply Southerner. WANTED: MEN OR WOMEN TO take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and chil dren. Eliminate darning. $40 week full time, $1.00 an hour spare time ' t Experience unnecessary. Interna tional Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. 6-15-1 Owks WE PAY $36 WEEKLY full time,! Watch our ad for special scissors 7- . ,, , v I sale. Marrow- Pitt Hardware Co, . siery guaranteed wear 4 months or replaced free. 36 styles. Free aara-. N pies to workers. Salary or 30 per cent commission. Good hosiery is an absolute necessity, you can sell . it easily. Experience unnecessary. Eagle Knitting Mills, Darby, Pa. m20-ltw-l0wks. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO mail order printing. We ar in po-l sitim to handle your printed tnatj Wteh our ad for special scissors ter for short notice delivery and ; sale. Marrow-Pitt Hardware Co. Invite comparison ot prices, fcatis- SALES LADIES WANTED: WORK Saturday. Apply at McCrory's 5 & 10c Store. Cirla under 16 years " " Beed not apply. JUST OPENED: $8,000.00 FIRST-1 1 f . V 1 class Dry Cleaning and Dye Plant j poLARINE MOTOR OIL 17 l-2c !n Greenville, N. C. All work strict-! GLASOLIXE 29c ly first class, guaranteed as good! .. , . as done in any city. Also hatal If you can't fine it anywhere else, and inside bands, made to look as good as new. Mail order solicited. factory woris, prompt service. The Southerner. W pay parcel post one way. Mail us your business. Agent wmnfed in Tarboro. Powell's Cleaning Wcrka, Greenville, JfsCV next to Young's THE O. H. STORE 107 E. Church St The Old Game of Stingnree. The stingareo artist will now' arid the'.i get in his sting, notwithstanding he has become hoary with aga. " Thi. stiiigr.ree jrame is as old as the gold brick trick, yet now ami then there are seme who will play and to their! sorrow ere it. is too late. I RATTLESNAKES INCREASE PARSONS, Ktns., July 20. Thi marked increase in rattlesnakes thru out Bourbon county is causing grea alarm to the residents. In one week' time recently 35 were killed nea Fort Scot, authorities stated. Eigh ratrlers in two days is the record oi C. M. Crimes: The frie're'asc is caused by a, raijd. wufer, . according to pio neer settlers ; ; : r ;, - East Carolina Gaines Rained Out ;AU games in the Ea?t Carolina err Ajft were rained out yesterday. Farm-,-ille ar.d Kinston were halted in thi ,;"ourth, neithjer side having scored Cannes scheduled for today are Tar boso at,Nevf 4trjntj .Kinston at Wash ington' ;wid Greenville at Farmville. f 1! HIE CLEARED OF SHONESTY ACTS I What Will Be His HAalth? j 8yj The Associated Press. i : WASHINGTON, July 20. The rtate department announced today that charges against D. C. Collie, the j. ommissioner general of the .United States to the Brazilian Centennial Bxnosition, had dieclosed "no basis 'or any charge of dishonesty or moral I .urpitude." Collie has been directed! jo return to Rio Janeiro to take over American participation in the expo-: sition. ' WHEN your Executor falls ill and he is the one who takes your place when you are gone he looks after his health, , before he looks aftwr your affairs. While he suffers physically, your Estate may suffer financially. Hr' 1 J I 4 7a BERLIN THEATRES HOLD j RECORD ON SHAKESPEARE j BERLIN, July 20. Shakespeare cirv Mrcc 4-i.. . V;t time or other. But a Arust Company is never ill. If you name us Executor of your Will, you know ill health on the part of your Executor cannot cause your Estate loss. 2 lit :s heing performed oftener in Ger-l'Y" , ft AI any than in his native country, t QXTtlGYS DailkingOC 1 if USt CO ' ' ' cording to statistics wsued by me German Shakespeare Society. $g - In 1921 there were 1,997 perform-lift ances of Shakesjieare plays in Ger nany against 372 in England. "Mid wmmer Night's Dream," which is the favorite with the Germans, was given 518 times on 33 different stages. Y Tarboro, N. C. Standing- of the Clubs. '';Club: ... ,' .Wpn ....Lost QreenviUe 3 faijbpro r- 2 Washington ". 2 Farmviila-. j 2' Ainston 1 Mew Bern 0 1 1 1 2'.; 3 3?f Pet. .750 .667 .667 .500 .333 .000 LAWN PARTY TOMORROW. Send the. children to the Common : i near the fountain tomorrow evening ' Howard Avenue Well Lighted. j at 7. The seniors will be there ti, play Standing on the railroad on Alber-j rinit gme with them and to serve marie avenue and looking down How-J good home-made ice cream in cones, nrd avenue ore will see a well lighted Benefit Tar-bo-rah. street. These lights are so arranKed j as to produce a very pretty effect. A ; Miss Caroleen Lambeth of Groens-long-felt want has at lastvbeen sup- boro is the KUNt of Miss Aldyth Wil plied. 'son for a few days. LONDON CHORUS GIRL WINS SUIT IN COURT LONDON, July 20. Here is one .'or American theatrical producers of girly girl shows: Miss Doris Thomas was awarded $500 damages in a 1,'i-vlnn court fo" having been disir.'rwed from a tourhg "Argar" company. The manager vho disnrtved Thomas attempted to m.ow that she had been dismissed for woariog too few clothes during her performance. He didn't succeed. 8 M K ;;..;;;;...;;;....;..;..j;..;..;...:-":--X'v USES 41 RADIOPHONE; WASHINGTON, July 20. Forty one radiophone stations are used by the department of agriculture in the transmission to farmers of weather crops and market news, According to department officials three. This service has expanded rapidly since it was inaugurated 18 months ago, the .four latest additions to the department's list of stations bring at We will probably have it, and will save you money. Wo sell cheaper than athssa. rf??. . n i i '4r9 l; NAILS 8 1-2 eU per Tb.i ,!;x....4...-..:-:w HIGH PRICES COURTESY SERVICE Which of these is the most important to you when you sell your tobacco? We think they are all three important enough to use every effort to attain and it will be our aim to 1 -See that every pile of tobacco ti soiu. on . our upor unrigs uiq. top-notch market price. 2 Treat all customers on our floor with every courtesy. ; 3 HSee that the service we give our customers from the time they drive in our doors until they receive their check is the best that trained men ' . can give. The Farmers Warehouse TARBORO, N.C. H. . FOXHALL DAN W.TAYLOR Props. ERNEST TAYLOR, .... Floor Manager J. V. MOVE - ......AactioMwr ; MemphifS, Jacksonville, Roswell, New TT Mexico, land Milwaukee. pi - - - : - - " t WANTED: 2 OR 3 FURNISHED 14; rooms for lirht housekeeping. Ap l! . ply Bhuffar Store. jl9-3tp it DOISON OAK . Torelieve itch and smartapply w nghtly do not rob in V VAPoRuu M:H"y:XHhp'H:H.H,w .: Your Fruits & Vegitables are go- ing to waisfce Get one of our Enterprise Cann ing Outfite for Out Door Canning, 1 , f NT . V ana save ror ixexc-winter. Also complete line of Fruit Jars and Rubbers. 71 -. - i Prices Always Right ; Marrow-Pitt Hdw, Co. Uinr IT Million Jan Used Yet'ly p: : Xi i Notice of Sale Under Deed of Trustee it!. f j lay of J ttM in De Under and by virtue of the po'.v.ei of sale contained in a certain deed of ;rust executed by F. G. Davis and Addie M. Davis, his wife, on the 16th lay of February, 1921, and register-' eed Book 233, page 115, Edge j jombe County Public Registry, de ; fault having been made in the pay ment of the debt secured and the holder of the said note having de manded and requested the undersign ed Trustee to Rell the property cori .veved under the said deed of trust, 4-4- the undersigned trustee will on 14th dufr of August, 1922, at 12 M., before the Court House Door, in the town of Tarboro, North Carolina offer at pub lic sale, to the highest bidder for cash the following: described lot or parcel of land: Being in the town of Princeville, state and county aforesaid and bonnd ed on the North by Tar River and the lands of G, C. Peele; en the east by the old County Road and on the south by the lands formerly owned by Bat tle Bryant and on the west by the main line of Atlantic Coast Line Rail way, running from Tarboro to Ply. mouth, together with all buildings, machinery and improvements and ap purtenances thereto pertaining being the'identical land conveyed to Addig M. Davis by A. W. Macnair, trusttg, by deed recorded in Deed Book 182, page 42, of the Edgecombe County Public Registry. This 13th day of July, 1922. -: A. W. Macnair, Trustee. The Franklin Gar MNUF St." Zeb. G. - -. DEALER Franklin Franklin Service '1 5 ' 5 ti PepfrtmeT't Ftor. jy7-10t? ET.ECTRIM LAMPS ........82c:LUiU ! :