Town of Tar fooro Mon thly Statement TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS MONTH OF JUNE, 1922. Receipts. Cemetery account Fuel sold -- Light Material Sold ' Sanitary Privey Account -- Current Taxes . , --j Licenses Ijog Taxes - . --: .- Water Rents Light Rents Special Assessments .... Milk Sold --- - Water Materials Sold Light Materials (range account) :.-' Property Rentals ". .'. Mnes and Cost Miscellaneous - .-- $27.01 38.2. 3 a'i.P 10 l.t 4920. 2 3r,2.Z 1G80.4 4fi.n 15.0 G1.0 221). S 51.9 BUSINESS IS GOOD WHY? COLORED PEOPLE OK LOCAL CHURCHf.S ARE GRATE! UL The greatest picnic, in the history r, they say. Jt of 0ri c,Aon,d c,,,.,,.,v ...honls of Tur in was "tipht ' , it WOCL SALE IN EDCNTON. Business is good.' What makes U food? Money is "easier," they sa.v. Jt : the same money thai is: months a;;o. What has made V ti'or" now'.' Do you lenlly want to ;v.ow what hns made1 it easier- 'I'hen here is tin- answer: A group of men vired and plumed io vli Federal Ko :irv, eenfe--. io t ho eailv oarj of '!!, ,;,, ,.,,!,.. fh,. school at l'mcops. inrouj.ii uie horo was enjoyid hy all at Nobles Mill pond Tni-viey, July IS. Tin .- were MJU pi.o,'.!e ,,ii I lie ground:'. More then ::0) caue from t,A, of Ilocky Mount, many fr-o.: .ie The following news item from the Krlwton News wiil interest the Edge combe t.irmcrs: "The wod side Tuesday was quite Notice of Firtt Meeting of Creditor. In the District' Court of the Uniteo States for the Eastern District oi North Carolina. In Bankruptcy No. ...87.6. :. In the Matter of B. F. Proctor, of a surccs-. the sheariiiKS bruising a , -,. x- r ii.i,f ,,ood pi :;.. Li J II 1805. pounus wereiTii th(, Crt,ditor of B p Proctor -old, 1h liisthert pru-e Win.? 37 cent. ,,()cky Mount( jn th, County of Chatham Maj.ufavturinjr Company of. E(gccombei anJ j)igtl.i).t aforegaid pun nasi: d the entire Less Light Discount? Balance May 31 . Disbursements June Balance June 00, 1922 $ia;i57.7. O:2A $12125.2 180112. 7 .$28,351.75 . 2106.33 $30,458.08 $30,45 Di-bur.emcnt-. Green and Lewis, milk Panola Dairy, milk . Evaus Stith, milk B. B. Howell, milk J A. Lee Ruffiii, milk . . H, H. James, milk , ' W. S. Clark, milk ... ..... -- Mrs. Fannie Knight, milk , -- S, N. Clark, milk George Howard, milk : Mrs. F. G. Davis, milk . . J. H. Price, mil.k ... J. M. Carstarphen, milk , H. A. Winchester, milk Richard Daniels, pay roll ... J. C. Martin, pay roll A. Williamson, repairing harness Freight adjustment bureau, commission .' C. F. Clayton & Son, printing -- F. G. Davis Lumber Co., lumber H. S. Storr Co., supplies Austin Hardware Co., supplies . Edgecombe Drug Company, supplies . ... Tarboro lee Company, ice , Transco Envelope Company, office supplie.-; H. W. Knox, repair account' . . M. L. Hussey, repair account ; F. J. Warren, repair account W. S. Clark & Sons, feed account The Selig Company, disinfectant ..... -: Observer Tiintiiig House, printing . . Transco Envelope Company, printing Standard Oil Company, gasoline ... J. L. Swinson, City Hall repairs -- Beck Electric Company, supplies E. Saied Company, supplies . ... . C O. Burnctte, sand ....- -- ... '.. Scioto Sign Company, auto licenses 'lagans Daisy Supply Company, supplies :.: Carolina Tel. and Tel. Company, phones and calls.. Wiley Hammonds, shoeing account Constantino Brothers, supplies .- Dairymens Supply Company, supplies E. B. Powell Co., repair account .. .. The Southerner, advertising . The Southerner, printing .... ... Pender Hardware Co., supplies , -. E. F. Ctaven, supplies . D. II. Harris & Son, supplies Mi P. Williams, supplies : . ... Rose-ibloom-Levy Company, supplies ... Old Dominion Coal Co., coal .. . West Virginia Coal Company, coal , Pettiway Garage, repair accoirnt . Woodhouse Electric Company, supplies ,. Atlantic Electric Company, supplies ... Tower Benford Company, supplies Henry Walke Company, supplies E. C. Railway, repair account Tidewater Supply Company, supplies ... --. Babcock and W'lcox Company, supplies .... Harwood Brothers, supplies , Marrew-Pitt Hardware Company, supplies .. . Colossers Company, supplies .... ...... Harper & Company, supplies General' Cheniieul Company, supplies James McGraw, Inc., supplies ; Wing & Evans, snpplrea . --; ... . Pender Hardware Company, supplios .; : C O. Eurnette, sand .. .., J, P. Suggs, repair sewers . Edgecombe schools, fines paid . . Sheriff Richmond County, fees .;, Walter Lyons, prisoners meals J. L. Hearne, hay and oats .. . Don Gilliam, legal fees .... ...... R. E. L. Cook, supplies ...... . Richard Daniels, pay roll .... T I AT. tl J. v. mill Liu, lin y lull . .. W. I). Lojrgctt, tax refund ....... J. C. Martin, pay roll . ; Richard Dainels, pay roll . T F. Marrow, agent, freight E. C. Railway, freight .. J. C. Martin, pay roll . ...... Richard Daniels, pay roll .. . . J. Bryan Grimes, auto licenses ... Harris Forbes Company, fcond interest Townsend, Sott & Son, bond interest . Bank of New York, bond interost j $15!).!) 4fl ).9 12.0 5 7.7 5 1 .3 11 3.5 1.2 . 5 S.3 .8' r. s.O l:-!.! i2.-i.ri 2 Ti.l ., ;..o .0 3 2.01. 7.00 (1.87 5.43 1.60 40.50 l.t 7 fi.7ii 10.50 1(1.1 5 5S.4S 23.50 13.70 18.31! GO.'JO " luy, 1.120- 1 5th." That is exactly how "deflat en" ccme.t).v the dot isioii and onl'V ; a pvA.ilo group. It was not a "! f the curil'ncy" int a do the people! These .same men '., -aid, "Let's 'ase ni a li'.tie: ') IherK t.o come in a.'.d borro.'. snore .iiiey." And tlieii. t'!I of a su Ide:i. .usino's is ood." The li i-iiie;- M ways t'-ere; ir.f . Men, -ualer-need, all there: l-.ut in. ii"tiey. 'it; n-oi ey all then-, ton, bw. im,' asy." Some people rub their h.arts when ey 1 iy to understand the Money .it tio: . I.ei, them 1o warned: dur.'t to '.i'. der.-U'.iid il; ns .i.H- r- ik!.- it; our present .ynem s .atliinal as to luiff'e ratie'ia! iiiiinls. IJO'leii .'s tile'nsi Ivi'h it i!lt imf they only pl;-y il. If u.'iy H nl-.ei ran induce you to I';. -' 'uiiK.-?'taiid" !'.; nu. -K-l;i'- .-y ; jn . then they have you tied :p foi e rest of your life. Dearborni In-pendent. ,i e. O I Mr. !-. t'e.e pie- of the pond ;iml the boat wetv SL-vicc by Publication. Notice, u th ("atoliiia. Edgecombe CoiHHy. in the Superior Court. Johide .lores vs. Ida .ioaes. Tile dcfotidaiil above unmed will 'e notie that an action entitle ! a nve h;x.r been commenced i;i i ' - ineii u" Court of Edgecombe Count' r the pvirrose of ubtaining an :ib;-t 'e divorce from her in the 5 iimiinuou. separator. (1 the -aid deiendant v. i-1 fu-.-iiie; ke ' t'it she is reqllileii i pear hi fore the Clerk of ttie Supi . lor (Vim! tor the Cotnity of !.iie eombe ;.t his office ia Tarboro. X. C. on the 2:'.'! day of .August, t!)22. :m.; aiit-.vff t e 'eor.iulahil -.vl.i'cii wiji bi dep.EU'Hl in the -lu'lice el the si.ili Ci:k of f-upeiie;- Couit of .aid C' u:.;,v- 'i 1 or before the ri-turn day of this . u:nir.o:-!s. And, the ile!'e:Vla;!t will furti'er ta'.ie noLice thit if slu fail to wcr said compli.ii't d-t withn twentv (.0 day.-. . tni re- the 1!),20 -iffl-er l 2-WU.Tdai--ni 0.00 30.00 Lid. 00 7.00 Clerk Superior t'noit 15.55.' TVs the lS'.lr day 1 1.25 T"' 1 Vv"j i " .-15-23.- Sherman Wim h.-'MV-r. 0 Euge-ie Moore. : t.Lv: 17 10 i ( i time prescribed by law, t'x. .ill apply to toe. I . n i t ! i de.;i::i:deii list Cuinplaint. A. '!'. V.-At.-T, X. the colored ffiiin:! the did ljiks i.'uter; .1 into the p- hearts, Amo-.". tin. very best of o: iei mi not i-'.m'.v ac Mr. hhank t.r! -if h!s h:y-r.t p ;amo was phi c; d ntd. riccky Mou .. The i'.i' nor vs..- i Vatir-es of the r . ng from the jio'ifi vere with :il' ' etisun. lid "''-' yi .. he' oece t.-ii. We wish to ; .. hanks to !'. :. h r i! larrnw-fdl t 1 1 ' 1 - ' l".n,rui. e I ., 'oris, T. T. Mb-m t was tiieir kite o.-sil.le for Us t. rotHids. We liuv 'ling to ma'ie f" lie ti'iil. '! lose to have one .hen all bar!: in hank all the poo; Gen. . hhnl--;iros riven and iren 'P'' ti'C i i i ll-e -did buro a Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 1 day of July, A.D. 1922, the said bankrupt;, and that the flrpt metir i v of kls creditsrs-wlll be held;t.Koci'.iv Mount, in the Municipal Copt Houa on th 18th day of July, A.D. 1922,' l 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which tiuMi.Ui aid creditori Jnayjat tend, ii.'o! t'oslr claims, appoint; A trustee, ojifmiim thfebankrupt, and transact tiuch, other bur.esa raa mey properly com befott aid Brtetinjj.",. MARSHALL C. STATON, s U. S. Referee in Bemliirup-cy. Tarboro, N, C. Julv 6. 1822. ' ii-h-.,1,1 1 .ir II. is nay :' a:, tile chi and 11 hiVte erov. !: .-vailed v), i,!el!t. . j,;:...ved th, k .rd a sp.h between T-f tie of the the n to Use r. ! Ii v .yoodie. "i i, - . - - e.ur :,l' Co.. Vv. S. (' for thei is- tlsd. ' t i t! .-! that Ihh- uab) It is in. ;,m r ail oifee a ye.u nLi(-s. Ae;a,;t w l-.'iineeonihe ho far has ecHp ed any j wool -ale in the state. At the sale in! ,i, lO.tnlO. The S'.cuthe.rner i ai )'' i t of pou it d been ...M woiild ' e ,t h'.l to hear from another J- 1 ':" '3t i'h Report of the Coa-li ! ion of the fanner.-, r.aohhi.- & Trust Co.. at Tfr- and Speed, ia the .Slate of 4 ;. Xor'h Carolina, at the close of bus ia. .. . d. r.e 30, 1022. lie 'Uirei s. ' 'l 'i' i f .O.i-i! In .aa Unite and di.-v l!Ul 1. .010. -I- O.KI The a Hi ,le it -I uny-p;,-,,ic 1 All otiur ste .and nioitra,te.. Ihihhhif- liauses tfl 1 ,000, i'i'rp it'.it e aud h.-Uiii's, .. !2.0iili .. . .... Ca-h in vault, ae.d net arms, cue frm banks, hatihi. -i .- and trust com- '05. 11 8.(17 1 1,125.00 ISO. 150.00 17, .IS. 13 23,t00.(J0 ' o- FLOWERS -o Cla elearin:! J20.7C.1.K5 5,75;.(.8G Total ("'omniitti . maze eir r ok 05 riiu& wit! us fund cuied proiU V m mmmm Capital st SUI'! End i ci:i r nt exponsi taxes na id l.'l.i a; oed ilis'muiit i,vi-l-p(!s u'-.paid . i)e,..'. & bank .- ... $1,033, 032.51 Liabilities. . . j. i mo i on no Oi l', paiil 111 : "U.vcwe'M ... 25,000. 0')' le-s ir.d We always have Flower on hand for Ihe year thru, for FUNERALS WEDDINGS SICK ROOM aHd in fact FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phones 75 and 410. 15,-1 1 :"..(.' .t,r;:j.89 3,000.00 ban- to '.--;,t a char -frc: from cveo tr imp'r. ,r!,!atl;'ee - ' asii, . Ana soqr.i-:!'..; r-r.iigiovitv.'sl.-n riiahtest ti .e.- U You can have that your tie.i.5 a;nn;it ; i. ..a; change r.' yn:.r ni:-ararii;e henniy 1 1- onia-. f! V - -r: -two tablets wit); each meal. Ti'c'i auh tl:;. to hr'orc rou hrxr. it, arv rdmaUi aad t'Lahhead will lar.ej ll-o la, -ai anil iru-t compa- . subject to ( heel: '.erlilieaies (4' (le- checl. staaen": 's.v'.ft-.VJ'c and- v Ol'l'l'lll vi.l.c . nvied 1 . cverr !r;,p,ies yo-;r a,-, iiar.aut:' lievv I.. 1; a-;, cierit.'its Pro ieaulih'1. "hot.- ! von!'' if i.l than-.. a nav h, i-;hehh:d K.. lionized Y,i:-t .r; with rer' vital i, - .1. in; our toed thaj led to keep voar shia or.'t 1'-. a-e v.hal- a il linn bi i:..,; in j . .if ' Cert 'tied- chocks Time ri rtiib-ates pe -ii. ilye nr. :,,) d-i'-s ... 70.3 1 i r.::5.l' B.J'.rf : I 119,300.00 t- 817.81 123.20 if. CREECH THE FLOURIST 8 of de r a fie (lolo.. a a'-iii1'!' fj. lulv. 1922. .oinpi.a ion l.i. a! you try it. (ti.lii aur.i our d-iira'isl ticlav or niaii po -i .aul ir..i- ':.: . il. abUKKTe- t. Ae.he-ai lronued Sea .t Co., Dept. . Au mta, (la. ! ta. I Vea-.t ia ivr.,: a ', .1 . "i t i . Ac d.- !5,2f 3.U ;!,4-1 !.32 f.l,7'i5.27 1.7GJ.07 -. ;,.;..;.vj..j....;...:. ....... .. ...... -....w.ju..r-'....v.w-...i. ,:te . by i.11 ; I 38.0" 10.18 27.00 4.30 2.50 39.0-. 110.20 349.57 11 75 38.32 3 01.(13 109.83 27 2" 5. 0C ."' 24.45 10.00 S9.45 21.40 1 1.14 iifi.G 153.71 '43.90 : 48.75 2.SS 1.50 : 1.75 fil.-!' .01 3.0 185.1 .35.0 5 1 132.5 252.4 7.S'. 231.8' 133.0' . 512.5 347.5 254.2' 142.2 3.0 3320.0 1250.0 1002.5 I ( T. I-', lovvn Tarbc a t arc 1:122. OVVM' d, ;;at.!-- d: e - slat- , '-.lie-.' i 1,0 13,03 a count 2.51 ,- of d M(. Lle.dc iiiv e: fi i ' to 1 1 ror ft I 1 of d ulioti. an t. of tlte e fodow- by vii iui niained in . .aneat O.-ee flo'.vaid. Ji.ziti R. 1i.j. IIodr.'.:i. (l.ilei) Aueit.. andvv.!iii. h as recoiijac! at p- U. S. Mortcagre & Trust Co., bond interest ..... 1390 0 : Don Gilliam, board meetings : , Berry Lewis, salary . ; .... F. P. Pulley, salary .-.--...... J. D. Wise, salary : ... .... Roscoe Norman, salary ; ... Richard Daniels, salary j1 J. H. Price, salary , ; J. Walter Thomas, salary . .. . ; Luther Strickland, salary ---, .. H. P. Foxhall, salary ........ J. H. Jacocks, salary .. C. A. Shipp, salary ...... M. Eeilbroner, care of clock . 95.0 113.0 108.0 1.IO8.O 108.0 7.0' 108. Of SO.Of C2 I85.0f innnr a 4.1ti Notice of 3.0 By Virtue of issued from th l.di;e;,o"uil:e t.'ouaty i" an a' t 0:1 e:v titled A tide r.-on, llroid s and Har grove. Inc., vs. Joshua A mlerv-on ,: I wiil 011 'Monday, Auum Hh, l'i22, ai 12 M. at the Cent llouae ddf r ia Tarboro, X. C sell at pu-onc -auc for ca-h. to -satisfy said ex. the ri'dit. title and it ten, -laid Josliufl 'Anderson in I imr trr.ct of h.n l. to-.:i : A certain tract of i-1.1 1 r!".iate in Xo. 5 towitFhi'p, liilireeoioae Coumy. o",.l 'S. f.t.i of Xortft Carolina, 'Which was devised by Thomas Anderson to Loan J. II. Ai:(lerson for life, and then to ( Hois, his children bvr.vUi refolded 111 '"l,i0.,c look II.- Pa(?e 425, the l.-ml Dein -L.nri -ii, jI in sand will as 'ule tl.iCt, 1 d from Miea..iih Aniiersp ,id 1 nd adjointu' J P '1liD( 0 h i"g harl'e Haines, Mis. Leah Harper r, K. Uodei Howard: OF ,'N ..i,vr'-l--fd lit day 1 il. 11. I': C(.,il. e:. II ,ti ii tile power .'a..ain lease ad';!iy C.e... ft and 1 . Ki 1 iLn I' 1 J 1: i.r-ik 219. (. 1 r.i . ..i' . b 'i c;:s'a;( f of the t.lcmly si -ear meet i- true to c;.;.. aad 1" iief. !, Iio-.vard, Cashier. , i - .vi. i n t ' efore me July, 1!22. nu-rr. Notary Public, ire- .March ,41924. a J. '. Raby V. Or Howard W- -I- T hitrpeu, Pi lectors. ;! r s Notice to Subscribers 1 flu. ypi. The 'i'i ' s ieiation 0 ad -Si Loan, ei 'uiiallly di titied in aforesaii. : nieut, ard live oav e v.'f." h!i:.a v. . : CO ill. Af .ion Hon .Xo'vth C:;to V l."-'oer xit' , ; cot! of ! : :. :. ca' -y Ii. Dur-nm p .0 1 in" bi-ei : U'l,-. (,n ;-,Ai.r,. li'i, Kdaiecoinbi; CoU'lfy. 1 by virtue of t'tc po ver iee'l m a ei i -a"' 'l-1- uted on ibe 20th day of t, r- .... I... A 'i !-,V 1'.,. . ie-e 1." yt . red S3. u Vi v V 1 1 ande ana iej JDl, default l.av thu payment, of in secured, and by cribed and .idun-i demand- -ha viut ease aad ?:reo- by the legal lie, ice -if U h '1 P" 11 "l0 " ;,.'ve:i the sail the said Geo. ail be' n made unon me ....j. of said notes, ana Art. Ic-rs 1 an or. ler of the Cierk - . . , 1. of tie fupenor oui- c. . YV- ft f Kdecombe , . . 1. .e . 1 1 u a.,A. r,t -nine, i t i our.ty, uaieu mo - - - 1 , , f t ud li-J U re- old. alter v ,. h, ill the. 01 lice 01 . led ia Section tt id , n.. . l.-.i 1" T.,1.. 1 I ... , , ,1. I , n im. i-t 11 1 TI.l undo gnul vil on .I01 d. i , 1.1 v. - j. VV. inoJiaf. ' . ,, "Mil 1.1 trio 1 onsoi,(i.ii,eu aj. : n.,. m.i .1 . h v. 1922. at tlte . , . .. .;u .t- XT. yG-ltv-4.vks saeriu. ;."- tb.o uMiler.iKnea 1 rusiee - 'hour ol Vi eon, nciore we cui.- , . , ,0 lne hicl.est muuer ior A LITTLE PAYMENT on your Subscription RIGHT NOW will help us considerably during thee dull times- It takes the same amount of money each month the year round to meet our pay rolls. Please mail us check. Don't wait for bill. Look at the label on your next paper and remit what you can NOW. tt ii n tt t t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, 'house door. In the town of farburo.-. ,.ash, al the courthouse door in Tar- B..K n-lified as the Admini, y(.-T Mr U the h,,u, 0. , 0. ujnu. - ralor of the estate of Mrs. Alice . ,1uidcr ior ca.n ,J,e fonovung lot.s 0. - '- Uvt iand, lying in hristen'bury, deceased, late of Edpre-( parcels of land, ly.-ii'. in the to of t.(r,r.onii), Countv, and Township ombe County, Xorth Carolina, thi: Tarboro, ridecomV.e Cou-ity, State , numb,,,. three, described as follows: , to n.t fy all p.i.on. 1 a,,n . t No, h Caio ma, to .t AH of Lot No. 0. m subdivision of 1. -.... fi i i MaixUll T. Wbitehurst Farm, as gam-t the estate of said de cased lot- . UMLercd 1 u. 1. , fcy Umbe an(, n exhibit them to the underlined : s, 10. II. n thick as Mon on, -, p (, ()f which is of rec- t Spcid, X, C, on or befoie the M m 1 of the iro.eitv , , fie e t ( ,( p (, t 04 j (If,ecombe ... , . '. tM ITarbop Lend and Improvement. ,;,.... rofort.nce to which , . , . .... ,hl -.r I Company, recorded 111 Book iS, pKe , j..,roby niade for further de co imP be pleaded m oar ol .neii ,. t .- CC ' P . . ' i TZ, Edtrocombc County Tublic Ile'ts-1 tior. rrd bciiiK same land con ii THE SOUTHERNER nid estate will please make immtdi-j - , .,. -. i ooth day of January, 1913, the same te payment. This the 2(th uay of tune, 1.22. C- B. CUTCIIKX, Adinr.,. of Mrs. Alice Christeiibury. Allsbrool: & Thilips, Attorneys. ' try, to which map reference ' by male for a further'plion as I part of this notice. ! . Ceo. Ho ward. j W. Stamps Howard, Attorney. I' Tarboro, N. C, June 28. 1J22. scrip- conveyed . .. . . T TT .U he e- to Si L. Close by Li. J. nouae, wu 6-2C-Cwksjj28-4-,vks containing T.0.49 acres, more or less. The bid will start at 17o.OO, tne anount of the ndvartce bid. This 12th day oi June. 1922. A. R. Dunning;, Trustee. I yn Bond, Tarboro, N. C, Atty. J13-20 . . 8 8 I - ;