(THE SOUTHERNER. TUESDAY, . AUGUST 1, 1922 WATCH THIS SPACE m Rosenbloom-levy COMPANY Write: o- FLOWERS We always have Flower en hand for the year thru, for FUNERALS WEDDINGS SICK ROOM nd in fact S FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phones 75 and 410. CREECH THE FLORIST hrsfbrUs SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION It ig the pure phosphates and soda in Horsford's which make it so whole some which make hot breads, bis cuits, pastry so light, tasty, nutritious and easy to digest. Horsford's is eco nomical makes baking success sure. For free Prize List showing the PREMIUMS OVEN FREE for RED LABELS tWod Chemical Works. Providence. R. I. , Mis package with a tack of your regular flours m THE RIGHT WAY TO KILL GERMS Here i a powerful and recognized disinfectant which kills the germs. Is your cellar sanitary? Germs will, multiply by the million over night, in a damp, musty cellar. Make a solution of Red Seal Lye and sprinkle into all the dark corners, and all mustiness will immediately disappear, leaving your cellar fresh and sweet smelling. If your kitchen sink- does not drain quickly, here is an immediate remedy. Sift a little Red Seal Lye into the pipes. The lye will com bine with the greaae and dirt, forming a solution which will be carried off quickly by the water, leaving the pipes free and clean. Housewives may save money by making their own soap. All that is needed is one can of Red Seal Lye and a quantity of waste grease or fat, such as would ordinarily be thrown away. The one can will make twenty cakes of pure soap at less than one cent per cake. See how quickly and easily Red Seal Lye will clean the wash-stand, tub or closet bowl. Red Seal Lye it put up in handy round cam. It contains no tiller or adulterations. It is absolutely pure. ' Send for the Ked Seal Booklet which explains many ret ipes and met of the famous Red Seal Lye. Write today. Ask your dealer for the old reliable Red Seal Lye. Take no other. r. C. TOMSON a CO. , So.lkwark P.O. PeilsseUjaia, Pa DR.KILGOHE SPEAK SATURDAY The fanners and business men of the county are asked to remember that Dr. Kilgore will speiik here next Saturday on the cooperative market ing of cotton. This is a very import ant meeting and the farmers of the county are urged to be present and hear Dr. Kilgore. Just after this speaking there will be a canvass in Edgecombe for an- )thr r "sieo-up of cotton contracts. I Do You Awake -Tired and Weak? Know the Joy of Restful Sleep by Taking Ironized Yeast Do-you arise in the morning ur.re freshed as when you retired ? Are body, brain and nerves all run down? This terrible weakness which afflicts so rrjany may be blamed on the lack of vitarhines and iron in modern foods. Supply these invigorating elements by taking two pleasant tablets of Ironiztd Yeast three times a day. Everyone knows that yeast is a wonderful build er of strength and energy. But Iron ized Yeast embodies a new secret pro cess, known as "ironization," which enables the yeast to produce its results twice as quickly. It tones up the great vital organs, soothes the worn-out nerves and makes you feel like a new person. Get Ironized Yeast today and take a new lease on life, or to try it entirely free, simply mail postcard for Famous 3-Day Trial Treatment. Ad dress Ironized Yeast Co., Dept. 96, Atlanta, Ga. lionized Yeast is recom mended and guaranteed by bit good druggists. ' ' KEROSENE BROOMS ... lie GAL. .'. 80c If you can't fine it anywhere else, come to THE O. H. STORE 107 E. Church St. . We will prcbably have it, and wil save you money. We sell cheaper than others. MILWAUKEE TIMERS. .$1.85 WE PAY 36 WEEKLY full time, 75c an hour spare time selling ho siery guaranteed Wear 4 months or replaced free. 3a styles. Free sam ples to workers. Salary or 30 per cent commission. Good hosiery is n absolute necessity, you can sell It easily. Experience unnecessary. Eagle Knitting Mills, Darhy, Pa. , m20-ltw-10wks. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO mail order printing. We sri In po sition to handle vour nrintcd mat. ter for short1 flbtice delivery and Invite comparison of prices. Satis factory work. Dromot aervirM. The Southerner. ; . ,t , LOST SUrvDAy NIGHT: A BAY mare; weight 700 has sore on backj finder will please return to George Johnson, 103 W. First St,, Greenville and get reward. WANTS I ARBORQ PUSHES T Tarboro shut out the leaders in the Eastern Carolina League yester day by a score of 3 to 0. Mark Webb again won his game and held the Greenville aggregation down to three scattered hits. Butter ies for Tarboro, Webb and McQuinn, Greenville, Thompson, Keating and Carson. Tarboro plays again today at Greenville and a large number of the baseball fans from here will go down to this game. STANDING OF CLUBS. Clufcs: -'' W. L. Pet. Greenville '-- 9 4 .692 Kinston 8 5 .615 Washington --- 1 5 -583 Tarboro 6. 6 .500 Mew Bern 9 -357 Farmville .'.-' 4 10 .280 U. S. Government Cotton Report. The government report was issued today on the condition of the cotton crop and the estimated number of bales. ' Condition of cotton crop is 70.8 per cent and the estimated number of bales is '11,440,000. - OFF FOR AN OUTING. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carlisle and son Benjamin left Sunday for a week's outing to the straits near Washing ton, N. C. Marriage Announcement. Mrs. Robert D. Woolard announces the marriai'i? of her daughter, Essie, to Mr. -Andrew Chrk on Monday, the :11st. of July, 1022, Kverett, N. C. ' At home iifUv August 10th, Evor etts, NVC. HEV. R. A. LAPSLEY, JR., 1 HEARD BY PRISONERS Rev. R. A. Lapsley, pastor of the First Pieshyterian church, preached a seimo.i to the prisoners in the state penitentiary F.und'ty afternoon. Ii was the) regular Sunday Owrvice for j the prisoner;;, but it was the first I time Mr. Lapsley ever addiesr.ed i ii-.,.,., its .,,...!.. .......... ;,... on the men and many are quot"d a? say in;; they enjoyed the service.. Mr. Lapsley asked the men what wjis .their favorite verse in the Bible. The larg est vote was for John 3:16, and then the preacher asked the men to recite the verse. The larger portion of the prison audience joined iii the wordM: "For God so loved the world, Ihut He gave his only begotten Son, that who soever believed in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Columbia Record. OLD . NEWSPAPERS FOl SALE. Apply Southerner. 'OR SALE CAR LOAD OF LAND Plaster, now 13 the time to use. Wr also have just received car cotton seed meal. F. S. Royster Mercan tile Co., Inc. j"28-5ti WANTED: MEN OR WOMEN TO take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and chil dren. Eliminates darning. $40 weel full time, $1.00 an hour spare timi Experience unnecessary. Interna tional Stocking Mills, Norristown. Pa. . 6-15-10wkf . BARGAIN IN TIRES. 32x3 1-2 $12.00 32x4 14.50 33x4 15.00 34x4 ... ifin If you are lookinf for a GOOD Tire : lor litUe money, here it is. PADDISON STORAGE BAT TERY STATION, LTD. SECOND SHEETS: 75 CENTS PER thousand, cut to any size desired without charge. Southerner. AT THE HOSPITAL. Mrs. Henry Bynum, who wai taken to the hospital Saturday for an ober- itwn ;is- reoertdd as doing well this i V; 0 rVt:SPERf slitVicES. ! The Fper aeryicea of the differ ent churches of the town were well attended yesterday- afternoon. The sermon for the evening was delivered by Re. B. B. Slaughter of the Meth- oaist Jbpiscopal church. 0 FRONT RACE PERSONAL BRIEFS LEFT FOR WILSON. Mrs. Martha Pitt, Miss Lillian Pitt and Mrs. R. B. Josey left this morn ing for wilson, whe,re they were call ed on account of the sickness of Mrs. B. F.. Eagles. ? OFF ON THEIR VACATION Rev. J. E. Kirk, wife and children left today for Palmerville, where they will spend their vacation. They will be from home for several days. Mr, J. A. Clark and MrVD,"Mi zell have returned from Norfolk. nd report a fine trip. :.; i Mrs. Lillie Turner and Miss Annie Whitehard has been visiting, ,rionds Ill X' UUIILU111. Veterans' Dinner Tomorrow. The Confederate Veterans will have their annual dinner tomorrow in the Town Common. To thin dinner are invited the members of the local chapter of the Daughters of the Con federacy,' a LEFT FOR MONTREAT. M.r. R, G. Allsbrook left today for M on treat, where he will he for sever al days. Mrs. Allabrook and children are now ut Montreat. Mr.. B. F. EAGLES SICK. j A telegram was leeeived here this, morning stating that Mrs. B. F Ea gles, who has been sick at her home' in Wilson for rtviiil du.'a. with ty-. phoid fever, is very sick and not ex pected to live through the day. Dr. J. M. Baker was called to see Mrs. Eagles last night and he pro - nounced her condition serious. TARBORO GRADED SCHOOL TO! OPEN SEPTEMBER 15. I It has been announced by the triis- -j. tees that the Tarboro grnded schools;? i v. will open September 15. By openiiifj j thi6 early it is said that this will giveiy the children two weeks' vacation ati Christmas. . - There is Strength in EveryTablet One doie often helps com mence to enrich your blood and revitalise your worn out exhausted nervet Nuxated Iron la a newer form of Iron, like the iron In your blood and like the Iron In spinach. It la so prepared that it will not Injure the teeth nor disturb the stomach. It Is ready for almost immediate absorption and assimilation by the blood while some phy sicians claim metallic Iron which people usually take Is Dot absorbed at all. If you are not strong or well yon owe it to yourself to make the follow, inf test: See how lone yon can work or bow far you can walk .without becomiuf tired. Next take two nve-f rain tablets of M uxated Iran three times per day, after meals for two weeks. Then test your strenith seal a and sea how much you havegained. Nuiated Iron is sold under an absolute guarantee that your money will be refunded if you do sot obtain perfectly satisfactory result, For sals la this city by , W. P. McCRAW DRUG COMPANY Or Any Other Good Drug Stora. ' M f The . C; Franldin Girs What Will Be His Health? WHEN your Executor falls ill and he i the one who takes your place when ' you are gone he looks after his health, before he looks after your affairs. While ' he suffers physically, your Estate may suffer financially. if: ;1 Farmers Banking&Trust Co GOOD PRIM 1. .it southIrner Job DepatrtmiBiit 'ranKlin Car "NUF SED'' DEALER ' t r SICKNESS attacks most men at some time or other. But a Arust Company is never ill. If you name us Executor of your Will, you know ill health on the part of your Executor cannot caur.e your Estate loss, . -ah a Tarboro, N. C. TING SERVICE , . . Plus RIGHT PRICES. lEIgS Franklin Service

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