'Sr. 7. ' t..,r THE SOUTHERNER. FRIDAY, AUG. 4, 122 t FECIAO SPECIAL! SPECIAL! On All Summer Slippers Oxfords & Sport Shoes. 4? ' PERSONAL BRIEFS Hera to Sea the Gma. Judge Horton, president of the Eastern Carolina League, was here yesterday to witness the game be tween Tarboro and Farmville. Lawn Party Tonight. ' Do not forget the lawn party to night in the Town Common for the benefit of the senior class of the Tar. i boro graded schools to enable themi to pay for the Tar-bo-rah. It will be a bad thing on our community if the J young people who have worked so; hard to get through the graded school j io be forced to go down in their own ; pockets and pay a bill that should' je paid by the public. ' This class book, the Tar-bo-rah, 8 credit to any class and our people hould rally to the support of these ,-oung folia who had it published. BUDGET TOWN OF TARBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 1922-1923. - Public notice is hereby given that a BUDGET con taining the estimated expenditures and estimated rev enue of the Town of Tarboro, N. C-, for fiscal year ending May 31st, 1923, had been prepared as requir ed by law and is "now on file at office of City Clerk for public inspection. . ; This Budget carries a tax rate of .77c for bonds, interest and sinking fund, and a rate of .23c for gen eral purposes making a total tax rate of $1.00. Said Budget will be passed on at regular meeting of the Board on Atig. ? 4th, 1922. All citizens of the .town are .invited to ; inspect Budget at office of City Clerk and to ba present at above mentioned meet ing .of the Board. J. H. JACOCKS, City Clerk. At Wrighttvilla Beach. : Misa Mamie Bryan went to Wright" Hie Beach yesterday ti) be the guet f Mrs, Lawrence Sprunt for a week r more. SEE US BEFORE BUYING Rosenbloom-Levy Co. rfwvM...--.;""-. LOST: ONE DARK JERSEY COW f Any information, i' Lewis. it POISONED WITH LEAVES. Mrs. Lionel Weinberg of Balti more, formerly 'of Tarboro, while strolling in some little time her life, was thought notify Berry' to be in danger. At this writing, how-a4-3t' leaf. The case was so acute that for ever, a .letter from Baltimore states that Mrs. Weinberg is much betWr. In Murfreesboro. ' Rev. B. B. Slaughter and wife. aid children went to Murfrectiborcvfyeen ... " terday on a short visit to friends. " Wilf Speak at MaccletfioW. : prominent fanners and business men , Senator J.,' A. Brown pf Columbus,of eastern North Carol'? and bears county .will speak at, MaQtrlesfioid on the reputation of being a good earh Tiesdqy,,.Aug. 6; at 3:30 p.m. ) et sjioaker who has the interest of ' Senator Brown is one of the most' the farmers at heart.- WILL HE TAKE A VACATION? , r y . ; , MEN take - vacations go bunting, fishing, . touring where they cannot be reached. If your. Executor is away and there come a SUDDEN need for his immediate presence and signature- what is going to happen to your estate? BUT we take no vacations. We are here ready for business at any time. Name us ' Executor of your Estate and we will- always be here to look after it. Cotton and tobaccc interests, for instance, require the most careful attention. Won't .they ' need tho . same careful attention when you are gone? Farmers Banking & Trust Co Tarboro, N, C. Miss Mary Louise Woraloy is spend-j ing her vacation at Virginia Beachr Miss Pearl Rowe and Mr. Archie Hoag are visiting their sister, INIth. H. G. Alley, in Peterfburjf. Va. Mr. C. E. Rowe'of Petersburg is visiting hei' sister, Mrs. S. P. Beatty. TTIoTice of Sale of Real Property. i,io, liiZz, ut HF.Ha oVIocTTTilT ""Under and by virtue of the power in front of the Court House door of in'd authority vested in me by that Edgecombe County in Tarboro, N.'C, Misa Mary G, Rowe and niece. Ju lia Melba Alley, have returned to their home in Petersburg. Mrs. G. T. Williams and daughters arc visiting in Wrihtsville. Mrs. Sue Alexander and children of Wilmington are here the guests nf her sister, Mrs. L. E. Norfiect. Would 8 to 0 be called a ball game' Seems to be the popular query. Mrs. Melton of Glen Allen, Va., is the park with her son, the guest of her sister, Mrs. John B. Ellsworth, carried a bunch of leaves Wood. Mrs. Melton is the mother.of which the child had gathered. They Mr. Cliff '.Melton, who '-resided here remained in the park a couple hours, for a number of years ai?d made the and during this period Mrs. .Weinberg; supreme sacrifice in France during, held the leaves, and placing the stem: the late war. Cliffton Melton 'was at-; of a leaf in hoi mouth, thoughtlessly ways worthy: 'of the respect that b's' hit it. In a short while nor face' many friends paid him, and died a: started swelling, closing both eyes he had liTed always doing his duty. completely. A physician was summon-. : ett and found Mrs. Weinberg suffer-i Mrs. Eva Ilai'.les of Rocky Mount ing intensely from poisoning which 'is the gueat of her sister, Mrs, Min-i was attributed to the juice of the ; nie Wittiamson. j Mrs. Archie Knight, who recently gave buth tt. s fine son at the Edge- combe General Hospital, is getting along finely, also "son.' Mrs. Joe Dunford of Crisp, who has been critically ill following an operation at the Edgtecombe General hospital, is thought to be holding her own, altho seriously ill at the present. Mrs. Latham Thigpen and son of F.ichmond and Mrs. John Thigpen and son of Willinmston are the guests at Mapletou of Mrs. B. F.'-Shelton. 'ortain deed of trust executed to the Undersigned and the Tarboro BuiM :ng and Loan Association by Victoria Sledge. Trustee, and Stephen Body and Susan Body, Cestui que Trusl nt. dated 20th February, 1919, and Inly recorded in the Kdgecombe bounty Public Registry in Book 184, ?ai:e 193, default having hour, made n payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby, and demand having wen made upon the 'undersigned to ell, I' will, on 'Saturday,- September !nd. 1922, at 12 o'clock M., in front if the Court House door of Edije oaibe County in Tarboro, N. C, sell t public auction to the highest bid ier, for cash, that certain parcel or ot of lund lying and being situate in Jdgecombe County, Nurth Carolina, md in the Town of Tarboro, bounded ind di'fcribed s follows: The same being Lot N'o. 23. Block A, of the property known as Panola Heights in the Town of .Tarboro, a opy of sftid plat being of record in 3ook 150 Page 58, of the Register if Deeds office of Edgecombe Coun ty, and being the identical lot or par cel of land which was conveyed to Victoria Sledge, Trustee, for Stephen Body and Susan Body by deed of re cord in Book 192, Page 477, of the foregoing Registry, to which refer ence is here made, and being further described as a lot or parcel of land fronting 38.7 feet on Church street nd running back 150 feet. This August 1st, 1922. " R. Of. ALLSBROOK, Trustee a3-Uw-4wks. ....,,' jWANTS FLOWERS GASOLINE, Per Gai.i..r..27e Scot Tissue Toilet Paper.. 2 for S5s We always b'.ve Flowers on hand for th fear thru, for FUNERALS v-V.. . ... .. . WEDDINGS SICK ROOM- - ! and in fact ! ;.: ' , FOR ALL OCCASIONS '' ' . Phones 75 a ad 4101 CREECH THE FLORIST If yoo can't fine it anywhere else, '':.' come to " v.. a.. A WMSI . . 107 e rk,it, We will probably have it, and wil save you money. We sell cheaper thsn others. ; Waldorf Toilet Paper... 8 for 25i WE PAY Z9 WEEKLY full time 75c an hoar spare time selling ho siery piarsnteed wear 4 moptos oi replaced free. 36 styles. Free sara pies to workers. SaJary or 30 per cent commission. Oood hosiery if sn absolute necessity, yon can sl It easily. Experience unnecessary Eajle Knitting- Mills, Darby, Ps in20-Itw-10wks. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO mail order printing. We arc in po- sitnn to baridle your printed mslr ter for short notice delivery and invite comparison pf prices. Satis factory work, prompt service. The Southerner. f OB jSALE CAR LOAD OF LAND Plaster, now is the time to we. Wn also have just received csr cotton seed meal, F, 8. Boyster Merean tile Co., Inc. j23-6t- Notice of, Sale of Real Property. . Uride'r and by Virtue of the power and "uuthority: vested in me by that :ertain deed of- trust executed to the imdersigned and the'-Tarboro Build ing' and Loan. Association by Nancy ChasotWeiaiTder:-Chase, John D. Chase and Moses Chaee, dated 2 1st June,- 1919, and duly recorded in the Edgecombe County Registry, in Book 184,: Page 205, default having been made in payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, and demand having been made upon the" "undersigned to ;i?pr"wfrh' watttvday;- September :wf'H---k GOOD sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, those certain par-' eels of land, lying arid being situate I in Edgecombe County, North Cufo-. lina, hounded and described at fol-it lows: ' First Tract: Same adjoining the i ir.nds of M. A. Saunders, P. Cy'ok I and others, and particularly hounded. ; cejenbed and detineu 3 Joilows, v:e. lying and being in said County and State, and in the Town of Mildred, and known and designated as fol lows, viz: beginning at a stake, cor-T ner. of Hurdles' old -store, thence northward 70 yards to a Make, tbencc East 35 yards to a stake, thence Southward 70 yards to a stake, thence Westward 35 yards to the beginning, containing one-half acre, more.., or less; -and being the identical , land conveyed to Joe Bryant fcy William Harrell nd his wif' Temperance HarreU, by deed recorded in Book SO, Page 480, Edgecombe' Registry, and by Joe Bryant and wife, Alice Bryant, conveyed to Furney Chase by deed recorded in Book 130, Page' 74. of the aforesaid Registry. Second Tract: Lying and being in said County and State, and being de- X scribed as that ceain tract of land $ which was conveyed to Ransom? Lloyd ty J. C. Harrell by deed duly:,? registered in Book 111, Page 192, of X the Edgecombe Cranty Registry, and! J, further described as follows: - : J Beginning at a stake in the line of ; j M. A. Saunders and Ransom -Lloyd,;! thence in a straight line along the ; to the corner, of William Harrell and i line of M. A. Saunders about 15 yards , M. A. Saunders, thence in a Norther- ly direction along the hue .of. William Harrell 74 yards to the center of the Albemarle and Raleigh Railroad at : the corner of D. E. Cobb and William i Harrell, thence in a straight dlree- j tion along the line of D. E. Cobb,; PRINTING 's -vl';;SERVIGE Plus RIurTOIGES. THE yd ; va- A FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Phone, lights and bath. Apply Mrs. R. H. Parker, 112 Main st. about 68 yards, thence along the y rious courses on VVahingtoii roadi with the line of Ransom Lloyd to the 1 beginning, being the identical land which was conveyed to Fumey Chase by Cobbf Comr., by deed duly regis-; tered in Book 140, Page 312, Edge-: combe County Registry. This August 1st, 1922. T K r 1 PTinAAt- m . aa-ltw-4wks. SOUTHERNER Job Department OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. Apply Southerner. WANTED:. .MEN OR WOMEN TO take orders for geaun guaranteed hosiery for men,, womenand chil dren. Eliminates darning. 40 week full time, $1.00 an hour spare time Experience unnecewary. Interna tional Stocking Mills, Norristawn, Ps. i '615-10wks ' " --., ?, - - . BARGAIN iN'tlRES.. ;u' - 32s 1-2 -i ...:'.- $12.00 1 .12x4 .jc 14.50 33x4 ...... .1-.. ' 15.00 5 34x4 16.60 ; If yon sre looking for a GOOD Tirol for little money, here it is. PADDISON STORAGE BAT TERY STATION, LTD. The i S.' ran ; atf iu, j-.'0'V "NUp 8ED-. A .' ' Win -'i ''!'. Car FOR RENT: 2 ROOMS AND UALL upstairs. Lights and water. Phone 320 W. St. James St 4-3t LOST SUNDAY NIGHT; A BAY ware; weight 700 lbs.; has sore bn beck; finder will please return to' George Johnson, 103 W. First St., Greenville snd get reward.. il Zeb. C. Franklin Gars . .: "i' -. DEALER , T- Franklin Service, I,-