ludoay by THE JSOyTHEItNER, at Tlra Jsbii'riiisKNtA ftllt ' He first enunciated this iyi asSsllufcle position ' on the occasion O-fyth cotton mill Workers' strike in i JUeuiher of A8solated. Jresi .The Psuesr ? reHixea to -t jor : nat.Qiner- fiife exulted lights paper,' and also rkllta of lotbiUeatIon otsfteei! lis. I ataM,ars 4rB(iwil0 reserved t ; sPoreign Advertising . Representa tiii: "fTOSt, . Landts kf Kihht ;Brfco WUGi;M)((itti.CA8Q)tnd 1004 Gof l.guilding, A41a,n fa, -Ga. - . , T"" if fa ulioit ...... M'&tinff Editr EtWed.s,t XbtL$Qt,M& J Tarbore, J,':C.,;Aseton.i ,ltt;. mnfcter, and, etrfonpr .Jarch 31879 ceded from it one iota. Of bourse toe Rovers or recognizes also the right df tierf striker to' we peaceful, meati's Ol 'jtitXtina: . arid of 5. persuading .:if the; tin by fair, argument Aoes wfco itranif fo'goItoTWorfc rfol to 'do 467 if they, arf willih to hjiar tfceni At :ne Same time he said the striker Had po tight to menac. r threaten, or i lore any :.peteoh -to listen to them Utile, they ehoos to ,do so. Nor have they any right to assemble in such numbers as to arooubt to an in-1 timidatioh Of the ,fnin M- desir ft to,j or&, The governor of North CSro-j lin . is- eveHastlrttly , tifht, and. the! PhiiadeVph vi -Record will fay so when J the facts are.broufent to attention, j Concord' Tnuunt. - - , .. . I fiUDAV, AUG. 25, lii2 .CHURCH CHOIRS JNyiTED. The choirs are jnyited to 'be. present at the! IVsbyterioji cbusqh Concord last year, and hi Kactjfe ifpr th day nijht. Miss Uicie Howell will sing at this service anti Gounod's Gallia wil be rendered also. ' t . Capti J G. .Studdart ofRilaigh is here today on business. !; (a fit 'ii i?r?,? ,14 aOpplementary fnere to , bscertain !,lEwriitifb ttatet: Daily, 1, year, tf ; inenttisV 12.56 li month, (Oc; eltilfie. feiayl JOt Wr year, P, 6. Boi 907 "j, TO MCMttCRS -OF.-THE. SEWING CIRCLE. ..... r ifeif jitipii think the newspaper finiti "grhty :traJit' .for thwe 'nbrfallr h WlMiaVt top to tWhi of tte hardphip of it, bat Measiire t3iFlr;onious, only b.y ,th tWnsfteVkttw, Jiothmg about.,.If tne faSer has Ue or tw,o geod da.yS, cftbvlkel full ot advertising, is it a? ohcjfe, tbottght ihat.tht paper is lite.r iHy;,"eleaiift;. Up,'.'. The ever,think of;e'diy9 wfcek the advertising rev. eiiue dr?ps"tO next to otbing, wftn tfit bverhead it just.the jAme, atd pMyrol1 and. rent anA .othr ,abiga tini. hv t be jnetjust the same, H'er it a story f an editor whp "got rkb''- artd retired. .The .flteh Point Bnterprlse gets the dope from bethel aoUrca, . and ,we ine. going to tit ft. aUnf. vtb .the '?grvy train" cluis ire ohld ask that, they read it: ''ft ewsljapr editor lead a fascl nking . life la ftome . ways, Fastinat- lug'baute h bever, knows wbat,tocage said about this kind of. taxation: eipect Btit. ' .. , . , , : Jto lay with the powr f Dpi- hifHUte ,h. k receiving the j 0f the government on the property of prltlsM dl a-community .because bejthe tltizati and with the: other .be hik VtprSed through, bie. paper ,an;tnw it upon iavonte , individuals. to opinion that is general. The next he : ard private enterprise and to build is fieiiig rakid-pver the coals special: up private fortunes is none the less y reparid .fer.him because he has j robbery because it. is done under the daVed t6vpcpteia the opinions of the) forms of the Jaw and is called taxa- mlhftrRJtt ; : ; tion.'! The Fair Tariff League says Material rkei,croe to few edi'!"T whom does this country belong tore her-do -lhan. come, to. material i the hosiery manufacturers?" rich. Knowledge .of human beings r The republican party, in its.tarUT tfcougft, More valuable. than the ma- .bill legaliies this kind-ef fobbery. terial'ttingi, ..doe come , and che , The democratic . patts ,j opposed asUkl experience must, have been that to it. - You can balp. ta-stop. it by voi of lh. fcansai editor, who, in bidding ing the democratic tiskct. this fall. his tader ftarewell jwrote : ; ' The proposed . duty . on hosiery would dAj$39j(JoO,0(l!0to thesum the American pe&ple now pay, which stmt, it is estimated by the Fair Tar iff L,64gU, woulA double to the ,con sumers at retail, making $578,000,- 000. Out of this enormoua sum the government Would fet . a 'powtrile re venue of only $3,000,000. In the production of hosiery .and knit goods 4he , United States is the master of th world. Our , exports Were thirty-eigtft tms more than our -imports in 1019 and . ten ,-tinws greater in 1920. Our export wer.e more than 50 per ,c,6nt in .excess .of imp6rts , in 121. when all foreign tounti-iea Were rushing ; f merchandise Into the United States in anticipa tion of iacreases. in, the';. tariff.,. iWe meet foreign prices jn.foreigm coun tries We could meet them here,, but the manufaeturer not only iwaots to shut out foreign competition .but b,e Wants to fix bis, own price,. which un der the new-tariff bill would be the worst kind of . profiteering to,xa,liofi Jtead what the Supreme Court of the. United -Statear in th Marahall . Vi4Ma ar mittff waU tnith fcn Vik WrHii M"MiBnae am;. .ajJy A.-. iiv lw"SS tor nlc by AUSTIN MARDWAM CO W.TRlr01jrAllffCOATLAItTA,CA. ir- : r . ; '. ; NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECT ION, IN .THE CRISP CONSOLIDAT EDSCIi30Cmgf RlC FOR THE PURPOSE OF REDUCING THE A MOUNT OF SPECIAL TAX WITH IN SAID DISTRICT. , Notice is hereby given that t sDec ialelection will be held in the Crisp Consolidated School Distriet of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, o the 15th day of September, 1922, t BuBJe Store, in .the village of Crisp, ,ihe regular polling place in said District, under the authority contained in the Consolidated Stat- Utes of North Carolina, and acts Of the General Assembly of North Car olina, . amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, to ascertain wheather the voters of said School District are in favor of reducing the special tax ia- said District shall not earceed the um of twenty cents on the. One Hundred, Dollars valuation of all taxable property in said Dis trict, and 'sixty ceats on each taxable poll in said District. . ''TlUU the last iastieof pttr paj pef. Jwenty.-five year ago the edi- tot- hit town with 9e ..dollar in his poefctti tomorrow, fae iui to .wjtti fifty tbbukjiad dalJars .in the .iank. His luW J,the tunh.of, Strict sobrie ty, Unimpeachable iotejrrjty, ability iforlt gt.hours out.flf24; and live Upan.;pratticaHj;ithiir.g ord .the farther facts that wealthy aunt ha juet jiiad up. in Boaton and left him $i.S99."S GOT. (MORRtfiOJi'S ' POSITION. AfflazeVoijr RfiiEiIslIi tour Cc;!idda . Dayaawant c)eBrkwSngskJ '-fteii from evei thft sligbtM frace M pimpta or bJaekbeadtf .V0u.5an have it easily. jAnd ojwctl t&afyouf friends ' willbeiimuttt at B tbAnga v.your .ppearance.$imply ake Ironiaed Yeast two . $ablea with each aiefeJ. 'Thea watdi the reieuh' Before you kur it tvpirapljandrblackhed.,wil' have iifBpptattd and you wilt nav "i sSwA, -youthful velvets aki-the kiAdttwt is envied b$ tveyona.- Ironifed Yeast1 supplies your system with .eertairi Vital elements nOWlaiklnrW yoiurfdbd-htt very elements needed to.keejyour akin ' beauli(ulv.Xqu won't believe what a wonderf ul change It cani UTiKg in your' cimipMiieiiiiiktildutrylt; Cetltfrom your druggist today ornail postcard for Famous 3-Day FREBTeA' Adflresa ' IrikiM Yeaet tX-tfept Atlanta, ' Ga. IrardiedYeasf ia reegpitnwWd and guaranteed by all gooa driunatat, 1' ( 1Wtt,;tba president. appealed to 29 ivamr.te. tfrflttett ,aH .persons who weri-Jiltot't4Jw3rJtlwbra,sWUea : wtriiiu apeTtion .(Jorae Irri t)ri of No, ff aj4jAt waa.tha, ilf Ine jfcba -flatly, ad gi tfng as ja hiW&itiQfr fh' . tSv-nerit;, i.thf fd .of strike breakers. Bui n.Juk called out 50jo tita-ioja.fsr 4ty(t,point jhere ,Hje efori ,V tljr tavtharn ;, Railway It a itifrA.ons jajb non-uBion la btiillki,tb tjain,of .kh '' fe$liitnyibja..4riif ih UacMea.,f J tl ;goerior era ta yulifcoldi'Jth Jaw and retert .ever 'iiht tJi frikf laborers, Pr?tect'j if and prosetty nd tokeap peace.! V . 5F"F. -TT" J"T'. JAihjideJIpbiar Racrf 4 ,'; ;'; i $H RHN.!jajtn t aariuua . error At ta,v yar; Gjore, vjforrisn ui..i$t Si.4fi epretaet aU partons ttrikei ;. jij o5erayyi," Gov. Mnr i' h be,f f estyt fO(t'ti po i!, 71 $vtr.gj!Tyim)ir who d.esir);s tb ' ba.lgl riJ t t u.le imaehijery; of the- rtate y : '"-.a to nroteci-jkiaat iatt$- k a l.. : t.i V Dyr.t r Mtf Robert Tl DunMll el A4kt.rin.rHn Tni"rar.l Ur,Mr kilt ri'l,'la-l BlrM Mat psit. Aari h vt Vina pft oa ia- MrtuiM thau BHkr a4 ra aaal insva. ins h fuond Kty-rour bi( rata. Aad th ' - kMiiad aiaM tut am .fr mm bu caita wita aaate on lam. aoifr tfc aaeoae moraine fea foaad -tvntaa mora rata, niaklnc a Htil if HnalMlM'rUUV 'i ww atcQia, .m vihtra warm, law mar laa( did t IWrtM .'! V i I- i vrit to lat jroa know tnat yr rat, paua I euaU:: t,r-V - ',.1.- .. BctfaUT. KbNNKDT BftOTltBRai "' k I Iw -e tm 1.) K . - -a, 1'ItlaJ Alii liel.'- l '?i)lt IV ll -'61.; ;icrt.u:.7 .lef'x'-: At said election those favoring the reducing of said Special School Tax, Shall vote a ballot. on which jahaH be printed .the ;words "FOR REDUC TION OF SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX", arid jhose who are opposed to the reduction of said Special School Tax shall vote- a ballot on wi:h shall be printeo .the word "AGAINST RE DUCTION OF SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX". And if a majority Of qualified voters shall vote for "REDUCTION OF' SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX",.th8i. it shall thereafter. be the duty of the County Commissioners each year thereafter. at the same, time all other' school taxes are levied to leVy iiicn Special School Tax within said Dis trict in according with Law, and not to exceed the amount above speci fied. And it is futber ordered that said election be held and conducted in the same manner arid at Imgles Store in the Village Crisp, as now pre' Scribed for holding general eelctions, and there shall be a nw registration of electors in said District for said election: provided however that every elector' who is registered and qualified to vote in said Special Bond Election to be held at the same time and place shall be entitled .to vote and participate in this election. The Registrar, between the hours of nine O'clock A. M. and sunset,' On each day (Sunday Excepted) for twenty days precedfcig the day for closing the registration books shall keep open, said books for the regis tration of .any electors residing with jn said School District and entitled to registratior..- Theisaid books shall be closed for registration at sunset oh the 2nd Saturday before said elects idn. On -each Saturday dUTmg, the period of .registration the registrar shall .attend With his' registration bOok at the polling place in (aid Dis triet for the registrstlort of .voters, i The following.: Regiftrar and Judges of .'.Election . (?;e .hereby appointed for said election. ! ' Registrar, 3. it. Norville -'v' ' Judges of Electioiv, ' S ... - - W.-B.-Edwarda .' : i C. -K, Edwards ; '", 8 15d. It wk ;4 wk Whthef ill yyi?rs. ,01 saiq.jscnooi uistnot are 11 fvorfMsaU'inir bonds for the nn. pose : ot tulldmg rebuilding and re pairing a fchooihouse of achoolhoudbs ih laid District a'tid furnishing same with suitable equipment. .1. That the amount of bond to be UftUed; thereunder are hot to exceed the amount of Twentv fiva Thousand Pollara (t5.000.00). v 2. That said (bonds ehall bear a rate ef interest not to exceed sir per cent. annum, payable semi-annually. S.That said bohds shall be denom liAtidn ofJ $1,000.00 each, and shall mature- HeriaHy as follows: One, each year -from, the 5th to Oth'yeari, in elusive1,' from the date;of issuej and 2 each year from the 10th to 19th years, inclusive, from date of issue of said bonds. j - ' ,' 4. That the maximum tax which may9 be Irvled and collected each year to pay the interest a.nd prin cipal of .said bonds shall not exceed .twenty cens on the ,pne Hundred Dollars .valuation of all taxable pro perty in" said District, and sixty cents on etcn- poll' in Said District. -At- said -election, those favoring the issurance of said bonds and the levy in g tax therefor, shall vote a ballot on w.hifli .will be printed the words "FOR SCHOOLHOUSE BONDS" end those , opposed to the issurance of said bonds and the levying of said special tax- shall vote a ballot on which shall ' be printed the words "AGAINST SCH OO LH O USE BONDS". And if the majority of the qualified ' voters shall vote "FOR SCHOOLHOUSE BONDS", .then it shall be the duty of County Commis sionere of .Edgeconibe .County to is sue 'said iionds, not exceeding the amount specified, and shall there after' !eVr a sufficient tta," 'not ex- ceeding'the amount specified, to pay the" interest andprincipal of said bonds so issued,, as said interest and principal may become due and pay able.'', i'"'- ' '""'' ' .- '''.' And it' k father ordered that said election be held and conducted in the same manner, and, at Eagles' Store in, the village of Crisp, in satd-Dis trict. na now prescribed for holdine 1 -.... . . general elections, and there shall be a new registration of electors in said District for said election. The .Registrar, between the hours of nine O'clock A. M. and sunset; on each day (Sunday excepted) for twenty days' preceding the day, for closing ' the" registration ' books will keep Open eaid books for the regis tration of any electors residing with in said School District and entitled to registration. The eaid books will bje closed" for registration at' sunset on the 2nd "Satdrday ' before Stud election. On each SatUrdav during the period of .registration the regis trar shall attend with his registration book at the polKng place in sa'd bis trrct for the regis'Srat' ion of The following RegUsfruT i. .ge- of Election are hereby at"- or skid election: 1 Registrar. j J. H. .. Judges of "Election. ' W. B. Edwards C.:X. Edwards This the 9th day of August, 1922 CAUSES iFIRES Iat-1 ' .";?''-'..'..' :.-.., .';. -.;.,,-' (.' T1 Tarboro's Tobatco Market Frying fats frequently ig nite and ktaft disastrous fires. This ia just another of the little things that must be watched, for the sake of safety Mow about your fire in surance bn baildings and household goods? Have you arranged for complete protection? This agency of the Hartford Fire In surance Company is now equipped to write good in surance and . give sound advice. jc$cks & Royjstef Company TARBOBO. N. C.,; ,- - TIME gr . . is,. WINTER gEEO RYE RED RUST PRQOF SEED OATS VIRGINIA TURF OATS TURNIP SEED RUTABAGA SEED OCRACOKE HEADLESS MULLETS. If Interested, Call and See Me. R. B. PETERS GROCER Phone 35 211 Main St. ' ' L' ' - - ' -f a2 " .PRICES on Tarborbs MaVkex the openSag ' day were as high as any pastern Carolirtat -market.'.'' ' - -r-- . SM, jrr- tobacco Tarbora and bring . y.Wf ?hrPSM't0 The First National Bank, We "oJheclis for both warehouses. THE BANK FOR EVERYBODY. First National BanI I TARBORO NORTii CAROLINA I WAREHOUSE s ih High Average, 1 Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down" condi tion AvID 'nfitit'Sthttt' Catarrh' tibtnert them much more than when they are In good health. This lact provea that while Catarrh ia a IoohI dtgeasa, it Is greatly influenced bv oohttitutliniMi poniittinna ,Sy order ol the Hoard ol County: "f-VwLAKiir:, b- .' . . ' 1 Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through Commissioners. . line blood ution the mucoua aurfHoea of U g! R.i'nn " 1. the body, thua reduct'iK the tnrhiii.niuttbii Ml Clerk. All druKKlata. Clrculiira fr VJ. beney ..;o., Toledo. Ohio. TT'i"l"l"l")". !' ,t,,.,r,,,i,.,,h.;..W..;..M..:..;.;.S.;..;..?)..i... SECOND SHEETS 75c PER THOUSAND it Jhese Second Sheets are the beit '.''-' ' ,;. : y :.. ; railroad manila paper on the market. 'At . aijl Mesh stock "N0TICM OP .PECJAL .EEIEF ION IN TH5 CRISP, COiN.StlIDAT ED SCHOOL DISTRICT, TO AUTH ORIZE THE ISSUANCE Ob HOND8 F SAID DISTRICT -FOR SCHOOL OtXSESi 'ANB ORDER AF rfEW HECISTRATJON OF THE VOTERS ftF jSAnViDISTRICT. , , ' ", ; hai eiectfon will btfaeld In -tbi ICrisp- rrniiartfatAi 'ftriool -' foiatrict :'af Edgecombe County'Ndrth .Caroliiia, n ehwlStb day of Septmeber, 1922, at Eaglea Store in tha -Village of Cusp, the regular ' pojllng' place ,iin ? ?y -said Dktrirt, under tb authority Iff contained ' in Article 39, Chapter 9 j Tl r af the CoBtoUdated Statutes 6f Njrth lit. - Carolina, and acta Jit tne General As- 4 1 sebyr.oi .noxjm carol; oa anenda-- 50,000 of these sheets Will be : sold at this price. f THE SOUTHERNER - f JOB PRINT a p. II Ml IHHH I I t ft We are beginning to receive tobacco from up the stalk and the buyers are in shape to take care of all grades. Bring us a load and watch us work for the r , , TOP-NOTCH PRICE -S . V.''l e . ji ." 1. j. ' . .. THE ' -Farmers Warclsouse" H. f.iFoxliitU :& Dan Taylor - PROPRIETORS .r. ;.M''.'V;.9 TARBORO, N. C. r I PRINTINGS PRICES ft 't i 6'. 'fc i' I j- Vi LET . US ESTIMATE FIRST SOUTHERNER PRINT v. 1 JOB n -' .-',-.w.-.'.'. .A-V:v.J.i-J i-.t I I y, I HS-rH ' . tz