4t a I 3 I ,t, ,, ,t , ,, , if f 4 1' ' r ' ! r ' f !' "' T JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing For Fall Wear ALL SIZES AND OF THE BEST COLORS AND STYLES ALSO A SHIPMENT OF Florsheim Shoes and Fall Oxfords PE8S0IL BRIEFS Mr, L. Dow Vender, who hag been to Baltimore on business, rfturned home yesterday. t ' Misses Nancy Hart and Witlie Wil son have just returned from a trip to . the Bermuda Islands. Enrbute home, they stopped over , st New York, Baltimore and Virginia Beach. They were accompanied home by Miss Alice Williams of Virginia Beach. - Mrs. G. E. Weeks leaves tomorrow for Winona Lake, Ind., to attend the international convention of Chjrsiao church. i. TTHE1URCI5ANTS Baptist Church What About It? How many of your acquaintances have you invited, during the week, to attend church services with you; tomorrow? Are all your friends and i acquaiutances .church-poers? If .'they; are not, what do they do on Sunday during cbiHch Jbatirsl.Ha.ye you, ever, asked them to attend church with you? Did you'evcr stop to consider j just how far your Influence would ; fo H rnoperly directed, - Think it FOR SALE OR RENT Residence, 6 rooms, 2 halls and large bath, tvroj garages, hot water heat, large lot. Located in' best residential section of Tarboro. Apply to Southerner.! aug25-tf Davis Baking Powder.. 25c large can ) If you can't fine it anywhere come to V THE O. H. STORE 107 E. Church St. ?lse, I'AVy it, invite'sohie one to come e wjn .probably have it, and nil with you to the following services Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mallette motored thru from Wrigbtsvillej yes terday, after spending several week? there as the guests of Mrs. W. B. Schuler. ERECTION OF CONCRETE" ."' f STANDS AT STATE COLLEGE SEE US BEFORE BUYING Rosenbloom-Leyy Co. HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX 4 Ground has been broken for th T ' ne v section of conercte stands wnicr are to be erected on Riddick Fiel at State College by the class of 1921 1" The contract. bng handled by P IV.N. Howard, of Raleigh, and the worl i; will be rushed to completion in tint" Jul utmjiK ft " " , - season on September 30. The nrw addition will be locate! immediately south and will form f part of the stands already in plac on the west side of the field. It i: made possible (by the generosity o' the incoming senior class, each mem her of which pledged five dollars t; erect the spction as a memorial gif to the college. When finished thi section ' wHI seat 30 people and a bronze tnblet will credit its erection to the r'a.xx of 1923. tynorrojj: JSunday s tftoAl $ pfejthinfi at 11 am. and 8 pm J. E. KIRK, Pastor, V "). h 4. i - ' PREsflYtER,AN CHURCH. S. S. Supt., John R. Tender, Jr. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. 1 , Service at. 11 a.m., by Rev, R. A. llapiiley; tr. O :;-' Service at 6 p.m., worship in the Ct'Pimons with other churches. The public is cordially invited to worshio with us. save you money. We sell cneaper than others. Rough Rider Baking Pwdr...4c cam Cotton Twine. 46c lb 3c ball f UtUSlSHrJD ROOMS FOR RENT ! : Thone, lights and bath. Appiy Mrs. R. H. Parker, 112 Main st 'TDK OLD NfcAVSPAl'tiKS SALE. Apply Southerner. attles. tOU SALE Phone 37. W1NESAP FARMERS BANKING k TRUST CO. The harvest time is novf approaching for 1922, and w trust that you have a good crop and that you will get good prices for same. ' : " - .-. ?' : ; :) - You will no doubt soon need some medium to pay off your indebtedness, and also to deposit your money, either checking account or'savings account, and we offer you our services... ' : ' ' 1 - V :.'':-,-' We are in a position to give you as good, or better ser vice than any Bank in this part of the State, and we ask that you come in and see us when you come to town. Any business entrusted to us will behandled promptly. Do you ever think about making your will? We will be glad to discuss this with you, and think we can show you where it is to your interest to make us your Administrator or Executor. FARMERS BANKING V & TRUST CO. Tarboro, N. C a22-4tc FOR RENT 4 HORSE FARM, I ! mile from Speed. Adapted to any' crops. Mrs. Carrie Howell, Speed, 1 N. C. a23-4tp i C. A. Johnson, President Geo. Earnhardt, Asst. Cashier Rawlt Howard, Cashier R. M. Davis, Asst. Cashier THE METHODIST CHURtH. B. B. Slaughter, pastor. W. O. Howard, S. S. Supt. Worship and sermon at 11 a.m.; ubpect, "The Great Sifting." Community vespers in Town Com non at 6 p.m. Sunday school workers council on lond.-iy at 8 p.m. Trayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. You are cordially invited and wel- T7 17 T7 T7 rv W s WAmmmmjwmMMM'SiMM mmm whim m owers... We always have on hand Fresh Flowers For LOT. GOVERNORS MAY YET BE USEFUL I The lieutenant governor of Ne ! braska donned overalls and went to j ! work on a railroad job. There seems j to be some field of usefulness left j jevenfor lieutenant governors The ; I Milwaukee Sentinel. CALVARY CHURCH. Holy Communion at 7:30 Children's church: Missionary ser vice and sermon at 9:45. Men's Bible class 'uptown at 10. Morning prayer and sermon at 11. . -Service on the Common with other churches at 6. No service anywhere at night. SOUTHERN PINES SCHOOL OF Songs: Sept. 15 to April ;10. A 'beautiful home for limited number of young ladies who wish fo spec-! ialize in song. For information and ; terms address Jtr'S." Wandce.n Web ber, Southern Pines, N. C. Day pupils in voice and piano accepted. in Zeb. C. Cummings DEALER Franklin Cars Franklin Service ATfKMrf TO WRKCK A PASSENGER TRAIN FUNERALS WEDDINGS SICK ROOM In Fact FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS l, FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1859 j TRINITY COLLEGE, Durham, N. C. A College of liberty arts with an established national reputation for j high grade standards, aoble traditions, and progressive politic?. Its j large endowment fund makes possible Us first-class equipment and . large faculty of well trained and carefully chosen teachers. Student ; fees los. Comfortable, Inexpensive rooms in carefully supervised hy I gienic dormitories. Classical and scientific courses leading to bachelor's degree. Graduate courses in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education, and Law. New students admitted September 18, 19. Fall term begins September 20. For Catalogue and illustrated booklet, address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary to the Corporation. X fed THE FLORIST Phones 410 and 75 Monday, Aug. 28th MATINEE AND WIGHT I BETTER THAN ANY f 1CTURE WALLY REID EVER MADE Thii it tha firt )etnre to b yUved opt the New paramount Prerm ranninr from Aafuat to Jaauary,'' whfck coiialitt of 41 f th f reetett picture ever made. Yo hara eea them ad Tertited (a almoet every eiewepaper throtihot the world. n WELL, WALLT IN THE DICTATOR" IS THE FIRST ONE ADMISSION: J5 AND 35 CENTS Patlic News. will be shown. I 8 MACON, Ga., Aug.; 2fi. Central of Georgia railroad officials have anr nounc-d that they were investigHtiiisr an alleged deliberate attempt Ui wreck a passtiC'iiger train, from Mont gomery Friday morning at Bywn. Ga. The official report presented by Engineer Bittick, on which. thcJn ves'tigation is being made, shows tht some on. placej) two large nuts, fas tened toRether with a wooden pin, on the guides in front of the crosshoaii on the li ft side of the locomotive as the train stopped at Byron. Bittick said that when the . loedmotive ditf not start properly he investigated and found the nut. A similar at tempt to wreck a train occurred here, a week ago on the bridge over the Ocmulgee river. 7C AN VA?lfiSr TO SELL "Vf rTITE"- , . " ... . , , , , sen, i win, on aaturaay, septemosr mark Fibre brooms, and brushes. 1 2nd 1922 at ,2:05 O'ciock P.M Staple business, liberal commis- i front of the Court House doof 'bf aions. For particulars write Bart- Edgecombe County In Tarboro, N. C, lett VanTine & Jones, Hillsdale, cll at public auction to the highest jjjcj, a26-3tp b'der, or cash, those certain par cels oi tana, lying and being situate WallaceReidl -ff lH VESPER SERVICES --SUPPORTED "BY -i .-v.-i?.'' :; . T. LILA ''LEE ''S' ;;:; Colonial Theatre 1 tu ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 ! ittvjauuuuuiiiiiiiiistttst WEAK: RUN-DOWN Up," She Declares. . in Edgecombe County, North Caro lina, bounded and described as fol lows: ' .- First Tract: Same adioinine- th Carolina Lady Got So She Cook, lands of M. A. Saunders, D. E. Cobb r Jurf Dr. ' Cardui Built Ma nd others, and particularly bounded. described ana denned as follows, viz: lying andbcing in said County and State, and iri the Town of Mildred, and known and designated as fol lows, via: beginning at a take, cor ner of Hurdlos' old1 store, thence northward 70 yards to a stake, thene East 35 yards to a stake, thence Southward 70 yards to a stake, thence ' . . i n p- i 1 1 w n ciiwuru oo varus 10 me Deginning, containing one-half acre, more or less; and being the identical land '.onveyed to Joe Bryant by Willlem Harrell and his wife. Temperance Harrell, by deed recorded in Book 30. Page 480. Edsrecombe Reektrv. Kernersrllle, N. C. 111 Un TntBrest lng alatement . regarding Cardui, the Woman'! Ton to, Mrs. Wesley Mabe, of near bare, recently said: "I hare .known Cerditl for years,-but never knew Ita -worth until a year or so aire. I was In a jweakened. run-down con dition. I became draggy didn't eat or eleep to do any good; couldn't do any thing without a great effort! I tried different remedies and medicines, yet I continued to drag. 1 deolded t lre ; Cardui a trial and found It was Just what t reall) needed. It made me feel much strong r soon after I began to use it I be gan to eat more, and the-nervous weak feeling began to leave Boon 1 was Sleeping good. ; - , and bv Joa Brvant nH wif. All ' Otner ' - " Cardui built me np as so tonic ever did. , "I uied Cardui with one daughter who was puny, felt had and tired out ll the time. It brought her right out. and soon she was ae well as a girl could be. We think there la nothing like Cardui" Do lot allow yourself to become weak and run-down from womanly troubles. Take Cardui. You may find It Just what you really .need. - For more than 40 years it has been used by thousands and thousands,, and found Just as Mrs. Mabe describes. At your druggist's. NO-141 The regular vesper services will be held in the Town Common tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. The sermon will be- preached by Rev. R.' A. Ltipsley, Jr. This will be the. last service to be held thin year irfL. in me uirnmon. u- In-September the different church es will .begin holding their regular night services as usual. These community services have been greatly enjoyed during summer months and have done great good. It is hoped these services will be con tinued next year. WASHINGTON, Ang. 36.-Pre;-dent Harding asked congress yester day, for an appropriation of $200, 000 for use by the mixed commis "on which will undertake to adjust American claims against Germany, . .1 under the agreement signed, recent! i Berl'r. -ua,e pejauot ant aeqioot , s Notice of Sale of Real Property. , ' Tinder and by virtue of the power -and authority vested in me by that eertain deed of trust executed to the undersigned and the Tarboro Build ing and Loan Association by Nancy Chase, Alexander Chase, John D. Chase, and Moses Chase, dated 21st June, 1919, and duly r'eoorde'd in the Edgecombe County Registry, in Book 184, Page 205, default having been made, in payment of the indebtedness secbred thereby,: and -demand having bpen madi. npnn Ihr nndcrt'rrrd 1 Bryant, conveyed to Furney Chass by deed, recorded in Book 130, Page 74, of 'the aforesaid. Registry. : Second Tract: Lying and being in said County and State, ami being de scribed as that certain tract of land which was conveyed to Ransom Lloyd by J. C. Harrell by deed duly registered. in Book 111, Page 192, of the Edgecombe Ccunty Registry, and further described as follows: wt Beginning at a stake in the lint of M. A. Saunders and Ransom Lleyd, thence in a straight line along the to the corner of William Harrell and line of M. A. Saunders about 15 yards M. A. Saunders, thence in a Norther ly direction along the line of William Harrell 74 yards to tbe center of the Albemarle and Raleigh Railroad at the corner bf D. E. -Cobb and William Harrell, thence in a straight diree tion along the line, of D. E. Cobb, John O. Worsley and, Ransom Lloyd abont E8 yards, thence along the va rious courses on Washington road with the lino of Ransom Lloyd to the beginning, being the identical land which wa conveyed to furney Chast by Cobb, Comr., by deed duly regis tered in Book 140, Page 342, Edge combe County Registry. This August 1st, 1922. V G- ALLSBROOK. Trustee, uMiiMwVs.