V .!"l 'I'". '" ' Ttt&KUTfnil8NEK. FRIDAY, .1922. DAIly 1889 Established Weekly 1824 ftlblished Every Afternoon Except hiWt by THE SOUTHERNER, at : p, ..I r - ' to industrial strife or to trade complications involved in pro tective tariff, or to both, made Jackson, Cleveland and Roose velt more powerful than their predecessors had been. Contin ued nation-wido strikes may poses." ination of $1,000.00 each, and shall No tariff bill m the history of the mature serially as follows: One each country has been so generally de nounced as this one. Every leading and influential republican paper in the country has attacked it, as well as the' democratic and independent give Harding more authority in . press. Every spokesman for legitim a time of peace than Wilson! ale business that is, every business had when German U-boats I not seeking speciM privilege through were off Long Island. "Every 1 legislation has opposed it. ance" which a presi-j The Fair Tariff League, an organ ization committed to the theory of 'Member of Associated Press: The A.'P. is exclusively entitled to the Ql for republication of all news dis- jjtohef credited to it or hot other-1 ;. credited to this napor. and also lres" iHlv th locai news published herein. All dent h::s made, to quote the re rights of republication of special dis-i cent w ords of Ogg and Ray, ' tariff protection has covered it with jtchee '.'are herein also reserved. "became a point of departure ridicule and riddled it with statist! ' " M'iom which yet more exalted cal facts. Fnreicrn Advortismer Represent;:- . . , . . . . . , r j- 't v k o,, c Rims to authorrtv were pro Biuns- ick Building,' New Y-k City, Peo- .lecieu pies Has Building, Chicago, and 100 1 Candler Building, Atlanta, Ga. -Richmond Leader. Administrators Notice. Having qualified as administrator rul. Jones V. Herman Creei waging Editor Manager Entered nt the I'nH- fflce in Tarboro, N. C, as se'-or.d class matter, under the Aot of Congress March I!, 1879. , of the estate of Mrs. Mary Edwards, THE PROFITEERS' TARIFF BILL deceas.nl, late of Edgecombe County, NOW GOES TO THE ICE BOX UNTIL AFTER ELECTION. Subscription Rates: Daily, t year, 5; 6 'months, $.2.50; 1 month, 60c; 1 Wek,' 15c; Weekly, $1.50 per year. Phone 75 P. O. Box 907 HARDING'S INCREASED POWERS. While one committee of con gress today is debating wheth er the. president should have larger powers in dealing with strikes, another committee is hesitating to place in the final 'text of the Fordney-Mel'umber tariff the grant of wide discre tion n raising and lowering du ties ' already voted the execu tive, -by" each house separately. It is significant that the sub jects of the debate are both, in ,the larger sense, industrial. "If, wrote de Tooqueville in 18;4, "the existence cf the Union were perpetually threatened, if it(S chief interests were in daily connection with those of other powerful nations, the ex ecutive government would as sume an increased importance in proportion to the measure expected of it, and to those: which it would execute." Pre cisely those condtions arising in war, under Polk, Lincoln, McKinley and Wilson, added to the executive power. Some what analogous conditions, due The Fonlncy-MeC-umljer Profiteers I'arijr Pill, which pasted the Senate tiu cist 1.). will now go to the ice j.ix. according to popular belief, to .vmain there until after the Novem ber elections. In other words, the L;rl wi:I tv in conlerence. and an lien of what a conference means if lie various-amendments to the bill are seriously and intelligently dis cussed by the conference is found in the fact that the senate committee originally made 2,057 amendments to the lill as it came from the house :m.l most of these amendments only further disfigured what was original ly a most unlovely piece of legislation. Not s.'.tislied with these origins! rmendmcnts the chairman of the sen ate linanco committee without hav :ng previously called ;" meeting of the committee, drought in Hi amend ments four days before the tina! vote io; the bill amendments which ob viously CI which OV:l i he entire North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigiked at Tarboro, N. C, on or before the 111 day of August, 10.123, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This 3 1st day of August, 1022. W. K. COBB, Admr. of Mrs. Mary Edwards, deceased. aug.11 ltw-Owk.i NOTICE OF SPECTATELECT ION IN THE CRISP CONSIMDAT ED SCHOOL DISTRICT, TO AUTH ORIZE THE ISSUANCE OK BONDS OK SAID DISTRICT FOR SCHOOL HOUSES; AND ORDER OP NEW REGISTRATION OF THE VOTERS OK SAID DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that a spec ial election will be held in the Crisp Consolidated School District of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, on the- 15th day of Septmeber, 1922, a Eagles Store in the Village of Crisp,, the regular polling place in said District, under the authority contained in Article 39. Chapter 35 of the Consolidated Statutes of North uld not be discussed and Carolina, and acts of the General As- half a dozen senators in semb,y of Nol'th Carolina amenda- tory thereof, and supplementary thereto, to ascertain whether the l.iii body understood. I he remlmg tarKI bill. with uncon- voters of saio School District are in oils I fleets oust ess is entitled "A favor of issuing bond for the pur- ii! to provie revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to e ncourage the industries of the Unit ed -States, and for other purposes." It mux be truthfully epitomized as "A hill to prevent Europe ing us v hat she owes us, N encour age the higher cost of iiving. to in-.-uff the luiuin of the democratic party !') power, and for other pur pose of building, rebuilding and re pairing a-schoolhouse of scioolhouses in said District and furnishing same .vith suitable, equipment. 1. That the amount of bond to be issued thereunder arc not to exceed from pay- the amount of Twenty five Thousand Dolhrs ($25,00(1.001. 2. That said bonds shall bear f rate of interest not to exceed iv per cent annum, payable semi-annually. 3. That said bonds shall be denom IN the past two months Firestone has built and marketed more tires than in any similar period in its history. This steadily increasing public pref erence is proof of the recognition by car owners of the greater values of fered by Firestone. It is a tribute to Firestone men all stockholders in the company all actuated by the operat ing principle of Most Miles per Dollar. are universally equipping with Fire stone Cords. There are many reasons for the high quality of Firestone tires but chief among the special manufacturing proc esses are double gum-dipping, thus eliminating internal friction by insulat ing each cord strand, and air-bag cure, insuring a well-balanced and perfectly shaped product. The high average performance of Firestone Cords is without equal in the annals of tire making and is reflected tfy the general tendency to specify rFirestone tor hard service. Taxicab and bus lines, buying tires by the mite,' :: whom you khow.( Don't speculate in tires you will find the right combination of price and quality in Firestone. Come in and let us tell you about the service these Cords ( are giving . other car-owners i -. t ' m mm year from the 5 A to 9th years, in elusive, from the date of issue; and 2 each year from the 10th to 19th years, inclusive, from date of issue of said bonds. 4. That the maximum . tax which may be livied and collected each year to pay the interest and ptin cipal of said bonds shall not exceed twenty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable pro perty in said District, and sixty cents on each poll in said District. At said election those favoring the issumnce of said bonds and the levy ing tax therefor, shall vote a ballot on which will be printed the wo KOR SCHQOLHOUSE BONDS". and those -opposed to the insurance of said bonds and the levying of eaid special tax shall vote a ballot on which shall be printed the word? AGAINST SCH OOLHOUSE BONDS". And if the majority of the qualified voters shall vote "KOR SCHOOLHOUSE BONDS", then it shall be the duty of County Commis sion es of Edgecombe County to is sue said konds, not exceeding the amount specified, and shall there after levy a sufficient tax, not ex ceeding the amount specified, to pay the interest aiidprincipal of said bonds so issued, as said interest and principal may become due and pay able. And it is futher ordered that said election be held and conducted in the same manner, and a Eagles Store in the village of Crisp, in said Dis trict, as now prescribed for holding general elections, and there shall be a new registration of electors in said District for said election. The Registrar, between the hours of nine O'clock A. M. and sunset, on each day (Sunday excepted) for twenty days preceding thp day, for closing the registration books will keep open said books for the regis tration of any electors residing with in said School District and entitled to registration. The said books will be closed for registration at snset on the 2nd Saturday hefore said election. On each Saturday during the period of registration the regis trar shall attend with his registration book at the polling place in said Dis trict for the registration of voter.s. The following Regittrar and Judge of Eletion are hereby appointed for said election: Registrar. J. H. Norville Judges of Election. W. B. Edwards C. K. Edwards This the 9th day of August, 1922. By order ofj the Board of County Commissioners. H. S. Bunn, Clock. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: 1 Whereas, it appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary d; 'ution thereof by the unanimous io. of all the stockholders, de ros.ud in my office, that the Dun bar Farm and Mercantile Company, a corporation of this state, whose principal office is situated in the town of Battleboro, county of Edge combe, State of North Carolina (J. E. Dillard being th agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with the requirements of chap lor 22, Consolidated Statutes, entit led "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution: Now, therefore, I, 3. Brjmn Cyimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 23rd day of August, 1922, file in my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dis solution of said corporation, execut ed by all the stockholders thereof, which sti'd consent and the ?cord of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal at Raleigh, this 23rd day of August, A.D. 1922. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. , r. , . n ,v The Time To Save IN YOUTH if you are eo lucky as to be young ' ' IN MANHOOD, if you have, arrived at maturity IN MIDDLE AGE, if you have traversed half of your intended span of years IN OLD AGE, if you are beginning to catch glimpses v of your life sun-aet j V Always th Time to Save is MOW. i First National Bank TARBORO y NORTH CAROLINA i ' Sc Y THE PLACE FOR YOUR SAVINGS THE BANK FOR EVERYBODY JJ , , g A TINY SPARIT CAUSES FIRES Notice of Sale of Real Property. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in m by that I certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned and the TaBboro Build-1 ing and Loan Association by Victoria I Sledge, Trustee, and Stephen Body . p.nd Susan Body, Cestui que Trust ent, dated 20th February, 1919, and! duly recorded i the Edgecombe County Public Registry in Book 184, Page 19,'!, default having been mjjde 1 in payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby, and demand having been made upon the undersigned to sell, I will, on Saturday, September 2nd. 1922, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Court House door of Edge combe County in Tarboro, N. C, sell at public auction to the highest bid der, for cash, that certain parcel or lot of land lying and being situate m Edgecombe County, North Carolina, and in the Town of Tarboro, bounded and described as follows: The same being Lot No. 21, Block A, of the property known as Panola Heights in the Town of Tarboro, ii Jopy of said plat being of record in Book 150, Page 58, of the Register of Deeds office of Edgecombe Coun ty, and being the identical lot or par cel of land which was conveyed to Victoria Sledge, Trustee, for Stephen Body and Susan Body by deed of re cord in Book 192, Page 477, of the forefioing Registry, to which refer ence is here made, and being further described as a lot or parcel of land fronting 38.7 feet on Church street and running bock 150 feet. . This August 1st, 1922. R. G. ALLSBROOK, Trustee. JENKINS GARAGE Tarboro, N. C. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as the adminis trator of the estate of J. W. Robin son, deceased, late of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them t" 1e undersigned at Battle boro, N. C, on or before the 21st day of August, 1923,, or this notice will be pleaded in br of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 21st day of August, 1922. :-.:. ''.';. W. T. Robinson, Admr. of -- J. W. Robinson. J, P. Bunn, Attorney, Rooky Mount, N. C. a21-ltw-w A match carclossly thrown aside may come in con tact with an explosive and cause tremendoixs loss. Causes of explosion are of ten matters of negligence. Danger may be minimized with care. First, secure reliable fire insurance if you do not have it. Then give some serious thought to Fire Prevention. This agency of the Hartford Fire Insur ance Company will coope rate with you. Call or phone Jacocks & Roystei Company TARBORO. N. C. Certifioata of Diualutioa. ' State of Nerth , Carolina Depart ment of Stat," i Just Unloaded CAR OLD RELIABLE GILT EDGE FLOUR Plain and Self-Rising .-' v; :-' CAR OF "FEED OATS and VA. GRAY and RED RUST PROOF OATS SEED OATS SEED RYE Prices Right R. B.PETERS ." ' GROCER '"' Phone 35 211 Main St WhoUale and Retail Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thosa who are in a "run aown" condi tion will notira that .Catarrh bo that them mttcK mora than when they ar In food health., Thla fact provaa that while Catarrh II a local dlaeaae, it Ui reat'r Influenced.- by constitution! cxmlitloi... HALL'S CATARRK MEDICINE la a Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acta throagh the blood upon the mucous sitrfaeea of the body, tbua redacln; the Inflammation and reetorlnr normal condition. : All druitita Circular free. " F. i. Cheney Co., Toledo, Obi. ":"-s--!-4..N.4...w.-'..x:--!--l'---;":--:--v-'--;--f-i -; -- -i- -t- -t n .t .a, , FARMERS WAREHOUSE -. i-.:j...4...j...j.,v Leads in High Averages. II 0 We tare beginning to receive tobacco from up the stalk and the buyers are in shape to take care of all grades. Bring us a load and watch us work for the TOP-NOTCH PRICE THE -Farmers Warehouse H.P.FoxhaH & Dan Taylor PROPRIETORS TARBORO, N.C. PRINTING & LET US ESTIMATE FIRST SOUTHERNER . JOB PRINT 8 tt 5f 4. 8 a. I.