I THE SOUTHERNER, MONDAY", SEPT. 4, 1922 - IfKJUST RECEIVED A Full Line of Hart Schaff ner & Marx Clothing For Fall Wear I ALL SIZES AND OF THE BEST COLORS AND STYLES ALSO A SHIPMENT OF Florsheim Shoes and Fall Oxfords SEE US BEFORE BUYING Rosenbloom-Levy Co. HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX PERSONAL BRIEFS Master Bracy Fountain went to tin- hospital today to have Ji tonsils removed. , MAYOR FOXHALL HAD VERY HEAVY DOCKET -'; Gambling, fighting, several .dninks and vagrancy took much of the May V ors time this morning' at his Court. George Jackson larceny, sent to the Recorders, E. T. Miller, Drunk anil disorderly, fined $17.85. Archie Wagner Drunk and disorderly, wss hit for $12.85. John Briloy C. C. W. sent to the Recorder, Richard Blount, Fighting, dismissed, George Shenod, fighting dismiss. Edie Carney drunk jlind disorderly, $5.00 Henry Will.aoij assult with deadly weapon sent to the HOME FROM EUROFE Recorder. William 11. Johnson, ilia- ( Mi s Jach l.ang and Miss Lilla oVderly conduct, $5.00, Joe Ileal up I Kosenbaum who have been in Ger for vagancy, ."0 days u:i the roads, j many for three months returned Lorenzo Jines, vagrancy. HO days at i home Saturday night work on keeping up the o.mity roads j They are both Robert I.ane, vagrancy, 310 days on the roads. Jesse Body Bambling, $6. j their stay fium home. They arrived j Alexander Brown Gambling $.500, in New Yoik on Friday morning j Joe Eivin, Speeding, $!!.:-.'.. i after a ple:r:.iht voyage acioss thej j Atlant ic. REPORTED BETTER TODAY I Little Miss .Sue Harlee i.awience' Mrs. J. K. Newton and daughter, daughter of Mr. ami Mis. Paul i are visiting friends in town today. Lawrence who has been quite suck i I RETURNED FROM NEW. YORK I RECEIVING DAYS AT THE CO- Mr. V. W H'reech'ftnd MrJuliuef OPERATIVE WAREHOUSE , Rosenbauirt have returned. from Nwjv' ';Mr. 3. C. Ruffin Manager of the York City where they went to meet , Tarboro Cooperative Tobacco Ware Mis. Jack Jyang and Miss Lilla RiWtv house announces in this issue of the baum. They- made this- trip in ,theij-! Southerner that Tobacco will be re Automobile, ' ' ' ceived at the Warehouse every day "'. - ; in the week exception of Saturdays. NEWS ITEMS FROM LEGGETTS Dr. Dan Ivevson preached his first1 , All friends of the Cotton Growers sermon in " the William ''and Mary Association should read the letter of; Hart Chapel of Leggett Sunday at Alexander Sprsant and son in this j noon. Dr. lvcrson made a fine im- issue of the Southerner. ' preson on thor.e who heard him. 1 LEAVES FOR QEENS COLLEGE Miss Margaret MeClure leaves 'to day for Qeens College at Churlette. Miss MeClure will teach at tfeens College next season. OFF FOR WESTERN CAROLINA" ; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. MeClure ' left iripilfli' Ki, ui,tiktl,itu fat- n w(til(4 tvin, king well and say I they have enioved every monment of i . - ( i WENT TO RALEICH ON BUSINES- Rev. J. E. Kirk is in Raleigh on a business trip this week. He will re- turn the middle of the week. ! JAMES MONTROSE Was a very successful tobacco grower. By his Will he left Ms property In Trust with a friend as Trustee. The Principal wu to be safely he'd, the farm hupt clear of debt, and the Income to be paid to hii wife. This Trustee misapplied the funds, iiiimuuHaKed the real estate, and the widow in uld age was left without income. A MAN ating as Executor may lose the Estate Add have ' no money of his own to make good. Putting him in jail won't bring back krhe money. Where we are named Trustee your Estate can- . not be lost, misapplied, or impaired, because Trust Funds are kept separate, under the eye of the Uanliig Deportment of this State while back r.f your Estate stands oar entire resources of over $1,000,000.00. FARMERS BANKING & TRUST CO. Tarboro, N. C. for ths past three weeks it reported much better t-iday and is on the. road to recovery. Mrs. Austin Williamson is expect ed to return from Virginia Beach! about Wednt.-day, J f..;"W-5w-H j....;.v..;---x-'''M'HH'v' nowers We always have on hand Fresh Flowers For- FUNERALS WEDDINGS SICKROOM S3 u U, U sAU w4LD,L-IJ LI Zs x saw y . v. y-i s- v inis new sugar-coated gum delij young and old. It "melts in your mouth" and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teet h and soothe mom h and throat. There are the other WHIG LEY friends to choose from, HOME FOR A FEW DAYS Mr. H. B. Whitlark, who is now with the Forsythe Furniture Line,.' Inc., of Winston-Salem, is home for. a few days with his family. . j Nctice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the Unitedj States for the Eastern District of, North Carolina. In Bankruptcy No.j S91. L' the Mattel of Julian Acree, trad- j ir.g as Crescent Dm? Co., Jvelford, j Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Julian A- ree, of I Keiford, in the County of Bertie, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt ; Notloe is hereby given that on the j lilth day of August, A.D. 1922, the jsaid Julian Acree was duly adjudi cated bankrupt: and that the first mi etliif of his creditors will be held 'at Kilford, in the hotel on the 14th , day of September, A.D. 1922, at 3 j o'clock in the afternoon, at which' ' tio'.e the said creditors may attend,! ; prove their claims, appoint a truseej . examine the bankrupt, and transact 'such other business as may properly, ! come before said meeting. MARSHALL C. STATON, ' I'. S. Referee in Bankruptcy, j Tarboro, N. C., Sept. 4, 1922. Mr. J. C. Ruffin, Manager of The Cooperative Tobacco Warehouse Announces That Tobacco Will Be Received At The Warehouse Every Day In The Week With the exception of Saturdays. Members of the Assciation will re member these dates. . WANT mer or women agents sell adver tised brand ladies trimmed hats di rect to wearer, no capital or expe rience required, big profits, free sample outfit. Grace & Merritt, 1540 Broadway, New York City. It Em muz? A Sxn In Fact s1 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ure (WANTED BY LITERARY DIGEST subscription canvassers, women or ni-en, to look after renewals and get new orders for this nationally adver tised weel know periodical with two million readers. Whole or part time. Commission 25 per cent and salary dependent on amount of business produced. 'Beginners ' can earn 25 monthly spure time; ful) time work ers $5,000 and upwards annually". Write for terms to Special RepreSeii tativea. The Literary Digest, 354 Fourth Ave,, Box 801, New Yorkf: Aug. 4 It pd OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY SEPT. 6 ONE NIGHT ONLY Tears, Love, Comedy Romance anJ Song, which make it great est drama of them all SEE the funniest trial scene ever presented. HEAR the enchant ing song hit, "Lissy Lou." pp3 1 I A PI AY NOT 'A' PICTUBEl fc;V'W I Residenco, G rooms, 2 halls and huge bath, two garages, hot water heat, large lot. Located in best residential section of rarhori.. Apply to Southerner. aug-!S-tf MONK' TO LOAN ONI TOWN AND farm property. Long time if desir ed. W. O. Howard, Atty. sl-7tc CANVASSERS: TO SELL ' WHITB, mark" Fibre brooms, and brushes. Staph; business, liberal commis sions. For particulars write Bart lett VanTine & Jones, Hillsdale, Mich. a26-3tp Dr. Bells Peppermint Chill Tonic. If you cati't line it anywhere 'jlrie, come to THE O. H. STORE 107 E. Church St. We will probably have it, and wil save you money. We sell cir3per than others. f D5. fcc-lls? Pure Tar Honey Eagle Eye Salve. FlJRN LSriETTROOMS FOli RlfN'f Phone, lights and bath. Appiy Mrs. R. II. Parker, 112 Main st. Apply wet baking soda Of household ammonia, followed by ULi) NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. Apply Southerner. blTES-STINGS V VAPORUB Oumr 17 Million Jan Vtsd Ytarl FOR RENT: 3 FURNISHED ROOMS good location, lights, water, and bath, corner Baker and St. Pat rick street. Robert C. Rea, phone 301. s2-5tp FOR SALE: 200 LOADSICEJR seasoned wood,, any length, size. Place your order now. Doj Waif until cold weather" catcV : you. Call 3G04. 29-2tw-' V fM Zeb. C. Cummings DEALER THE FLORIST Phones 410 and 75 ''At 1. 1-50 CiJ Nair's. Franklin Cars Franklin Service PRICES 50c, Seats at -McNair fc4