...a At.c.JiiLi liKaa..".vi -vv.. MlUMni! SfiU SKKSSTS TffR SOttTREBNtoh MONDAY, ,SEPT. 25, 1$22 THE SOUTHERNER Daily 1889 Established Weekly. 1824 Published Every Afternoor. Except Sunday by THE SOUTHERNER, at Tarboro, North Carolina. ; Member of Associated Press: The A. P. is exclusively entitled to the tie for republication of all news dis rmtrhpn credited to it or not other- i-srfitpd to this DaDt'r. and also I"' adjudged. the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis patches are herein also reserved. Foreign Advertising Representa tives: Frost, Landis & Kuhn, Bruns- J wick Building, New York City; Peo- no: pies Oas Building. Chicago, and 100-1 Candler Building. A" Oa. mercial basis, the brags of crop! office of the Register of Deeds of j wealth followed by the doleful story, Edgecombe County in Book 213 of i of farm tenancy and oppressive tax-i Deeds, on page 319, etc., I will, under ation may be valuable for seif-hyp- and by virtue of the power of salej nnsis, but will not justify the expen-, vested in me by said deed of trust, j diture of a couple of hundred thou- a.;d at the request of the cestui que; s""" !t,u-sl- a"u 101 W purpose oi as-! Board of Commissioners of the Town The rroK.:ess really made adver-charging the debt secured by said 1 of Pinctop Edgecombe County, un t.s.s um-h. it .m. i. uv ... u-u oi irusi, proceed 10 sen 10 ine,ti) .... ..,.,. p . S,.ntpn.l.or fith. $15,000.00 TOWN OF PIN-TOPS, EDGE COMBE COUNTY, JN. C. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER BONDS. Sealed bids will be received by the that the world ever heard of, nor highest bidder, for cash, at the court h:i 1922. for the purchase of S15,00().0! as ,t gone lar enough to properly house door ,n larboro, North Caro- EIoctr)c LigU ad Power Bomk 0 !ina, AT 12 O'CLOCK M., ON SAT- And then with everybody so cock- URDAY, THE 3UD DAY OK SEP sure tnat me Male worst is oeuer .. the , lonowmg ---Jtercpt payable at the Hanover Na than any other s best, why advertise: scribed lam's, to-wit: un v.e ..! u,m ... ,, ...u.,.,, BllUalK est rate at six percent per annum. e a: d c rowd us. .New blood wil No. I., lownship, adjo.n.ng the lands, payb,e semi.llnnuay on.lst day ci come merely tor llie purpose ol oi iiuorge Howard on me norm, ii.it said Town, dated July 1, 1922, in the sum of $500.00 each, principal in tional Bank, New York, N. Y., inter and July of each year, the said bonds to become due and pay- Paul Jones V. Herman l'te 1'iing Editor Manager Entered al liie I'.i-t,. ui. .. ;u Tarboro, i N. C. as seeomi ci:s matter, under the Act of Congress March 3. 1871). li.-tenin to the story of our grace . Lancaster on the south, Vv. E. and gr.nMlenr. 1 be sort ot immigrant .woore on uie west. am. ine ..eniuns ; able onp fc ar bt,gjnning- Ju!v , .. .., , .. . , I.,1,.. l...l l 4 ..:( Aouio not "e n.m .... ' .-. k lst 1925 to 1934, inclusive, two each year beginning JuJy 1st 1935 to 1911 inclusivo. COUPON BOKDS acres, more or le and be- execu;ing a crop lien or building a factory which may be supplied with ing the identical land conveyed in hydro-.'lectiic power three years, the following deeds: Guilford Moore the cotton iMiiis ard impose their ilill'e Buck t.: ences te Subscription Rates: Daily, 1 year,! $5; 6 months, $2.50; 1 month, dOc; 1 week, 15c. Weekly, $1.50 per year.; Phone 75 P. O. Box 90 . ! var.h run r THAT ADVERTISING SCHEME FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Senator Meudenhall of Cuilfnnl gays he is going to introduce a bill in the next legislature for an appro priation of several hundred tliou-m 1 dollars with which t" advertise North Carolina and her resources. This looks like making another place for some fellow to get a lug job and spend more iirtmey. We must admit that we do not take to this proposition at al! and are unable o catch the idea of the sena tor in this scheme. The Raleigh Times lias given the best expression on this new fangied proposition that we have seen and we give the full text of this editorial: It is now proposed to ask the gen eral assembly at its next session to appropriate 200, 00.1 with which to tell the world about North ( aroiin ,. its resources and progress. A waste of time and pii:is. m doubt, this ask'nir; a waste of money if the appropriation should g thru. Of that sort of advertising I i namely telling the world ot its re -j sources and progress --.North t'ar--. lina is getting enough. Tko tale o!'j resources should be verified before t is released as a state proposition with : tax money to back it up. The prog- j ress and news thereof will reach the I ears of the world through ..imply maintaining the pace we have set our selves. There is no agency :rt present lil ted to carry on an advertising cam paign in the interest of North I olina. Nor could there lie one f inncd on suspicion that the ieg!.-!a:uiV wil. appropriate $200,000 for any such agency. The platitudes about the !'- per cent pure Anglo-Saxon -tock -a fiction as anybody at all familiar with the names of even the leading families throughout "North Carolina kn0wi the bunk about the great lunu-i 1 luke of ooitroll. Now this isn't snhl will: a view to il:s;iai".ig:ng the "garden spot of the We've got the habit, too. and I off ream after ream on the ubjei t of North Caro'ina the best late ;ii the l:nion. P. lit the fact re-nai-'s that in spile of our accepting- ,f this statement we haven't I'ovc.i it t" ourseive.-. With all due respect for the state .hmt'l-tiatiot: and all "f :t depart - in all of which we yield to In .kur admiration and respect t In- -im:m::it ::t of correlated :n !;.:i.n that niniiies to the whole the lid Mart! Louisa Lancas- Obligation of the Town of Pinetoos. Edgecombe Book S2. page IIS, Elijah Moore n . ., ,. ,. -L . County. North Carolina, unlimited to (iiiiltord Moore, book 28, page ti.'i5. both of which deeds are record ed in the Kdgociuube Public Registry, also being the identical land devised to Klijch .Moore. Jr., by Elijah M. Moore, Sr., by will recorded fli Will Book F, page 1 11), of the Edgecombe Will Records; to which deeds and will reference- is hereby mane; and' being the identical land whereon the party of the first part now resides, and known as the Elijah Moore land. This l'.ith day of August. !)22. ; .U'l.IAX PRICE. Trustee. Brooks. Ilines & Smith, Attorneys. (Iivnsboi o, N. (.'. a24-ltwl5w tax. Legality will be approved by recognized bonded attorney, whose approving opinion will be furnisheJ to the purchaser without charge. Proposals must be made on blank forms tc be furnished by the uder signed, and must be enclosed in m sealed envelope, marked "Proposnl. for Bonds" and accompanied by cer tified check for two percent of the face value of bonds bid for, payable to the ouler of the Town. Rotids will be delivered ;.t place of purchaser"? choice on or about October 1, 1922 Mo bids for less than par and. ac mued irterest will be considered The right to reject any or all bids the State- Penitentiary. All persons who oppose the grant-, ing of Mi id pardon are i ivilcd to I'm ward their protests to without delay. This September 1 1th, l:i22. septl3-ltw-2wks m i !. imwm iinniii ii wiutmtmmitm WW. II- C, Cello,- t.1 FA MERS- MONI.Y TO LOAN. j On first class husinr.s nntl residence j property in town, mid on improved farming !;ind. (i pet. on town proper ty J 5!-j pvl. on f.arnii!i lands. Loni time. Prompt rrrvice. H. H PKILIFJ, Alty. repti::-:u)t a,e! thus mean- something has j Notice to Creditors. .-!; to the North Carolina Club X(u h ( .,,:,,., l-jg-ccombe County, is reserved. Slate I'liivei sity. The re-t of j Superior Court. Before the Clerk. ' This August 25th, 1922 ,,v something about one or two , h,-",.; Wholesale Company et als. I i iii- ahoii; N li.::i lt.--.-l I thing. .:'!( hope that everything eUe is lg!r and tits in. tc statement abmr. tne IP.t per :-.go-Saon stock i" urtrue and ::i!ii siea.i ::ess. The position of - io as i-i agricultural wealth c- i otiiing so long as we can't uur own farmers believe they anything to be thankful for. We ie highest birth-rate, it is true. . of doii!'' i'l'l value t vain ;,:tt::e :i.ti tr.e maw ,,f the I; ;i i.'-"s pv ;d et i l-c. The luis- illac tells Us so and we. who -cell it work, tell yoll. c ,;! -t step in an a 'vcrtising ai however, i- to hi- sure one he goods and tills pia-.-upno-cs i tic- knows the goods h;ni.-c'.!'. wo' e! doc-n t wai: Imt air C.-iro ana North Ce.io ;'ed un on that .-oit of vs. E. It. Marrow, administrator of C. 1". .Mar!ow( deceased. Ceiiain creditors of C. T. Marrow. j deceased. Having brought an action efore me for an accounting of the dmlnist i -ation of the administrator f said ( . T. Marrow, .and for a set enicnt cf same, W. E. COBB, Town Clerk, Pinetops, N. C. PAVING ORDINANCE. Itiis ,. to notity all creditors ol stantine, Nicholas Constat) titu the -al l C. T. Marrow, deceased, to I Randolph Constantine, will ta! ap r 'nefore '.lie undersigned on or befoie Nov. 1st. 11122, and tile evi j deuces of their claims, as required by ! statute, ! Scp'emiier 21. 1.122, , !;w-lw.- A. T. WAI.STON, : Clerk of the Superior Court. ll'.i'lli;. Se 25.- Two (ior- . ;tt:h:!'. "f Misail dimeli-ions are ill!- :. iiraw the furies of the At tie .in tin cxperinienttii ', r;m.--ocea-ii 1 1 -voyage -within the coming year. NOTICE OF SALE. Detau't having bieii maile in pay n.i nt oi the indebtedness secured by that certain deed of trust to me as Trustee for .IelTtr-on tSandard Life Insurance omnanv by Mrs. Martha mineral wealth that is so prone to i Louisa Lancaster on the 19th day of peter out when tackled a com- September.' I91H, and recorded in the flleBestEeedi fomymt Makers! Whether ou have a large commercial flock of poultry or only a few hens in your back yard for family egg production you can make them get busy at once by feeding Happy Hen Buttermilk Mash and Manna Hen Scratch Feed A month's trial of these famous poultry feeds will make you exclaim with hundreds of other poultry raisers, "They are the best feeds for my egg makers. ' Your hens will be healthier and you'll get more eggs than ever before because these feeds contain the vitamines, proteins and minerals necessary to make the whites, yolks and shells. Happr Feed are made by Edgar-Morgan Company ot Mmphi the largert feed miller In the South. The feeds are packed in 8, SO aad 100-pound bag-- It will par you to atart today and feed your poultry Happy feoda. Phone u for price and advice on poultry railing. SOUTHLKN UKAIN CCMPANf v ' ' WHOLESALE ONLY " Tarboro, N. C. Atlantic Coast Line Kail Hutu! ("i. 1 The Columbian Peanut Co., a corpo- I ration with principal office in N'or j folk, Va., George C. Watso-i, Lei Ainhin, C. . Fountain, Alex Con J: no ; tice that a regular meeting of tin i Board of Commissioners of 'lie T--.t. of Tarboro held on the 11th day ul j Sept.. 1 :'J2, the following onlinanci was duly adopted : A Ilesoiution Providing for . 'a'- e ment and (Iranoii'.hic Selena!!. s on Howard Avenue, liotwccii .Man. Street and Western Edge of A!! c marie Avenue; 1,'nder Sections 31, lia .and SG. Chapter :: 1 1; I'r. vate Laws, 1909. BE IT KESOLVEO, as follows: (1 That the owner or owners of any lot abutting upon Howard Ave nue between Main Street and the western edge of. Albemarle Avenue be and they are hreby required to improve, curb and pave the sidewalk of such street for the distance that it extends along l.is or their lot by causing to be laid thereon a -1 foot granolithic walkway of the same spe cification as those recently construct ill in the town by K. J. MeOuire. (2 1 That the street from curb to ASK THE POLICYHOLDERS curb be and same is hereby ordered to be paved with asphaltic pavement from Main Street to the western edge of Albemarle Avenue and that sama for the entire distance be thir- Servico By Puldit au.on - Molt-r. N'orth Carolina, Kdeconil-e Cointy ( In the Superio, Court. i Mrs. Lousettie Owens v.-. Kll. b.-i El!, and wife, Josephine K!li.- ; -Mrs. V. S. .McUiarmid, Arthur II. ::tyron, Jas. R. Styron, Janice Styron and Elizabeth Styron, and any and a!! j other hcirs-at-lav of the late W. II. Owens. I To .Mrs. W. S. Mi-Diarn.id, Arthur II. Styron, Jas. II. Styron, Janice ; Styron, Elizabeth Styron anil any mil all other hcirs-at-law of the lute '.V. II. Owens, late of Edgecombe '"ounty, K. C: The defendants above named will ike notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced i i the Superior Court of Edgecombe. Coun ty, tile object of which is to scl! for partition a certain 'tract or parcel of '.and i" the County of Edtjefomhe. -t; te aforesaid in which ia.nl the de j fendants have an undivided inter, -t; md the saii defendants ,-pei du ally ment oned and any and all otliei--. who may be inten.-ted veil! furtlu-.4 take notice that they are required to be and appear at the ofli-.'e oj' the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Eilgeconil.c, at Tarboro, X. C.i on the tilh day of Oiiol-er. :i.!2, and answer or demur to the cnplaint or pet'tlon in said Aiiich ts now on lile ill said ofli :'.e pleintill will app'y t" the con fir the relief de.ua-d-ed in ;iii! .on p! Int aid petition. This the 0th day of Sept 1''--A. T. W.M.STo.X, Clerk of 'lie Superior Cot.: e7 l tw- lwks. Are You In Debt? If so borrow money on your farm iand for a long term of years, and relieve your strained condition. In terest and only a small part of principal due each year. Cgdic in to see us. We can assist you. rst iMiona! Bank ri la JL KJWiL JS, with .1 1 cieacco pf 1 i iaylor WE LEAD THE MARKET IN POUNDS AND PRICE. GOOD TOHACCO HAS TAKEN A GOOD R'SE. WE GIVE BELOW THRKE OE OUR SALES: n l ion m ' THE MUTUAL " BENEFIT -LIFE INSURANCE CO. Just Unloaded 1 1 ONE CAR IS THE BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. G.A.LEGGETT District Agent I ty feet wide from curb to curb. (3). That the owner or owners of any lot abutting upon said street be tween the points mentioned be and they are hereby required and order- .- r 7 "" - ed to pave with asphaltic pavement Hall's Catarrh Medicine I one-fourth of said street adjoining Tliose who are :n a "run down" condl- j the sidewalk adjacent to his or their tton will notiee that Catarrh bother I . , . . , tli.m much Be ee Hum w hen tlmy are In i lot i that .said work shall be done un Boo,' liealth. This ire t proves that wMU i ,), thi. ilnrviinn nf .T C. MoWin tatarrh is a lo -al disease. It i crreat'i' 1 . Innueneed be ronMitntior.-ti ennflltioi;!. the City Superintendent, and shall r. i 3 t . -. . . . ronu-an.l ltiowl Kurifier. anj acts throutii I oe oi sucn specincations as the tne i noil upon tne mucous urrarn ol streets reeerrtlv constraetoH hv- P J the bo.lv. tln.3 re.lucfiB tl.c Inltammatiou I ' " V ,ecemly constructed D r . J ftn.l restorlrir noi-m.il eur.-ii Hi-n. .u oruutrisis. i ir.-ui-i'- V. S. Ch-ney (, T..IJ.. Ohio. MONEY TO LOIN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY FIVE YEARS TIME AT FIVE AND HALF PERCENT, HENRY C. BOURNE. Attorney Notice of Sals to Satisfy Mechanic! Lien on Automobile. ' The vndersipned C M. Copeland will seil to the highest bidder for cash on Tuesday, the 19Tjh day of Sept., U-22, two o'clock P. M., In front of the post office in the City of Rocky Mount, N. C, one Ford auto mobile five-passenger and 1919 mod el, belonging to James Avent, to sat isfy mechanics lien for repairs to same which have never been paid, said repairs having been done more than ninety days prior to this notice. This the 8th day of Sept., 1922. sll-2tw C. M. COPELAND. McGuire. (4) That the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company be and it is here by ordered to construct a good and sufficient crossing at the intersection of Howard Avenue and Albemarle Avenue, filling in between the rails and the pavement and between the rails themselves with sound timbers of such size and uniformity as to make a smooth and even crossing. (5) That in the event any owner shall fail to comply with this reso lution for thirty days after notice the town of Tarboro will have such wodi done and charge the cost thereof to such owner so refusing, as provided in Section 35 of the Town Charter. J. H. JACOCKS, sl5-ltw-4wks City Clerk. Application for Pardon of General Smith. Notice is given that application ! will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of. General Smithconvicted at March 1 arnr(r & PflVC?n? Term 1905, of the Superior Court of ; JOCUUlO IX AlUJolli Edgeeambe County for the crime of murder in the second degree and sen tenced for a term of thirty years in VVILLIAMTELL FLOUR Plain and Self rising. B0B W iTE i i JOHNSON & CONYERS: l'nimss ;il :; i-rn', s 7.0() 2i I'oiimi:; al ;',r a ins ' jf () it! i'oiniif:-- at Is- iri;'-; '.ll'.GX I'oiiiiii.s at -!7 i riif - To P'iiiiuIk a! -7 ccPl-i "0-!'() - I I'miMile. al l' ci'li! ;, j;u J,iU: ,; - m;7.l:o Aveivre: 51 cciiis. TvllLN MA.YO & TOM LUKE: "' I'"':"".1. -I! -" i-. ; ' 1 i'-i!i;l.. .: i:i.i;g 11,1 l',;'-'-'"i ; -'I ri": .0'0 ! 'itiui.i : ' n-.i:.. , ;, i'"-""1--'. a; (.( ;; ;;;; .jyt ' ' ' , :- ...... -7.,;o - K! 10,08 Ave -.-a;:' : r rri.vn-i.w:. ,. ; -: . , . 1 I ' ii.i; 1 1. ; ,H ."!! in;.. ?" l) 'k: -'i! ' ' -!f ., .. i.au.o ; .'..... Wil -.' ?V2 Ave. a'T -: r.onls. SELF KIbING Prices Right R. B. PETERS ' GROCER Phone 35 211 Mam M. Wholeseile and R-stail A & ,03 j: ' - A K $ K P. Foxhdl & Dan Taylor PROPRIETORS TARBORO, N. . jBajpanamagataagnjgBjMBnVMA ' '' Wrf'1--' ''vv. - 7.? - . '.- -r-;------- . --' QW'WnfV'" . . .. ' ' ' ' ','.:"...-".. " r --4 f " ""J' "'igyw t : fe-''' :.-y ? ' 'i Wmm i 1561161 prices . . . f THERE is always a wmsp for every lire but there is no cause for a property owner to be without sound insurance to pay his loss. INVESTIGATE WHEN YOU INSURE Bring your problem to this agency of the Hart ford Fire Insurance Com pany and have your pol icy drawn to give you full" coverage at' the lowest possible cost. Company TARBORO. N. C LET US ESTIMATE FIRST SOUTHERNER JOB PRINT " .rt -.. -.... .. - -JJ SS I ii II tm