TCIK SOUTHERNElv FlilDAY, SEPT. 2'J, 1922 tt-- THE SOUTHERNER Daily 189 Established Weekly 1824 i ' 'te-iu . ' Published Every :Afternoon Except Sunday by THE SOUTHERNER, at Tarboro, North Carolina. Foreign Advertising,! Represent iftes: Frost, Landis & Kohn, Bruns mieV Buildina. New York City1; Peo plea Oaa Building, Chicago, and 1004 Candler Building, Atlanta, Ua. Paul Jones Managing Editor V. Herman Creech - Manager Entered at the Postoffice in Tarboro, N. C, as second class matier, under the Act of Congress March 3, i8"0. They are 4tf& GOOD! lJ fcubperiptinn Rates: Daily, I year, 6 mov.tlii, $2.50; 1 month, COc; 1 vifck, lf.-.. Weekly, 1.50 pur yer. PLone 75 p. O. Bx 90V STlf.P.ED UP A MARE'S NEST. "iftMtHMiaHiniiiBIMiiiiHM H IBIMlft ! ! Mm Judge Kerr's reference in one of his charges to the grand jury a few days ago to the fact that it seemed to him that the west was receiving tnore of the road money than the iatt has stirred up a veritable mare's neBt. The Charlotte Observer 'and the fitatesville . newspaper almost had spasms and came back at the 'judge with fire and brimstone, and thought they had scored a big point in their favor. These two .' papers ait? from the western part of the stiite. We are giving our readers the opinion of nn eastern paper published at Fayttte Ville that has more reason in i! than anything we have seen or read. The Fayetteville Observer has this to say: The Statesv'Ue Daily and the Charlotte Observer are exer cised over a report that Judge. John H. Kerr, in a speech in Pasquotank recently, intimated that there has been more money expended on road wayj in the western part of the state than in the eastern part. Straight way the: Charlotte Observer is rais ing its old cry of "sectional feeling" when it is' intimated even that more roavvay building is being done in the west. Some months tig 3 The Obser ver dared to hint that the west had been getting done the bigger share of highway work, and Colonel Har- lis, in righteous indignation, wm or wrote, so fiercely of sectionalism and sectional hatted that 've got frightened and drew in our horns. It does seem strange, though, that the Statesville-amr 0nn-lotte papers fhould get so heated as to indirectly reflect on ' Judge Kerr's character by .intimating that, being a candidate for governor, he made his Pasquotank talk for policy's sake, The state high way commission constructed a bridge at Williamston at a cost of $500,000, aiid the Charlotte paper is throwing that up to" Judge Kerens if it were about all the east deserves. The fact is, we ttink Judge Kerr was about right. It may be called sectional ha tred or what -not, but we .take o.Tca sion to say that the indications are that the wes is going to get the big ger hare of the $501,000,000 bond issue. If we are wrong, we will apol ogize. The west should not be so touchy when there is call for a fair division of the state highway funds. Such behavior tends to show that the west is defeniiig .its weak point. The Charlotte Observer ends its artiple by 'sa'ytr.g. "We are hoping that Judge Kerr has been misquoted.'' What treasonable utterance has the judge been guilty, of that the Char lotte editor, in his lofty manner, should hope that Judge Kerr is "not o bad after all?. To use the States ville paper's word's which it wrote in condemnation of Judge Kerr, we will ay t'hatjthe west "should be mighty sure of its grioupd" H?re !t cus' the east of Section tli'spi. We' 'might accuse the Vest of . sectional aggran dizemenH ithj, pearlej up. there get tnore thanVheir share' of the "state highway money, it-sitnply. will be be cause they. Jant it 'and can get. it, sectionalism or not. The Charlotte paper, says fhe rec-J ords show, that the state, highway money "is being equally distributed between., the eastand the. west. Col onel Hprris. spVaks so confidently it is fair to presume he has those rec ords. In. justice." to, both the east andj ';" the west, "we "suggest that he print) Sirsstgfh from Irsniied Yeast Simply Glorious! It Follows a Natural Law Which Never Change or Fail. Tho Entire Body Quickly Feels New Power! "I've just about gone to pieces!" Po Mm know tliat tettintr back Ktri'iiyth ii. comparatively easy? Hut . h u ivuli.o tliat it is almost Im iun"slblu to Bet liaek your strength ,y means u unnatural drugs? Da nindnm. Ironlrpd 1ost Will Rnlld luu l'i Aiiiu.inftly and Quickly! you know that about one woman out of every three is exhausted be i.;iuhi of nerve ami blood starvation? The remarkable power of fias been pro.ven. There is now no further excuse for being weak, stole, run-down, iron iz. d Veust contains the tremendous j uit lira I building forces of vitaminea i'!H iron, anil it builds and strength i us in half the usual time. io you jnov why? Jronized Yeast is not a mere mixture of yeast and iron, but M ast lionized, which is a sub stance all by itself. That's what j'ntkeS Ironized Ye;.st the most pow i rful. nalui-a! builder in the wurhl tnilay. You will find a new strength r.'ining over you. your checks will Tt rosy, your ryes sparkle, your ap petite will be sharp, you will digest wh it vim eat. your blood will be er, me r'irh. your energy will be more tli:m equal to your ambition. Oct a package of Ironized Yeast to.'.ay, and beware of substitutes. Sold at ell ili'nc stores nt $1.00 a package, lla.'h package contains 60 tablets, aoh tablet is sealed. They never loso their power. M'f'd by Ironized Yeast Co., Atlanta. la. Health and strength are now up to you. Just Unloaded ONE OR WILLIAM TELL FLOUR Plain and Self rising. B0B W ITE SELF RISING Prices Right RB; PETERS GROCER Phone 35 211 Main 5L. Wholesaler wnd Retail ; .......get -., lilnnaK W f annlaari '"-rf- 1 i:i n m Wmw mmm am It "" i M IM mmm b13B3 AFTER th fire there i a usual question "How much, was the insurance?". What a relief it is to say "for what it wll cost to replace - INVESTIGATE - WHEN YOU INSURE' " Place your insurance with ' this agency of the Hart ' ford Fire Insurance Com pany. There will be no no question of your "pol icy .being correctly drawn to provide"adeq'uate in demnity for your fire loss. Jacocks & Roystei jAnr.or.o. n. c " BEGINS OCT." 2 AND LASTS THRU OCT. 7 . I AND LASTS I I " A'J.-'";" -: -. --thu oct.7 . BELKi-lUDSdiiCa I! Rocky Mount s Li vesfc Deptv; Store Is To Be One Of Our Greatest Events This Fall, Due To The Fact That Next Week Is Suburban Week At This Store And Fir Week In Rocky Mount. The Prices Are Special For The Benefit Of Our Out Of Town Friends, Who Wish To Do Their Fall Shopping While In Rocky Mount. Piece Goods Department Hosiery - Hosiery - SUBURBAN PRICES IN PIECE GOODS ONCE SEEN, WILL NOT EE OVERLOOKED .".5 IXCIt. I'LACK SFLK Al 1-JSS A LL E ; ytibiiilian I'rico, a yard 35 INTII IiLACK SILK TAFFETA; Suhuilian Price, .51-. yard IM JN( II (IEXULVE IMPORTED NAT URAL COLOR ALL sfLK PONGEE; Suburhaii Prifo, a yanl ...... , -:W 1XCII CREI'E DE CHINE, IN ALL LEADING COLORS; Suburban Pi ice, ;t vard 4U INCH CilAR.MEUSE; Beautiful Qual ity, in Brown. P.lack and .Navy : Subur ban Price, it vard 4 INCH ALL Ml K CANTON CREPE; Execik'iil Quality, in all leading Shades; Suburban Price, a yard Id INCH CANTONBLACK SATIN Dame Fa.shion's Latest Creation, in Materials for Ladies who Dress Well; Suburban Price, a yard ;54 INCH HALF WOOL SERGE, In Best Colors, Suburban Price, a yard 3(5 INCH. HALF WOOL SERGES; Subur- ban Price, a yard .:. 12 INCH STORAI SERGES, All Wool,. Spoutred and Shrunk ; fine for School Girl Middy Suits; Suburban Price, a yard SPINI) ALE GINGHAM ZEPHYRS, Can not, be Duplicated Elsewhere for less than 35c ; Suburban Price, a yard : .32 INCH KNICKER CI)TH, Famous for Children's Rompers and Play Clothes; Suburban Price, ayard 32 INCH GIBSON ZEPHYRS in Short . Lengths ; Suburban Price, a yard , HEAVIEST WEIGHT MOTTLED OUT ING: Suburban Price. a yard 1 &2 C 3G INCH FINE COUNT GOOD WEIGHT 95c 89c NAT- JGEE; 98c ALL 98c Qual-Subur- 1.89 2. NT D atei 3.98 48c Subur- 75c WTool, ol Girl 1.19 , Can ss than 25c jus for lothes; 23c Short 15c 12ii NEVER BEFORE HAS OUR HOSIERY, STOCk BEEN MORE COMPLETE THAN IT WILL BE FOR SUB URBAN WEEK. , LADIES' COTTON HOSE, in Very Good Quality, Suburban Price, JQc Si pun t. GOOD QUALITY HIGHLY MERCERIZ ED LADIES' LISLE THREAD HOSE with Three Seam Back; Suburban Price, a pair GLOVE SILK HOSE, in all Colors, ly imperfect; Suburban 1 AO 1 25c Price, a pair' ., $2. oO. VALUES in GLOVE SILK HOSE- 1.98 S'jbiii.u;;n Price, a pair SILK HOSE, Slightly Imperfect; OQr Subuiban Price, a pair.. SPOi:T HOSE of All Kinds; Suburban Prices from 98c to L98 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE; Suburban Pi ice:; from 10c 39 C Shoes-Shoes SHOES CAN BE HAD HERE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT SUBURBAN SHOES ARE SOLID LEATHER and CARRY a 10 PERCENT; DISCOUNT ' DURNG SUBURBAN WEEK. Boys &Meris Clothing; ALL MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S CLO- THING WILL HAVE: A SUBURBAN WEEK DISCOUNT OF 10 PCT. Ladies ReadyTo-Wear And Millinery NEVER BEFORE HAS OUR READY-TO-.. WEAR , AND MILLINERY. BEEN SO COMPLETE; WITH SMART STYLES IN Unbleached DOMESTIC in Short Length THEIR LATEST rCREATIONS. SUBUR Suburban Price, ft' v BAN ", PRICES WILL" BE 10 PERCENT ' a yanl J .. . ; ... OFF OF THE REGULAR. PRICE. C. ( t:NT STICK BROOMS, . m6 RUGS .'aND . LUGGAGE; SUBURBAN-- Subvu ban Price,.. each wv- " - L ' 50 filNT STICK BROOMS - ' QC ' PRICES. 10 PERCENT T.ESS .THAN; S.;b:,i.ban Price; each i.."....'....:........ J)C ; ;: REGULAR PRICE.. : ONE-BIG TABLE OF PERCALES, CAL1- " r ; . y. COS, CURTAIN GOODS AND KHAKI wuria IN - ROCK Y 'MOUNT SUBURBAN SUITING, Suburban Price, ' "1A WHN IN ROCKY MOUNT SUBURBAN ,ard ... v. .V...,v.t;..;..,.,:.l"CvWEE' MAKE? THIS STORE HEAD GENUINE DOMINO APRON GINGHAM QUARTERS. WE 'WILL GLAD TO -Absolute Fast Color; Suburban Q. f taKe CARE OF, PACKAGES OR LUG- . Price, ayard V. 58 JNCH TABLE DAMASK, Good. Qiiali-; GE FOR'YOUj t.- ; ' -' ' : ty, 20 percent Eelow what it is ' worth ; ' 1 7 " ' - ! " SuburbanPrice, CC ' s YOUR -MONEY'S WORTH' OR YOURt a yard. JJC ' .. MONEY BACK. .1 234-236 SOUTH MAIN STREET . MAIL ORDERS T r JLLED SAME D . , . n'V;'. . " i DAY RECEIVED I , t IUUiy luuiuii; - -' - V .'.. l: N.-iC;,- j i I k I r MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME ; DAY RECEIVED h i . . ... c . ! NOTICE OF LAND SALE , The undersigned trustee, under and by virtue of a' certain 'deed of trust to her executed by H. G. Pow ell, dated January 1st, 1919, and duly recorded in Bootf 175 at page 267 of the Edgecombe Registry, de fault having been 'made in the pay ment of the indebtedness therein se cured, Bnd demand for foreclosure having been duly made upon the un dersigned by the. holder of the notes Fsecured, will,' on Monday, October 30th, 1922, offer for sale in front of the court house door in Tarboro, N. C, between the hours of 12 M. and two o'clock P. M., to the highest bid der for fash, the following described tract or parcei of iandt viz: ; 1 That certain tract of land lying in Edgecombe County, and described as follows, viz: Being situate in No. 3 Township, adjoining the lands of S. Li Johnson, John Li Cherry, land of the W. J. Davenport heirs and oth ers, containing one hundred 'and eleven (111) acres, more or less, .and being well known as the Blount Bar field Tract. This tract of land hav ing been conveyed by -deed, dated January 1st, 1919, to H. G. Powell, to which deed reference is made for a further description. Said deed so referred to is recorded in Book 192, page 4G3, of the Edgecombe Regis try. . '' This September 27,-1922. M. D. WINSLOW, I Trustee. THE Mlim. BENEFIT , LIFE INSURANCE GO. IS THE BEST COMPANY . IN. THE WORLD. ASK THE . POLICYHOLDERS G.A.LEGGETT . District Agent Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who- are In a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh botiior them much more than whttn ttieji ar la good health. ,Thig fact proves that while Caturrh In a toinl dlasuHu. It Js gitttlU . lnnuemcd bv constitutional condltluai. HALL'S CATAKRK MKDIClNlil Tonic and Blood 1'urlfler, and acts throueh The blood upon the mucoue surtnk ot the body, thus reducing the lnttuinumtloa and reatorlnic normal condltlona, . All dniKKlets. Circulate free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio. ' MONET TO LOAN H EADACHES ior Neuralgia, tub .forehead temples end back of head with ' ON ' j improved. real estate 1 in edgecombe county ' five'years time , ' at. 1 five and half percent. ; HENRY C. BOURNE; Attorney j KG 'UUm Jan Umd ttk GEORGIANA, Ala,, Sept. 29. Four blocks-wave destroy, by fire here todayt causing ,Ios- . of .two htut(h-t'r) .thousand dollars.- 1 11 SellSour Tobacco . with FoxhaSl & Taylor WE LEAD THE MARKET IN POUNDS AND PRICE. GOOD TOBACCO HAS TAKEN A GOOD RISE; WE GIVE BELOW THREE OF OUR SALES: v - t JOHNSON & CONYERS: 20 Pounds at 35 cents.......:...... 26 Pounds At 35 cents 66 Pounds at 48 cents. , 136 Pounds at 47 cents...... '70 Pounds at 57 cents 24 Pounds at 65 cents 7.00 9.10 332 Pounds ... 31.68 63.92 3990 15.60 $167.20 Averasrc: 51 cents. ' MEN. MAYO &. TOM EURE. 40 Pounds at 30 cents...........: 34 Pounds at 39 cents 100 Pounds at 48 cents... 22 Pounds at '56 'cents . . " 50 Pounds at 55 ceni - 46 Pounds .at 60 cents 292 Pounds'. Average: 50 cents. '''. '( MATHEWS & HYMAN: 118 Pounds at 30 cents............................. 292 Pounds at 55 cents 88 Pounds at 69 cents..v...... 498 Pounds ..,...L r Average: 52 Cents. ..$12.00 .. 13.26 .. 48.00.. .. 12.32 .. 27.50 ..-27.G0- ..$140.68 ..,..$35.40 ...160.60 , ..... 60-72 ...$256.72 FARMERS A H; Pv Foxhall & dm Taylor 5 y't- :'-. t- v " ; 'i' . ?!-.,:;. f -:. , . .V PROPRIETORS - 7 TARBORO, N. C. , :X)ST CERTIFICATE NOTICE IS hereby given that . application will ,bfe made to the Pinetops Building and T.sart AsSociaflbh' of Pinetop'l, N. C. to issue to the undersigned a. duplicate stock- certificate, No. '75, in the First Series, dated De cember 2,' 1918, for-six shares.of stocl in said association, the origi nal certificate having been lost or destroyed. This Otb day of Sept, 1922. TJUDIEY WHTTLEY.- '-, .1 Notice: I Creditert. f '. North Carolina, Edgecombe, County. In Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Harrison Wholesale Company et alsj C. T. Marrow, deceased. Certnm.ei;dio-s, ft Cv T-jMarxow,, deceased having brought an action before me for an accounting of the administration of the administrator of said C. ,T. Marrow, and for a set tlement of same, t - This Js -to notify all creditors of the said C-T. Marrcv, deceased, to appear before the undersigned on or before Nov.. 1st, 1922, and file evU dences .cf their claims, as. required by statute September 21, 1922. , w-4ws r.s. A.-T.WALSTON, . ; 1 Clerk of the Superior Court.

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