r-. --j - V f. i T - ' a". M ' A'. ; THE SOUTHERNER, TUESDAY, OCT. 3 m .). I't -t.' 1 I, .1 ) v i i 1 'V- .1. .. .1. .! .1. .1. ili it .!5M-fc4t-ii"t"fr-:-M"j"M .. ii i.i 1 Sweaters SWEATERS Sweaters . SEE OUR LINE PERSONAL BRIEFS DIED. Mr. Ktl Conb, it unlive of Kdgo- iicil Tuesday morn- Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Rus-' seH Hartley, of Newark, N. J., a; daughter, Margaret Adams. j Mrs. Hartley was Miss Rosemary j MeKeel, formerly of Washington wild j Columbia, N. C, and a niece of Mrs. Paul Jones. i comDe county ing at l is home in Roil was buried Monday -at Sparta. He is survived I a I'lol'-i r, Mr. o'i Od. !iiu! a : ister. Mi.s I',' Wilson. : Mount and criiuoa near! a datithter, j of T'li boru. ! le Cobb, of' THE RIGHT WAY TO KILL GERMS Here is a powerful and recognized disinfectant which kills the germs. Is your cellar sanitary? Germs v ill multiply by the million ovcr iiic.'it, in damp. inuv.ty cellar. Make a solution of ricd Seal I.ye and sprioie'e .into ali 'he dark con-erf, a;;;l all r.iu..iin-;ss will le;'. ving Who Saves ihe Money You Earn? .IK3!".'.". Will Live in Tarboro. Mrs. Saunders and Miss Jessie -'aundors of Four Oaks arrived fn I larboro last Saturday. They will uake their home in Tarboro with Uiss Norma Saunders. Kr A 1. "I. A rvirkirv -a nervous headache ? MENTHQLATUM. ciiases s away. OF SWEATERS In AH Colors and Sizes -FOR- I Ladies Men and Children Mr. Norfleet Smith Sick. The Southerner regrets to learn of 'he sickness of Mr. N'oi fleet Smith, ditor of the Seotland Neck Com lUinvvealtli, but hojies he will soon eeover. 'Ihe Commonwealth says: "Mr. Xorfliet S. Smith is confined i his loom today on account of ill :oss ihie to his woundeil arm, and ..ill leave for a hospital in Richmond his afternoon. His arm will lie treat d by Hr. Hunter Mi-t.'uire." .It.Kn Oaw'no Will Spralf Lt Rr.i ly Mount. Mr. hull (lilli:im has infiotni'd Ihe Southerner that Mr. John Dawson of Kinstoo will speak at Rocky Motm! on the right of October 0. which i next "Monday. This appointment has been made bv the state chairman Mr. J. I). Norwood of Raleigh. i m m c d i n t ! your eell.T.' trer.;. a.n) -..wevi ' .mel'ivr',.. If you: ki'chcn ri'il: t'.eis :i:U draii; ouic'Jy, litre is an i';)r.:;di.i!o rcmi'Lly. Sil '. a little Hcd ut.ii i-.. c i".';. iiu- pipes. 1 V. ivc will coni i;i;ic ."i'li the ;;ii'.i c a;i I dirt, l.'Miii: r a :;oln.io;i wl.i..b will lit i arrivd i l; .H,'ii.i.;y by the valtr, lert i'ei' ;.;- f r: .e.rl c'ca.i. I ii.i:.'C"ci.:-: tray : a . v sT.'.iey bv in.tt'.i't:. ibcir t.-v:i ;u..:i. 'ill tl'.it is n-r,!:.i! i-. i.iio c; . .' f ilea! l,yc ami a nut'tity ,.i w . . ;;! ... e' ..r ' ! . sua!, .i . "i";'d r,r.::;i.,t ii !.f Do yotf, or tlcos some orso else? Wiiy let your ii.n ii r :ii lu-il vvi-cfc sli liirottgli your lingers iiiiii cui.!.'ii i.nu'i, l.ruik (H.;OHiit Vvlien you can jur.t us stait an account of your ovyin? iy ;'.ia!" t 1 I."..' ' JO f i i,;. ll il ;:d tub A Positive Way to ii;.v a I'lriir, r'tire. i ('lll.'.i l:.r". .'.! Farmers Bankinir & Trust Go. CHECKING, SAVINGS, TRUST, FARM LOANS Complete Service in Any Department. - i Rosenbloom-Levy Co. FLORSI1E1M SHOES Flowers... We always have on hand Fresh Flowers For FUNERALS WEDDINGS . SICKROOM In Fact . FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS THE FLORIST Phones 410 and 75 ffl Resting Well. Mr. w . A. Hart stateo .tnis morn ing that his son Mr. Mabrey liar was doing nicely. He received thi information from the nurse at tin hospital in Norfolk last night. Mastfr Warren Watson Taylor En tertaint. Alasler Warren Watson Taylor, tin l;ll!i' :.Lii of Mr. and Mrs. H. Tay !er. enti rt.'iined on Saturday, Sept il). a number, of bis little friends a a birlhday parly, honoring his se 'otn biilhday. Girl' Friendly Society. There will be a meelin:; of Ihi (.ili ' l'l ii n.lly Society at the hum. ol Mi.-s Kate Cheshire on Tue da.' nigld, O. toher .'I. at S o'clock. Al loenthers are reipiesteil to be present to nuke plans for I he winter. An;, ;-'rl over l'' years of age iveligihW Ii me.nbership in the society. Conn ami bring another girl with you. "UTAH" AT GIBRALTAR. l.l BRAI.TA U, Oct. :l. -The United ftatcs dieaditaupht Utah, with Vice Admiral Long, comniander of the Kurupe;ii! station, has arrived heri- to await, the arrival of the cruiser ; I'iltdiuigh, which will become .flag I hip of the Amei ican naval forces in l luiiopean waters. n.KVELAND, Ocl. !! A telegram from .Secretary nf Conimerce Hoover and Secretary of Labor Davis re i)Uesti ig the submission of names of "0 persons associated with coal min ing for use in creation of f.ict find ing committee of the coal industry, provid ! for under the Borah-Win low billj was in the hands of T. K. Mahor of Cleveland, temporary chair-' man of tne second joint session of the Bituminous Miners and Operators ! conference here. , i a tow ?5 .' SL-i II 4 1 s-,u"ipa ... "wpv ( t ! iU.'ilit'.e-.l as adiuinistratot S $k ) ( m '. ,! .' -Mr-. Mary lUUw.U.M jMk"S sfi i3 : d.';.-easi I. b:;i of !!.! 'i-conibe County, w flsii Am I m mmm h S.Jt)'jC; lf ,(u. ,!,.,.,..,.,, , ,.x;;:;.ii 1 f mill! Froivn-: t';ni"I. St- y.iu 'ibem to l!,c l' Mil. r.-i ; :e. .it 'r nboro. j .v.-r s'.ay 1 r- !1-m 'N' " "" '"' "'' 'f r.,;::'o-,,';,i,:;'.'-. i e- -r f - r l'ir!;,,:Vlu!-:":;f:-'; '":-V;.''! I"-" indebted to U.r eta;.. i l'l i fl ill vr5!t' 1 1 1 , i. i ' T ' ' T ' ; . : ' ' .. Ki l 1 ; . ' 1. : I . ;1 ' ,,,..,,. ,', ,.., j,: ,,..', 'j.,.. I'ie..se oi.i.e i :o n: I'll .a I c ;.y:neiii. 1 ;;-;:;;;v;;,::':. ', . 1 rri.V;.iii,i,v -';i--t d.iy ..t Au:rust,.is22." ':V-:Tf "''''': - ; . - W. K. Ct.il.!!.', Admr. i )''!, 'T.y"',!!eM:-::i ':' - ;' 'rV'!l:' " "f Mrs.Mary !! I.mrds. deceased..! Ma!.tr .V;. "... V-V;,:.!.! j ' iiu- Oliver Uurner does i'.-.vay entirely with coal, wood, til stoves arid the Mutli anil drudgery. T!i only burner for sale i T fr lOVl'S El'I'Uli'll rnr! !c i " - Uf every heatmj p:ob iert. Phone 401 aaJ i. e Burner Man will ar range a demonstration :n your own home rango cr fu;-nace. I 1HU VulVEK OIL-GAS bUKNtK Uoei nway wiia cocl na wood Cheaper. iti&kti zav.rttovtcr ruiffeo ruhot. jitc sioru betL Keeps your faom wraraer. Nr firm rironko. T-'u a: I iju, tl: t, sinob, odor, choppln. vniit.tr --, ut i'Virt.' C'.mi or wona. aivei nuun wuti. (. year. Iwmi't i-hutm yuur tvfi, si.iiplf at m.uil n. liivcx i-veu nnnl Ih.Imiiux. tmi.-h v 'litt''. Suvd.t inuuny, limn, ubor. wniiiur you L'uru. coo i or wuuu. JIbIic i yuiir OLIVER OIL-GAS CURNER & MACHINE COMPANY l,.,.l,l.lu fcVNrTTfliMI ff' For Sale by A. B. Babcock Tarboro N. C. A!.y ill 1 i3mi,arerTyBr3aMqrj iiioiiiiii 1 1 in in ii i ii i iiaa ( - - AFTER the fire there is a usual question "How much war; the insurance " What a relief it is to say "lor what it wll cost to replace INVESTIGATE. WHEN YOU INJURE Place your ii-stiraiice wtih thirj agency of the . Hart ford Fire Insurance Com pany. There will be no no question of your pol- -icy being correctly drawn to .provide . adequate ia denmity for yci.r l:re loss. Jacocks & Royaler Company TARBORO. N. C. SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION Ordinary flour looks the phosphates w hich build hone, muscle, sinew. Hors ford's is rich in pure phosphates. Tjic best r-rlf-raisinp; flour U made by mix ing Horsford's vith h good grinle of flour. Use Horsford's for hwiltli and baking success. Sine the lied Labels -.get free book showing KRKK J'KLMIUMS, by writing Kumford Chemical Works, l'rovklefife, K. I, Makes Delicious Hot Breads SAVE the Premium Labels ZAIM1S NEW CREEK PREMIER. , LONDON, Oct. 3. Alexander Zai mia w'.is named new Greek premier by the revolutionary committe and has sent a message declining the ap pointment on the ground of ill health aecordirg to Reuter's Athens corre spondent. .... Just Unloaded ONE CAR 10,135,000 BALES FORECAST WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. Cotton produclion this year is forecasted at 10,135.000 bales by the ..'department of ngritulture in ttie final forecast of the season, based on condition at September 25., which wbb GO percent normal. Firit Womn Member of Senate. ATLANTA, Go., Oct. 3. Mrs. W H. Fellon, of Carttrsville, Ga., be came ;'ce firs t woman member of the j United States Senate when she wat J appointed by Governor Hardwlclt te j fill the vacancy caused by the daatl. i of Thomas E. Watson, until a suc- WILLIAM TELL FLOUP Plain and Self rising. BOB WHITE Feed your moulting hens Happy Hen Butter milk Mash, and fit them for heavy winter laying. Happy Poultry Feeds make happy hens. Made by Edgar-Morgan Co., Meuipliit. Sold hjj m. Cull or 'phunv tor prices, Tut.i,-v ".'.ruin Co. Wholf,alf Only Tariwiro N. C. 1-M-M 2-F-9 Adoiinu t ratr's INuticc. Having iiiialilied as adimni.-t-ator of Hr-. Kilwiii K. .loiH'.s, deceasj'd, late of Kdgeei mhe County, this is l.v no tify all per. ons having claims against ihe estate of s-aid deceased to exhihil f iie til to the .undersigned on or before the 1st day of October, I'.CJ:!, of this notice will lie -pleaded mi bar. of taai reonvery. Al! 'persons indd'.t 'l te said estrte will please make imnioili f te Tiaj niei.t to tie- imdei sigm.-i'l. .loh" K. Men i ", Admin i .! rat ,r Kim City, . C, U. 1'. 1). Jos. I!. I'amsey, Attniiity. n.s I I When You Feel 4 Shaky Will tone you up. For 50 years a most successful remedy for malarial fevers and a reliable general invigorating Tonic It will help to kc p you well. ii not sold Sy your ctrucgiBt, writ WWIUSBITH CktlUCaL CO., boniariK UilnUte, I oil S.M.K: 5 SHARKS OK STOCK First N'alional Uank, Tarboro, N. C.; shares stock Farmers Bank ing .' Triisl, Company, Tarboro, N. ('. Address J. tj. Muss, Washing Ion. N. C. s:0-2le (Kl'TCKS TO HKNT: PHILIPS building, K. St. .lames St., possos-sioh-tKt. 1. s2S-tX NOTICE: MUS. J. H. AIKF.N'S Kin dergarten ,el;iKS will begin Monday 'morning, October 2, at, her resi deiice fin raker street. Class will assemble at !)::!(). n28-4tp SELF RISING Prices Right R. B. PETERS GROCER Phone 35 : 111, Main 5t' DEALER Franklin Cars Franklin Service