-ir'?.' ' i V -I I. '. Co.. , r,l.. KM'. Y, t j . 1 18 ii '4 THE SOUTHERNER Daily 1889 Established Weekly 1824 ublls id Every Afternoon Except iiundabv THE SOUTHERNER, at , Tarboro, North Carolina. e ' l. Foreign, Advertising Represent- press and speaker-; maintain s:l.-e kin: Frost, Landis & Kohn, Bruns- ;,, tu, ,, mooralic n.ini it' 'Jll iiu-hi-. Welt Building. New York City; Peo- b(,rs jn Hu, M:lU. w,,M.lUUK., ui,i,h tli.llino Pliio.r.i .inil 1004 Z u r, r T . n A Candler Building, Atlanta, Ca. ' ,tj ; Paul Jones Managing Editor A conip; V. Herman Creech -- Manageru- four c ' " 1 on I v a fee Entered fit the Postoffice in Tarboro, I ' N. Ci, a Second class matter, under I the Act, of Congress March 3, 1 879. j '! t Subscription Rates: Daily, I year,! 5; 8 months. $2.50; 1 month, 00c; I week. t Weekl". ?1.30 per ye:". Phone 75 O. Box 9071 : ! Democrat:c Zs,.iVi proposal! REJECTED BY REPUBLICANS j j Democratic members of the Ways j and Means Committee of the House 5 of Representatives, in a minority ro- port made on March 20, 1SI22, recom-, , tended that "whatever kind or sort ! Of bonus or adjusted compensation -jj Congress shall deem justly due the : World War veteran" should be paid j ''from taxes levied on excess piotits ' $ and great wealth. This proposal was : ' rejected by the Republican House. a 'I which, with the Republican Senate,; ' had previously voted to repeal ex-ess 1 ' -j profits taxes amounting to $4."0,llU0,- j J 000 and high surtaxes aggregating! ' J $61,500,000 a year. i :ji Recalling that many bij; nmnopo ' k liBtic corporations which have profi- teercd upon the people anil the ' ' ernment since January i. i" tt the extent of more than 40.i:OO.0UO, Ot 000 of net profits and who are con .:: tlnuing their profiteering" would rep- -'Vfisent one legitimate source ot reve ,iiue .for the payment of the bonus. the democratic minority said: T?rtv fViia mirnime we favor tilt re- -5 enactment of the surtax on the lartte j incomes of these millionaires ami ' muUimi'.lionaires which are repelled i (! by the republicans in their revenue Mact of 1321. and a re-enac:ment oi the excess profits tax which wn- alsoj e'lrepealfa Dy mem m skim . NEW TARIFF A COFFIN FOU THE j CORPSE OF PROSPEKIIY. j The Kordney-Mc( invib.'i: I'-iaite' !' Tariff, hill, which is .estimated to tioa-i ble the taxation of the America!! , people; that is to say. tn add anoim i $4,000,000,0UU in the way of t::.e-. but of Which oniy a few hundred millions will go into the Trea-ii!.j the balance into the packets ol ;n- . special privilege class, has been !gr- ed by the president and is no v a :aw. ; This tariff bill, .'.itly tended "ilu- coffin for the corpse of . p-asperity." : will fall heaviest upon farmers and j working' men,-, by reason of the fact j tlikt it will still further eurtaii the j farmers foreign markets. ;mi I by de-1 Btroyin what little is' left of our j foreign trade will greatly reduce - pro 'ductiori In manufacturing :ine as well as in natural industiies. In l speech just prior to the pas- 'e of the bill Senator Undeiwood. democratic leader of the senate, .ailed attention to some of the out rageous rates of the bill, particularly to the wool schedule, in .vhtch he Showed that the lax levied on raw wool would collect out of the pock ets of the American people 2(0. 000,000, only $20,000,000 of .which would go into the treasury of the United States and the balance into ' the pockets of the special interests. .r! i' Senator Underwood excoriated that feature of the bill which transfers I the taxing power from Conure-s t the president, and said: . I "I do not think it will last loig as ' W. If it should last long, if the .T bvms of the bill were to stay o:. h ' 'statute books for two decades. I 'rould predict the rottencst filth and corruption that could grow out of iuch bureaucracy, that would be a ,tench in the r.ostrlis of all good peo- pie. Bat I do not think it will last. I think before tht -day comes the Amerban people will take the - size Df what this Congress has done, will realize that the Congress. has laid lown a great responsibility that was riven to them, which the constitution ' if the United States has planed in hands, tflat thef 'he sutron- J ij.heir 1,rd a Breat trust and the American jeopla will rebuke any party and any set of Jiifri who have benn guilty uj J abandoning a trust' like (his given ( their safe-keeping." DEMOCRATS GAIN 22 IN MAIN I-' LEGISLATURE. One (it! till' result!, of the .M : i i ! 1 election on whit h the ropiib.icar more lhan d.ml.!e ll.t precoma! inn in ii.H. nnoiT.al : i'i i i i ijoialie? I 'MUM. a'ion of tin son, in the -IT SHOWS NORTH CAi Si OCTOBER Advance ciitr::-.. asituc sombkd in ittrt. Car. ..pe c f iled w HORSE SfiO'V A I LOAN A iT oHOVv . STATE FTI-HERlr-S SHt CCTTC.N i.OOMS i.M OPi FIRE WORKS ilAl TATt Wednesday, !'il Gen. PoffKii-jr j ' '""'' ' - SPECIAL Ir!Ol : 3 FINE SELECT iON OF F.U.'- GCKr;v.ovjs '-ur.'L , $5,000.00 FOR "- $20,000 CO ? Reduced Kales , !' O- , SEND FOR ; FF.C ' A I- C L V J.V'iji.ill.l!. - .ii.'i.:. .e . t . .... . . 1 yiiiiiTrii'riM?iiii f""-- A-l.' V - - iJ Deuei LET US tSTIM ATE FIRST SOUTHERNER JOE PRINT : 6: 3 tAfltSl Y0I1S5 m sr.i) VOL'NG LADIES an- ni'i'ilri for business positions. Oar t'r.uluaU-it are constantly in (i.-aianJ. A f.w months with ns will i iv y: M ''T start in lifie. I'ulivau.'nl 1 as tr ,i"!'''n. tiie year r E'nler any day. CoitLnv. Ai-k f 'T cats! It nay mean your rtsrt SUCCEc'SWARD. SMI1TI.DEAL jf b'.iirJi t:-' GO a: a;: r i:...lh -I A-, . 1 :ci'5 fire lime-icvird ar.J . -.-id by ;iVv V&.tu-J tv-'ilc,'.-: p.i-n: ir,.r;if"il;' Lines i CARRIED 4 V0..: HERE jt',J" ... ' I : . 1' - W - - ' r '."t;. -; ....."-;inriLfi PRICES ' Hit - ; -v :'.:-'' : j 7,003 EANKEKS MEET TODAY. MliV YORK, Oct. '-!. 'Seven .h. n- sand representative hankers I'rn.v : i' i vim- lh United Slates ytlheiVd h ioday a'. I'll' ope.'linM' of tile -Is'th a:i- nua! I'lci'linit ol' t he' A inei '.'an II'.ma i s A.-. -I'l ialion. Ti:e ieaniic machinery ne, o ..-ary to handle u jj'l't'at a uaiiieian. ha been under way for month.-, wl.h 'il l holi !-. ;!l)0 local liank employ s .I'lil a ci'iiiaiillcc of U'U j : eo 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 bnn.'e.-s fOoji.'rai!n'c-. The i-iaii'.'- e ! !:e il r " ; .i no )u !! 1 hi I ': i'i Xe'.v ..ili Tor 17 y; ai --. hiBi Or' Tin: ron TAKllellO. IN TIIK S'l 'K l.LcMNKXS ON Sl.l1' (1 Ml .01: :n lb. I'V.li i i i:h'i. c y OP TARBORO ursi A SVHBUKST OF I iSlMfc??a Hig f l&sical IJovdry Direct Jrom Broadsayi;y GLORiOUS GIRLS GUTTRIN0GOWHS 4 Bouquh ofPoses Prom Washington Square Peppx dances-Catch YSoN0rli7S-Smart Ensemeles J CAPABLE GlSr Of MUSICAL COMEDY PL AYBRS. With America's Premier Musical Organization PAUL WHITEiVlAN'S . CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA THE BAND YOU ALL KNOW Better Get Your Seats Now Prices: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 .".it:i lo n:altcr. of a .'.li'icll ' luisi arss nature, aileqnaie en crtaiuriie.u ,a . ! a an aa.ee; ! I'or she .'!,.! it..' im 'mi' iif; jiriati' :'a i.l. a i1 i i '. r:..i.!-1 1 iiviw ii i .lii'o il livillir.s. alls MXTf AND MELODY mm B TO LOJU ON I MI'ROVKl) KKAl, ESTATE i.n iiixjkco.miie county k1vm ykaus time AT FIVE AND HALF PERCENT. llFNRY C BOURNE AttornoV1 ili.imw v. ouuniMi, Aiiunicy ' MflNPY m I HAM iOn li.ait rl.ii. ln,no.. and re.idence i operly "'In town, and on improved ,7 ... 'V'.tZ-.'I;ufcar,jii(l, LITTLE WE GUARANTEE THIS TO BE THE MOST DUR ABLE AND LIGHTEST DRAFT BEAN HARVESTER ON THE MARKET. Hundreds of Satisfied Users will testify to the fine resets obtained from this machine. COME IN TO SEE US, AND LET US TELL YOU MORE AP.OUT THIS MACHINE. I Marrow-Pitt Sfatiawi , i- n'ivi.ii'iir. tirro , i O IT IT 1 roxi WE LEAD THE MARKET IN POUNDS AND PRICE. GOOD TOBACCO HAS TAKEN A GOOD RISE. Wt GIVE BELOW THREE OF OUR SALES: JOHNSON & L!0 Pounds al. I1..") cents '2( PcuimiIs ;il :?." cents (Ill Pound:; at IS cents 1 '!ii Puiind.-i at 17 cents Vl) Pounds at 57 cents 21 Pounds at (!.") cents l.'ounds Average: MEN MAYO & 10 Pounds at :50 cents .'H Pounds at :5!) cen;........ 1 ) Pounds at -IS cents :12 Pounds ah 5G cents nV S'ounds at "),") cents Pounds at (!() cents.. -.'J PoUll' Average: MATKET5 & HYMAN: IIS Pounds at ;H cdus..;..; 2!iJ Pounds" at f." cents............. SS-Ptuiix.ls at (ii) cent3... 4!)S Pounds ........L.. Average : A H. P. Fpxhall & Dan Taylor PROPRIETORS TARBORO, N.C. LOST Ci'.ItTIFICATE NOTICR .' IS hereby given that application will be made to thd Pinctops Buililipg and Lean Association of Pinetops, N. C, to (issue to the undersigned a duplicate stock certificate, No. 73, in the First Series, dated De cember 2, 1916, for six shares of stock in said association, the origi nal certificate having been lost or destroyed. This 9th day of Sept, 1022. DUDLEY WIIITLiSY. Notice to Creditors. . ' ' Xorlh .Tarolina; Edgecombe Couinty. lu -Supvriur Court. Befpre h Cljerk. farming land. 6 pel. on town propor- , ' ty; 5 H pet. on farming lands. Long time. Prompt lervlce. j )i. h. riuLipg, Atty. . ... septin-not, 1 ' Hall's Catarrh Medlclue - TIiobb who nro ,n a "run down" condl Hon will notice thnt Cnlnrrh !mihr tlmin nnrch more thun wlien.thev arit lit K0,i henllli. This fact proven that while Cntttrrh u n ,,.n ,lBOI,sei lt H gratW ' Intlnenced liv con-ilntki.iii enndtUoi..- HAI.I.'S PATAHltK MJODICfNK h ioiue .nn.i niimi I ilio Mood upon the mticotm aurfucea of '", ,,n'i'' JL'll8 Jlf"C"K L'",. J""'"""'"!"? ni"l jii-n.iiiis nui ii, tn i.'iib. All drniri(ti8. Lii'i'Uini'H fr.se. J. Ciwnev r.i . 'iviinju; Ohio. ' GIANT HARVESTER Hardware Co. lor CONYERS: ., 7.00 9.10 ..... .'51. GS (!:?.92 :i!) 90 l").C.O ...?Ki7.2e Til centr. TOM EURE. .$12.00 13.26 48.00 It!.:l2 :!7..ro 27.00. ....'.$ 1 1().()8 50 cents. .?35.40 .160.00 . (50.72 52 cents. .$256.72 i : Harrison Wholesale Company et als. C. T. Marrow, deceased. '" '' Certain creditors of C. T.'Marrow,. deceased, having brought an action ' before me for an "accounting of the administration of the administrator of said C. T. Marrow, and for set-tie-men t of same, t. This is to notify all creditors oV the said C. T. Marrow, deceased', to ' appear before the undersigned on or before Nov. 1st, 1922, and fiU .evl- denees cf their claims, as reqaired by. statute. ' ' September 21, 1322. ltw-4ws A. T. WALSTON, ' ' ' Clerk of the S"uprior' Court" o

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