4 V'- i- il lA illk i.4 - i i Zeb. DEALER Franklin Cars Franklin Service PAST DUE SUBSCRIPTIONS In this issue of the Southern- er is a notice, calling on all de- linquent subscribers to pay what they owe on back subscriptions. Some of these subscribers are a year or more behind and it will be impossible for the man- nger of the outherner to con- tinue sending the paper unless these subscriptions are paid. It takes much money to meet the weekly pay roll of the Sou- therner and we will be more ' obliged for those who are be- hind to send in' their subscrip- ' tjons at once. ' We want to keep our old ' friends on our list, as long as ' we enn but unless these friends ' assist us by paying for the pa- prr they should not blame us for taking their names fr,om our ' subscription list. ' With many, tbi has been ' simp'y an oversight and the only " thing needed is t tall their at- tontrnft' to" tWa irfcttr.' " ."' i - :f i f . , ,'.' . ;. ';'v,; :y: -the;'' . '. MUTUAL BENEFIT IS THE BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. ASK THE POLICYHOLDERS G.A.LEGGETT District Agent NFLUENZA , Aa a preventive, melt and in hale night and morning V a fo Rub Ow 17 Million Jan LW Yearfe VERY REALISTIC T "Dauber paints some very realis tic work, doesn't he?" "Yes, last March he painted an apple, and today I heard someone say it was rotten." Brooklyn Life. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thoee who are In a "run down" onjl tlon will notira that Catarrh bothert thenr much more than when they ara li jood health. Thla act proves that whll. Catarrh l( a local diaaaao, tt t KTeatU Iniluenrad by constitutional conditions HALL'S CATARKK MEDICINE ill Tonic and Blood Furinar, and acta throunl tna blood upon the mucous aiirfaeea o the body, thus reducing the Inrtammatlo. and reMorln normal condltlona. All druKCiats. circular fraa. i J. Cheney Co.. Toledo, Ohio. CAR VIRGINIA APPLES On siding near tobacco warehouses Stayman Winesap. 1 , ; ' Black Twig. Arkansas Black Old Winesap. o34 Gt R. W. ANDERSON, Grower NOTICE OF SALE Under and pursuant to the powers Conferred in a certain mortgage exe- LIFE NSURANCF. CG C. Cummin cuted by Jus. E, Speight and wife on the 10th day of January, 1921, to J. H. Speight, and recorded in the Public Registry of Edgecombe coun ty in book No. 225, page No. 488, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness therein se cured, the undersigned will on Mon day, November 13th, 1922, between the hours of 12:00 o'clock M., and 1:00 o'clock P. M., ut the court house door in Wilson, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and being situate in No. 3 township, Edgecombe county. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of ath Dawson, W. O. Howard, Frank Roberson, Mis. Bullock and others, containing 79 acres, being the share of the Mattic Howard land al lotted to Fannie Cobb Speight in the partitioning proceedings institut ed for the partition of the said tract of land between Fannie Cobb Speight and W. O. Howard, Terms of sale: Cash. J. H. SPEIGT, Mortgagee. Wilson, N. C. W. A. LUCAS, Attorney, Wilson, N. C. O 10 4wk NOTICE OF SALE OF LOT IN PINETOPS Under and by virtue r.f an order )f the Superior Court of Edgecombe 2'omity mode 5ri' that gy;:; specia, proceeding entitled Lousc'.tie Owens vs. Elisha Ellis, et al.'., njw pend ing in said court, tie undersigned commissioner will, on thi; 1 1 th day f November, 1922, between the hours of 12 o'clock M., and 4 o' clock P. M,, in the town of 'Pino tops, Edgecombe County,' N. C, ami in front of the banking building of The Pinetops Banking Co., offer fo: sale to the highest bidder for cash, ill of a one-half undivided interest n and to the following describe: lands in the county of Edgecombe town of Pinetops, No. 10 Tp., d loining the lands of Albert Ilariell iVilliam H. Phillips and others, bound ed as follows: Beginning at a stake on 1st St., a dividing corner between Wesley K. Owens and William H. Owens ind Albeit Harrell; thence west 1!"0 feet to a stake, and corner with Al bert Harrell; Riley Phillips and Lou settie Webb Owens, thence Sout i 56 1-4 feet to a stake, a corner with Lou-cttie V.'"bb Owens and William H. Phillip:-, t'.t nee east 130. feet 10 t stake, t coiner on 1st Street with William II Phillips; theiT-e north "o 1-4 feet with said 1st street to the beginning; being that part cf th ; same and identical piece or parcel of land embraced and conveyed to Wesley K, Owens and William U. Owens by deed recorded in Book II, page 31 of the E Igecombe County rublic registry. See also d-ed of re; ord in book 107, p 172 of the fore going public registry. This the 7th day of Oct , 1922. R. G. ALLS BROOK, Oct 10 4 wks Commissioner. NOTICE Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Comp any Auction Sal of Unclaimed and Refused Freight Tarboro, N. -C., Oct. 7, 1922. By direction of the freight claim agent, notice is hereby riven that the following listed freight will be sold at public auction for freight and other charges at the A. C. L. freight station, Tarboro, N. C, on Friday, October 27th, 1922, at 11:00 o'clock a. m 1 car load cross ties,- C. & N. W. No. 123714, consigned to East Carolina Railway Co., Tarboro, N. C, from D. E. Stud still, MilUowri, Ga. . Gcods sold without guarantee of quality, quantity, or value. Sale will commence! at li o'clock, a. m. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE North Carolina, Pitt County; In the .Superior Court, before the clerk. Mollie C. Carr and Huiband, J. F. Carr; Roia E. Ra and Husband, R. C. Rea; Annie Ruitell Owen and Huiband, Charlie Owena; Ja per Russell; Melvin Russell; Er nest Russell and Fannie May Ru sell, ex parte. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon the under signed, Commissioner, by an order of the Superior court of Pitt County, made by Honorable J, Frank Har rington, Clerk of 'said Court, on the 26t6h day of September, 1922, the undersigned Commissioner, will on the 13th day of November, 1922, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of thd court house door, in the town of Greenville, Pitt county, North Caro lina, expose for sale to the high est bidder, upon the following terms, namely One third (1-3 cash, bal ance in one (1) and two (2) years, secureid by purchase money mort gage, the following described real estate, to wit: First tract: Lying and being in Pitt county State of North Caro-j lina, adjoining the lands of Jonas Dilda, J. R. Cobb, Dennie .Langley ; E. T. Edwards; W. C. Edwards and .1. R. Dozier, and more particularly described as follows, ' to -wit i Beginning at a cart axle, black jum and a cherry pointer, a corner with Jonas Dilda and E, T. Edwards, thence north 9 degrees east 640 feet to a pitch pine; thence .south 88 de grees 20' east 1019 feat to 'a buggy axle and four sweet gom pointers in a branch; thence north 79 de grees wfst 330 feet to a stake and two pine pointers; theWe north 82 degrees 30' west 495 feet to a stake and pine pointer; thence north 85 degrees 30' weist 99 feet to a stake and three pine pointers; thence north 70 degrees 30' west 330 feet to a stake and three pine pointers; thence north 70 degrees 30' west 330 feet to a stake and three pine pointers; thence north 74 degrees 30' west 299 feet to a stake and two pine pointers; thence north 75 ' degfees 20' west 1031 feet to a sweet :.'i;m in a branch; a cornefr with J. V. Cobb and Jonas Dilda; thence alon.a: the line of oJnas Dilda, the following courses and distance, south 8 de grees 20 east 2163 feet to an iron stake, bay and black gum pointers; thence south 6 degreds west 305 feet to a cart axle and three pine pointers; thence eouth 80 degrees 15' east 2079 feelt to the point of the beginning, and being the Pitt county trac of T, L. Edwards, de ceased as shown by plot and survey made by S. M. Cradle, C. E., dated March 1st, 1922, and duly recorded in; May book - , page - , of Pitt county registry, to which ref erence is hereby made, and con taining one hundred-thirty-five (135) acres; Second, tract: Situate and being in No. 8 township, Edgecombe coun ty, being a part of the Walston tract, adjoining the lands of E.j Y. Love lace, Frank Eagles, and B. F. Eagles end more particularly describiW as follows to wit: Beginning at thee pine trees on the Crisp-Sparta road, a corner with E. Y. Loveloce and Frank Eagles; thence south . 56 degrees 35' tVist 1045 feet to a post oak and two red oaks, a corner with lot No. 7; thence north 34 degrees 30' east a long the line of Lot No. 7 and 8. 1649 feelt to an oak and three pines, a corner with lot No. 7 and B. F. Eagles, thence north 75 degrees 40' Terms, spot cash. J. A. HUSKE, Route Agent, A. C. L. R. R., Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 16 28 STATE'S DISABLED TO RECIEVE HELP Cripple Cenaua Week to Bring Oppor tunity For Training and Treatment. . ' Raleigh. On the records of the he partmeut of Vocational Rehabilitation of the State Department of Public in struction are muuy rases of disabled persons who by aid of this Dbpaii meut have been transformed from hopeless, helpless drugs upon tueir communities into productive units ut society. Cripple Census Week, which will be observed October 30-Nciveiiibtr 4 has been instituted by the Rehabil itation Department iu coujiiuctluu v.ii!i the Bureau of Child Welfare of ttia Btate Board of Charities ami Huh I Welfare in order thm ninny other physically handicapped persons North Carolina may " be restored to usefulness and content. H. U Stanton, State Supervisor of the Department of Vocational Jtdhlliil. itatlon, states that during the past la months 51 persons have Imen helped to employment by his department: 49 hare been provided with t:-aimng, aud M cases are pending rurtber action. Many who are now Iti process of ro habilltatton will be restored to eco nomic Independence within 'the next months, says Mr. Stanton. One of the most striking cases han dled hy this Departmnnt was tbat of a paralytic so badly crippled in one hand anfarni and in both legs that U obliged to crawl about in a whpil chair, but who, through the aid of the Department of Vocational Rehsbillta. tlon. Is now an interested and hard- ! working cobbler, making a success of j his vocation. Other disabled persons i will have the chance, to avail them-I selves of the help of the Rehabilita tion Department durinR Cripple (vn- i sus Week. To Aid Crippled Children. i Cases of crippled children will be ! referred to Miss Fmeth Tuttle of the ; Bureau of Child Welfare of the State ! Board of Charities and Public Welfare. ; Whenever possible and practicable, treatment will be- secured for aurn j children, either at the Stnte Orthope- ! die Hospital at Castonia. or in local! hospitals. The Bureau of Child c- fare is anxious to-get the nnines ol all crippled children in the State, but particularly of those between the ax'8 of 14 and 18 years. The State Ortho. pedic. Hospital cannot admit children over 14, and aid from the. Department of Rehabilitation is not available for those under 16; so that the Bureau of Child Welfare may render valuable service to children between these aires who are ineligible for help from other agencies. By securing treatment for crippled children, the Bureau of Child Wel fare looks towards the prevention of the development of the crop of pro fessional beggars In the future. Many people do not know that much can be done for crippled children, some times even complete cure, can be ef fected, and frequently marked im provement of their slate of, disability. This is a chance for good Samaritan work on the part of public-spirited citizens of the State. Those who know of cripples are urged to give the names of tljese to some one of the various social agents in the cou'itv who will forwuri them to H. I,. S:aiitou, State Supervisor of the Detriment of Vo. cationaS Rehabilitation. -- 4 : . OIL THROWN FROM A MACHINE MAY BE THE CAUSE OF A FIRE An oil soaked floor, whether in a factory or woodshed may be . all that is needed to kindle a tiny blaze into a serious fire-. Fire hazards are often present in many forms that are easiiy overlooked. There no ubtitute for lound in surance in a good reliable company. Thii is a Hartford Firie Insurance Company Agency Jacocks & Roystei Company TARBORO. N. C Deer from the mountains raided hay fields nd jrardens in Skamania county, ". Wsh'ingtdri'. The hot, dry weather in the mountains caused the feeding grounds to be deserted and the animals swarmed to the valleys for food Entire crops were ruined bv the invasion. west -101)7 feet across the Crisp Sparta" road to a stake and three pines, a corner with E. Y. Lovvlace; thence south ?,i degrees ."0' west 1383 feet to the point -''of . the be ginning. Containing thirty-five (35) acres and being lot No. 2 in the di vision of thd land of T- L- Edwards, deceased according to the plot and survey of 'same made by S. M. Cradle, C. E., dated March 1st, 1022, and duly record in Map book 2, . page . , of Edgecombe Registry, to which reference is heireby piade. This the 5th day of October, 1922. WALTER G. SHEPPARD, Date of sale Nov. 13th, 1322. Time of sale 12 o'clock. nooji. y : Place of Vale Greenville, N. C. in front of court house door. O 10 4 wks Commissioner. XEEFYOOI?EHmiSTHEaifHY Clean and Careful Feeding Essential in Successful Hog Raising ' Here is a Recret of successful Ordinary garbage ferments, hog raising practiced by many forming an acid Which is injurious stock raisers and prosperous farm- t0 the hog. Red Seal Lye will re- ers. Don't feed your hogs sour or move this acid and ma, t, fecd .11-smellnig garbage more who)csomc. The swill should iirst be sweet- , . , ened with Red Seal Lve. Take one Swl" ivl"f,h has ben first sweet" tablespoonful of Red Seal Lve and e,led Rea, Seal L'c aml fcd dissolve it in a pint ri water. Mix to the hoji, will help make healthy, this solution thorou;. ily witii i.ut- sturdy animal1-.. ncient te-a tor iu s.&ks. One half a can of lied Seal Lye dissolved ir one quart of water will sweet en a 50-t;allon barr-1 of swill. Feed twice i:ily, night and morning. P. C. TOMSON & CO., Soutbwark P. O.. Philadelphia. Pa. frank of talking macliinp breaks jculous old Ihnitf. Wfrniiin';; finjrers heaiiline. "The sas (iazi'ttc. n acKO(a G A R. NOW IN ALL Southerner Office YOU can make better SelWtaising Flour V than you can bay USE a 25-11). sack of your rrgular flour nud mix with it a package of Horslord's. This makM a more wholesome. cOIi-lent. self-raising Hour than ran be bought rcaiy-ln pai-ed v Pure phosphate in Ilorsforil's make breathi and pastry more nutritious. streuKth-liuilUmK. tasty ami sntislylnu. For Tree Prize IM, write numford Chemical Works, rrnviUcncc. It. t Norsfbrds SELF-RAISING BHEAD RREPARATIDII " "" I SAVE the LABELS Make a strov, solution ol Red Sen! Lye, sprinkle around your :u pens and wash out the ci-iiig troughs. U:ie ut least once a woek. Be sure and get the old orig inal, highest test, granulated K-u Seat Lye. Accept no sub stitute. -From the Arkan V' m jSTiHSffig ' " , i HORNFARira SELF-RAISING f - fireri PrtjtanCffl, 2 v - V 1; A 2 fci I-Cstnitt i Sola. AT HOME, SLCVCN OUMCIS tub C43 for FREE PREMIUMS L 2 iMWtiv OL 11 m aBHM is. SSSGulIll T (Special Corre.pondcmce) Raleigh, Oct. 24. Relief from recent congestion of cotton dell ad to the North Carolina Cool tives has been provided through securing; of additional storage ft ities at Norfolk and Wilmingtonl hinmonfu ',ia n.,,., .1:.. .5 r""-"- ' wn .icing uivrri. both lhec points, it was annou today. " , Rainy weather during: the week citused a slackening up o liveries for several days, accoi i to (loncial MannKor.U. B. Blaf who expects much heavier reel j this week and has already made ' i-angemc nts lo move shipmf ' promptly. j The headquarters staff of the I operatives has been swamped ' : work since the. season opene 1 'month ae o, but now has its macf : eiy iii smooth running: order and ' tieipates no further difficulty of sequence in handling cotton foil members. While the cotton now being divf ed to Norfolk and Wilmington probably be exported, it is annoif ed that Oie general policy of the operatives wil be to' sell as much ton at home as the market can sorb conveniently. The best maJ for the cotton will be sought buf is not planned that during the I season any considerable quantity cotton will be marketed. While a great deal of cotton been nicked, the deliveries to the operatives are expected to conti to be heavy for sveral weeks . Many of the members delayed ( niiik' in order to get their cotton jf ed, and the recent bad weather many sections has held up ginniri The thirty-odd thousand memhf of the Cotton Growers Associatt have been asked to plow under trf cotton stalks or to have them cutf pieces as soon as picking is overt order o diminis lithe supply of weevils to be carried over during winter. General Manager Blal has sent out a personal appeal each member, and has backed it with his personal experiences in ct bating the weevil. It is the announced purpose of association to promote the growin better cotton and arrangements being made to provide means of ting improved cotton seed for members who will buy them. The cotton growers will be c-ouraged to standardize the co grown by them with a view to I ing the association a reputation good service, it is staled, and : campaign of education is to be en up right away. NOTICE North Carolina, Edgecombe ouij In the Superior ourt, October tZ VJ22. W. E. Armttrons, Trading at W Armstrong & Company, vt. W. McNair Drug Company. Notice is hereby given that on tober 12th, 1922, the Farmers Bi ing an I Trust Company was duly pointed Receiver of the defend W. H. McNair Drug Company, all creditors of said corporation required to present their claim writing to the said Receiver ont before December 1st, 1922, and uie to co so within the time lim niay bur them from parricipatins ' the distribution of the assets of corporat'ion. ' This October 24th, 1922. A. T. WALSTOM ,'. Clerk of the Superior C o2 t 4 v.ks j The chauffeur of Prince Hiro ; regent) df Japan, committed h ! kiri recently because of a tire y ture while his royl master was ri I in his machine. Hara-kiri is a m j od yof suicide sometimes pract I in 'Japan when any happening w J in any'i way' inconveniences an I the imperial family, is caused by person in control of that portio'' the royal entourage in which i' curs. it mm QIIRKETf

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