, ... 4 . tu. 1 THEi SOUTHERNER WEDNESjOJCY, NOV. 8, 1922 IieSoutherner uhl une . Sine 1889 Established Weekly 1824 T tiled' every afternoon except I . - ay by THE SOUTHERNER, rui Troor0' N0"" Carolina 00 reign Advertising Represen Kohn, j es: 'Frost, Landis s ITT; .'awfeV'ltM-' Maw Ynrfc ClrV! aw . ileT Gas' B16V.. Chicago, and Candler Bide., Atlanta, Ga, snt r ? j Jones Managing Editor ferman Creech Manager 1)7! " I ired at thc.Postoflke in Tar- , N. C.,' as second class matter 1 t Act of Congress, March 3,' i r 'scription rates: Daily, 1 year. 6 months, - $2.50; 1 month, 1 week, 15c. Weekly, $1.50 : year. ne 75 P. 0. Box 907 pply oref throat ana cam allow smau ptecea or APORUO . ft nr V'rU VSL up exclusively for the export trade. The price here for a one-third pound tin is from 20 to 30 cents. American milk may be bought at the railway station;, in the villages, and at the great markets ionteh in and at' the great markets in the cit ies. In many instances it is ped dled by children. ----- ' 'iH v It 1 MR. 2ENO MOORE AT HOBGOOD ti; WAN1ANS FOR THE 'CROSS RED I the last session of the Kiwanig is decided to put over the drive funds with which to carry on ( Red Cross work in Edgecombe -ty. ;Veral committees have been ed and on the 17th day of No- 0 oer this drive will take plac , wiuii mm, nig great worx may L ontinued in the county sufficient Mr. Zeno Moore was present at the Community Fair at Hobgood yes terday and was one of the judges of the agricultural exhibits there. He will go to Roseneath, Halifax county, tomorrow, where another community fair will be held, and there he has been asked to act as one of the judges of the Agricultural and other fqrm exhibits. , Mr. MoOre speaks in the mo;-t complimentary way of the exhibits t obgood iind said that this fair de serves" great credit. ' - -r ' r i 1 , Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thnas' who nre In a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothcrf them murh- mnre than when they are In food health. This (act prove that whllf vaiarrn a local disease, u is greaij' mmnced bv constitution.,! cnniltioiff HALL'S CATARRK MEDICINE I. Tonic and Blond Furifler, and acta through the blond upon the mucoue surface o' tne boay, thus reducing the Innammatioi and reftorinir normal condition. All dnmlsta. Circular fre. F. J. Cheney St Co.. Toledo". Ohio. ARMISTICE DAY SATURDAY Is must be had and the allow. s os inaue oy tc county anu Next Saturday is ,rmisticc Day Nearly every town of, any import ance around us will have a big pro gram, but as yet the Southerner has here is not sufficient. .heard of nothing to be done in Tar- ast year the Red Cross work wasl boro on that Day. led on and the splendid rcport Scotland Neck and Tarboro are ;et out by Dr. Gvlcs should be preparing for a big day. What will reciatcd bv all lovers of human, i Tarboro do this year? Siless the people have actually into personal contact with work here, it is hard frr th iz ' I realize what has been done. ! Tliu Roil ri. i , ' ' ui ft la ill uil' eral health work I Tiis Red Cross L tion with the gen i Dr. Gyles. doctor in the countv has personal approval' and I .St i,!.very en' it hi y H want to see it continued. . i. teiss JIassey is th'e' present Red isf .nurse lor hdgecombe and -he vucomplishcde wonders . iniiong . people of the county, rhe people of the county will be .ed to become members and also I y will be aked to make contni . lions other than the member-shin "WORSE THAN PAIN" LomiiiM Uij Syi She H "Ner. cr Fui Aaythinf Better Tkaa Qviw for a Rw-Dowa Condition." f fow the folks must not think that than pain. Morgan City. La. "H would be hard for tne to tell how much benefit I have derived from the use of Cardui," said Mrs. I. G. Bowman, of 1319 Front Stxeet, this city. 'T wai so run-down in health 1 could hardly go. I was thin. I had no apiwtite. Could not rest or sleep well. 1 was so weak, and so very nervous, I was no pleasure to myself. "I suffered ome pain, but the. worst of my trouble was from being so weak and easy to get tired and but of heart. 'This nervous condition was worse !J costs - nothing to carry on this :rk for it takes several thousand pilars each year, every dollar of fciich is spent in a wise aud judic- '' as manner for the betterment -of ' i . e people. r The time has now come when county can afford to be vithout ,sia depwrtment. ' It is impossible to state how much ifferipg is allayed and how many folks are attended to in a way Vat costs them not a cent, w This appeal for funds from our eople should not be passed by hecd- ssly. As- the years pass by this feature ' t public service is becoming more lnd moie prominent and is each day raining strength nd popularity. , 6f e.ourse no one t obliged to help, "but when this matier is properly 'presented to our people we believe they viV respond ai they ha' c al ways responded in the past. H everyone will do their "bit I no .4 'one will , be burdened and the Red ' Cross, will go as successfully in the 'Some one told me of Cardui. ajid I decided to use It. "After using a few bottles. I regained mv strength. I-wasn't so nervous, aijd began to eat and sleep, and grew stronger and was soon. well. "IJuiyje .tieve.r.,faundJinytliing Iwtter tor a ruB-dOwit Sndition." If you suffer as (his Louisiana lady did , you. too. should find Cardui helpful foi your troubles. Get a bottle of Cardui, today. NC-144 CIGARETTES fifteen (15) for Made ty Liggett &. Myer Tobacco Co. that means quality. ell, ex parte. Under and bv virtue of the au thority conferred upon the under sinned. Commissioner, by an order of the Superior court of Pitt County, made by Honorable J. Frank Har rington, Clerk-of said Court, on the '6tb'h day of September, lflUU, the undersigned Commissioner, will on the 13th day of November, 1022, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the: court house door, in the town of Greenville. Pitt county, North Caro lina, cNposc for sale to the high est bidder, upon the following terms, namely One third (1-3 cash, bal- ; . . n ance in one (1 ana iwu i- years, iccurcsd by purchase money inort- ... . i . . -i i i gage, the following ucscrioeu rcai tate, o wit: First tract: Lying and being in Pitt county State of North Caro- ina. adjoining the lands of Jonas Hilda. .'. II. Cobb, Dcnnie Langley; E. T. Edwards; W. C. Edwards arid J. R. Dozier, and more particularly described as follows, t" wit: Beginning at a curt uxie black irum and a cherry pointct-, .1 .-onier with Jonas Dilda and E. T. Edwards, thence north 9 degrees east 610 feet to a pitch pine; thence south 88 de grees 20' cast 1019 feat to a bu 1G4!) fecit to an oak ami three pinet, a corner with lot No. 7 and B. F. Eagles, thence north 75 degrees 40' west 1097 feet across the Crisp- i Sparta road to a stake and three I pints, a corher with E. Y. Lovclacd;) thence south 34 degrees ISO' west) 1.183 feet to the point of the bc ginnii ir- Containing thirty-fivo (o5 acres and being lot No. 2 in the di vision of the! land of T. L. Edwards, deceased according to the plot and survey of same made by S. M. Cradle, C. E., dated March 1st, 1922, and duly record in Map book 2, page , of Edgecombe Registry, to which reference is hurcby made This the 5th. day of . October, lOgH. WALTER G. SHEPPARD, Date" of sale No'vi 13fh,"1322:" l IHIC ui .-..ill: Am . Lnivn, nwvii. Place of salf Greenville, N. C, in front of court house door. O 10 4 wks . Commissioner. THE S.S.NASH HAVING SOUGHT THE INTER EST, OK THE LATE JOHN W. GOTTEN IN 'HIS INSURANCE BUSINESS, I BESPEAK A CON TINUANCE OF THE PATRONAGE HIS POLICY. HLDER AND ofFjERY. SERVICES I j jfHE GENERAL FIRE INSURANCE BUSfNESS. -, ' S.S.NASH future 'as it hits'done in years gone1" pamlcO Baitlk Buflditlg 'By. Rally to the Red Cross and suffering 'liBmmty. ' help.C 3 I Cole's. Original Wood Stoves nev- ! er cook vou never freeze you. Your AMERICAN, CANNED ' MlLK ';'JS; rfOlULAR IN ' ROSMA' flre ,iw,ya fit the. weather. By tki A..cVtid lrkri.) ! NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S , - - - -. -t . - ., j . . s t . . - - m Petrograd. " Oct. 6. American e- ' ' , . ,,s vportfrf railk is finding an enor- . SALE, North Carolina, Pitt County r In pora '-".! Voiarlv ' IDOUMHir I" .woo.-. .-, - . , . . uch'r.iilk in tins including brands, Msllia t crr non, J. r. Cam Km' E. R d Hk4. R. C. Re Aaaia RaMall Owcas m4 H.tk4a, Ckarli Owrtl) J yr R..lti Matvia RaMall; Er cat Kaift'I aad Faaai Hy Rut- m never retailed ia the Vn-Zc4 States, is shown m"Ue shop windows of Prt-j vograd and Moscow as can be found' played in American cities. Many - '. t'i-"- brands apparently are puti axie and foui sweet gum pointers in a branch; thence north 79 de grees West .130 feet to a stake and two pine pointers; thence north 82 degrees 30' west 495 feet to a stake and pine pointer; thence north 85 degrees 30' weist 99 feet to a stake and three pint; pointers; thence north 7G degrees 30' West '330 feet to a stake and three pine pointdrs; thence north 7fi degrees 30' 'west 330 feet to a stake and three pine pointers; thence north 74 "degrees 30' west 299 feet to a stake and two pine pointers; thence north 75 degief3 20' west 1631 feet to a sweet rum in a, branch; a cornefr with J. Jt. Cobb and Jonas Dilda; thence along the line of oJnas Dilda, the following courses and distance, south 8 de grees 20' east 2163 feet to an iron stake, bay and black gum pointers; thence south 6 degrecw west 305 feet to a cart axle and three pine ( pointers; thence south 80" degrees i la cast zu I cot to mc point oi the beginning,' and being the Pitt county trac of.T- L., Edwards, de ceased as shown by plot and survey made by S. M. Cradle, C. E., dated March. 1st, 1922, and duly recorded in May book ,' page , of Pitt county registry, fa which ref- ctrence is- hereby made, 'and con Uining one, huBdred-thicty-fiv 4135) acres; , - .: Second tract: Situate and being in No. 8 township, Edgecombe coua ty, being a part 'of the Walston tract, adjoining the lands' ef E. YLova- laee, Frank Eagles, and B. F. Eagles and more particularly deseribetd as follows to wit: - ;...s Beginning at thee pine trees on the Crisp-Sparta road, a corner with E. Y., Loraloce and - Frank Eagles; thenc south S8 degrees 35' elast 1045 . feet to . post oak - and .' two red oaks, a corner with lot No. 7; thence north 84 degrees 30' east a lfitig th lint of Lot No. -7 and 8, MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE GS. M THE BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. . SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of adeed of frut executed by Octavius Wain- wrighf and wife, Alice Waihwright, j t i the. undersigned, recorded in book' 2t2. page 103, of the Edgccombei Public Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebted-j iie.-s therein secured, and the holders! of the indebtedness having requested that said dee dof trust be foreclosed,! I will, on Monday, November 20, ; I'izZ, at 12 M.t at the court house dooriri ' Tarboro, N. C, sel at public ; auction for cash, the following rlo-j scribed realty: ' j A . certain tract of .lanil situate in d Ko. 9 township, 6aid county and statej adjoining, thu lands of William Ann I'ittman on the south, H. W. Webbj .'.., lin?,otl F.rnost Wnbh on the' ii i.rt h mil I n' C. Fson on the westH Oeginuiug at a. slake in Pittmaii's corner in the Webb line, thence ulong Webb's line North 4 east 910 feet to a stake, corner of Ernest Webb' 'M MVN sjuaqj 'j!w pun 1825 feet to a stake in B. C. Eason's line, corner of Ernest Webb and wife, thence long B. C. Eason's line, 2-05 West 915 feet to a stake; Eas on's corner in the Pittman line; thence along the Pittman line south 83-22 E. 1800 feet to the beginning, containing 38 acres, and being a part of the land known as the Oppilina land; the same being the identical land conveyed to said Octavius Wain w right and Alice Wainwright, hit wife, by J. F, Eason and Mary Eason hiswife'by deed dated December 11 19J9, and duly recorded in the Edge combe Public Registry, in' book 219, acv Ttir Ortt irvtmi mrn i paste 487, to which deed reference rs nib. vaw m tiwvvwaw i. . G. A.LEGGETT District Agent V, JUSf UNLOADED T I 1 CAR NUMBER 1 tlMOTl ' . , HAY CAR NUMBER 1. MIXED HAY LIUH I 1 CAR FEED OATS IF INTERESTED, CALL- AND T '' ' CEr my: PRICtS"' i;R. B. PETERS :: : : Wholesale and Retail ; : : GROCER I Phone 35,21 lMMaSt. is hereby made for a more particular description of said premises. -This sale will be made subject to a dee dof trust executed by Octav lus Wainwricht and .' wife, Alice Winwright, rto Julian Prici, Trustee, for Jefferson Standard Life Insur anc'j Company, duly recorded in book t '18;, fago 205, of the aforesaid reg istry...' . .--. ( Jlbis .UJfttobttclTOth I?22., H, H. PHILLIPS, Trustee. 0 18 itwk4ks ,v: ! FOR SALE ioO BUSHELS SWEET POT A. v. .', TOES1 l- 'r ' v, 'ft i All Nice Selected, Porto Rican UWo? tt tr--Nol Slip i J . Full ' Measure - Guaranteed. , t No leas than 5 ' bu1etsvtb "cus-l tomer $1.00 per . bushel. y.iH;Crcecii -Pay up. your -subscrrption to Th Southerner.' ; COMFORT IN LATER YEARS -Comes as a Result of ... . YOUR BANK ACCOUNT Do yoil expect to liye in comfortwhen- you GROW OLD? r-tl; . ' ; .' f ' First National Bank TARBORO, N. C. 5? -.-; . .n:" GOLDEN WEED SELLING HIGH r -, :- . . i i . ;' - r v' ' f''''! ! .?.,;. On Oct. 27th we sold 27.000 pounds on OUR FLOOR, which averaged $35.00 Per Hundred LIST;OF A FEW SALES MADE FOR Vick & Phillips: 424 lbs. brounht $249.34 Ave. fiOc J. A. Roberson, 12X0 lbs. brought $715.34 Ave. 60c Baker & Jones: 642 lbs. brought 4405,55 Aye. 63c BRING US Y.OU NEXT LfAD- WE yiL.L MAKE IT. BRING Tl IE TOP-NOTCII 'DOLLAR FOR YOU Yours For Tlie Highest Prices '-v.." '" ';' .-''. ': '? : FARMERS' WAREHOUSE H. P. Foxhall fiaffilayjp PROPRIETORS TARBORO; ' N . C; ?-'" ,' ' ' -5 x't. ' A ' ' . ,;. '"' A . "J.'a ; 'i ' ':' ' V "-"'. '. ( '' ' ' '-j ':""-' ' '" i ' - , '".'' 1 Hudson, Good Gpqd'tiqn 1 Marmon, GoodCondition 1 1 Davis, Good Condition :' ' jr V- .. ' '-, PRICES RIGHT R. B. HYATT 1 1 J