I THE WEATHER LOCAL CCllVK 26 CENTS FAIR I VOL. 43 NO. 217 ASSOCIATED PRESS TARBORO, N. C THURSDAY, NOV. J), l',)22 ALL THE LOCAL NEWS . sou The County School SundaylCfif ADVANCES FOR um -. womuaies Convention Closed Wednesday 192? IS ANNOUNCED Live Up-To-Date Topics Have ,; Been ' Discussed, and . Those ; Who . Have Attendee the ; Sessions Have Been Greatly - Benefitted. Much Interest ., Has Been Aroused Through Out The County. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED The Entire County Has Been Organized for the Ensuing . Year.""" MISS HENRY'S OFFICE DAYS (Special Correspondence) The Pt'iimit Growers' Exchange, j Inc., has re-incorporated under the j Co-Operative Marketin Act of the j state of Virginia, The change was I ratified ut a called meting of the I stockholders held in Suffolk, Va., on I Wednesday, November lsdt. j The name has been changed to r ! Miss Deans Gives The Dates For the Home Demontration Program beginning Novem- HALL-MILLS CASE The Eection Returns . GOMES UP AGAIN Surprise Republicans (By The Associated Pre) New' 'Brunswick, Nov. !). Jnfor ber 8th, and Ending Novem-1 mation on which the state expect ber ISth. Home Demonstra tion and Poultry Clubs Will be Organized, in the County. To the public: tho Peanut Growers Association and Tht, lmH,tiMf;s tlis moIlth wi, a number of new conditions arise The session last night was the last of the Sunday School Associa tion that has been going on here for the last'fcw days in the Metho dist Church. If this association had lasted much longer tho church would not have held tho pjpple who wanted to hear the lectures' by Miss Mrgeo and' Dr. Simms.. The devotional services, were held last night by the Rev. Mr. Mack, of the Presbyterian church. The fuhject of Miss Mugec's ad dress was "The Call for a Trained Leadership in our Church Life." She spoke of the training that was, required in these days for the doctor, the Jawyer, and the farmer, For the benefit of f those ncoplfc ! in the organization by virtue of the complaining about the office hours f 1 n of the Supt. of Public Welfare, ij The fifty dollar admission fee has .' I kun ..l-min.it.irl Th.. , mni !.. wisn to state inat cm ccount ot : I I pays only thre dollars which will be ' Poultry clubs are open to both bov numerous duties laid down bv law of 1 . , , , . . ., . ' t .taken out of his peanuts at the end . Kj .h fl.om 12 to ,s Vl..lrJ ...Stan. this puWie officer, it is absolutely , of the M,ason. The member who has (lai,, b(I Poultry for" F.dgccombc impossible ior tne aupennieiHie.nto already paid his $f0. OU will receive have mire than one regular office a certificate of indebtedness, bear day. F.r the convenience of the j interest at G per cent until paid, farmers, the school teachers and the i A fund is provided to,- taking these public in general, I have decided that .wti denies up Rnfitfflnv U thA lir nW tar the Ron- ' sible. erintcndciit to remain-in the oflice n; . ; iL r,i aH,,.. protects tile Association against til I devote I to orgnization. There ai two kinds of clubs we want to make c-ounty-w!hY this year Home Dem onstration Clubs and Poultry Clubs. to obtain indictments for the three persons tor the murder of Rev. Kd ward Mall and Mrs. Mills, was to be laid hclore Supreme Court Justice Parker and Grand jury foreman, Bibb, l.y the attorney Mott today at. Somerville. i The n. an who, Mrs. Gibson an eye witness to the killing said, shot the couple, has been identified. " Si ' I pnnnnniin inniTrn m II I! II L inl U I III in -iflmmuraa nn u COTTON GROWERS The House Majority Will Be Slashed. The Senate Ma jority Cut in Half. Non partisan League Claims Vic tory in North Dakota. now functioning j A Senator,. 5 Congressmen and Several Members of the Legislature Democrats. Re publicans Lose for First Time in History of the State. TO BEGIN. A SERIES TMPC I J U'J OF MENS MEE An unique and nnst intort quickly as pos- Sometimes there is so much oflice work to be done, that it neces itates my being in the office for a few hours i n certain days, but 1 do not know from one week to the next just what time I can spend in the oflice. It is also impossible for me to remain in oflice each morning, because often I go to the country early so as to get through with work it one school or home, and go on t.i ounry" will be the motto for every club member. They will prove to you that standard-bred poultry pays. Besides the clubs for boys and ; series of meetings have been ar girls, wo want to interest the wo-1 ranged for men at the Ho-.vafd Mem The Co-Operative Marketing Act ' ,., ,v;.i, iv.,.i, ru,h .... "''''' I'i Csbyteran Church. begin- munity clubs. We need the coop (ration of every woman. If we cv ganize a club in your eoniiiiuiiitv. trv , ' damages-una ouu.un penal line ior . , , . . , . .. 1 to be pescnt at every metm, it' vou circulation of false and detrimental reports as the law provides civil mil as ior tne sunnily ocnooi teacn- am)lh,.,.. jt is also hnl.(I f,. me t crthe children of the average Sun-.,eave m,tici, my ,.xpet.ted return, for day school of today are wholly un- ,,,, un,okcd f(. happen some times delay my return. If peysons, desiring to see me on business, on any other day than Saturday, th"y will please make an appointment, or will take chance on catching me prote.-ted and these teachers, she paid, wo-ie men and women who are iif.a large majority of instnees, to tally unfit to teach. They are good people and mean well but they do -I.'.. .1...:.. l ' iui, wiww liicij lvulllr. -. s ' til ' town Miss Magee ktressed th-' fact that j GKORGIA HFNRY the church of today is calling loud; Slpt; ruhic Welfare, Kdgecon.b: anil strong f rotrained religious lead- c,)Untv ( ers anH the Church must answer! this call. At the close of her lecture, upon motion of Mr. S. S. Nash, a rising vote of thanks was jjiveii her to show the appreciation of the au dience for her splendid address. Dr. SirnV Lecture Tlie real subject of his address last night was "More Sunday Schools anil Better Sunday School He presented facts to show that I each offense. It also gives the Association the right of injunction against the grow er w'h-i breaches or threatens to breach his coutiact and to a decree of specific performance. This par ticular point was upheld in the re cent Totbacco suits in ounty courts. Further protection is afford ed by this la v in that under section No. 2" it specifically states as fol- lows: "Any person who knowingly in- . duces fi; y member or stockholder of an association or corporation or?an-j ized hereunder to breach his market- are not interested at first you will become interested if. you come to every meeting. Let's work together to make your club the "Best Club." Home Demonstration Program From November 8lh to 18th Wednesday, November S. Oakdalc school at 2:00 p. m., to organize a girls' club. .'! :0() p. m.: Organize a woman's club. 5 Thursday, Battlcboro. 2:00 p. m.: Organize boys' and girls' clubs. 3:00 p. m. ; Organize a woman's ctufr.'-i --:-.'-----t ning November 1 1. Mr. .) B. Spilman. of Charlotte. iiyruen, will t peak 1 uesday and Vcd:ic..iav 'nights on Stewardshin. Bev. Wade C. Smith, of 'Iree'i-- boro, N. C.. wil speak Thur.-d Friday nijhts. al-o on Fridav noon, on Service. These meetings will be for men only, but thev have been arran fop all the men of Tarboro, respect ive of denpminations. These meetings have no financial or evangelist ieal objectives, bat an effort to give a new vision of what is before the World from the stand point of Chri. tianity. The North Carolina Cotton Grow ers Asscoiation i ill every way. Members every .chore are delivering cotton without delay, with the exception of some few growers who are mortgaged up. The Association is at present trying to get mortgagees and landlords t:j re lease 'is much of the mortgaged cot ton, or as Manager Blalock calls it "distress cotton," as possible. In some parts of the state the Asso ciation has been able to handle mo.-t of the distress cotton. The growers vhemselves can be of great aid to tin- Association by go ing to1' the mortgagees and asking them t.i release such cotton belong-) ing to members of the Association, j The grower must not forget that the MICHIGAN SURPRISE (By The Associated Press) ., Wshington, Nov. 9. The Republi cans will continue to control -Congress but the Senate majority"-will-, be cut in half and the House' ma-' jority will he slashed to a handful. This appeared today from the net result of the election. Belated returns from Montana this morning sent the Republicans over the top in the House contest. .Many contests are so tight that num- i i counts will certainly be ask- success of the Association (leends largely upon the efforts of the gro v- v and l'r Ul4.;'n individual and as an organ-after-1 ';'c''' '""'y- o ingetting a mortgagee j to release cotoii that he holda mort gagee on is not only helping the As- sociatior as a body of growers, but more eoiin tne Association hum cs:,- w....i.: i... r.... i ... . j oi , .iso i M 4 i u o oeiweeo I oiiiiie?n,er, tne less expense there will be against ! cd .for. Western Results Stitl In Doubt San Francisco, Nov. 9. The late returns from the far western states show the results of the vote in sev eral offices still very doubtful. .; The chief interest today is in the it helping himself. Because the! ..t,,,.,.- ..,, f. ..., in th -tf-' SHADE TREES FOR BILLBOARDS I I The Southerner really thinks that ' the shade trees of the town are not billboards and should not be used for advertising purposes. There used to be a law against this practice and we do not know that this ordinance has ever been re- ! pealed. It is possible that this same' ordinance -applies with equal force to telephone and electric light poles. inn- -,-ymI M -tvii-W-" thi f mfr.pt t ( n ni ' Friday, Nov, 10 Busy Workers corporation shall be liable to the1 J, . and t l oss Road association or corporation for the ( full amount ' damages sustained by it by reason of such breach." The Gorwers office in Norfolk an- S-TIT11 tit Cross Roads 12 until I, to organ- I ia1 girls' and boys' clubs. CLOSE TOMOR each individual grower. Another thing the grower must do is to report those who violate their eontreiis. Understand these men signed a contract with yau as nien and it is up to you men and as loyal members of the Association report ,l.em. Because when you al low .these men who violate their con tracts to go without being question- Republican and Dill, Democrat. Dill was reported this morning as five thousand ahead of Poindexter. Non-Partisan League Claims Elec tion in S. D. Fargo, N. D.f Nov. ".With the supporters of Frazier recalled,mihe - lM MrttiPitTtisan"' ''League governor claims his election as senator1' by fifteen thousand majority in North Dakota. O'Connor, the Democratic I nounces that first advances will be ! Busy Workers p. m. -Girls and boys, 2 ! 2's, 2 l-2c: number 3's. 2c; X's, 1 :!-lc; Spanish, .'!c. Specifications fori grades are as follows. Ones must be over .'0 per cent hand picks. ' Twos . must be over -10 per cent handpicks, ' Threes must be over :i0 per cent hand picks. the country needed more Sunday Schools, because these schools pre-! ow about it chu,f Llnvis? Lo,)k " X's.under 30 per cent hand picks, vented crime. To illustrate this, he j jt' Up un(j Sl,p Special payments will be made for told What had been said to him by - . .- '.. Extra Standard Quality and lower a judge in Georgia. This jurist said but he went strong of a hearty co- .prjces for sab-standard. that in a certain prion house there ; operation and hsililustration of this"j All members are called upon to were, -D04 inmates, and .'.when asked principle was very striking. deliver their peanuts as quickkly as how many of these criminals had At the conclusion of his address posihle as it is the intention of the ever attended Son Jay. - School, the. Mr. Slaughter called for a rising SIt.s Department to begin selling im answer to this question was .start-ivt of thanks for both Dr. Sims medately in order to expedite get linff. Out of the 904 inmates, 809 and Miss Magee, which was heartily i 'ting in f unds with which to make a suid they had never been to Sunday ! 'and thankfully given by th?; audience second.. payment. '. Sales manager de School in their lives. He also stated' Mr. W. O.. Howard of the nomi-v pencfer states that on. the basis of that records show that very .few of ! nating committee suggested the their membership, taking into con the criminals' of our land have ever j names of the following offtcers for 8i,ieration the crop; shortage, that attended Sunday Schools. From the ensuing year: r the greatest need of the organization the'se''figures he argued thiit the President, 8.. B. Peters, Jr.; vice-1 js fOI, peanuts' to supply their trade. Sunday School prevents crime. president, fa. b. Nash; vice-president. a statement to the press, he) He . also made the statement that ' W. O. Howard, vice-president, R. E. , states that on account of the very the Sunday Schools builded churches Sentelle; secretary and treasurer, E. faVorabJe conditions which the grow and made this very clear. He also V, Harris;-Supt. Children's Division,, ers association is now operating un said ihat out of every do'lar spent Miss Em. Austin; township prcsi-. der."tha't' the' 'members are presented by the different churches, only ten J dents: No. 1., R. B. Josep; No. 2, with a real opportunity, to recover per cent of this amount went into; L. P. Spencer; No. 3, B. F. Shelton, tne losses of last year. A. call is the ' Sunday : . School! yet this small j No. 4, Ben Batts, No. 5, Vinton being sent out to outside growe-s, per cent made a dividend return of j r ountain ; Mo, b, u. 1. r-ittman , xo. urging them to either join thj) Asset- Busy Workers Womn, ::00 p. m. County Council meets Saturday, I November 1 1 from 1 ( to I 2 in office of Home Demonstration Agent... We v.ant the County Council to j be the executive body of women for the county. We hope to make the work suit each rural community by working it through the County -( Council. Let us insist for everyone I that possibly can to be present. j Monday, Nov. . Office Day. i Would be glad for everyone that has j business in the Home Demonstration Oflice to call phone number 517, or make their visit on that day. -j Conetoe Girls' lull Tuesday, Nov. , 14, at 2 p. m. ; Women,' 3:30 p. m. J Pinetops, Wednesday, Nov. 15 Girls, 2 p. m.; Women, 3:30 p. m. Macclesfield, Thursday, Nov. 1 fi Girls, 2 p. m. Women, 3:30 p. m. Friday,. Nov. 17. Powells School 12 M. Dixie Girls, 2 p. m.;; Women 3:30 p. m. Saturday, Tarboro, Oflice Day. ed you not .only weaken the morale , ' of the Association in your coniniun- Reliziiig the value of a good foot-M'V, hut the expense is heavier on ball game as a drawing card ami ' your cotton which is in the Asso udvertisemcnt to a town, we, the , ciation. In other words the Asso- undc opponent, had a lead of seven thous and thi s morning. O'Connor's lead has been cut from fifteen thousand. Democratic C jeeess in Michigan The Democratic successes in the signed merchants. wish to ciation is ju.-t an organized body of Michigan election appear more pro'- show our cooperation with the back-1 cotton growers and t lis A ssoeiat ion , , tl n t-, . , today on the belated returns .ers of the University-Site College i just what yu members make it. j These returns show in addition-to Freshmen game to be played here j The Association has at present thl. (.cl-tion of a U. S. Senator and Friday, November 10th, 1 1122, by dose to a hundred th.-u-and halesj.,- Congressman, five members of the"'".' .closing our places of business from j i" warehouses Over the state. M r. Legislature. The Democratic party the hours of 2:30 p. in. to .', :00 p. m. ', Bing, who is secretary -of the Asso- h.lf. Kai, groun.l in-man v contests.. musica will be furnished by the re cently orgnized University Orches tra. Those who have heard this or- j-che-tra say that they rank with the t best. Those who like good music! will be pleased with the work of this I orchestra. The dance will begin at nine o'clock and will be held at Ruf- to enable our forces to see the game R. B. Peters, Grocer. Peters Cash Store. 0. O. Boyldn. Bell's Sons Farmers Bank & Trust Company K. V. 7oeller & Co. First National Bank. Benjamin & Co. M. Heilbronier. Sledge Motor Co. McCrary Stores Corp. The Thomas Co. V. S. Royster Myrc. Co. Edgecombe Drug Co. W. S. Clark & Sons. Foxhall & Ruftin. A. & P. Tea Co. Austin Hardware Co. J. C. Ruftin & Co. , ca.on. srauMi to me tnat some daysj In n)nliy instances the party has jthe Association had pai.l out nearly j ,.(:l.t(., ,.(iuty officers for the first (two hundred thousand dollars as ad- tilm. in the history of the state, jvances on cotton received. Democrat. Sweep Missouri I Most of the members surely real- fj,, , huK. Xov. :). The Demo- ize the force is in and night. straining position our office (.r.lts r Missouri have scored a Thev are working day s ,.! vi...ri- .1tinv in '..1. Mr. Mason, who is the',;,,,, TA s,,t.. M ..U. nf th. - oflice manager, told me tnat he was , siNU,en eongressmen, a gain of nine,', keeping the whole force til! ten-!state School - Superintendent, all thirty at night. If those of you whotll,.,e vdge!1 of ' the ,Sute Supreme have delivered cotton to Hie A-n- ruiti ,.,.!,.,, f th(, sixU.t,n .sena Ciation do not hear from it as 'soon! tors an,j large majority of the as you would like, just ; bo patient r0 iiislators. it :. i '".. i. -i j . ) - ""' 'or a .vnue. lor- QlUhnm., SnJ. 7 n.rr.. you will be taken care of as quick as possible. Mr. Brown, manager of the cot ton department, stated that the grad- ; Congress Oklahoma City, Okla., Nov, 0, Oklahoma will send seven Democrats and one Republican to Congress as FRENCH ARE SEEKING ... f. i ers were working just as long ns( indicated in .-nearly all of the com--there is light every day. The grad-1 ni.,. r-,.,.n : i , - ----- .j Democrats wrested four congres- ing ro mi is fixed in such a way that BUSINESS IN MOSCOW the light wiil be nearly the same ! onaX stats frnm : the , Republicans 90 per cent to the church. Out of ; 7, R. ( Lowe; No. 8, C K. Ed- ciation or to hold their peanuts un-, fin's warehouse. every-. 100. souls saved, 85 per cent is from the Sunday school, and out of every 100 workers in the church 90 per cent of them came from the Sunday School. Out of every 100 1 missionaries to the foreign fields, 90 wards. No. 9, J. T. Winstead; No. til the Association can make its firt I The chnperones for this dance are 10, J. D. Lancster; No. 11, Dr. B. statement as to the yield being re-! as follow: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hoi W. Brown; No. 12, J. II. Scattergood ; reived from its sales, which will be No. 13, T. F. Cherry; No. 14, N. B. within sixty days. Strickland. ' ' , ,' . ' .' . These were " unanimously elected, per cent come from the Sunday! The new president, Mr. R. B. schools, nd out of every 100 preach-1 Peters, r., was called upon and he ers of the Gospel, 95 per cent of j pledged his support to the Sunday j these come from the Sunday schools. j School work in the county and told; He also spoke of the creat work i his audience that he would do his DANCE T EE thnt had been done in other states by the30 Sunday School associations and urged those present to get busy and put " this great work over in Edgecombe county. He strongly ad vised against Union of the churches, full duty, b'ut he must have the co operation of all the officers and the .churches in Edgecombe to make the work a success. Dr. Sims and Miss Magee left on the 90 o'clock train. FOOTBALL TEA! US rierness, Mr, and Mrs. W. Stamps Howard, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Phil lips, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pike, Mr, and Mrs. T. P. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. (By The Associated Press) i Kive every one fair grades. Moscow. Oct. !. More repi'ese-i-j At present the graders are a little tatives of French commercial houses behind with their work, but hope to "have been visiting Russia this fal catch up in a few days, than at any time since the war.; The strain on. our ofiice and grad Some have come to negotiate with inT force does not mean that we the government for concessions of . ""'ant the members to slow up with various kinds, while others are here the delivery of cotton. Let the cot- all day. This was done in order to j aml r04iei.te(, three of their own . Congressmen. -r- m f a mm mm m -' ''.-hba,'I I U HAS ItLL ALLILS to buy or sell goods. i ton corner that's what we have Vfe- All arrangements for the dance to be given Friday night to the two teams hve been made and those who attend may expect one of the best dances in this section this yer. The The first concession to be ' .grantr Prod for, so the more the better. Henry Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. e a French company under the So-, Remember, you who are members Nash, Mr. and Mrs. . S. N, Clark, lviet regime was that of the ' .munic-.j of the Association, "Let the cotton ipalitv of Moscow, by which deal a come. dot as much distress cot- group of capitalists from Paris, are ton in the Association as possible, given a 49 year lease upon certain i and insist that members who have city blocks. The buildings are ' to-j delivered cotton to the Association be improved by the French and sub-I be patient they will hear from it leased for business purposes, or assoon. living quarters, the company paving I THOS. M. AMMONS. the city government each year a cer- Field Representative for N. C. nr- M Tn r::ii:.,m ',if .ill. aim ..ii. uii will,.,,,,, ... i . aiii. Mrs. H. P. Foxhall, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Leggett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, C. Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Bond, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ward, Mr. and Mrs.' R. B. Peters, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fender, Jr. , DELAY US AMD WW tain percentage of its income. Cotton Growers Association. (By The Associated Press) ' ' Paris, Nov. 9, Ismet Pasha, the Turkish Nationalist Foreign Minis ter, has informed the Allies that any delay in holding the Lusan'ne Con-: ferene?, would be interpreted by tho , Angora Assembly and the Kemalist army as a sign of hostilities against the Turks and an indication that the Allies did not intend tct...liv Up to the conditions of the Mudaiiia Armistice,