RNEM Y jOUTH fn TT TT TT Local com.. THE WEATHER 25 3-4 CENTS FAIR D All ASSOCIATED PRESS TARBORO, N. C THURSDAY, NOV. 1G, 1922. ALL THE LOCAL NEWS Dynamite Thowers Again at Rocky Mt. OND MEETING Irhehome of W. B. Jones Dy namited Tuesday Night. ' A Big Hole Blown Through The Floor of the Room In Which He Slept. No Ser ious Damae Done. NO CLUE AS YET HAS BEEN FOUND WIGGINS A REACHED GOAL tit Officials Will Take Ac tion To Run Down Te Guilty Parties. (Rocky Mount Telegram) The Pavement Debt of the Primitive Baptist Church Has Been Paid In , Full Through The Personal f LAY SERVICES Mr. Spillman's Remarkable Address. Gives Some Weighty Facts About The Tithing System. Rev. Wade C. Smith Will Speak To night. ' WHITAKERS STORE WIR. JESSE Bill wi BROKEN TO ROBBED T ma LOCATES AUTO On Saturday night of Fair week, the Ford car belonging to Mr. -Jesse I Brown who lives near Turboro was The Store of R. A. Bailey and stolen. Company Burglarized andj On the following Monday this cur Three Hundred Dollars was located in front of the Rick AMERICAN LEGION'S ANNUAL MEETING Worth of Goods Taken A way. , M The second meeting of the series being held by the Men's Club of the Howard Memorial Presbyterian j SOME GOODS RECOVERED rhnrih whs held last nieht in the I ; Sunday 'School building of that Entrance Through The Front, sent word to the police authorities Hotel in Rocky Mount, where it had stood since the Saturday night before. - This" car remained there so Ions that the manager of the Ricks Hotel Work of Mr. J. W. Wiggins. church. Mr. Spillman made a re markable address, bringing but some weighty facts, unknown to most of Door On The Main Street. Greensboro, N. C. Mr. Smith is a passed by the store ot ll. A. wauey tanoque man and a unique preacher. & Co., and noticed that the front as undoubtedly due to a dynamite for the pavement assessment for thei omb being placed or hurled under Primitive Baptist Church. ." . r. .11 . , 1 1.1I 1 1 n...l.. IB home of U. I. Taylor, ;iu .ooutn j ies, me last ounr , ttp ,l,q,1(..llH h5ms,.,f tw . telegraph ' door was open t'ashington street, blew the floor and we think he stated that he nau om a room in which W. B. Jones five cents to the good. to inquire to whom this car belong ed. It was identified as the car that Tuesday night about midnight the was stolen here during Fair week. us, about the tithing system of giv-! store of R. A. Bailey & Co., of Wh.t-i Mr. urown secureu auu car .. inn- to the Lord Inkers was broken into nad about' says that it has not been damaged cLt'us here urge all the men in ' three hundred dollars worth of goods nt all. mis seems to ue a cae 01 to come tonight to hear and merchandise were taken there- stealing for a ride. i I T?.,v Wnfli- C. Smith, nastor of the Irom. An explosion, which police declare dcd ln paying off the last dollar; rhllri.h.hv.tn,.Side.0.tnc0loaa, f,f! About midnight the policeman Forty Or More Mombers Of The American Legion Gath ered Last Night In The Ki wanis Hall For Their An nual Meeting Of T is Post. M A JOLLY GOOD TIME THEY HAD Officers For the Ensuing Year Were Elected. Forrest Sledge President; Lyn Bond Adjutant. Last night at :30 o'clock forty members of the American Ley-ion, E EAR-THOUE SHOCKS FELT TODAY (By The Aociatcd Pre) Santiago, Nov. 10. 'Strong earth quake shocks were felt today in Lnserenc and Copiupo districts, where great loss of life was suf fered. Slight tremors were felt at San tiago. Decomposing bodies are still in the ruins, constituting a serious' menace to public health and the in- When Mr. J. W, Wiggins came into the office of the Southerner mis mui iima mb - t Tarboro on his face for ho had at last suc- MERCHANTS OF TARBORO. including a few visitors, sat down j jurc(j are lying in the open air of to an elegant turkey supper, sorv-, th(. vineyards and packed in poorly j ed by this Post. I Just before the dinner and after I the dinner, the .meeting was thrown ventilated theatres. Authorities are trying to ascertain definitely the number of casualties, HOW ABOUT IT? Will! l'vl;''-,'bo'ly was tol(1 j the extent of the damage, and the ust a fraction, but The Southerner would suggest to office and "made 'an excellent job of, he stated that he suspected nothing; the merchants ot tarboro to have.) 1 . . . , ' . . -...I ....II it I to enjoy themselves, and this thing they proceeded to do to the Queen's Taste. persons needing assistance. it. Onlv in recent years has he been to be wrong as ho simply closed the , sometime soon a day, and as sleeping, hurled his from the bed This church is greatly, indebted to .... . ... ,,,,, . hllH dt.J do01. and went on down the street. "The Farmer's Trade Day," when lattered windows in the house, and Mr. Wiggins for the splendid work vcIoped into one of the best plat-1 Very often the store doors in the and where they can offer to their ittled structures over a large area he haB done for thcm .nnd he l'c If the city shortly before eleven o'- quested the Southerner to publicly ock Tuesday night. Both Messrs. thank cV. who had so kindly assist- . .'- - . .... A - I ll...!- aylor and Jones, ure employes of cd linn by their sympathy anu men e Atlantic Coast Line railroad in . dollars. is Emerson shops at South Rocky terian church. Few preachers enter the ministry as did Mr. Smith. While still an ; elder in the Presbyterian church ill. For nearly a year Mr. Wiggins . p,.k. Ri,Hlinfl. Va.. he was ount. .The house belonged to L. . has been working on these ..0,,OCr -canodt B8 a layman, to take of the 'ties were surprised when they Bates. According-to inmates of the struc- re, some one, was heard to leave e- side of the house in apparent stc a few minutes before the ex- osion occurred. Immediately af- r the blast one of the inmates fired revolver out of the window in of r to rttract attention and let per ns brought out by the explosion ow exactly' where the blast took ce. . ' The explosive was placed or hurl directly beneath the room in tions and everybody will rejoice with him to know that he has nt last i !...l..-t..,1...... mifl .tlwi I Church property is now free. . While this , has been a hard job, yet Mr. Wiggins feels amply repaid for it has been to him a . labor of love and sympathy, and today he j j is just as happy as the membership of the church. The membership of the Primitive Baptist church is most grateful to Mr. Wiggins and the people of the entire county for what they 'have form men in the Southern Presby-! town arc accidentally loft open. customers and patrons .throughout, The r.ext morning one of the man-! the county and elsewhere, a day agcrs of the store had been loft ( when these farnierj can corny to Tar open and thought that one of theboro and do their Christinas shop clerks had; failed to closo the door ping. , tight, when he went, and so all par- Tarboro has a .splendid reputation made 'as n place where Christinas toys can be bought cheap and in great vari ety an I they should not allow that, well earned reputation to be loit. The Trade will soon begin te pick up and the people are ;foing tc buy somewhere, and wyh not (rev. the folks to come to Tarboro to do their duties of the pastorate in the church un investigation, to discover trt all which he now serves. Though he' is! the while the night before while the Mch MiliIonea.vafi. sleeping. Ldone. for. tbeW.-fhUJKh-a'-tn.M'ail- ction of the floor was smashed and lintcred, and a large hole blown the ground beneath the building. cces of steel or missives conUin- in the bomb came through the lor and imbedded themselves in e mattress upon which Mr. Jones s sleeping, it is said by the police. hile no one was injured by the Lst, those who have investigated te that the fact that the flying ssives imbedded themselves in the kttrcsa probably saved Mr. Jones that has been cast upon the waters will some day return ten and yea, a hundred fold. Mr. WigginR, the Southerner con gratulates you for your splendid ser vices and feels that the entire mem bership of the church feel that they can never repay you. Mr. Wiggins makes the following as his hist report: The total amount $1415.55, in cluding, interest to date has been paid, the following donntionshaVr ing been made since the last report by Mr. Wiggins bin injury. lTiru:in nAll.iA nffi.iala ninrlo n thnr- 1111c ' ..... Kb. investigation, they indicated Rev. M. B. Williford . s afternoon that no clue to the , E. O. toker metratora of the explosion had W. R. Reason, r Pinetops len discovered. City officials, how ler, stated cmphutically that Tig- jus action would be taken to run . 5.00 .5.00 . 5.00 . 1.00 .4.50 wn the guilty party and that every W. L. Gay --- Id h taken to ward Mrs. Lucy Lcggett, Enfiold ... I. JO liinst a" recurrence of any such J. B. Brown . Ecv. B. E. Brown -----Mrs. J. T, BrasweU ------ ... ... . 1 . .1 air. It was lnuiynieu iu Lrd of aldermen would post a rc- rd for discovery of the guilty par- Mi's. J. L, Speight, Greenville 1.00 R. B. Proctor r-0 ,Mrs. Lula Hurst Overton and Mrs. J. T. Braswcll have turned in the or parties and that the county ( following amounts: W. M. Green, Robersonville. W. Ellis Roebuck W. A. Everett - . P, Roebuck ...'.'.------r 1.00 .50 .50 .50 uld be roqucsted to take., similar Lion.' While a similar enort was de to . wreck the homo of Rob Breedlove in the' Williford paction Lut two weeks ago, that affair hap- ted ouiaido 9ie;, city ;MijJf.. nd sequcntly 'did not 'so avousctlie j officials or call for such vigor- ction on their part. bfficiale"? link Tucda night's: J. , L. Whitfield 1-00 n?wttt. Hhir Series Sf explo- J. L. Roberson 1.00 Sudie House 1-00 Anni White - .-J. 50 H. L. Everett, . -t 100 Mrs. J. H. Everett ----- LOO H; B. Roebuck - 1-00 now a preacher of two years' expel-1 ience, he is still able to see the work of Christ's kingdom from the lay man's point of view. ' His mind is one of the most fertile in our Soutli- and, and thoso who hear him to night will be. both enlightened and entertained. Last night Mr. Spillman told us that our religion is entirely too un practical. We look to it to help us in the after-life, but it is not much ftrsir to uk'Tei'61fl"6TrF"daIIyvlIvesaria occupations. , , Three temptations beset every man, the temptation of lusts, the temptation of praise from others, and the temptation of self-approval. Most men in. the church today have conquered to some extent the first two; but the last one is with us at all times. It is covetousness, which is idolatry. It comes when we match (ur wits against the wits of others and accumulate materia' things. Then we estimate ourselves according to the amount accumulat ed by ourselves compared to the a mount accumulated by others. But God has provided a plan in His Book to overcome covetousness the tithe. Mr. Spillman stated that he had tried it for 20 years himself, and is satisfied with the re sults. The first thing we think about when starting any enterprise busi- ,:'.'" ' I ness, firm, marnedi lite, etc., iSj the state of finances we are in. Can we map out a financial plan? Don't you think that God would provide a financial plan for the work of Hi's Kingdom? He has. And the rea son we haven't fulfilled the Great 'Commission is that we haven't fol lowed God's- plana in financing 'the work. God has ordered the tithe. store door was open a burglar was secreted in the. store, and after everyone had left he did his work. The amount of goods that was missed from the store would ap- ... . . . I ...i: 4. r.. r-l.-l:.i... proximate something like three nun-u..iuiil; i.ui. mj . i. ,ui mm..,.-, uu. died dollars and this consisted of , also for the next year, shoes, clothing and other stuff. I Now is a good time to prt into Later on in the day some of, thehe game piny it for thebene ,iH of stolen goods were found in Rocky! the buyers as well as for the tellers. Mount, but as yet no one has been j Merchants of Tarboro, how toout captured, nor . has any lue bec ,- ' . , 1, cateT'asTtowKflT tneTtuflt-'pVtles J . - r'-... DR. J. M. BAKER INSTALLING A RADIO PHONE OUTFIT Mr. W. L. Bell is installing in the residence of Dr. J. M. Baker on Main street a Radio phone outfit and And there is a blessing attached to each one of His commands .. Have we this blessing? The tld Jews said "It is Vpin to , Dr. Bakers says he will .soon be able serve God; and what profit is it that to entertain his friends with jjva- we have kept His ordinance. Mai- ned program. 1 ahci 3:14. Men are asking that) The receiving wire is stretched , question today, and we must have from the top of his residence to a; an answer for them. We must be small house in his back yard. ..." I . .. .' . ..... I able to say that we have trieu -uoq, 1 The Receiver will be placed in his. that we have trusted Him and tounil 1 office on the front of his home. Him faithful in His promise -'Wring ye all th& tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove nie now herewith, said the Lard of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." God is always true to His promises, and He will be true here. Men offer three excuses, not rea son's, whyTthcy do not tithe as God h:is commanded them to do. 1. That it is an old Jewish ordi nance,. But Abraham and fl-!"V tithed before the Jews were a na4 tion. and Jesus spoke of it, com mending, its use amongst the Phar lsees. There were songs and all sorts of stunts and speeches, whenever a fellow was lucky enough to get in a word, yet evcryon said what he wanted to say and had just as long as he wanted to say it in. The soloist of the evening was Ned Ellis, whose songs were loudly applauded. After the real fun and merriment of the evening was over, Dr. W. W. Green, Commander of the Post, call ed the meeting to order and request ed Adjutant Don .Walton to read the minutes of the lust meeting, which were approved. After this, Commander Green stated Unit it was in order for no in suing yeur. G. I. Hightower plac imitions for the officers for the en eil in nomination Forrest Sledge and II. C. Bourne placed in nomination the name of Don Walston for Post Commander;. Forrest Sledge having received1 the highest number of votes, that stood 12 for Walston and 15 for Sledge, Commander Green declared 'Sledge as the Commander for the , next year. I Ernest Taylor was nominated by acclamation for vice commander and Lyn Bond was nominated also by acclamation for adjutant. The following were elected as members of the Executive Commit-! I tec: S. D. Thorne, II. D. Spiers, Paul, I E. Warren, H. C. Bourne and Frank 1 Arens. . MISS GUSS1E HARRELL ENTERTAINS THE D. A. R. Miles Harvey Chapter, D. A. R., was entertained 011 Tuesday, Novem ber 14th; -by. Miss Cutsie. Harrell. Mrs. L. W. Shook was most cor dially wi-lcoiued as a new member. The usual business routine took place and it was decided to send a box of clothing to Crossmore School in the mountain;-! of North Carolina. The Treasurer reported a contri bution to the State Treasurer for Americanization work 011 Kills Is land. It was decided to put on a concert and vaudeville by local talent after the picture show on Friday even ing, November 24th, for patriotic education. . Mrs. Dr. Gyles road n most in structive and entertaining paper on "The Barriers to the Expansion of the United StatesJ' and xhibtod a colored map, illustrating the dif ferent settlements before the War of the Revolution. : , Lis that have occurred here dur- ths' past several ' months, Most these occurred at the Emerson bps or at the Coast Line's pumping tion on tar-rivet. The first at- tipt to bomb the. home ot a rail ld shop employe occurred about weeks . ago when an explosion lecked the porch of. Robert Brced- e's home. There was a lull in th bombing activities until they Lke out afresh Tuesday night in entirely different afcetion of the kr and with "results that came much srer being serious m' their con- 11 e rices. " J. L. Purvis -- R. A. Bailey 100 Mrs Ella Gurganus 1------- 1.00 Mrs. Bettie' E. Smith -- 1-00 Mrs. Mary Ed Roberson ..... 1.00 Mrs. Lucy Nobles, Greenville. 1.00 Mrs. Many Whitehead, Stokes 1.D0 C. C. Dawson, Conetoe 5.00 Mrs. Sarah J. Redmond. Ry. Mt.10.00 Miss Mag Johnson .... 6.00 Rawls Howard 10.00 Miss Lucy Sugg, Pinetop .... 6.00 A. T. Walston ... 10.00 W. L. Stallings ... . -1.00 S. J. Proctor --- 1-00 J. H. Edwards -- 100 Mrs. D. A. Outtcrbridgc. R'villc 'l.OO: Mrs. Lydia Parker, R'villo ... 1.00 Mrs. Creecy Barnhill, R'ville. , 1.00 Almon Hart- .:. . ----- 1.00 N. B. Dawson, Jr. .. .- 5.00 Jesse Jenkins .... . .25 George Howard 25. 00 Jno. E. Cobb ......... 5.00 Marrow-Pitt Hardware Co. .. 5.00 Mrs. Sesan Crisp -i. 2.00 C. H. Froctor 3.00 Mrs. Jacksie Daniels Morrison. 25.00 Mrs. Lucy Havens - .... 5.00 Capt. C. W. Jeffreys 6.15 of $20.000g"i'ive"$T9c" a year to the! After all the officers for the en Lord. One country church had a - year had been elected, Com voliinnn i-mtinf nn ni-irl ftn-.li!ilf mandor GiTcii then turned over tin cents a day. This is too much for j meeting to Commander Sledge. Hej some men's religion, but it should j Promised to do all in his power f 'if , not be for ours. the success of the Legion for the. A Jew gave to the Lord his first coming year and called upon all pies born son, first born cattle, first fruits; cut to give him their full support, of the field, one tithe for the tem ple, a second tithe for travelling ex penses to Jerusalem, a third tithe every three years for the poor. His religion cost him from 25 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent of his income. In the Southern Presbyterian Church, 05,879 members gave $2, 120,649. Any business man would buy up their incomes for 50 million dollars and have a bargain. Another reason why men don t We don't belicye 2. Thnt we are notunuer the law, ,r l.nt under, Grace. Does being under tithe is Unbelief. Grace n-ean We can steal and lie and) God's "luises. .Tl.0vc me now murder? There are only two ways! herewith, said the Lord of Hosts.' of getting .rid of a law-the repeal THE SERVICE STATION OF CIV- IL1ZATION Outside of those who deal in food, clothing and shelter, no other bus iness might be so aptly termed "The Service Station of Civilization." The variety of materials is almost innumerable. Because a drug store must cairy such a tremendous range of things in order to serve and pro tect the health of its community, and to afford its patrons every con venience, it, is impossible to carry a large .stock, of any one article. The. amount-.of profit on any one sale is very small. The druggist if he continues to remain this conven ient "Service Station of Civilization' must depend on many small sales of an infinitive variety of household supplies, medicines, toilet articles and other things. v The utility of these "Service Sta tions of ivilization" would be realis ed more if they should cease to exist which they promised to do. onimander Sledge' announced to the Legion that the Womans Auxil iary of theC American Legion-' were giving splendid support to the Hos pital at Oteen, and would in a few davs send off -a box on Thanksgiving . , ., , - man tney are now appreciateu as a is hospital. 1 1 reality. 183.90 Amount previously collected and . reported .-v $1261.65 Total amount in full .....$14.45.65 and .the fulfillment. Nothing ap pears in the New Testament which repeals the tithing law, and we still have noed for it, so we haven't got ten rid of it yet. 3, Too much trouble is another excuse. The Lord makes a definite clearcut promise in connection with the tithe, and is it too much trouble to work for that blessing? Th Af rican negroes tithe onions and po tatoesThe Koreans tithe a. wage of $5.00 month. Is there any rea son why an American should tithe? But the real reason is covetous ness. Men are saying "It is too much." On man with an income Do you believe that if you tithe God will pour out a blessing that you 1 have never had before? Prove Him. A man once said "90) per cent, plus God, is worth much more than 100 per cent without . Him." Mr. Spillman told the very inter esting story of his tithing exper iences for 26 years. He said "This is a practical religion. You can't get far until you take the Lord into your business. Make it a seven day religion. Be able to say 'I've taken the Lord snd tried Him.' Take Him.' into partnership with you and He will always watch oveyou and Day tor the soldiers at this hosp He appealed to all present to give what they could for this box and a nice collection was presented to com mander SIdgc for this Thanksgiving Box. J. P, Mallett was appointed by the commander to solicit donations for soldiers at Oteen and give same to the Woman's Auxiliary. Lynn Bond called the Legion's attention to the fact that there woud be on soon in the county a Red Cross drive ar.d asked all present to give this drive their support. Several of the members present responded, to this appeal and joined the Red Cross. Thus closed the meeting and all went home feeling that theye had accomplished much, and fully deter mined to make the1 next year the best in the history of this Post.' On the roll of the Post are about one hundred members and it is the Your druggist is more than merchant. vour business. Give Him His share intention of the present organise 1 and call the tenth Holy to the Lord." j " finn tn mnvff t.hxn donhln thin num. her by the ctime the next annual meeting rolls around. Every true American has in his heart a warm spot for the members of the tLgion, and this organization is entitled to all that any citizen ship can give them. The l'eoplc of Edgecombe have al ways stood by the Old Confederate Soldier in a way that any county should be proud of and the South erner calls upon our people to be as true and as loya to the American Legion, and we know they will. Hats off to the American Legion of Edgecombe county and the state. Boys, you have a warm spot ia our hearts, and whenevr the South-, erner can be of any Mervico to you and the officers, you only have to give the word and your commands' will be instantly obeyed, , i 1

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