i 1 1 J. LEVY I Have it Printed at Home DO you realize that 90 per cent of the printed matter used hy the various Business Houses of Tarboro is sent out of town? The fcco printing establishments here are ice equipped ami can han dle almost any job needed in your office. u A L I T Y Your Order, srbeu left vM us, will receive Careful Attention. All work must SATISFY our Custo mers or no charge will be made. Our Automatic Presses, Punching, Perforating, Numbering, . an l. B in ding Machinery arc of the Latest Models. GIVE Us YOUR Order, OUR PRICES arc RIGHT HILL PRINTING CO. IV. St. James St. NorJleetBuilding More Than a Gift ! . THE graceful compliment implied when flowers j . ... ...,;i, in nv(-rv woman's heart 5 are sent, iinus 4un.1v ... jU who sends flowers this Christmas can be sure that among all "her" gifts, flowers will be the most cherished, for they are the most ..expressive as tok ens of love or esteem. ' A greater profusion than florists for your Christmas Flowers may be sent to any address anywhere in the United States or Canada and delivered fresh and , fragrant a few hours after the or- " der is placed with your local florist. fSay It With Flowers,, GREEGH THE FLORIST MEMBER OF F. T. D. ASSOCIATION , PKo.e. 7S and 410 - Tarboro, N. C. Special For Xmas A Guaranteed Cloth craft Blue Serge Suit of the highest quality for $27.00 NONE BETTER Packard and Peters Shoes S E R V I c E ever awaits you at your message, "TRUSTEE'S. SiAL'E' OR LAND Under and by virtue o fthe power of sale contained In a deed of trust executed by J. W. Vincent and R. rS Meadors on tho 14th day of May, 1920, same being legistered in book 225, at page 341, Edgecombe Coun ty registry, default having occurred in tho payment of tho indebtedness therein secured and demand for fore closure having been made by the ,.!'? indebtedness, the an- j . "... w .. u ill on Monday, tho 8th day of January. 1923, at the hour of noon, before the court house door in tho towfl of Tarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the coun ty of Edgecombe, State of North Carolina, in the town of Tarboro, be Ing lot No. 9 on plat of land former ly owned by Dan W. and B. F. Tay lor, flat of which is recorded in map boo! 1, at page 145, Edgecombe coun ly registry; conveyed to J. W. Vjncent and R. R. Meador by . This 7th day of December, 1922. H. P., FOXHALL, Trustee. Donnell Gilliam, Attorney. dlO 4w Application for Commutation of Sentence of Eugene Gupton and Sidney Gupton Application wil lbe made to the Governor of North Carolina for the commutation of the sentence impos ed upon, Eugene Gupton and Sidney Gupton, convicted at the Octobei term, 1922, of the Superior Court oi Edgecombe County for tho crime of murder and sentenced to be elec trocuted. All persons who oppose the grant irg of such commutation of sen tence are invited to forward their protests to the governor without de lay. This 7th day of December, 1922 GEORGE M. FOUNTAIN, DON" NELL GILLIAM, Attorneys' Co n iii and see the hundreds of samp'es of quality printing we have made- during our two month's buine-i r-reer. Hill Printing Co. ' " " LAND SALE Ij 'iUr and by virtue of a niort gfi;rS 1! cd executed by F. W. Battle a: d vi:'.', Cherry Battle, to the un iiersi;vnci!, ucorded in book 183 page UKC, of the Edgecombe Pub lic re;;;,'.y, default having been imi'i; i;i ;!;e -payment thereof, I wil on Saturday, January mn, iv&- 12 at the court house dooi in Tarboro, sell at puouc auction 101 cash, the following, described real estate: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Edgecombe' coun ty, state aforesaid, i No. One town ship, and described and defined a; follows, to wit: A cer'ain tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Princcville, Edgecombe county, North Carolina: containing about one acre and de-i scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake on the main road being just 1G9 poles from the corner of Aus tin's hind measured by said road thence running along said road north 14 west nine poles to another stake. thence running north 76 east 18 poles to a stake; thence running south 14 east 9 poles to a stake and thonce running south 70 west 18 poles to the beginning, for a more particular description reference is civen to deed to Frank W. Battle and wife, by Ralph Staton and his wife, Margaret Staton, recorded in book 89, page 121, Edgecombe Reg istry. This December 12, 1922. HAYWOOD HARGROVE, , . - Mortgagee. W. O. Howard, attorney, d 10 4w NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au bority contained in a deed of trust executed to me by Arnold Edwards, on December loth, 1921, reeorde I in book 237, page 46 of the Edge combe registry, the notes secured thereby being past due and default having been made in the payment of the same and the holder thereof requesting a foreclosure, I will, at the court house door in Tarboro, on Monday, the 22nd day of Janu ary, 1923, at 11 o'clock a. m., of THE SOUTHERNER, THURSDAY, 11 imianiMii mi iiiii 111 111 'i 1111 iii'ii ininmii II in MX y - ' I NEWS "A. Cosmopolitan ?$f Productions Q3M MfiSb t'l ; i presents S $ I. 0;' J-jQl ' V & (paramount Qiclure tion for cash to the highest bidder the following described tract of 'and situate in Kdgecombe county, i-tate jf North Carolina: Located in No. 13 township, end Hpjoinine: the lands of Robert Lan caster on north, public road on west on east by Dr. Mercer's land, and on ;outh by Dr. Mercer's and Frank Proctor's lands; beginning at Mill , t, ,...', Branch canal at Frank Proctor s line; thence to the Robert Lancaster !ine; thence to the Dr. Mercer line; herce to Mill Canal and up canal o the public road and to the begin-ling;- containing 208 acres, known s the Armstrong land. The said land being sold subject 'o a mortgage due the Chickamauga Trust Company in the sum of $14, 10C, and also a mortgage to T. A. Avera as trustee securing about $2, ')00. And also the inchoabe or dow er interest of the wife of Arnold Edwards. This December 11th, 1922. M. A 1 BATCHELOK, Trustee. J. W. Keel, attorney. d 20 4w NOTICE Sale of a Valuable 'Farm in No. 3 township Under and by virtue of the pow ?r and authority contained in item 1 of the last will and testament of iVilliani Ann Ilyman, late of Edge .ombe county, N. C, which is of ecord in will book J., at page 444 if the -office of the clerk of the uprior court of Edgecombe county, , the undersigned executrix of said ust will and-testament will on Wed lesday, January 10th, 1923, at. 12 Vclock M., in front of the court iou.se door ill Tarboro, N. C, offer 'or sale -to. the highest bidder for ash, the following described lands ind real estate:. Same lying on the south side of Savage's Mill Swamp ind known as tho Britton Savage 'lome Place, and adjoining the lands if the late J. W. Davenport, .Vick and Downing and others and con-j taining by actual survey made onjQn ,.,.port and. confirmation of 'sale, October 23, 1922, 422 1-4 acres, j Title guaranteed; , terms of sale, i cash: for further information or par- ticulars apply to the undersigned or i hcr attorneys, Albbrook Phillips. This the 7th day of December, 1922. MINNIE HYMAN, Executrix of last will md testa ment of William Ann Hyman. d7 4w NOTICE Salo of E. L. DaughtridRe Buine '"; '- ' . Lot By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Edgecombe county, made In a suit therein pending en r 1 Tlaiiirhtridirc. J. C. LlLlUU ' Daughtridge, and Millard F. Jones,! administrators of E. L. Daughtridge, and Mrs. Mary W. Daughtridge, and others, ex parte," the undersigned will, on Wednesday, January 10th, 1923, at 11 o'clock a. m offer for sale, on the premises, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, that cer tain lot of land situate in the ciy of Rockv Mount, county of Edge combe, state of North. Carolina, and more particularly described and de DEC. 2i,1 92?, ' Colonial Theatre V FRIDAY AND i SATURDAY December 22nd end 23rd Admission 30 cnird 40c ALSO A GOOD TWO PART ' COMEDY AND PATHE lined a? follow?: Bejr.-ining at liie southeast cor:er of tho office bui'ding brick wall, Dr. Galloway's corner, which is 270.8 fett c-'.-t cf Rose street and 10.25 feet 'north of ths north curb line of Tarboro tlreet, the eastern edge of Lrivl: v.v.!! of t!.e ofiice buiidiug inv inp; be-' 1 placed on the dividing line ijr survey mad-' August 12, 1913, by Jno. J. Wi lls: thence along the nor them property line of Tarboro street and j.t an ' interior, angle of 87 de grees 2t with th.e Calloway line and in a rorthwesterly direction 91.27 feet to the center of 17" brick party wall, ipeighfK WWher, which is 1L1 icvt north of '.ifb line; thence along , t!-.e c liter: of ' said brick wall anil! sam !i:io extended a true course N. d n::--. 0' E. 202 feet to thej M!'tr.- vrx .line of tho livery stable audi wago;! i-v-i Lsilding, thence along j the roi-"iern P.ili! of livery Etable-I Hid V.-af:.'! S!lP'l DUtlOtng ill a suui.il easteriy niirectlon 94.5 feet to the j Calloway l.ne; thence along the !a.l lovvny In e a true course S. r.: de grees 10 W. 208.9 feet to the be- ginning. This property wHl be subdivided into sniaiiar lots and persons wish ing to m i' plot oT said lands may do so by calling at tho office of J. P. P.unn. .'ttorney. The 'land will be sold fii'H in smaller lots and after selling : ".id smaller lots the privi lege is f. . ervecl to offer two or more or nil of said lots together to the end that .thai sale may be reported to tlie C .'..i t which brings the most ,lU,i;. y. I T, r:r.s of ore one-four cash iiiirrani-l. :in ) eOTltilTiiation of sale, I and the bal.i.ie in five equal annual ,.,)mH, r; o. iiistallme::!.;, nWyable 1, 2, 1, 4, and,,., K- Wi 5 years, ?ziTectively from dale of . yy; Webb. sale, th( dt-ferred payments to be 'evidenced by notes bearin;-; six per cent, interest -from date of. sale, in terest payable aanualiy, and the title to tbe pi-opertf to bo retained until pim.hasc p,.ice is paid in 'full.' The - Kllast.r is tl haw option to pay the (,f tlie purchase price cashj jn whieh e'viat there shall be a cash discount cf five per cent from said purchase pr,:e. The purchaser shau be required to pay ten per cent on the day of ile as evidence oi gouu ... . J faith. v.ovcriil. f 27, 1922. . J. r. BUNN, Commissioner, n 29-D5 10 19 2C.-J2 9. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Umk-r ai:d by virtue of the power ,f sale contained in a-certain- deed of trut executed by O. P. Rober son and wife; W. A. Roberson and Wife, -Harvey Roberson and wife, C. A. Roberson and wife, on the 1st j .. -r tutu ia2ll. same being reg- lia.v ui vw.', ' uipred in book 233, at page wj r.Wrnmbe County registry, default! having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secure and the owner of said indebtedness hav- ing made demand for iorec.oui. .,' on Tuesday, tne toe unucioibi'i- ' 9th day of January, 1923, at thej t -. e ,.., Vn.fore the court house I nour vl in . m 1 XI P ' door ia the town oi larouiu, aoor m '-" offer fr sale t the highest bidder cash ih? "following doscrUjed ' tract of hin t in Edgecombe county, Nort! Carol;. 1;:, No. 3 township: : He- Creel: Bra lie ruw.'i lor's ! fro- loll.g . lor.- aloi'-: M. l of .C en : 1. 'iii lior. . or ' i up tair.'.i ing !:. I'lar , sold o Gaii 0 son. erso 1 Che r. 21!). . .ning In the run of Conctoi at the mouth of the Gladi 1, C. II. Taylor's corner, an'. ;.; y:;id oiniirh along Toy '. t-i the public road leadin; to foisclt'C, thrheo a I ...jiiil ca-U i,;y lo : aiil Tay oi acr i:i road ; thence, sill '( ; vj. i-'s line ti-) the line o. .xnl, thence along the lin : i,'.!iU3t to Lewis Woivl: y' aioag the !-.; o, w ; .1 : " Gainor's cor .. ..ait liii' of said Gain- '. ' f Cunetoe Creek, thenc. : :: to uip bot'ii'.ninr con ,"j i (j ai'i'i., more or less; be iwn "3 L. K.' Purvis Home except the portions thereof . to Lewis Worsley and Jesse ; conveyed to O. P. Rober A. Uoberson, Harvey Rub ; !.(! C. A. P.oberson by Henry and wife by deed in book t pajo 350, Edgecombe Coun- ,t.v t:-y. T.-,i, December th, 1922. XAX G. CLARK, Trustee. Loiridl Ciilliam, Attorney d.", 4w .D'liNISTRATOR'S NOTICE ILiving i)u;;iiticd as administratoi of t'ie e.-t.-.te of W. F. Ruffin, late ot Ed", (miie county, this is to notif;. all -.ip:. -ions who are m debt to the sai:', C: tr.te to. make immediate pay nu r.t of the same, and all person who iir.vc claims against the same to pro -en!; them, properly iuithenticat 'cd. 'o the under igned on or bcfor i the '-!" 'a day of November, 192". m ! tli'? n .lice will be plead in bar o! their recovery. OICERO DENTON, Adm., YT. !'. Ruffin. n 23 Gtw SALE OF TRUCK ft i p. m born, auc.in: triu k. o!' coo Dec. ri,!av. Jan. 3, 192.1, at 12:30 it Cor.stantine Oarage in Tar ('., we will sell at public UotiL- will be pleaded in bar of their for ;,:, one Parker motor ! recovery. All persons indebted to Sale to confirmation; t t will .please make inimedi- II, 11-22. :.. C. KI'FFIN, and ('. A. JONSON, . I'..,. I,.-. vr wilTi p;ir looi '"- r j'.O.A 1 N 1 3 TP AT'OR'S NOTICE I Ilav ; - r W; ' Eilvee 'ail pc t'".- ti-.em t uiii'died as administratoi White, deceased, late of ' 1 ciaiaty, this is to notify ! -having claims ag. tins' ' f .-aid deceased to ealiibii uniieisigned on or before of December, 3 921. o" will be pleaded in bar of th. the 9th d tills Hutu : .ibeii- i-i.fov,.i'v Ail rtersons indebted i m said i t.ate will til ease make im-i meiiia!" i'ayao at,to the undersigne:! A. A. ATKINSON, Administrator Mardt. field, N. C. (. ..Cv ' NOTICE CF LAND SALE xjt-d : and ' y virtue of a jttd ,,.( ' 'a- 'Siiiierior Court f ftd in an action entitled, i. ailministra. or ef 11. Mil'-y E. W. 'ah and other, "I will on Friday, lanuary r,(h, !:i20. sell at public aui tion, the fo'low ing described realty, t wjt: (a) A certain lot or parcel of band situ '.' in No. 9 township, said eo'.iii'.v a al :-!a!c, and lying on the !c road from Sparta to Stantons- pub i hurg. rontaining one acre, more or '.ef , r.v.il v.-Jiicb was conveyed to the Siiid II. W. W'bb by the. county Beard ..of Education by deed record ed in bi c.T; 127, page. 341, of the Edgecombe public registry, to which I fornnri is l.orebv made for a full (i(vcripti(in. (b) A -ert.in lot of land lying in the to ".n of Jfacclesfi.'ld, said county iitai state, lying adjacent to the Eist ariilina railway, contain- m . ur n -i - VV XJ J u "SPLIT ?i:iE, STOVE LENGTHS" Phone your or der in t -d lock out the window to see it coming- .... HAVE YOU TRIED ; ? f not ask your asi.. No chnkers. Tarboro - y , rr, 2Gi ' ..n m . iii.h forjfJ2Srf - i2h (l ing 11-2 acres, being the laad con veyed to i'-. W: Webb by W. O. IIow- ird, trustee, by deed recorded ill niok 1C9, page 219, of the Edge-i.-onibe public registry, to which ref erencc is made for a particulfr de icription. (c'l A j.-ma!l let of land situc.t" in . l.i-.- - fcld n id le:.:;r hulancD of lots thirU'fii ( 1.:: , f'.'Ji! 'on C;i mil one ( I ) ar. '".e t., in square r, ot' the pi:'-- !' .".acclesfield not ''' n '..re ,.U by the said II. W. Webb. (d) A C"vt".in lot of land sifuato in Macclcsfi-li', said county i.nd fate, an.i iying adjacent 'to the Ea.it Carolina Railway, containing 5 acres nore or less, and which was convey ed to the said II. W. Webb by the Walton Brick Company, by deed re corded in book 22'!, page Kill, of the Edgecombe registry, to which reference is made for a particular description. Lots (a) and (c) will be soid in front of the 1 'armors & Merchant? -Bank of Macclesfield at 12 M., and .its (b) and (d) will be subdivided into lots and sold one the premises at 1 p. m. Terns, one-fourth cash and bal mce in one, two and three years. This December 4th, 1922. L. E. W ALSTON, Administrator and Commissioner. W. O. Howard, Attorney, d 6 4w CEMENT : JUST RECEIVED A fresh car of Portland cement. We ire offering at 9" cents per bag. The O. II. Store, Phone loi!. 1 20 2'w "w Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator if Dr. Eowin E. Jones, deceased, late if Edgecombe County, this is to no if y alt persons having claims against. :he estate of said deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned on or before .he 1st day of October, 1923, or this ate payn eiit to ihe undersigned. John R. Mercer, Administrator, Elm City, N. C, R. F. D. Jys. B. Ramsey, Attorney. 6v ....... NOTICE OF LAND SALE Vad ! and by virtue of two deeds of Iru't executed by J. R. Hedges J. C. I.aes ami wife. Anamiah Liles, tie ..). i one dated Jan. t9.."'. leceided ill book 21G, page ;'.):;. and ti e otli.ir di.tcd April 10th, 1!'20, ane lei-oiiKal in book 210, page 177, I).". I h-- .!.;. l-e(u'aii- county reg istry, I will o:i Friday, January r,th. If. .'1, at 12 M., at the court hoiise d. or in Tarboro, N. C, sell at uel'i.n for cr.f'n the follow-- ,l ing iies;-riled property, to wit: Aii the right, tilio. .'and interest of J. R. He.lge.-', J. C. Liies and wife, Anamiah Lib's, in and to a certain tract of land situate in No. 1 town--hio, Ed"";mbe County, North Car olina,, tojoining the hinds of L. D Pender. Mrs. S. E. Speight, the land af the bite Miss Lucy Barlow and Jvlrif; on the south side of Norfnll: and Carolina railroad, containing 170 acres, more or less, ami kn'okn as the Murdoi'.: farm; and hi ing the iden tical land which O. A. llolderncss and W. J. Thigpen rontraeted and a-cri-e-.-d to coiivey to the said J. R. j Flei'ges, J. C. Liles- and wife,' Ana- niiah I.ile, Slid contract being duly rec-id:''.l In 'book 213, page 130, of the Ed;;i. combe registry, to which ret crence i --. hereby made for a further and more particular description, less that, portion containing :!0 acres con veyed to L. D. Jones by J. R. Hedges and ethers, by deed recorded in book 219, pag" OS of said registry,, - This Dec. 4. 1922. W. O. HOWARD, Trti.-teo. n20 tit '".:. n n . neighbor. Burns long, Ht- Coal Go. PHONE 266 fer for sale and sell at public auc- .hiii"'w"""" i -T lulill r lliMHIllllll T1 T I

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