an 9 i, ,.r ,1 i 1 ii 1,0 .4 - -I - i j THE SOUTHERNER, THURSDAY, DEC. 21. 1922 7 sews CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE ; Take Advantage of Our Special Offerings for T H I SWEEK Every; Garment Through Our Entire Stock Has Been Marked Down For QUICK SELLING s p SOCIAL AND E RS O N A NEWS ITEMS LM fAr, Douglas Slowly Improving , Mr. W. C. Douglass, who Is now lit the hospital is slowly improving. f 'omen 4 J$l III t Our Stock is Complete in Every Department. New Shipment of Ladies' Coats, Dresses and Suits Have Just Been Received Motored to WiUon ' Messrs. Don Gilliam, Percy Lewis and George Fountain went to Wilson yesterday on business. i , Home (or the Holiday. Miss Harriett Marrow from Peace Institute and Mr. Thomas Marrow from Davidson College, are home for the holidays. cold trouble use nightly "V"VA po Rub Oner 17 Million Jan UiedYcaitv Mr. L. D. Longley has been con lined to his bed for several days with A ' 1 ' Left For Baltimore La.t Night Mr. Henry C. Bourne left last night for Baltimore where the re mains of his sister, Miss Catherine Bourne are expected to arrive from San Juan, Porto Rico. Home From Greensboro Miss Margaret Taylor who ha: been at the Greensboro College tV Women, arrived here last night t( spend the Christmas holidays witl her purtnts. Two Auto Collision. La.t Night There were two automobile col lisions last night. Nobody wai hurt an 1 but little damage was done to any f the cars that collided witl each other. Mr. Sentelle Greatly Improved tMr. R. K. Sentelle. who lias beel confined to his room for severa weeks has greatly improved and hi says that lie expects to be lit hi office next week. At Home This Week Mr. F. M. Carlisle, who is in the employment of the State Highwa Commission arrived here yesterday to be with his family for the holi days. : Home from Fort Defiance Mr. Henry Staton, Mr. .Thurstoi Holdermss and Mr. Dale Holder ness, who have been attending schoo at Fort Defiance are here for the hoi idays. They were accompanied homi by Mr. Francis Barnes of William ston and Mr. Bullock of Belhaveri. WARNING: LAND POSTED All persons are forbidden to hunt on my land with rod or gun, or cut ting holly or evergreen from the land. , ,12 1 2t Jacksic Daniel Morrison. Want Ads i : : - II LOT:' 2 YELLOW MARE MULES weight 120) lbs, about if years old. E. C. Winslow. d21 7tc WANTED: ;;;s, Mrs. BOARDERS. E. II. Lewis. PHONE d21 2t FOR SALE: SIX-ROOM HOUSE with nice bath, hot and cold ' wa ter, large lot, good location. Box 207, City. ,121 5tpd TAKEN' UP ON MY FARM LAST Monday week, one pair of sorrel horse mules. Owner can get them eULL LINE DORIN'S ROU ges, face powders, compacts, ip sticks, cosmetics generally. Ddgecombe Drug Co. (P.E.P.) Distributors Dorin, Paris. NOTICE OF SALE Vorth C arolina, Edgecombe County. Public notice is hereby given that iy virtue of a decree of sale signed y Hon. F. A. Daniels in a certain :ausc pending in the Superior Court :i the above county entitled "W. H. Iorne et al administrators etc., of ,V. P. Mercer vs. Mary S. Mercer t al' the undersigned commissioners v-i 1.1 oll'er for sale at public auction o the I'.ighes tbidder the lands here nafter described upon the terms lerein stated, to wit: The sr.le will be held on the prem ses in No, 13 township above coun y and state, on Thursday, Decem ber 2i, 1922, commencing at 10:00 'cluck a. m., and continuing until aid s'lle is completed. The term of sale will be one-third ash, b;. lance in 1 and 2 years, de ferred payments to bear (5 per cent nterest from date of confirmation, he 1-3 cash will be payable 10 per ent of the purchase price on date f sale and balance upon confirmat ion by the court. The property will be sold clear of iens. the purchasers to receive fee imple tHle; tvxes accrued including -'ear 1322 to be paid by the ci.m 'lisionei s out of the proceeds of ale. All sales will be subject to con irmation by the Judge of tlv Su lerior court holding the courts ii he seeend judicial district. The property, prior to sale, will b( subdivided "into small lots with due egard to quantity of cleared land A-oort land, road trontage anil mi roements, had will be offered fo) ale in such combination or parcel? as may be calculated to meet the desires of prospective purchasers. The property will be subdivided un der the supervision of ami the sal will be conducted by the Allanti' Coast Realty o., as agents of th( undersigned commissioners. Blui prints showing the various subdi visions may be examined prior to I follows the date of sale upon application to j (a) any of the undersigned commission-! acres. ers and also at the office of thej (b) School house lot, containing 1-2 Rocky Mount Insurance & Realty acre. Co,. Rocky Mount, N. C. ! (c) Zion churhc lot, containing ; The property to be sold consists j 1-2 acre. of the following tracts or parcels of ' '. 11. . A certain tract adjoining the land as subdivided, to wit: ; lands of Miss Nannie Mercer, other 1. The Nannie Mercer tract, and hands of W, P. Mercer, containing being the identical land devised to ' 550 acres more or less and being Miss Nannie Me ecyrrbhefar.fshsc, ' the same land devised to W. P. Mer Miss Nannie Mercer by her father, ! rer for life and after his death to John R. Mercer, in item five of his , his children in item two of the will will recorded in Will Book II page of the late John R, Mercer, record 304, office of clerk of Superior court od in will book H page 304. This of Edgecombe county and by Miss I tract is known as the home place Mercer, by deed from J; B. Lan- castcr ct rux .tSfi9r44-.ltt-J!.QH.S. page 169, Edgecombe Registry, con taining 80 ncres more. or less. ' p. A 3-5 undivided interest in a certain tract udjoining the land of W. A. Hintan, ctyal, being the same lands conveyed to W. P. Mercer by two deeds, one from J. D. Brown and wife, book 128 page 42, Edge combe Registry, the other from James Tender, Commr., recorded in' book 1G5 page 25, Edgecombe Reg: istry, said tract containing in jtho aggregate 75 acres more or lets. The three-fifths interest in this tract owned by W. P. Mercer will be offer.. ed for wle separately and is $m only parcel of which an undivided interest or anything less than fulu fee simple title will be sold. 4. A certain tract adjoining the larids of Joseph F. Proctor ami o;, lands of W. 1 Mercer and being the land devised to W. P. Mercer by Winifred Braswell by will recorded in Will Book H page 384, office of clerk of Superior Court, Edgecombe County, containing GO ncres, more or less. 5. A certain tract adjoining the lands of John E. Baker, Laura Lan-' caster, David Lane, et al, and being the same identical land conveyed ti W. P. Mercer by T. D. Proctor re corded in Book 92, page 541, Edgre combe Registry, containing 47 1-'"' acres more or less. (5. A certain tract known ae lot No. 1 of the division of the lands .if Joseph Lancaster and being the identical land conveyed to W. P. Mercer b:' oseph B. Lancaster and wife, recoded in book 58 page 111 Edgecombe Registry, less 25 3-5 acres scld off to W...A. Hinton et al, leaving in this tract 19.0 acre; more or less, ' 7. A certain tract adjoining tht lands of John M. Home et al being the identical land conveyed to W. P. Mercer by James Pender, trustee, recorded in book 172 page 594. Edgecombe Registry, containing If acres more or less. 8. A certain tract adjoining tin lands of W. H. Home, John B. Da Vis et al, being the identical lam! devised by John E. Baker to W. P Mercer by v ill recorded in Will book I page 571, office of Clerk of Super ior court of Edgecombe county, con taining 30 acres more or less. 9. A certain tract bounded on the n rth by Mercers Mill Branch in the south by Town Creek, con aining 417 acres more or less, am' Hiinjr a portion of the Jesse Mercer and, which with the parcel herein fter next described is the same land (vised to W. P. Mercer by Jesse lecer by will recorded in will book 1 page 207, office of the Clerk of 3uperi.ii' Court of Edgecombe county 10. A certain tract adjoining the ract last above mentioned, also ad oining the Nannie Mercer tract cor, aining 1G2 3-4 acres and being the nhnce of the Jesse Mercer land bove ri ferred to, except however, certain small portions sold off as ':4-HM;M"M it 'it . WILL BE DUE - JANUARY 1ST, 1923 2 . 1 . ail a la ieave tnem with us ana we win auena 10 cue y ! t. .- cpIlxction. You will be given credit for them on j- January first, and be allowed 4 per cent interest, com. HAiimIaI M b t-AIIfr. vrsv. nr n w iriii m vm am a m t uri II TT WUkKVBWM UMA&waajl va J WU WW J UtVJIVJ ) IV Will u J.jj I 1 I 1- 1 1 . . I ue piaccu io your cnecmng account. t e ave y'J rr the trouble of collecting. It 8- Farmers Banking & Trust Co. Financial Gibraltar of Edgecombe Co' 3, .::-k:''"W":M"K-w'M-x-:- TRY OUR STORE FIRST ' FOR CHRISTMAS TOILET ARTICLES FANCY STATIONERY BLOCK'S CANDIES t i i "GIFTS FOR ALL" "SERVICE WITH A SMILE DRUGS WITH A REPUTATION" Macnair-Bryan Drug Co. V-T W. D. BRYAN. Manager The store lot containing 4 Mer Hobgood, X. C I.O.VC DISTANCE Don't Let This Opportuni ty Pass You Up of Securing New Up-to-date Merchan disc at Unheard of Prices SEE US BEFORE BUYING Rosenbloom-Levy Co. LET US SHOW YOU by paying for this advertisement .,i; Nannie Mercer devised to W. P. cost of keeping. M. P. Edwards, I bJfu;heP y there record- jeu.---.inis iraci, in me aggregate con d 19 tf : tains 624 acres more or less. lAULIVG I J- certain tract adjoining the I1,.. nil A o r.u..... . 4 i ""'"""."" ...v... ... iiiiuiuiiv. an "jlands of W.; P. Mercer, being the ALCOHOL; PYRO RHAvn Mind' P-openy conveyed to W. especially for automobiles. 188 degrees test. 75c per gallon, The 0, H. Store. Phone 153. d20 eod3w WOOD FOR SALE: MR VINTON Fountain wishes to say that he can from now on furnish wood in any quantity. Phone 3604. n22 tf of W. P. Mercer, - This the 9th day of December, 1922. - K. D. BATTCfc " J. P. BUNN, W. H. HORNE, JOHN L. BAILEY, d 21-23-26-27 Commissioners, . -T 4- '. T " J -a- Ilia. 1 IU.aa. a a. X- More Days to Get That Christmas Present -rtS-your GROCER, I am prepared to solve many of your gift problems wisoly and well. Why not come today and allow me to, help you make a practical Christmas Gift such as: A bbl. or bag of Best Git Edge Flour. A ca?e or doen Del Monte or Sun Beam Brand peaches, pears or pineapple, Jellies, Jams or Preserves, A box of Raisins, Prunes or Dried Peaches, A box of Oranges, Apples, Tangernes-or Grapefruit Candies and Nuts. OPEN EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK R. B. Peters, Grocer Phone 35 - 209 Main St. l"OR SALE: FORD TOURING CAR car, with starter, been used onf year. Good condition; good tires; bargain at $225.00. The Thomas Co. d 12 tf j CUTLERY KNIVES, RAZ . ors, scissors, manicure sets. Edgecombe Drug Co., (PEP). MONEY TO LOAN We h:ve unlimited amount ot quick money, we would place on improved real estate, Tarboro City or Farm lands; $3,000.00 smallest H made; fi7e to ten years. Frank lin Insurance & Realty Co., Louis burg, N. C. d 7 lmo I Just Received Nice a Lot of COUNTRY EGGS (GUARANTEED) IDEAL GROCERY CO. Home Builders, Take Notice . - ..' - , . A . ' The Edgecombe Homestead & Loan Asso. v; . v ' :. i ..: ' STANDS READY TO FURNISH THE MONEY FOR ALL WHO DESIRE TO BUILD A HOME IN TAR-. -BORO . Buy a Lot and Come to See Us S. S. NASH, SecV and Treas. r ' CARLOAD OF F 1 or id a O r a ng e s and Grape Eruit FOR SALE ON CROSSING Near Freight Depot WILL BE HERE ALL THIS WEEK 'COME AND BRING YOUR BASKETS 11 it Tit