'f A 1 f ! 112 ir ivt-t.tn. ' i t.vi Let i: ; bvc ' -'ay In tlii.' tjlt'-a. or, ' VAAV W vrld o I"' i.ig uriiirt;:,;-:: Olhcr -. i,:.!o in. the iioa:iV-an.! iiv lln-er 1 ;. till -v. -...A ; '".': , ' :'. Oil! tl; :r l.rv-A'ii not a heart but leaves .. . ? ; ; i s on; ' t o 'lie V'O, !M : ' f -'Atid t,!,:-iVi:::J,t;'i,:, the p;.irc;,V the" truest ' that UUV '"';''""'-'" -. ;':'"'.' I! t vn -iU Tu-in I the need; to ibrgive "e.r.d to ih;-et;' ' v: i. .'-,, Ihc:f uh ! tho:i-h thj hopes. that we -hd h' -'. ' ' 1 ' " Let u loi e one another as tan . asAve '"..' stayv. - ;v-AAjT-Vi; Tl.ere rue hearls 1 il ' 1 W ivy, tho- all be doeavo.I, ' . Tli at it .vvcviH -d to' twine .fwdly" iu siin- 1: ;lit 1 - - ado; i . . Ko. leave, dro.'p in sadness; still 1. gaily tht'vA;aead,. . .-.. . I ;: A -rod the blighted, the lonelvtlie " .'3 1 irt 'tie 4 1 s T tat. I5et wifa k iv i cipveiy ; ; rouuu the " i t in i: heart . . . ;.; ; t- ; -Kuithatto tvvi le if. imhibc thq .sa!! .;.-' ih-V,-', ' ;'. t;: ,.'''. " :AA-""A. Or : f al 1 :v l:! !i 1 1 s1 1 d ved o :t! i,"1; 'ft mVj p 'e H !i - t!a re to ' '. v:. '.-:' V; j-i robtN'love je viother,' midst'sor rows tie? worst, ' 'i . f ;:' 'Av-; ' -.1: e red and fond, -ns Wc-lovedat the 'hr-t . - i , - ., jt T 1 ; ' i n ! t h c ' f aUh Av t n fx r f pi ens u re. ti'ny ' '.. e'ranC-' anl forsake; : .-";.' a r, 1 th'- 1 n rut urn of wealth into par- . ti -" br,i':-. , ' .,;-a ' ; - ; ; ; - vv eat ah -.'tle WiJKti .' wealth carai't b'.iy, " , A . That clin but the closer vhea50rrow draws nih. And re:nain iih us ye thou-h all v tiets a wav ; 1 ove one am iiit rasao.. At of !-.!! (- 1 n v pi r: iblawfv "V"" " ' ;. "."t'" liih stnrol nTI-tUc skies c.. in difo-est purpose rijht; Aa:y "iViiat p!,a... t -a'il an upright-mAd, .... : a;;. yA"" ,,. i ,a'a.." a:net.htn- for mankind. t of iraiidc tide tncan A curv o'tbat. I or r ns;;.; ilow and; aad.1 ' t c ! u , ) il lV'r'i:a':a:!a:'!d! '" ' : ; . . 1 r , I A, tve ii'pajt;) ieAV iiif ii, if any, in t!;;' world's history, liavo (v.or lUtruiU'd.- '''.TIicr'rtAvas';i': sim plicity, a jrojierosity" o!' soul, a-tender-ncs.s ho trt, a iag'er.oss of- purpose, ; j anh:.net.- ir.ni a:os a moral -una sob- re : i ! e r. 1 1 hiin re -e ; n I n e n't . in . conn a 1 1 ,f Td;s!ta?uls!red a lioru:;, reverejtl abroad, ' :;'a:U a the -battle lie Id," rind nature's riva-i a ll e -was; n atu ral l"y;',the'"f fritmt fi ur4 nn ;;cv e ry ; t a a yfi s t h s ; I e a(l i n spir it of .every n?s(rhb!v thethod(!!l'oi:eve-; it y ue r c u s ' i m p u 1 s,-t he. jiving epii-t I e of a virtuous liie, aid.a fit and illustii on pattern o f w li a t ' i s truly sty 1 d t b e n obi est. y gyK o fG oJy4-'V b' vjo that it liasybeen truly and -wisely said "Tahe liiinjor all andiiillj-vye neVr hallAAipoir .bis "dike' ''".again."; . In the ;mig!iticst..s i or.ri , hi $ ooVt, vuis heard, ..; in tboasnnshine; pi calmness bis silerihe fclt T!ie " grandeur and sublimity y ofuhat strueturo .which he was principal -Aa leariajj-, furiiryiti-audinaintnining, ap pear s the more Av'ondeiTu1,cs?tupendous a ni I t ra n see ikI; tn t ly ; )cauli fulf' whe a y 'ca st::o i p,o y e.a;: u j)oa: : 1 he whi pan orama v f 1 1 i s i n o vi wj H d -o f 1 ih t an d - U Te; when nv eoJicehtrafeohrrW force () reflection to the nations that h a v;c fip'd rk !cij, il ashtnl am d bFazed i a t h e , h orison w i t h a b r H I la hey p C p roVp e e t t h at,v, ;:cq1 i ni'ed ;''.o u x ovyn; f ;: wh eai. ,: w'e -,sei them as suddenly, innlphed; in rdarlc h essy cri ui son e'( r in Filood, man a eled i n chains, doonienb. shiyerv and dealh; when Ihe yeahJC eternal justice a and pquaiiiy upon .which 5- ;rio"v-rayriaus:..-Qi nations on the earth aic continually as pi ri npj'to tr a i n 1 1 1 e. ascc n d aney are ;at 1 the time riine; and failing; Ayeigh'ed 'down by.carna-e arid bloody , or raised ly the chaif of ambition, hypocricy .and p:-otl:;raey; in h irt, when we ee that the even tenor of its Iway'y guarantee in the right of, conscience, ! property, II libcrtV j 'person-. and" lift:, to yall; dispen- sin-as nearly as possible, equal and 'vja net uisticn ta 'alL e-cent our own.- wn s ratine? iyely trcmbla for tlfo-Avorld of leafikind ar'erd n'lid stand awe ;tackea, with' ve;rjer, amaseinentrei vere-iec' and a-'., ai5;.a:a.ait, 'at tire'.' sub-liiik- , . . , A . . ' a'.V,' . f ( 1 A-. merican freemen,; sa!idL:ed bv nothing hut-reason.'' -overnrd bv nothing ;: but truth and iutiee;' bound together by .not.li.irar but .,mu tun!;. .regard and .affee tion, tend lag to ! at one end the u'ti- inatc 'XyyAiic;o,r 'i f'm'n; and diving'--, in the full IVmtiori hope , iublics 'se'fts, light.- ";' 'With' that ourSis wh ' e arms aal ( rasp in 'All -be dis- :t,!)atAof'the:' but the inf :t ( , A : ud like y(W-iiOse fehst-i half dl.th V X I " ' P''" at -:t r ' !aw r 1 La-; swaa-i end' tnel oyicen ot r.lalt. pn tice roact w tlioc!; ImmJ .rf !,h: '!,;.i!:. ri: m's ' priilo: );:.:'!. e.l;-;,. r,ur i.".;t!.; , j.-,;;;t i:;ir p, ,. , ' " '-V "i.ir'- ; u;:v;r , " ' " " ' ' .'--V re f rui-1) restore- a lost char : "V- t . 1 cm'm n.,or.e a pio.cv-ew.v i;.u: ..kowi orMf t ac(.. !;iil!ci-, h,,.. cruu-d spirits, : : : V ! , : : ; ; I Vi -"--- 7 f i rio" ;i IJ!0. O i 1 1 r T. Ill .VlPW rn itM omn in. , ; i . v hm -i 1 in- t'ki- v inn:r::v,. . ;m"Ai--, !, ..-:, rn I'-rirtrnv wri.'n r r. 'U-nfrv tv., in. ' 1 1 ." ' 1 mission oJ.'Mi.sunriirputr.tiac:l Uat rek'bralv. Yam "tit- - mother s Unce, itSaslior Iheirailtv ..of our pctr.r nun an pVA." thMre MrV, uln Vn-"-. : ' C- ' 1 q 1 uiavv.ncnovcr micm.i, Vrein -.tur,. ;i.h):n and reatness, they F?' tiH a,t eminence, without nceixly .icd , to: do; th.- 'A A ; aa or- ;. rati'l -' tl aAlA (da AAA,. AlLed.'aa! road ear th-vWo.te i he .are : 'foot ir o Li!ll4theSo:iso'IVhv- .will tayytty few, yvordiA Kvery formtnl'sincQ tile iirsff'-:bv A! T regard . toy a.ny and ie'very! u&i-. '$;ciftyy and from the impositions . practiced by thousands, ilnder false 1 -irarbs it: f.v hot surprising, itis not to.be -objected i tO-r-A Mankind yliavc a ii ight to hno:i? ondJ ou gh t to midersland'xh c, p ri n e i ! es iipo b which thev expect to act; f i fi hey iiiid mem o.grecauic 10 ineir-noiipns oj ngu.r, pronrietv and general 'UtiliiV?' letthem f honor tUenif if they do not, - 'let thein keep aiopr,or wilnqrawtroTii ttiemy ;i WQufd riot bejon toy.a;fOciety yvyliose pri n c iple sf irdujil not I bcard iJ '. not cwiZ Icngc ikvcsijgtflion.. h Chfisianityy-Iitsclf in every iqiati meets with rudtvasslaults, is recei vf d, w i t h, A! ou b ts . a nl r, eau t i 6n: Mirelv'thea, Sneirtie'IAh':p authors nrc)f; may npt be cast Nutas evil, because t hey are new ofimtigc ; Th e first oritanization as a soly:tv of the Sons ofy'l'empcrancc is of ccecnt date, (IS lilt) ami wiictherAhe order be hgood or a bad one, yyc challenge 'thpAvofldTor a parallel in increase of any . Order in the." saznry y time Its -r pldt Soring is Ahd; broa d wo rl d, or iclic rc vcr. Intemperance and .it; cpncomitantyyieesdwclU-its principb-3 adapted: to the' misfortunes of the whole race of fallen "man, ifs, lov, its charity; its- pufiiyit fidelity Iktoiow no bo'un'(r45tlns,''sidc'' thQat(b' of.' 'jlcath; Ve siiall entlcayorto slmw,r.? what the ySoi&'-rzrc ttj!; xcCo$dlj,'xliat tliey" are;AA oirVy,;t he' importanct?- of the work and itsyglorious; results.y a . A-: At ! ' y First, ihem they are wit aAociety jro't- tenup to suir.'ert the. liperti.es oi the ca-a-ed an schcne.s jof self '.aggrandizes merit; theY are not the'ifpcs;.bf- religion good '"order,, yorfthe-'lawpf the CQuhtry; they arc 'not clubftat together, to "deicat khq:'tvoMcn-pt. their.' unquestionable pre-' rogative,!av(:cre jicfping; jjlr itrc. ta "tern pcrancc'l liierik ' f b'y : p ro fe s io n i..' a nd tlrunkitAU'i'hy, practice; th-y art, not bound t.o-fsup po r t- c a ch i oth e r i ril I a riy- t lii n g t hat i s icrGng. ' or unlawful; -1 h ey arr 'iiotiii dangerous or bad;set of tncn.H If they are any of these things it .is not becaviso they are. '"Sens,' but ux'fpiicpf U, vcc(wse-..iicy- arewvvw, umcorini ytScp hit Ave are";t o 6 h o,yv:,:.wKa.y they .arc' .-.-.They 'Ta compaiiy:or,cornpan ies 'of-mcii joliiedtolret'her in htilv brofH -erhopd; having oneobject, one aim, one end; i They are men, t rying by; a , la a dable means "to carry throiigh difty tho professions tlttyv liave made: theiji are j s oe 1 e t'y Vv li'os'e ! a v s, r ui es a a rid i Airhici - plesare based on truth, justice, I equal ityvand 'bcnevoIeneeA the j "arc: n ecra 1111)11 brotlLcrhood;" laboring -..slioiildeV.ta sla aid. :-,'o ; ... - a: rlafA.aa. in- no dAtihctioa in weait J. or rdveiae cireuniAence-; Aya,.reyyrtan, dvu-.va trtaa ee-ve:' -ation. Irora- every ' vu peAplethey;-'if'rc;A'iofsa scent spies. t oonirol elcetionsahtl the-ballot box by siicret combination; thev (jrc riot 0 arc d : tail yearly a An'uVix t'i. a; fAA L6t.; to a a tA'e ae. a- ay ,- . . ... iO : v.adt v." oAtA,;: T i prolan! slave of a. tl i air: -v.o noai ; 1',,:,. ;y;':iUAi hat (1 y ;:ivc I the- trovvns in ; :.or; aal from, ai en-aed with the- anathemas; of men, and t ho ntsAfinisonA'tioTor; v. ;- anil- A ii rotation. :; -ay ." aA' ; i :a-y .-re 1 rung -to re? Tore a aillieted brotlicvs. thoji wives and ..little' ones,' ahdy io Anarch the husband ' and fathers 'of dissipation as brands jfrom the burping; andj restore them, "clothed and irr ; tliir Hghti tninH'to the 'bosom .0 1 1 wif yh roen-'ihea'r't ed y "c om pirnioM, , and to the smilesi of tljir ; unlbrtunate b!t spring. y'They HedA poverty, A bleeding: .hearts, pallid cheeks,";Avan tso t i m 1) ;ya ijd . bru i ircd p i X 1 1 i. ri owd we U , t p" restore atom fort, g;lad iearis,Apii(ng' f cesycheeriu! looks, heiUth buoyant spirj its and hopes;yand Vhen J he hour of tleath brings' to the'poor. triari's 'liut, the stern manster lJeat tiy today :1ns icy finge rs 'poa i he -' cm b od i men t - f f rCi humaniiYthe end of "earthly Avail t? and ?d !1 suflmngsy to see that thcA re.sp.ccr, auention, ioye -ana naeiitynrc executed iVdly eAeeutcdKulonthe6o7: c.tt mcmh'T, as react ily, or more so, than upon the richest As a band of broth e r s,' t h m u tu.ally on t r i b u to ant p"j on e Vommoli fuTio, for; the purpose of mect- irig caepf Avantypehtiry and cjistrcss;' and to Ahield each other in cases of misfortu ie and allliction. Tt;y design to make common war upon the strong holds ol Bacchus and i his ; misguided foll6ye:f, from the rivers to the ends of the eartii, and hop; by the blessings of "a dirinc Providence, by ho? un- si e'e pi u g.;riergi Cs ; otAa mi ghty army' o f menyclohed in their Aighttriindsyvith brave spi rits, daring hearts, . aiid a .holy ambiUon,yttT jsee 'the ' briglit bannrirypf Teiripcranco kissingtfie morniii bpc.eze and paying upon th evening zephyrs of c very yvind, that floats (benccith y t he azure bine: to witness t he e vapora tiori b f t h b last Tu me .&"orn tv ;iti!I, house, the disappearance ybf. they lasttlnlnkard from theconli iiesr 6 f earth, and tod) ehold in the, whole human ' r'aee, the impress of a ' dicific fuind, xtnd the noble aspira tioris bf. men designed :;byy heaven and li lied by nature to : ad van pe; from total hcl)icsr?jiess in tlie eradioA to a! pcrA"5- j t io n t hat shall; waft U h.e i r. heave n bo m spi r i ts ta.'jt he, c ,1 1 rne s o i -. an e n u less 1 yd i c i tV whgr c t hey '.shall si a ml u pon ' a n e.( jii a ! i t y. wi th an gc Is A arch a n ge 1 s ' and glorified sj)irits, to enjoy the r full" and endfass iVuitiori of thcAsacredAiriotf( of our'O rtle.i''Xo'ee. ldr.it i'a'nd-fidciihf. A Ladies, Gent! :n f n, andalJrothersi--Tlirse y arova a;a!l portion; of ;puf:ob jects,-aims aial ('t.eigns.'5 . Do. you think 1 1 ic m": worthy ?' ' A ha 1 1 we g 6 on - '-.po-ttr-.. i tig c u r lit t La r i y t ; ! :. ay of pure phi ! a n t h ro py, Jove; a nd. good, work's, into ; 'the:'-great: 'stream that !o "onon dfs la-ana r all .th a h 6 pes; . ; e i a r aa - a. n ;I ; I a 1 A : -a F t he aa t gerie'ratiyrvs of tl-- earth,r.oyvip'as:s- i n g (a,t h e;;yeaye rA y' a i tt Ie i n ,vi It u ess, i to ":V rnt1.''. 1 a ' -.t -. 'ih'f hrcn, that j vou yttli- V ;a("t;v-a xaaquering to jAriqr.e"f,:ha"i: ra- the. -''a-'sar: .. ..f nc r .. n, ,. V -l-ii,, -a 'VL ur t! .ro Aal - v . 'sv (A a a a' a Any .vn s hm its. ' .Ti-.c.-ir. p:aa;np! 1:1 con: e.5 v upon tnemeuiorn a. ot the intro. Inchon oi alra olri into- th? It; id A ,v as,, v h c ill e 'f .. i. t, .;, w a:?' ; c . ; n p etc ;i or .not. ' competent; ".-for Cen '-'resyr to im pose -any :.roA.t fiction ;.v ale A ;diau! d yx i si after she'; bo-came- .at comb en cf'tl; Un ion?- AN e who were iutavor of the ad- no was to uecuie tor i.ie.rseii.Aviietner slave ry", should -' or vfihould;;. riot' tixist; ;wi th it) , her limits; that AhAdiad aA 'inucli,1 right to decide upoti the introduction Of slavery or its abolition ns Ncuy ipri; had a right tti decide, oii.the introduc tion or abolition of , slavery; Aind-that, althougha subsequentljryadmitted, 's!ie; stood amongst her, peers cqually invcs tejh with all the privileges that any one of- tho! driginai thirteerv Strifes Atad-Av right to enjoy. And so, sir, Ithink that t hoso iyVho liav e . been eont end ing - with so much - earnestness arid pcrseverence for; the Wil mot Proviso, ought to reflect. thaL cvcn iT they conld carrv their 6b- jeet and auoptthc l roviso; it:ceases thc moiricpt anv 'JS'tate'' or" le:rti'o'rf "to: :yvt2'a; it was applicable "-'carnc to 1 be admitted, a a .. Tt..a.a ' a-.:.. :' as a inemuer oi iuc j uio.i. ; ; on pu , no' ono. crintend nqw; no, one' belie vet's that v i tl i re gard to those Korthyvcst- erri " Stated? to whicti; the Ordinance of 1787 ! applied Oh io, fad i An a, f 1 U i no is, aridIichigan-noVopr;'?c Uieyc but tha t "aiiy'one c f those Stat es, 1 th ey thought proper, to (to : u na v c just as much Hffht.to introduce shivi- ry,w ithitl the it borde'ns. a.y.V.irg i ma has J to' rilmtaln tb within; ncrs ji cif i" i Jfi t lic'Mr&j-; :i gle for power runi enipiroybetVeeti T the . two classes bf SMeti'decisioiv in Cal ifornia has.taken. place adverse to the wishes of the, Southern States, it is a elecsion not made by the penc.ral Gov ernment. J y Mr." l'rcsident, the next resolution in t ho rseaies , wh icli V ha ye'; olferel I- bfg,; gentlemen candidly now, to look at. ,;I was a ware, pe rl cct ly aware, of the pe r severance with which the Wilmqt rro- Visa was msisien upon. , a ;hnowaii;iL everyone of the ; frco 'States in. :tn$'ttJiA ioUjiw byjts legi I ati velboly; passeel ; Vesol utions i nstru c tiag y their y SeYiatprs A arid - requesting' their Hepresentatiyes to get"2 tli at res triction incorporated in any Territorial Government; wme A rnigiit de establishy. ed ;'u"det tlic ';a'mpieeV.' ol.Coifgrpi::'l knew how uuicjiy and ; I vregreUeW-how muehA the vfree Af$tates Chad ,)Ut Jlicir hearts upon the '-adoption of this, .meas ure. In the rvecond resolution -I call uptn tlean.to witive. pcrsAfirar in' it 1 ask tltrni," tor the. sal: e o f peace a ud j in the opmt of mutual forbearance to oth .cr memb'ers of tlie Union, to give it un to no longe.r instat .oy'AhA1-"10 fA-C?,-.'as they rrnst; scay t" the i r' eyes a ro' pe!lj the" (hingersyviiodi, lie ' ahead, yf they erseyere'':" in "a nsist i n ii pb n i t-.-V yWdion ljzaUcd upon- ti emynthi a rey da tion to coAhiylwas A not bouhd.to otter.1 fpr.'a surrender;, of that. Aarjpiucij)!o,;;.a fne; :re , t!a - - e.-no ' - .thvn; not as an sonif ora":.a tual loihea t;a . ( , a . nh ive;r d.!jl''' itnai ivy but o f ITlU- 1' re-;( A,. an it aaa to' It ; 1 A',: ' ' ) V I i ' ; ' A ' At: aA'ajyy;. a.a:A.;Vhy. nyrAi " ;-;-A;.'nrVr.:r. : A' A y ."ay y -": a -:' ; 1 r;vv ; yy ;: y ti. f V:. . ''A- ;1 ;'1" ti?-' iv. ) vvi'v !:. , ' Jth:. tv-.o-tru'-:., ' Jili : ;v ! ). : u'.i!'''.::' I Wit.ii n..".;:,; I :)tl;;l ,,; ' ':Vi"'"i v;- p:-;-ji .: in::"' :i "!;';-:! hicK . ,jtn::!t :t;i crrnp;,:-:; : occ;v-lon t'herc-:'.r': r,' .!,,.;::. -::'t! ,ay t of i.l.c. .'.'in; .t "I, ta'c:"' t o . the preparation ui .: n-h . --a. to' i. no to. impose,' o it AA A .a a,,"' ask' the surrender on .a . " Htn,. mca are;; of - oAAna. : fy. side vorne eampea.ttiaa' ri.r render pr . saerifi-A What ao, 1 1 . '-'!:,..; w. y a iavo- o other,., t ' ur re the y i, that ; .truths, Mr. IVesoAaA :-.-Tiutii by ..law slavery, uoes "not ei the't ernt'erii'S: codi-vl lo'tr'bytba 'lle- puoue oi .Mexico, ir i ;a na-aa : uno', a a. sir, iu. lh.e various Aveighty.'nai'd u,aor-a.''V' ''' taiit.to'p'KM which are eon;n-cti. 1 u it!f - : r '- a ; r: the . subject that I .am . now. , add res. dug :.:J, !". .. yt' .V . " you upon, th at any one of t ha (A c or A -',.' ': f,plf ' 'i x 1 u r n i slies a t ! u 1 1 1 e ,s lb r ' a I c n L h e n ed' .'-: ,'! ;::" speech,, find t am therefore r daci d to;-Aya? -!:'' : ; l tlie necessity 1 thitik at; lea -1 hi this ' a'. A-Aa a y stage of the discussion, of lituiliioj"; iny- ' ?' " .-".' Wclf.,rat b c r '.. ip t h e. j. ix pr e i .a i A cyan-' ' - Aj '3pn:'than-go:iiig 'lit '.''.any 'gn'at Luath ' ) info the .discussion of ail these various A vA yA ,-V:" - '; toitics'. . ' ' y" . A, - y Av ' .' : yNow,l witli respect to. tfao oynuoriAaa . Av'?'.'- 'A here AcJipresedf tiiat-ila very, 'do mm hot'A . -."i: :",A;, y Ay exist in theaTerrFtnrie.-r eoviVd to the V. '. . A United j State's iiyyAIexic), eatt only la " . refer to , the fact of the passage" of tho-AA'A J- :"y AA 1 a wy by the -?S up r em a. Govern ilu-i it'olty A . V :' U j Mexieo Abolishing it, I think in J IS i 1, " y s y.T ' and U) the .subsequent pas-ige tf u law . it;-'.' :by't1ie'tr'g1,M'l'ativAlK' .gct'yinXvha. A:e'ar, .. hy; liich they pro AVyAA? poscd.vyhat'"' if.isHVup.: thfytie vt cixN ;.-A: 'I ' 't ried;jn;ullye ta- '" .'". ...-'" the owners oi slaves lor the property oil which tbey Avero-si ipped JiV the act f itbolit io'tri'"? caii; ""oil ly ie I er ' t b Ah by: ;Ca' quiesceiice of JMexAa in the aholhiba of ..slayer, from the txriie of it.Aextinc-. tiori doNvu Ao the timA of the treaty bv; which ' ,V unacquired ;t h esc ;' cs !! tries,;' But all Mexico, -Mt-far as I Anouy ac' qmesced in the non-existence Of slavery, ('jitlerrien,T know-; tallvy nix ut t he iV- regularity oi uie. law nv wuu u iiwt. net wa accpf rildUhei! ; .but d6oJ ' it ., eo'j rui,.. ;-': us, ayibreiiA Power, to ! .a into tie -riwd e by v li i e h ; ni i u 1 j ao i ' 1 u ; lye . i e -A , cofnpl i s Ircd" by Am p t h or, i ore ign" To c o f A when she herself is sa'fiihtl Avith what-A b.hiks donv and vhen,too,ashe Uthe ci cl u'sty ju d ge y"; wla,Tt.i i 'c r A' ji a,;;, - yd ject. f ' .whjehis local and rimnic ioal to ! arseliA i ha'beeiv or has not la ea AAc t a ii'd ikhetlt ! i'a ; ton form i ty yith. 1 1 or : i'u a d ; ;t n a nta ''. lay.s? tVh-,iIcxieo ajpoir this subject; showed o the lastancanout her anxittvya lirthe- pocuui ua winei u i la.id be-' 4- ' fcaa the eouutr, upon the -nbj : a tlm" .J ": - r' negotiation "fitatliis treaty by al ra tti-t. A . A 'A. "A A -Amongst, them-veu wiif died i!u"pnsVA -' ; .; -A s;i gc a n o n e pi h i S il e. . ; l ) ; ; t d i e A. ; - VA trio!) g: the. po if its; v 1 1 "; i i ' c a i :s i i. j at to rA.A-Ar-; "' : ' Iis:cji?si(n -vyas the. exoinoaAei'alaveiy.i. , TfJ from..edl territory wide h T-'-.i add , j i'a Av ;Af. y.j.,"' I Irom Aiiexico.; .'In' tho : oouryy f thyr-y 'jjjla'' niriiarks .ohd ho sn1 jocl. I.yaA t Id . tht y v?rV AAtAverc proposed. 1o thtop-eoide .itha,A ' n.aAQ: ij. fS. to pa i : v. ith a or' ion oil hi i;- tor- -A v"t. '-''AA;,, A rltorv. in "" onler '"" t hntA t uh ' ''.-'y u tli6ti:f '-'"" .uld bp'3ereii,;eCtubtidh - the tA; posai conia not no i o -;:- ' r i fi yog" of abhorcneri than t ia-se a a akouedaitt A Allxico In-1 he -prospee ": oft! . c-a at nf.dirp.' j '-'a i -.1 . . v . . ? . . i ' . i u a oi ,-at'. oi a 11 aav aen i e"V f ariru .with b'yiior. .Oui 'co'n't-'.rsanaiooM tliik- iopic wu-s.peAV ' friendly; and more mind.yyiaa.-muc! jajV.with.pyia fheir iuyoA-Ai caf i"-oa ...' ,-!u tAiiledVtniis h " A. a P, : di' ... vir. -.a.- I df I!' r ly IraiAyna-1 aa lcSa y t; .' t A ;;. V ed. oi A vp;u their y- 't y . y -y'.: - y r.:; 1 v.- oioa.; I to ' :Ai- --A y-v 'A;- ya. .f i pi; y,, ' that a 1. , 1 , ( t,t g j j, ;y ,.; , ; ,t-y: ih f i . ;ai t'e-'i e'f.'tie'.r 1 1.! A 'a-i' " ;1 s;;" " a. y-: :'i"; -' .-..,.,' .' . ; A- ; : . a :v ; : -a i-'-: a : i t-i . o :.., -'i -irra v . : , u y ya ;.aa e. v. a-- :.::a-4.f- r 1; y a . . ; a. y, a . J.- . - ; "a; 4 V ' y at ;- 'v , '.a j-.- IT. a.y a'"'1 t ? 'V ''':.W;' '- .' iA "ii . a