The Best Place on Earth to Live, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County N. C. an U LIU VOL I ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1911 NO. 2 Bank Cashier Commits Suicide R. H. SpruiH of the Farmers and Merchants' Bank of Columbia Put a Bullet Hole In His Head Last Tuesday Afternoon- The people of this section are shocked to learn of the suicide of Prof. R. H. Spruill. cashier of the Farmers' and Merchants Bank of Columbia and superintendent of Pub lic Instruction' of Tyrrell County, which occurred in a woods near Co lumbia last Tuesday afternoon about i o'clock. . Mr. Spruill was anatlve of Wash ington County and has been a res ident of Columbia for several years. He was about 40 years old and was married. He was well known and was held in high esteem in both bus iness and social circles. .The causey which led the suicide has not yet been made public. The following account was sent out from Columbia immediately af ter the suicide occurred: On the arrival of the bank auditor on May .23, Mr. R. H. Spruill, the cashier, was introduced to him at the express office. They left together, going to the bank about 4:15. After opening up the' place so the auditor could examine the books, papers and money, Mr, Spruill went out, the au ditor thinking he would be back in a few minutes, but he did not re turn. This was about 4:30 p. m. Mr. T. H. Woodley, president of the bank, went there about one hour later. TheMiuditor was still at work but Mr. Spruill had not yet returned. About 7 o'clock nearly, all of the bus iness men found out that Spruill was gone. A party was formed to look for him but returned without finding any, clue to his whereabouts, t his morning - Mr. M. 0. Elliott came It town and said !-e saw Mr. Sprmil in the woods abou. 5 or 5.30 yesttv evening. To iU.-i the rection another party was formed and went in the direction told by Mr. liott. 'I itt-y soon found hiut. He had shot himself with a ".9 c-ilibre, Colt's revolver, the ball "going' Ii' jutst"abovo the rigtit temple and coming out ohmit his lfff fnf. - He was buried yesterday morning at his old home, about seveo miles from here. The cause of his action is not yet known. He left a note be side him, telling his wife to pay his mother $100 and Haywood Swain $4.00, also telling her where she would find his insurance policy. He said his action was caused by two men, the names given by him. The auditor has not finished checking up so that the people may know wheth er he was short or not. v- His friends maintain that Mr. Spruill'i administration of the bank's affairs, as far . as he himself was concerned was perfectly straight and that he was not morally responsi ble for the business .transaction that wrought his ruin. PROGRAM OF COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF THE CITY GRADED SCHOOL. NOTICE On Wednesday night, May 31st cantata eentiUed', "A Midsummer Eve," will be presented by the stu dents of the grammar grades and high (school. . On Thursday night. June 1st, the annual address will be made by At torney-General W. T, Bickett of Raleigh. The " senior essays and orations will not be delivered this year, and in this the school is following the methods of the more progressive high schools throughout the state, The diplomas will be presented af ter the address. The North Carolina history medal offered by the State society of the Daughters of the Revolution, for the best essay . on some local historic place or event, will be presented to Miss Eula Wood, to whom the judg es made the award. The subject chosen this year was, The Dismal Swamp' A small admission fee will be charged on Wednesday night, be cause it would be impossible toac-. commodate the attendance other wise. The proceeds will be devot ed to the library fund. Admission Thursday night free. Sarah, the eighteen months-old daughter of Mr' and Mrs. Poshua Dawson died last Tuesday . night af ter an illness of two weeks. NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY a By virtue of a mortgage deed ex ecuted to me by Nathan Butt and wife Lizzie Butt for certain purposes therein mentioned which said mort gage deed bears date March 5th 1909 and is registered in the office of Reg later of Deeds for Pasquotank Coun ty in book 32 Page G32 I shall on Monday June 19th 1911 at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at the Court House door in said County at public auct ion for sash the property conveyed to me in said mortgage deed as 'fol lows: That certain house and lotsitua- ted on the West side of Road St. n Elzabeth City N. C. and com mencing at the South-east corner of the lot formerly known as Abrara Shannon lot on Road St. running thence Westwardly along the said Shannon lot 100 feet, to the line of Wh. H. Green' (s lot thence South wardly along the line of said Greens and Charles Perry's lots a distance of 50 feet to Molly Thomas' lot: then Eastwardly along the west side of Road St. to the place of the beginn- jMessers C. J. Hooper, E. M. fHdoper, L. W. Hooper, Joseph Wise, CaJvln Hocpor,, Lorenzo Hooper, Zion Mason, Elroy Hooper, Sherrel Hooper Merret Hooper, Becman Hooper, and Thinston Midgett, all of Stumpy Point wore hore last Saturday on business. NOTICE Sale of Valuable Timber Land ing, being the lot purchased of Jno. L. Sawyer by Nathan Butt, see book 21 page 62 ' Also all the household and kit chen furniture that the said Na than Butt and wife now own and located in the house above Describe ed, consisting of beds, bedsteads, chairs, tables .carpets, pictures,, wash- stands, bureaus, bed covering, stoves heaters and cooking utensils, This May 16 1911. - - GEORGE 3. SPENCE Mortgagee m 19 26 jun 2 9 T. NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY .Sale of Valuable -Timber Land. , Attention Is called to the ad of Rucker and Sheeley which appears In this issue of the ADVANCE. HfWhell's Bee Hive ha an ad n Uf ADVANCE thi. wnV t.lllrxr m OTwaa iViuug of some exceptional nin. i. being offered at) this store. By virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe cuted to me by Willie Cabarras and wife on the 13th of July 1909 and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Pasquotank county N. C. in Deed Book No. 33 page 132 I shall on Friday tthe 2nd day of June 1911 at 12 o'clock M. sell for cash at the Court House door of said County the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust and described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corn er of Courtney Morris's lot and runn ing thence Southwardly parallel with Boston Avenue 34 feet; thence West wardly One Hundred feet to East side of Boston Avenue; thence Nor thwardly along East side of Boston avenue, 34 feet; thence Eaetwardly at right angles with Boston Avenue r place of beginning.- Bame being the house and lot conveyed to Lu- -By virtue of an of the Su perior Court of Pasquotank County North Carolina made 'by Geo. R. Little Clerk of said court in a spec ial preceding entitled R. C. Lynch et als vs F. S. Lynch et als. I shall offer for sale at the court house , door in Pasquotank County North Carolina on Monday May 29 1911 at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land situa ted In Newland township, Pasquo tank County North Carolina bound ed and described as follows, Known as' the "Tadmore" swamp, bounded on the north and west by the lands of J. L. Roper on the east by the lands formerly owned JLTlfl maltB Jm m eiA Int. a M uux.u.oLa BClUCUIKUl KUU by the J. L. Hinton heirs, and the those holding claims aeninat th By virtue of an order made by Charles Johnson Esq., Clerk of the Superior Court of Perquimans Coun ty in the special proceeding pending in said court entitled T. K. Parrish plaintiff vs The John L' Roper Lum ber Co defendant we the undersigned commissioners will sell at the court house door In HERTFORD Perquim ans County, N C , on Monday June 5th 1911, at 12 O'clock M., to the highest bidder on the terms herein after mentioned, the following prop erty, viz: That certain tract of land lying and being partly in the coun ty of Perquimans and partly in the County of Pasquotank in the state of North Carolina, adjoiningthe lands of the estate of T. G. Skinner and others and more particularly bound ed and described as follows, to wit: That certain tract of land known as the Josiah T. White tract and being the same lands purchased by H. T. Greenleaf at a sale made by M. N. Sawyer Administrator of Fran cis Davis deceased bounded as follow Beginning at Temple's Corner a wlite oak at the Line of Ivy Roach's laid in Newland Township, Pasquo taJUt County thence a direct straight line south 21 H degrees West about 486 chains to the Perry Turnpike Road thence Northwardly and West wardly binding Perry Turnpike Road to the Northwest corner of the said J. T. White tract: thence binding the lines of inhabitants near theHin ton Turnpike Road to a corner of the Josiah Collins patent of eleven hun dred and sixty acres now owned by T. F Winslow: thence along said patent line South 35, East 40 chains to another corner of said patent: thence along said line North 70, East 40 chains: thence along said 1'ne North 45 East 65 chains to anotVi corner of said patent: thence alon;; sail line North 2 East 83 chains and 80 links: thence to the Southwest corner of the Benjamin Jones patent of twelve hundred and eighty acres lying on the South side of the Hin ton turnpike Road thence along said Benjamin Jones patent " North 43, East 170 chains to the corner, of said patent thence Eastwardly by vari ous courses binding the lands of B. C. Jackson, Thomas Williams' heirs and others to the beginning contain ing seven thousand acres more or less and the same being the lands one half of. which was conveyed to T. K. Parrish and one half of which was coaveyed to George W. Roper by two--deed3 from H. T. Greenleaf anl wife dated respectively Oct 4 1901 Great Chiefs And Braves Meet In Great Council The Improved Order of Red Hen Hold" Their lsih An nual Session In Elizabeth City this Week. cinda Winslow by John L. Sawyer and Oct 4 1906 anl duly registerel in i the oies of the registers of deeds 8' i Deed Book 11, page 126, register Of Deeds office of Pasquotank Coun ty N. C. 1 This 2nd day of May 1911. , ' J. C. BROOKS, Mortgagee . may 512-19-26 Notice of Administration. Having qualified as Administrator of the late Julias C. Hollowell I here by give notice to all persons indeb ted to his ' estate to come forward lands of William Hewitt and D. H. Hewitt containing THREE HUN DRED AND TEN ACRES more or less. Ten per cent of the pur chase money to be paid on the day of the sale as evidence of good faith This April 10th 1911. W. IRA H1LSTEAD Commissioner of the Court same to present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or It will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. April 24 1911. - J. WALTER BROTHERS Adminstrator. spr 28 may 5-12-19-Z JunJ I of Perquimans County and Pasquo- Itank County. f TERMS of-SALE: .One third cash on confirmation of sale, onethird in six months therefrom and one third In twelve months therefrom with Interest at six per cent from date of confirmation of sale on defer red payments title to be retained until purchase money with interest are paid in full: the purchaser to have the right to anticipate deferred payments and pay all cash should he so desire the said purchaser will be required on the day of sale to de posit 10. percent of his bid as a guar antee of his good faith. This May 3rd. 1911 W. M. BOND ACE. THOMPSON f Commissioners of the Court m 12, 19, 26, jun 2 T. S. Mann has returned from a ousiness to trip to Morris Dare County. Harbor, FOR IALE ONE JERSEY COW APPLY TO T. L. OVERMAN This week Elizabeth City has been filled with Red Men, gathered here from every part of the state of North Carolina in Annual Great Council. The visitors began to arrive last Monday and Tuesday, every train brought a large crowd. Wiien thi Great Council convened Tuesday night there was a large crowd pres ent. The formal, opening exerciser were held", in- the auditorium begin ning at 8 o'clock. Attorney W. L. Co- noon delivered the address of wel come in behalf of the City und. altor- rey R. W. Turner Uel'verji the nd dress of welcome iu behalf of the Pasquotank tribe. Honorable T. J. Msrkham was to ha,e delivered this address, but was prevented fron; do in.' so on accoutr. of Illness.., Hon. V. -V Leary, 3r., oi F, .enton, made ; lespo'Hei? to the ud-ir c-'cf " i wuhome. Hon. L fr. J 'eiuloi -'ji, or Newbern, made the annual address. His subject w.vm, "Th" Itr tlwvinol of i-ed Mer ' This was a splendid ad Imp which de!iv;'iteit the lure au dience. Past Great Encohne John Cherry, c so f , nlsso made mi nYul-ess. During th! ej-'-'s-ep, tie f. under t.'ie d:reril.' of ' E SUin ei renderj'i a uin"tr of m n.-:il selections and Past Great Sachem 1J, v. layior, or wasnington, N. c, ren dered a number of vocal selections. Immediately after the conclusion of the exercises the great chiefs held a conference to plan for business sessions held on Wednesday. ,lhe first business session was held Wednesday morning beginning at 9 o'clock. During both the morning :nl afternoon sessions, only busi ness of a rutine nature was transact ed. On Wednesday night the Red Mon gave a spectacular torch light procession through the prin cipal streets of the city. The par ado v-as impressing and a no vel scene to the large crowd of peo ple who lined the streets to witness it The Pasquotank tribe was cos tumed in the Red Man's garb; and n;any of them were mounted. As this long parade passed ihroug-i the streets under the glare of the red lights, one only had to imasino being in a forest and the scenes be came realistic. After the parade and other exercis es on the public square, the Red Men ansembled in their hall and the Poca hontas served an elaborate banquet During the Thursday morning ses sion among the other items of bus iness transacted, the action on the removal of the office of Great Chief of Records to Raleigh was deferred until the meeting of the next Great Council. k '"Shelby was selected as the place of next meeting. During the Wednesday afternoon session, the following officers were elected: Great Sachem W. J. Leary, Sr., of Edenton, N. C. Great Senior Sogamore J. R. An derson, Charlotte. Great Jr., Sagamore Roy C. Flan nagan, Greenville. Great Prophet W. L. SUmey. of High Point Great Chief of Records W. Ben Goodwin. Great Keeper of Wigwam E. P. H. Strunck, Wilmington. - Great Representative of the - Great Council and W. of the U. S. W. L. Stamey-. ' ' S. Liddell, Charlotte. "WHO IS WHO" Judges Render Decision In Interesting Contest. r timt We, the undersigned committee of the WHO is WHO contest do herebv make out reprt as follows: First Prlie--Mlss Fannie Owens. Second Prize Mr. R. R. Banks ami Cecil Williams. , ' . . . D. R. MORGAN. W, C. SAWYER ', . JOHN L. WELL'S M. OWENS. 1 So ends the WHO is WHO. contest everyDody has been trhin about for the laefl three weeks. From the above decision it will be seen h. . Banks and Cecile Wil- "r Hams tied for the second prize. The ! second and third prizes will there-' fore be divided between them. ' ' Owing to lack of space it was Im". , possible to publish the full Hat of ' advertisers in this week's paper. 1 They will appear next week, how ever. The lists of the prize winners may v ' be seen in the window of th A VANCE office. ! : W r... K ........ . 4 CARRIED PATIENT TO HOSPITAL . jJ. V Dr. C. A Sllltnn r... ... ..,t u, ouiiun, IN. I ' passed through the city Tuesday en - route to Norfolk to take Mr. Bunyan Midgette to St. Vincent's Hosnltnl Mr. Midgette is suffering from an tack of nppendicitus. Mr. Sutton 1 ' very prominent physician of the coast country, whose medical skill is becming more day. He recognized every cures his patients him- self if he can; and when he fails he takes them to the hospitals. Th people of the Buxton community are fortunate in having soorp fortunate in havng so progressive a physician. , Kev. W. o. Sawyer of Camden county was in the citv Tudav Misses Mattie Daniels and Rnnt Griffin passed through the city Tuee- aay en route to their home in Man- ieo rrom Greensboro, where uave Been sstudents In boro Female Mr. and Mrs, John Meads -cm uere mis m1 Mr. Will Harrison left Tuesday toj New York en route to Colon. Panama where Mr. Harrison holds a poy tlon In canal construction, Hrs. Har i lson, who was Miss Annie Cross of Zebulon, N. C. untU last Thursday accompanied her husband. Rev. E. F. Sawyer has been ap pointed district supervisor of the en campment Branch of Odd Fellows for the first District i they the Greens- of SENT TO REFORMATORY. Sheriff Reed went to Concord Tum- day nlghf to take a white bov named "Bum" Ballance to the refo matory from this artlnn J