-11 ULl!l.t...HU.JLJIJU' v HjOIT one thousand - . .!,.. nni.i.APfl t.ibt snvniv H r . Harriet Kiaaica, a tnnnjr old coi- ; Paint Lick Sick Lady J-' Paint Licit, Ky. Frs. Mary Free man of this place pays: "Before I red wpman, a resident of Martin commenced to take Cardul I suffer ttreet, has an awful hard time sav-jed so from womanly troube I wan Itig up a competency for old age. bo weak that I was down on my " Several years ago she had a thou-1 back nearly, all the time. Cardul has done me more good than any medlulue I ever took In my life." You need not be afraid to take Cardul. It is no new experiment Composed of gentle acting herb in gredlants It has been found to saf ely relieve headache backache and similar female troubles. Try it for your troubles. THE COTTON SITUATION sand dollars in a bank in this city. ' The bank "busted" and she lost about five hundred dollars of It This bank -"busting" business made her shy of -all banks, so she has kept her money t.t home 6lnce then. Last. Sunday 'H while she was aws.y some one enter- : ed her home and stole a thousand do! lars in cold cash representing the ' earning, that eho had saved for sever al year. , while every body knew that aunt . Harriet was thrifty, ' had several ""houses which she rented out, and " saved her money, yet It was a sur prise to many people to learn that she had a thousand dollars. The sud den disappearance of her money is not clearly established yet, but the police believe that they will recover It There was no one at home Sun- day, while she was away but her hus- Crop advises are in the main very optimistic, frequent showers having had. a wonderful effect on the plant which in every section is fruiting heavily from the bottom upward with no reports so far of shedding. The best thing in its favor this year is the steady even growth since seeding, which has given -the plant life and strength sufficient to withstand ad KOSFOLK S0UTEEK,H RJULRUAO. Greatly Improved Schedule, Nob. 11 and 12 now operate 8 and ay on Raleigh District. band, and he being little near right dltiont should they ed. can not give very much interna. wi course an tiie dan tie as n wh-nw .m. ger Periods have not yet been passed, taf haDMned aroond the honmm. and 14 wUI only natural from now The first suspicion that W Har. to W hUn . from eae riet haa "af,,r , lcWe w. another, at It would be on- finding of a twenty kllar bill on, the. r! .Mp!?t Pentlon of 4oor Se when ao iwca. This a on wauflsd ner to ko vp tfalr. ni ro?vs yen -JWt of the plant this -an Investigation, and it was then that she found she was short fSsD.OO counting the twenty that she found on the door steps :s a part of the -$1000.00 Succeed when everything ese fofle. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thouaa&us have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND 8 wiwr3 t it is the best medicir.e ever sold E over a crupgiit s counter. year is aoove normal. , At the mo ment however, there are no com plaints from , any source and the irane is already anticipating a Got- eminent August resort oniimt oi.u enormous crop predictions. With regard to the immediate f... ture of the market it is realized that existing quotations for the new months, at least, are now aoDronoh. Ing normal, when taking into con slderation the fact that short have prevailed for the past two sea sons; nevertheless, if this year's yield is to approximate anything like 15,000.000 bales, as now freely pre dieted, then 101-2 cents In the long run would not be considered nut Place, unless there s to be a radical change f e r -he bn;er in th ,.,.-...T. trade. IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH Travel via . .THE CHESAPEAKE LINE. ' dally service, including Sunday. v.The new Steamers just placed In service, the "CITY OF NORFOLK" and "CITY OF BALTIMORE" are the most elegant and . up-to-date Steamers between Norfolk and Baltl- -more. . Equipped with WIRELESS TELE PHONE IN EACH ROOM. DELI CIOUS MEALS ON BOARD. EVERY THING FOR COMFORT AND CON VENIENCE. l.v. ..'..Norfolk ..6:15 p. v Old Point Comfort 7:15 p. m .Ar. " Baltimore .7:00 a. Connecting with rail lines for all ,T,nftit Nhrth and West. Cheap ex- -cursion tickets on sale to Maryland tresorts. Atlantic City and other New Jersey resorts and Niagara Falls. TifiHflrvationa made and information .cheerfully furnished by H. Parnell, T. P. A W. Norfolk, Virginia, ILETTER FROM REPRE- , . SENTATIVE SMALL July 15th, 1911. Editor, Advance: T i- O .. A i lvn aV1a nounce that a Farmers' Educational Meeting will be held in the follow ing counties on tlte north side of the sound: Elizabeth City, July 31st, Currituck, Thesday, August 1st., Hertford, Wednesday, August 2nd, Edenton, Thursday, August 3rd, Gatesville, Friday, August 4th, Winton,1 Saturday, August 5th. The experts from the tinited States .Denartment nf Acriiiltiir whn ar .among the best equipped lecturers on farm topics in the United States, will discuss subjects of vital inter- est to the farmers. . It la also expected that Mr. Joseph Ilyde Pratt will be present at most of the meetings to discuss good roads. - An attempt will be made at the afternoon session In each coun- i omul iuo uuur oi inree ociock to -organize a County Good Roads Asso- .I.Hnn iLl- m . v , UUOIUCB3 and citizens other than farmers are earnestly invKed to attend and co- Very respectfully, . . v. JOHN H. SMALL; Terrible Picture of Suffering Clinton, Ky. Mrs. M. C.-MsFl- roy in a letter form Clinton writes "For six years I was a sufferer from female troubles. I could not eat and could not stand on my feet without suffering great pain. I had lost hope., After using jSa'rdul a week I began to improve. Now 1 feep better than in six years." Fifty years of success in actual practice is positive proof furnished by those who have tried it that Car dui can always be relied on for relieving female weakness and dis ease. Try Cardul todaynow! BepinninjySun-lH v December 18th Raleigh district, trains Nob. 1 1 and 12 will be operated daily, except Sunday between Raleigh and New Bern, via Washington, and on Sun day between Kaleigh and -Washington. Beaufort District, Tram No. 16, Xight Express with Pullman Sleep ing Car for Norfolk will leave Gold sboro, at 8.45 p. m., leave Kington 9.40 p. m leave New Bern 11. (hi p. m. ; arrive Washington 12.3A p. rn. ; arrive Norfolk 8.00 a. in. j No change in schedule of Night Express, trains 5 and u on tbeIial eigh district. SUFFOLK DISTRICT. Train No, 20, will leave at 7.00 a. m., ame aa at present, and arrive Suf folk at 8,80 a. m, 1 Additional traina . oa JBELHA VEN BRANCH. "Lear Belhaven 6.10 a, m,, and 11.00 a, m.; retard ing leave Maokejg 8,80 a. xa and 9.15 p. nx, daily except Sunday, COLUMBIA BRANCH. Leave Columbia 7.00 a. m., arrive Ply- month 9,26 a, m., leave .Plymouth v.lis a. m., arrive dentbn 1 1.00 a. m. leave Edenton 11.35 a. m., leave Maekeya 2.20 p. m arrive Colum bia 3.45 p. m. - A Peee Into His Pocket ... would "how the bjx of H'ictt.-ns A Pica Bhlve t!nr a. V. ; r- penter of Mnrll'a, N. .. itlw.-ty rti ries. "I.ha 'el'c. hntl a col, rtiii or "oro i wuu. 1 nc : 5ooi hen ' l ; writes'. '.ri-iiioii he.iVr uf i ,.rns, 'o!'s, h iM'i clmpjie,. Iimiv.i iiMl !, !ever-Bi)i'vw, sKiueri v. -is. corn 8 inu pins, is-t hi itn Pbarma-?'. !.lli!,ll.l KIH.LTHECOUCH anpCUREthslUKGS AXD All THROAT A WD TROUBUS j . ary tr A 1 J F I 11 k U fNaniB i . wo r ' YES SIREE! ' THOROUGH BRED TOBACCO . A quarter pound plug of sure enough good chewing for 10 edits. Got 'em all beat easy. No excessive sweetening to hide the real to bacco taste. No spice to make your tongue sore. Just good, old time plug tobacco, with all the improvements up-to-date. CHEW IT AND PROVE IT at our expense, the treat's on us. Cut out this ad. and mail to ua with your name and address for attractive FREE offer to chewers only. "Yellow Tm" i LIIPFEfcT SCALES CO., Winslon-Salem, N. C. NIGIIT"EXPBE8S. Train No. 6 will leave Edenton 4.45 a. rn.. eave Hertford 6.00 a. m.. leave Elizabeth City 5 66 and arrive Nor folk 8.00 a. m. MOTOR CAR FLYER ON- CUR- ' RITUCK BRANCH. Leave Munden 7.35 a. in., daijy, arrive JN oi folk 8.55 a. m., leave Norfolk daily, except Sunday 10.00 m.; leave JUumlen 12.40 p. m,; arrive Norfolk 2.00 p. nr., leave leave INorfoIk daily 8.30 p. in., arrive jtfunden 4.50 p, m. W. W. CROXTON, General Passenger Agent. unless tht'eof j)artd. blended and roasted ac cording to the famous French method. Use UKIAUNE COFFEE For all- arbund family 1 use Ts TE REILY-TAYLORCOi Ktw Orleans. u.s. a. postOflke. YOURPROPkRTY SAFE? J For uiiiMHe v French mm It is not unless it la amply protected with ituut ancelNo one caa tell whea it will go up la sannk If not fully "liaured see us. Delay Is dangerous. r WE WRITF'.IT RIGHT. LITTLE & SAWYER 5ll Main Street.1 Saved Her Own Life FRIENDLY BRAZIL. Brazil is cultivating the good will of this country. Dr. Eugenlo Dahne, special commissioner from Brazil, re cently wrote to Acting Director-Gen- eral Sefton in part ag follows: "Brazil desires to take a leading part amongst the foreign nations that will be present at the Panama-California Exposition and will grudge no ex pense to make an Interesting and im posing show at the same. And by right of having been first on the ground, of foreign nations, I claim the privilege of priority in the choice of the best site and largest space for Brazil's exhibit" MpSIODHEYPlfiLS Afraid to Stay alone Cherry Valley, Ark. Mrs. Carrie Moore . of this place afraid to stay by myself. I had headache nearly all tha ti mo? m v hearf would palpitate and my vi tality was very low. When. I would lie down at night I had no hope of living until day. I tried Cardul and now I fepl better than have for 5 years. I cannot praise Cardul enoueh for what it did " Are you a woman? Do you need a tonic? Try Cardul, the womans tonic. Tour druggist sells it. xecumsen uma . 1 Deiieve'" says Mrs. Eliza Epperson of this place, "that If it hadnt been for Cardul I would have been dead today. Before I began using Cardul I goffered from pains In the head shoulders back side limbs and the lower part cf my body. Cardul helped me more than anything and I am now in better health since taking It than for Jour years." Nobody can deny , that the best tonic for a woman to take is a tonic for women Cardul. Please try it DR. WILEY'S OFFENSE. Dr. Wiley took one-third of the time of a first class man Instead of all the time of a third .class man. That is the actual "offense" . for which the great friend of the people is being harried by the Taft adminis tration. " F0IEY5IJJ)IIFP!!IS ton Backache Kionc-j.-n: Cii&raEI, ill: ft New "Rock Dill" Lightcs Running, Most Stylish and Durable on Market Patented Long-Distance Spindles, oiled without removal of wheels. t Patented Sjde Spring. Strongest braced Body made. I New style Seat. q Every feature of hfgk class make. I Phaetons, Surries, Runabouts of - same High Quality. I Our guarantee your protection. T,ROCK .. ., . Remember The New Eectrical Firm At 508 East Fearing St Where You Can Get WorIK)f All Kinds Done Promptly, A Complete Line Of Fixtures, Lamps, Shades, Dry Bitteries arid Electrical Supplies Carried in Stock. ' ' ' ' Bids On House Wiring Furnish ed For The Asking. Special Attention Given To Dynamo and Motor Work. City Electric Supply; Co. 508 Fearing St. Elizabeth City, N. C. BEEF PACKERS AFTER WILtY HILU A Poslal Card To Us Will Bring An ageni 10 lou AI Uoce ROCK GILL BUGGY COMPANY Rock B' J. South Carolina C. C. C0B8, JAS. B. McCAW COBB BROS. & CO So, State Phonel438 So Bell Phcne 448 Mrs Cook Tells Truth - Dexter Ky. In a signed statem ent Mrs. -Cook tells the truth ab out now Cardui brought back her hcalih and strength. She says "I could not get anv relief, until I tried Cardul the womans tonic. I suffered more or less for 10 years and was , so weak and nervous I ifould hardly do my house work. Sow I am In better health than ev er before am regular aa clock work do-not suffer at all and gain str ength every day' Thousands of. women nave oeen Helped back to health byCarrd ul. Try It. . BROKERS. Members; of New York and Norfolk Cotion Exchange. T Correspondents of Chicago Board of Trrade and New York Stock Exchange., 1 ' . : COTTON GRAIN - STOCKS BONOS PROVISIONS. Special attention given to Telegraphic and Phone orders, of all ordders' reported promptly. Any Information desired market, will be gladly furnished at any time. . " 101 Plume Street NORFOLK, VIRGINIA- Execution regarding TRY US FOR JOB WORK A remarkable series of facts which have come to light within the last twenty-four hours Indicate that pack ers of embalmed beef are the- influ ence that have been principally be hind the plot to have Dr. H. W. Wiley ousted from public service. Manufacturers of embalmed beef are at present, by virtue of an order Issued by the department of agricul ture, permitted to use benzoate or. soda in whatever quantities they may desire.. Dr. Wiley not only op posed the Issuance of this order, main talning that the preservative Is decid edly harmful in its effects upon tho human system but has worked un tiringly to educate the peoplo to the , danger lurking In packed meats in I whfch benzoate is used. The. re sult is that several states have passed legislation absolutely forbidding the use of the drug n any quantity what soever. Therefore Dr. Wiley has be come a standing menace to the em balmed meat Industry. "This man Wiley has got to go," was the edict that went out from the embalmed meat manufacturers. Dr. Wiley held that benzoate of jsoda was harmful tp the human sys tem, me pacKers appealed to the Hems sen referee board, especially packed with friends of the -food dopers, which board very promptly and obligingly reversed Dr. Wiley. Tha board held that benzoate of soda In small quantities, specified as live- tenths of one dram pex day, wa n l injurious to healthy pultons. But when the order wtw Issued legaliz ing the use of beoaoate, no limitation whatsoever wru made aa ' to tie drug the packers amount of the might use. . r Remarkable cl-cumitances attend ed the Issuing of the order lettllng down the barg to the food dopers. The order wasfssued cn March 3, lv)09 and was placed into circulation March 4, the day President Taft went Into office. It was signed by George B. . Cortelyou, Oscar S. Straus and James Wilson, thren cabinet officers &z re quired by law. All of the threo men were to retire from office the next day and actually retired before the scope of their order became known. This order giving governmental function to tho use of the product of benzoic acid meat that we were going back 6000 years, for benzoin or its products had hot been used in the preservation of flesh since the Egyptians stopped embalming their dead. Chemist Floyd W. Robinson,. one of Dr. Wiley's prominent assistants, re cently appeared as a witness against benzoate in an action brought by the state of Tndiana to prevent the eale of foods containing benzmt?, and be fore Dr. Wiley ha1 a chatice to In tervene Roblneoa'i dismissal "fm the good of the service" followed. "Find the influence that was power ful enough to have tho three cabl net officers Issue the order legaliz ing the doping of foods." say Dr. Wi leyw friends, "and you will learn the ideutr of the men who have ever since been plotting to hare Dr. Wiley ousted." I . Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo M Best Slvr It ibo W rfi.