A Sep ovs Cotton Disease and How to MISS HARRIS BECOMES BRIDE OF J T Handle it MR. TOXEY . Thorels a disease of cotton wh!ch is yearly attracting Increased nt.cii. tloa throughout the cotton belt. It knownas cotton anthracnode. , . It. Is most, easily recognized whan on the boll, where It forms ulcer like spots, which, as they age, b come pink in the centers. The upot may enlarge so as to effect the whole boll. The diseased part of the boll usualy falls to open and of ! eh the contents rot. Enquiries from a rious sections or the State are being received almost daily att he Exper fmen Station concerning the disease. Ix ius also been especially sevre In -I:baL-iia and Georgia during recent ye:.n, so severe in the latter Sta'e th;:t 'he Legislature has made a large special appropriation for its In vestigation. Although the disease Is seen and recognized most prominently on the bolls, it also occurs on the kives and n:ems. Cotton growers should know thata the di pease is carried from reason to reason on the 83dt sind that se-l from a sick boll, evo though very sllg'.itly diseased, ni' raife a di.wased plant, and this hi turn may spread the disease to the whole crop of the next season. There is r.o satisfactory ?catmeii., nni 'he one point to te remembered Is that seed from disease! fields is liko'.r ti carry the diseas. lo fact, almost fime to do so. Ewe-: seed from clean fields whli-'h has passed i.h-7Jj.i i gin in which itis;sed cotton hai !.i?m ginned is dangerous. It is of utmost importance for the grower to be sure that his cotton seed does not come from a field or from a region where this disease prevails. In n pret.y home Weddlr.K ttt Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 f'clr k, Miss Agnes Harris, daughter of !'r. and Mrs. Walter Harris, become the bride of Mr. Charles F. Toxey : ! tho home of the bride's parents in Mai- tin Btreet. The home was beautifully decora. ed in golden rod and potted plants, making a color scheme of yellow and reen. Miss Mary Love rendered the wed- gesson was the ring bearer. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Kate Harris, and the groom was attended by his brother, Mr. A. Toxey, of this city, as best man. Rev. J. Y. Old performed the wed ding ceremony In a very impressive manner, the ring ceremony being psed. i . immediately after the ceremony, the bridal party escorted Mr. and Mrs. Toxey to the Norfolk Southern depot, where they boarded a North bound train for an extended1 trip to Northern cities. Mrs. Toxey Is one of the most charming young ladies in the city. She has a host of friends among whom she' is very popular. Mr. Toxey is a very promient young business man of this city, be- a member of the firm of Gallop and Toxey Shoe Company,. Gave Up Hope 1 suffered five years, with awful pains, due to woman ly troubles," writes Mrs. M. D. McPherson, from Chad bourn, N. C "They grew worse, till I would often faint I could not walk at all, and I had an awful hurting in my side ; also a headache apd a backache. I gave up and thought I would die, but my husband urged me to try Cardui, so, I began, and the first bottle helped me. By the time the third bottle was used, 1 could do all my work. AJ1 the people around here said I would die, bet Cardui relieved me." AKWIWomaSlTonic: For more than 50 years, Cardui has been relieving woman's sufferings, 'and making weak women strong and welL Durirtfthis time, thousands of women have written, Eke Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the really surprising results they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic remedy for women. . Cardui strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or pre vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles. I! you ate a woman, begm taking Cardui, today. J JTtM- LuW AMmr Dec.. 0ttaewea Mdae Co . CMtaaaaaa. Tama. SaratJaWactiaat aaa tVpaWaiiiTTtaaN iTrutaMat tor Wamea.'MatiM. T at TO tT3 CO CD JL 111 Presenting a Program of Stupendous Feats of Agility, Superb Horsemanship, Clever Acrobatics, wonderful Aerial Novel ties, Exciting Races, Real Western Pastimes, Repro ductions of Indian Massacres, Educated Ele phants, Female Bareback Riding Acts, Gathered From the Four Cor ners of the Earth. THE WRIGHTS NOW AT KITTY HAWK GREATLY REDUCED RATES In Loving Memory Last Wednesday, October 4th, 1911, the borne of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wil wiams, of South Mills,, N. C, (was dorkned, when the Angel of Death came and took their little darling Maimie Webb to that bright and , beautiful world beyond, which is ca'l ed beaven Don't weep, loved ones, for little Maimie is ono of Heaven's brightest angels and will me-. you all Again In that nloriom day which is in time to come Little Maimie leaves papa, mamma,, sister, two fcrcthers and a Uost of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Tho funeral wa j tondw.ied by l.'i'V. C P- Jerome,, at the home and ih.v . remains were laid to rest in the fani fty burying ground to await the res errection morn." i Asleep in Jesus oh how sweet!: HELON WILLIAMS. Has A ALL OUT OF SORTS -y E'izaheth City Person er Felt Thnt Way? Nev- Feel all out of sorts? Tired, Blue, Irritable, Nervous? Back feel lame and achy? That's, the story of sick kidneys Brd blood circulating about; Uric acid poisoning the body. Just one way to fe! i-'sh. agate Cure the sluggish kidneys; Do it with Doan's Kidney Pills. Ki vr Joshua Elliott, Grubb St.T Hereford, X. C, saysi "I gladly veri tfv r.!l I said about Ooun e Kidney Pills when I publicly recommended them in January, 1908. I suffered 'constantly from backache and pains News from Kitty Hawk states that the Wright brothers are there mak ing preparations to test their new flying machines. They passed through this city Mon day with, a large quantity of para phanalia, consisting of machinery, material and supplies, heading to ward the scenes of their old opera tions. This time, nllie in th. city t'iCT vere the cynosure of .ill ove They have become famous since they were here before. When mak ing experiments there three or four years ago, they spent considerable time in this city unnoticed by the people. lney are making preparations to test their marhlnes and will be ready to go to flying around those sounds In a few days. The squad of News paper reporters are already on the scene, , having got tiere before the Wrlghta did. 'They will likely have an easier task this time reporting their experiments than they did be fore. The Wrights are considerably more communicative than they were then and are a great deal more so ciable, fame and riches having made them magnanimous and chairtbly in clined. , Mr. Lorln Wright has spent con siderable time in this city during the past two or three weeks, and he was not secretive in the least, but was inclined to, be communicative, making no attempt to conceal the purpose of this trip to Kitty Hawk. TO tin t ugh my loins. I did not rest well and felt tired and worn, out when I t;ot up in the morning. Doan's Kid ney Pills were procured for me and they gave me prompt and permanent -relief. I have often " recommended rliis remedy to my friends, and I know that it has always dor. good work. For Bale by all dealers. Prica Wc. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'o - and take no other. tiOOD ROADS IN THE" SOUTH 4 The Atlantic Coast Line To Operate a Good Raods Train over their Entire System. BEAUTY OF COLOR PAINTING Nice shades of color like L. & M. Tuxedo Yellow or Silver Gray, and .solid trim of Olive or Shaker Green, both ornament and wear, when used by adding three-fourths of a gallon of Oil to each gallon of the I t M. colors as produced at factory. . Then the paint costs only about $1.60 . per gallon bc-cece ; the u?er himself makes about half the paint used, and reduces lP8t by add ing the; Oil. " " "Longman Martinet, Manufactur ers, The L. & M. Pure Paints, Var nishes and Paints for every purpose, for sale by D. M. Jones' Company. Raleigh N. C. ACCOV.nT State Fair Elizabeth City $3.00 Hertford 6.90 Edenton 5.C5 Mackeys - 5S. Columbia ... 5.85 Plymouth 4.85 Belhavon , 4.85 ! Washington ; . . 3.93 Oriental 4.73 Greenville ..3.35 Pai-mvi'.le 2.95 Wilsoa ... ".10 Ticket sold Oct M't- tr 21U - c'us'vc, limred to Oo 23rcl. Ample convenient schedu.'s.! via Norfolk Southern Raiiroad. Get complete information ironi nearest TkKet ra nt. W. W. CRCXTON. GPA.. N. S. ;'. M NORFOLK, VA. l Its often satd w I - Its just as good as LUZIANNiT Let.no such 2 ( sale The Fortunes of Generations, the Experience of Many Years A Real Wild Weat Trained wild Beast Show, In Stael Arena, the Costliest, Meat Complete Zoological Collection Ever Offered. 10 Pur Whit Giant Polar Bears. Thre Herd of Enormous Wise Elephants. Expert Saddle Rider In Beautiful Menag Numbers, Everything New and Novel In Eques trian Art. A WORLD OF FUN FOR OLD AND YOUNG argumentprt- , t 1 jrcujfrom ' your ttmt -tr.ied fricnd;ITTI-v1Trr JterOauuauii. 600 Head of the Finest Hones Ever Assembled. Three Hundred World-Famous Acts. Company of Ex. U. S. Cavalry. A Selected Co. of Muncie's Zouaves. 60 Genuine Indians. Cowboys and Cow Girls. Mirth-Provoking Clowns, 60 in Number. Champion Middle Weight Back Lifter. Trained Camel Herd. 6 Musical Elephants. , a stdpbuiooits, muLvvavu milliox-dollah. wectacxb Giren Free Upon the Public Streets at 10 O'clock A. II A MILB IiOlTO. MAJTY WIDE. OPBN DKTfS OF WILD n FUSTS, IMMKRSM CHARIOTS, HUNDREDS Or BBAVTIPUI. HORrF, RJC'IJI.T COVTUMKD CHAHACTTISRH. KINGS, aVBKNS, KNIGHTS, I.ADlUS, NOI.DfHJRS, HHIUMI Or EXiEPHANTS, CAMRLS, SACRBD OATTI.K. ISTC. VVXXX CUIWH ARB CTIRRINO BAND. SECOND BBCTION OP PARADE CONSISTS OP THJ WILD WEST. INDIANS. COWBOYS. OOWOIRXS. COSSACKS ARABS, STAGS COACHBS INDIAN BANDS ON HORSEBACK, CO. BX U. S. CAVALRT. DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND T P. M. TO VISIT METNACERID AND IN DIAN VILXAGIB. FKRVORMANCB X HOUR LATLliU , SEATS FOR 10,00s VISITORS UNDER SUN AND WATERPROOF THNTS, If you want a dinner that beats a country dinner, go to B. T. Harris's rpst veek. 5 or 6 doses "669" will cure any : ?p of cbV.U and Fever. Price, 26c. The Atlantir Coast Line will handle the National Good Roads Train over its entire system, starting out from Richmond, Va., November 23rd. This train will consist of two coaches,, one ' If which will contain medals, operated by electricity, of road working machinery of various characters, and forms of various kinds of good roads. These will be displayed In an attracivt way, and open to the public. The other coach will be equipped for lectures and ste opticon views. A private tar will accompany the f.-aiu for the accom modatlon of the lecturers. Two Government Road Engineers, jand a Representative of the Aemrl- can Association for Highway Improve ment, will accompany the train, as will, also, a Representative of the Atlantic Coast Line. x The train will make fr"m one to two stops in each county in the States of Virginia. Xorti Carolina South Carolina, Georgia, Harfda and Alabama, through which the Atlan tic Coast Line runs. Free demon strations and steroptican lectures will be given at each stop. The Object of this train, is to stim ulate highyay improvements, and give practical Instructions in the building and maintenence of improv ed roads, with a view nf reducing the cost of farmers in the moving of their cropa fo the railways! (The public are invited to co-oper ate ia every way, and to extend these conferences. isouce or the itinerary of this train 5 or 0 dot-es will be published In this paper later. C:i.e o," Chi'.:; Where ara you going my pretty Maid? "I'm going to feed my cowa," ha said.. Tla freah and nutritious from W. S. White, and Co'a store, and they give more milk than ever before. They "ire aleak too, and fatter, the best of their breed, there's nothing better than W. S. White and Co's feed, for other, stock and poultry i we1!, and for aeed they ars In the lead, grata teed. Clover, oat t,. wheat rys, ate. Hyacinthj, tulips, narcia aua anti other flovvsrirg bulbs for fall planting. j Youra to serve, W.S.WHITE & CO UMU LL Eni UMi32l,'LP, W TTTBIB7 W JBETO New "Rock .Hill" MfihtftN a . . Running, Most Stylish and Durable on Market IPatented Lonsr-Distance Spindleo, oiled without removal of wheels., I Patented Side Spring. Strongest braced Body made. New style Seat. q Every feature of high class make. Phaetons, Surries, Runabouts of sine High Quality. fOur guarantee your protection. Pssisl Cri To Cs Vffl Bring Ai Nflcw is isi ai voce Kftci kill bucct ccsirAigr ' at aim, .t cawn . TURN YOUR WASTE INTO MEAT AND PROFITS How ? Fence your farm so as to utlll se ' your waste products. Fence is tflo Important factor in rotation and alternate pattura.' It enablea yon t convert waste into profit. With libera use of gates, small fields are quickly thrown into big one, siring unlimited extension and alternation. The fence thus cuts down the cost and increases the production f the farm by turning waste Into meat your big profit maker ..... i .a it For Sale by SHARBER & WHITE Hardware Co. 127 Poindejtter at. Phone S4 NOTICE Any tuitcib.T who doet ticl rt- eriv his paper promptly ia requttt ed to call at the office or write the editor. "666" will cure r.-l ievr. F.ice. any 2'c. Very Serious It I a Try serious mattar to ask for on medicine and . have tha wrong one givan you. For this reaaon w urge you in buying to be careful to get th genuine m a. TMCDT0RD3 J BLAGK-DI7AU2IIT liver Medldne The reputation of thia old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly eatabliabed. It docs not imitate other medicines. It ia better than others, or it would not be-tbe fa orite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 ATLANTIC COAST ONE The Standard Railroad of the South Ramifies the "Nations Gsr den Spot'TThrongh the States of , ' VIRGINIA NORTH CAROLINA SQUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA AMABAMA and FLORIDA FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS NEW YORK AND FLORIDA SPECIAL. (January to i Apr!') "FLORIDA and VvEST INT'AN LIMITED", "PALMETO LIMITED" "COAST LINE FLORIDA MAIL" Dining cars-a la carte service . All year round through car ser vice from New York to both Port Tampa and Knights Key, connecting with stamships to and from Havana. , - fat For beautifully illustrated booklets and copy of "Purple folder" address: Craig Passenger traffic M;r., T. C. White gen'lpassenger ag't Wll- gton. (V. J. mingtoi

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