L1t Cf fitly Ahuatirr Published Every. Friday . By v , HERBERT PEELE. Editor and Manager. 8UBSCIPTI0N RATES. On Year . . Six Months .$1.00. ..50c. "Entered as second-class matter May 19,. 1911. at the post office ot .Elizabeth City, North Carolina, un der the Act of March 3, 1879." ELIZABETH CITY AND IT Y. C. A. BUILDING ' M. Thla world belonga to the energe- tic", 1 Emerton.. . "But; gentle wonde are always gain." Teniyton. "Hold on, hops hard is the subtle thing. That's spirit." "There Is something belter than revival of religion, and that is a religion that doesn't -need to be re vived." O wight L Moody. ".'Tie nobleness to serve. Help theiti who cannot help again." Emerson. PEELINGS Don't carry coal to New Castle. ; Don't try to drown a duck by pour lng water on his back. ' Don't Imagine you can fight the " devil with Are." r s -This kind, said the Master, come not out save by fasting and by pray, er. We make so little headway against evil, sometimes, because our methods are wrong. ." It - is the climax of littleness to apeak contemptuously of those whom . you secretly envy. i A reputation is sometimes tempora rily sullied by a breath of suspicion that your enemes gloat over, that strangers credit,' and that your friends never hear of. But wait. Time is the great vindicator. No one ever heard of complaint of shor( measure, when the ommodi- , ty In question was a peck of trouble. Charity suffereth- long, and so do those who live by it A lion can't contend' with pole cat, and shouldn't try. The greatest damage done will be to his own self respect , ' , . ' ( 1 Riches in themselves are no dis grace.'' There are hearts that beat as true behind the shimmer of silk and the sheen of satin as any that glow beneath hickory shirt or homespun dress. Necessity Is the stern mistress that drives us to achievment and to con quest and to final victory. We shrink from her dominion, but only those who serve her have known the full glory of doing their utmost. . Rev, Livingston Johnston, of Ral eigh, N. C, stys that the Advance is a sprightly paper, altogether the best that 'has appeared In Elisabeth City. What do you say? If you have aught against the Ad vance or aginst Its editor, don't hes itate to tell us about it. So will you be kinder than he who, telling oth ers of our faults, gives us no chance t-J clear ourselves. With cold weather coming on, you may find the door of our office closed. But the latfch string is on the outside, Come In! There was written and hung on our hook last week an article Noting the fact that the Y. M. C, A., building was aboufto be furnished and the nc tive work of the local association re sumed. We labored undeT very many dit"i(!vantagcK last week, and the -story" did not get into type. But it appears, in substance, in this issue. This is news that the Anvance is cx ccedngiy glad to hear and to chroni cle. There are those who say that Elizabeth City wilj not support a Y. M. C. A. organization, and we should like to see thoir statement dis proved. The eiecton of this splendid build ing, which is a credit to our town, has been attended by many difficul ties. All will remember that about a year ago its completion was des paired of. The directors had expend ed all the funds collected for it, and the work was but about half done. All efforts to raise further funds hed proted. futile, and those ' holding a mortgage upon the building had ad vertised It for sale. It seemed that the plan to give Elizabeth City a creditable Y. Jtf. C. A. would end in overwhelming f'isaster, a.'hliii; that would not have occurred without dis credit to the good name of the town. It was at this time that Mr. E. F. Aydlett, seeing the situation, . spoke to some of the directors and asked for a meeting to see if the building could not be saved. The directors secured a postponement of the sale for thirty days and the meeting w;:s hehl In the Methodist church. After, full discussion and consideration of the problem, Mr. Aydlett was mafia chairman of a committee to under take the raising of the noo.-s:'.r funds. About sixty days later thi:; committee ibrotight in a report 'to ti effect that enough had heoti pledged to finish tlie building; the work was resumed, j and tho -structure compli ed. Some of the pledges were slow coming in, so the furnishing and ac tive work of the association were not taken up at once; but timely ac tion had saved the building at a criti cal time in its history. The Advance believes that too much credit can not. be given the men who gave lib erally of both money and time jto pre serve it for the city and for - the young men of the town. The largest contributors to the fund were Mr. J. B. Blades and Dr. L. S. Blades;! but there were other liberal contributors also, among whom should be' mention ed Kramer Bros. & Company,. P. H. Williams, and Mr. W, J. Woodley, It should be remembered too that Mr. Aydlett i not only helped to secure these contributions, but coiUHautef1 five hundred dollars to the fund him-' self.' . -.,." . The Advanco hopes that T"Ui Jhls history behind it. the building will syeedily be used for the purpose for which It was intended. Tia diveo should And themselves backed by the hei.rty suDoorj. and unanimous sen tlment of the town. The securing of a secretary is an important matter; and the directors are wise in taking their time In selecting one. But the furnishing of the building should go forward apace. It will do so with the liberal and prompt response of those whose pledges are yet unpaid. RAGE MEETING! NOVEMBER . - .. AT :-4- - 1 ELIZABETH CITY MM1E PARK TI8 MIlliDS 2nd. and 3rd. Will be three Horse Races each day We expect to break this tracks record, the fastest trotting- stallion in Eastern N, C. Col. Patrick own ed by M. H. White of Hertford N.C. will be here arid his friends. We expect SOOOeach day. 50C. WILL ADMIT YOU ANY WHERE ON THE -GROUNDS AKD THE GRANDSTAND FHEE AND ONLY 5C, FROM MM ST TO PARK We are making efforts tq secure an air ship for this occasion. We want every body to come. Children un der 12 yrs., half price. C. C. Thompson sec, A. C. Stokes C. C. Thompson, V, R. Sawyer .1. V. Stoklcy, Advertising committee. V. Utl You miss lots of good t h 1 n jfsT by not eating at the r BUSY BEE , Cafe , , i) where the' finest '.-Ji t oysters and other delicacies are ser- f ved in season. 11 H.G.PAULOS, Prop. g The Advance is a newspaper, and as such its function is to give the news. Our reporter may not be a champion of baseball games, card par ties or circuses; yet these must be recorded. Neither does It follow that he is a church member because he mentions the good workk of re vivals or speaks approvingly of an eloquent sermon. This does not give us license, however, to print person al quarrels, scandals or ordinary drunks. - After three days pf lowering cloud and hours passing slow with bed rag gled skirts, tlie sun burst through, the clouds on Tuesday of this week and drove the' glooms away.- Wonderful how much difference a little sunshine will make,: isn't! -., After a week of weary unceasing labor you have plodded ydur way homeward with a sense of defeat. Then an old friend passed you on the street, and paid, f Hello, Smith. Con gratulations on the way you've een doing things lately." And straight way you felt big enough and strong enough to overcome the world. A kind word in season is like sunshine after rain. No attraction on last year's lyceum course, we have heard, was received with fuller favor than tne opening number, Victor's Venetian Band. There should be a large crowd in the au ditorium on Monday night next to greet the second appearance of this band here. ' . , The Advance is working with all its might to stimulate; every legiti mate entftrjtrise and to foster all movements looking toward a more progressive, a more attractive, and a more prosperous city. And the pa per to the consternation of its ene mies, is growing all the time; despite the fact that there are scomers to sneer at and witlings to defame it We have no - word of complaint gainst our good sobscribers who stopped their paper on the first of July. They were deluded but honest souls. But It does pain us when one who has beea receiving the paper for four months without a word of protest fires one back at us with the terse annotation "Refused. " That Is not -delusion, that is dishonesty. We note that the Price-Campbell co'tton picking machine, referred to in our columns last week, will be continuously at work in the vicinity of Charlotte from October 17th to October 31st This will give interest ed Carolinians an opportunity to see the new invention. The Advance awaits with interest the verdict of the Charlotte press; which up to this time has held an "I'm-from-Mlssouri" attitude. Will the board of engineers make a report favorable to the Lake Drum- mond canal? That is- now the ques tion. Here's hoping. The editor of this paper has made his share of mistakes in the brief span of his life. More than once he has come to himself with King Saul's exclamation, "I have played the fool." But. not! once has he been guilty of doing friend or enemy conscious wrong. He is on the square. Get ac quainted with him, and you will utt doubt it. - D. C. JONES DEAD Tha remains of Mrs. D. C. Jonea- were brought here yesterday morning from Norfolk. They were met at the depot by -a number of Odd Fel low and were-taken' to thevClty Road Methodist church where, the funeral services v-e:e conducted by Rev. J. H Buffalo. The Interment took place Inr -Hollywood cemetery.. Mr. J'-:ifs v-s r.hout fifty years old., He ic survived by a wife at;; cne son.. He lived here for a number of years engaged in conducting a gxo eery -business. He moved to Ojrco, Currituck coiiiny i.i January .nid has' been engaged h- mercantile J-um.jI-.j there. He was taken F'ck some t Imf agj and was takm to a Norfolk hospital to undergo an operation. Ho died yesterday moruing. He 'vns a pojj citizen ind hell In high est.w He was a menliT of the Odf Telle .vs and Majors. , . CARPET : RUGS MATTING OIL CLOTH LINOLEUM Each line is full of good values and it is a pleasure to show them. Do us the honor call. We can suit you in styles, qualities, and last but not least in prices, , One Yard Wide Oil Cloth in Remnants at 20d:s yard. WAUL, PAPBK , '. Is just arriving from the mills and we show many new arid attractive patterns. In purchasing wall paper from us we offer you loweri prices, dependable goods, newest ideas and the privilege of returning what you do not use. 1 Let us give you an estimate on your needs. PRICED as low as 10c, per Double Roll. I AGE fcURTAfiNS You may be among those who do not know that we carry one of life best as sorted lines of these good in the city Special attention has been paid to se lecting good patterns. We are showing the "No-hem Curtain." It is made ready tojslip on the pole. Saves a lot of work and always hangs right. P. W. MELICK (1 Parties who wish to buy farm lands . " . m . 4 - - 4 . ' or cay property will do well to see us. We have the largest list and best prices, l o convince you is simi to come and look it over. N. R; PARKER & SON. Elizabeth .City ought to have gas and will have gas. The Advance has no sympathy with those who doing nothing themselves offer a solid wall of opposition when any one else at tempts to do anything. The dog in the manger is the most contemptable of curs. - It makes no difference ro this paper who furnishes the gas, and we should like to see our people have it at as low a Drice as nosslble. Bat let us have of t4 of dallying and delay. - .More than o! entertainment, at the Hchool anJltvlum within the r;ut three weeks h.s been rparred ly those who not caring to lisrai tlipm selves have fu vented i.lhers trom doing ww-This.-shauld not be vciir.it ted. The disorder has been slight, and children have, been responsible for If, but that does not excuse it. 3 For two weeks now we have been hampered, by serous trouble with ou' linotype machine. Last week part of the straight matter had to be set by hand, and this week we, may be reduced to the extremity of filling up wtth "plate." But we hope that by next week we shall .be on our feet again. . . Wesson Snowdrift Oil Combines in one superior article the best quantities known FOR BAKING,. FRYING AND SALAD DRESSING. It is wholly vegetable, odoir xless, tasteless. 100 cooking value, and 20 more economical than lard, and 33t more eco nomical than butter, or olive oiL Sold by leading dealers. Made by TOE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. NcwYatk Savaaaals t flew Otfeaaa , . OJeat Remember The New Electrical Firm At 508 East FeaririSt, Where You Can Get Work Of All Kinds Done Promptly. A Complete Line Of Fixtures, Lamps, Shades, Dry Batteries and Electrical Supplies Carried in I Stock. Bids On House Wiring Furnish ed For The Asking. Special Attention Given To Dynamo and Motor Work. -Hold on; hole" fast; held ut Pa tience la genhts." City Electric Supply Co. 508 Fearing St. Elizabeth City, N. C, JOB PRINTING I