A vast stock of new fall garments at excep- I il lF W TF I TJ 1 IP - - tionallv low Prices! . Our disDlav windows THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY merely reflect the agreeable surprise within. THE STORE THAT SAVES YQU MONEY -UWENSTEIM'S Ladies' $30.oo Tailored Suits $25.00 50 ALL WOOL LADIES' , ' TAILORED HITS IN NA Made of Mannish Serge in Navy and Black strictly Tailored jy jfj SRGE coat skirt, pannel back an front. Skinner sat OOC flfl 81Rflfl UMIIFnT tinlined. Regular $30.00 Suits Openingprice OdUU ' , ,HLUCHI i '- Tailored Suit in this group are 9 L LADIES' $22.50 TAILORED SUITS $18,00 style eritcrions. G.irriieiits that would easily bring higher price. Tailored of Manish Sergec with hand turned collart reveres and edges. Coat i , . lined with satin. Skirts with regu- In serge and French Broad cloth man tailored coat, Satin lined "d hi0:i waist lines, ma with in Black, Navy and fancy Cashimeres, t 1 ft flfl cix nd ei0h' Bres' par,nel f ont nd 7 A JFJ back, a great value at $18. Opening price $12.50 $7.50 French Serge Skirts $5.75 Ladies' French serce skirts in Navy and Black. Pannel back and front. Pleated side effect regular . CC $7.50 Value, Openingprice VO.t) Ladies' $18.00 Polo Coats $ 1 2.50 $12.50 $12.50 In Tan Mixtures regular $18.00 Coat HnAn inn t t ' Ladies' $15.00 and $18.00 Caracul Coats regular $22.50 values. Opening price. $12.50 F K Ewl' With every Purchase of $5.00 JOHN ROBINSONS SHOWS, Ladies $15.00 and $18.00 Caracul Coats, This is an exceptional value at $15. and $18. Opening price or more we will give a FREE TICKET to t a m ivr o nn yt t tvt v JU V JGLJ JLJ O JL jdJ JL J-3 THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY CURRENT COMMENT " - . ,...-. Later facts develop that the flood c-; Austin. Pennsylvania, reported last if.'k was another cas-e efc. the -rim-Lhiv pog'tigenee so common in Amer ica. The cla! had abov.: ifrclf some Usno a'0 too 'weak to withstand tlte force of a heavy flood nt' v.'i; r :: ! e-nstincor.-: had rceotiinxMt.Ui! that it be strengthened. Put, nothing was done and the calamity is the result. Though the loss of illle Is'mv.cb lets than at flr.-t reported, wo rhould not; forget that one hundred lives have been eacrileed to criminal careless ness. Trust magnates are not the on ly men In our country that need to be jailed. loss of Tripoli will take from Tur key the last of her African possessions. s-totm . tar.; ci a f : W;: en ' ;: :-.:red a 'okint; tnV.-an'. iv.iiio'ul from lew. A diarcr :':;'. i'. .t' (ho oryanizn c beer, taken. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I'd 'l't i T'; i.-h. NOTICE Captain will furnish en;: q i can (iiies at cd. Ciaranu-cd Loa.e : ::- rr.l ttreet. .r. ii. 1 in l.ir--r. or 2o per ton I i r i . r No. i. . ver-coal ;.::-:n ';(.' ,i'irch' ';:!' Co":u:!es nv dualTnt .v. v' :'act that i-iey hnv? cd t!:o Ci-. r''-c :,I.--:m .- s-.bculd change the political complex ion o." that orga-.i. I- cbo'.Uci a!?-o put an end, as ths Raleigh .'.'c's and (ob server declares,' to their 'w. about the "Meckleiburg myth." SAL"' - - old ;" !; I 'll tor ; a '.'.;: 2U ! i The place made vacant by the as sassination of the Russian Premier Rtnlvnin him hppn filled bv Vladimir k-k-W' fvmriv .mtrti-. to I s still on. As yet there Is no oin France. It i thoueht that he Is 1 cl compromise on either side a ,h. hwoi hj i0w:ing against the strikebreakers, - . than, "his predecessor, and that for elgners ift Russia, not even excepting Jews, will receive better treatment Pt his hands. How far these Russian ideals are, . however, from those pf the European statesman is shown by The strike on the Illinois C.ntial reported in these1 columns la-.it week brought in by the railroad. Is inteni e. .inif has resulted mora than once Violence. 'or, a c:uni. no !.-;-. u : ih-. oouriiv. ri'l ."O i ' an exclajnation credited to him .in the Outlook, "Thank God we haven't got a parliament." Two weeks ago Italy startled Eu rope with a declaration of warasjainst Turkey, and started her fleet toward Tripoli, on the North African coast'. Desiring to avoid useless bloodshed the Italian ships, after reaching Tri poli, delayed opening Are until Mon day of last week, with the hop that the port'"Would be peacefully surren dered. Their hopes proving futile, however, -the bombardment -of Tripo li began , last Monday and continued through Tuesday; not, however, with out, intermission.- The Turkish guns from the fortifications responded' to the Italian fire, but their shots fell short of the fleet. The battle was lit tie more than a shooting match, and terminated favorably to the Italians, as everybody knew that it would. The city isliow occupied by the ItPlians, who hold it under mart; -.1 law. The port of Tobruk, on the Tri- ' The 'trial of the McNamara hroih ers, under indictment- for murder in connection with the explosion which wrecked the Los Angeles Times build ing on October. 1, 1910, was begun at Las Angeles before Judge Walter "3ordwell this week. Its progressvwill be watched with Interest. Many Carolina papers are coming out for Harmon or Clark or Wilson as president. There's no need to be in- such a hurry about, it. The Ad vance would not like to say at this time which of thepe is the strongest man, aside from the question as to which It' would be wisest to nominate. A negro was lynched in the wood six miles north of Greenville Tues day, for the usual crime. An attempt was being made ' to get the criminal t ) Spartanburg, but he was overtak en by purstiers in automobiles. ' PROTECTION aouCTS PRICES The United States is not the only Inatio.i suffering from excessive pro- P!itaT coaft sis hundred miles east j lection. The rigid protective policy of the city of Tripoli has also been (or uermany, ttiough not captured, and , the Italian rpvers the porH of Benghazi ui'4 Do nearly so oci, aio'ii" oae la.lc Ooni church school. Oilier .luilii p.v. K'f it cr.n l.' b-;uf.r reasonable, 1). STILLMAM, Eden' on, X. C. of-4t. WANTED A teacher to teach Provi- dencc School District No. 2. Whl'e. Apply to N. S. L'atcd, Crmmiitce Oct. 6 3t. .V ANTED Mi-n. iiiid boys -so lear i Aotcmcbile business. New and mod e:i! Machi-iory; new carp; best quipped shops South. Good posl t otis for our graduates. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 13-4t. lrOK RENT In the city of-Norfolk, Va., grocery store in good location, rent reasonable, this is the season to open for thigi business. Answer. James A, Miller, 1 Arcade build ing, Norfolk, Va. WANT-ED Back numbers of the Ad vance issues of Angus' ?5Ui, Sept. 29th, and July 28th. Brit s to Ad vance Office. WANTED Second hand bags and bur lap: Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company, Richmond, Va. Sept., 15th 10 t. -V , I .. ;"'A IS IP 3 . ATTRACTIVE BRAGELETS are seldnm sppn in nrh an ' - -w w waa m.m.m. j mm mm mm m extensive display as we're showing at present. We know you will become in terested not only in the new designs and styles, but in the PRICES we have placed upon the articles themselves. IF YOU WANT TO SEE The prettiest Lockets, Chains, Pen dants, Brooches, Pins and Stone set Jewelry in Elizabeth City, ac cept this invitation to come" look LOIUDS SELDG LEADING JEWELER FOR REfclT. The A. M. Wiiey Farm near Snow den station. Good land and splendid buildings, or will sell cheap and on good terms. Timber and buildings worth all I ask, leav ing 150 acres good land for nothing. No fake but an excellent opportunity for you. W. E. Dunstan. Elizabeth City, T. C. The CITIZENS Bank of Elizabeth City rents Safe De posit Boxes to keep your valua bles and pays Int erest on deposits in its saving dep't. Your account is cordially nv ted. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! CIAL sq-.ia.di'.-n drastic as that or the United State: i na. So far the conflict has been- a walkover for Itarly. But the worst work has'" yet' -to be'don.- With the Italian flag waving over Tripoli and with an Italian governor in charge of the city there remains the task of FOR ALEOne second hand "Russ win" lock. In good order. Original value $1.50. Can bo had very, cheap. Call at the Advance office. prosper if they can help it. v "Tbo democratic party is not bent upon a ruthless policy of destruction, and no legitimate business need fear that it will be treated unfairly." the army7a very different and far, any, nor are labor conditions nng more difficult one. The French pc- improved. In the last five years sta cupied Algiers In 1830. They did not : tistical rerumsshow that, making due ret possession of the entire province allowance for Increase in population, until 1860. Italy has occupied the employment of females in indus- hRS eo increased the cost of Hvlh?,' i to compel the most severe ec!i i mics On the part of the wage earners. The fai'ii.ies of the ma3sc.j cannot i afford the luxury of meat. Horses jon the. steel business. He -denied that and even dogs are killed in laree uxiB is true. "! ,n,:T 'tr ccasumpiwn as ioou. i -Reniiblicnn newsnaners." said Mr ! 'it -'- ' J jifn.l- . Cfanlav fl" tt'vinp' in mnl;o flirt -.rmr ti-y believe that the Der.il MistaKe are HKeiy to occur in - j ocrats are proscitting the steel I adding the list of new names that j cortoration. .Nothing touifd be lnrth j we have on hand to our subicnp- er from the truth. The investigation tion . list. Any subscribers fail Wages are not increased in . TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS For this SPECIAL we will have all of our BARGAIN tablet Just loaded with shoes at much less than cost. Why not be the Firs to get your choice Our main object In sending out this circular is to let the trade k how that the greatly increased demand on us for our shoes has compelled us ,to buy in larger quantities; there I foer we am 'i jw prepared to -how ou more shoes and better shoes for the pr ces than you have ever teen In this city. We have bought them cheaper and can tell them for lett m onty than you can c the umi quality elsewhere. We alto give you "ur IreRUInr 5 per cent cash registe- check that hundreds of people are taving. Why . don't you get In ths swim and save money by buying your Shoes, Hats, Trunkt, Suitcaset and Made-toMeasure Clothing from the busy up-to-date Shoe Store? Phone 250, New Kramer Building, 400 Eatt Main Street.' Gallop & Toxcy Shoe Co. PHONE 250 NEW KRAMER BLDG, 408 E. MAIN 8TREET. City of Tripoli. How long it will take to make her power effective through out the entire province emains to be reen. Forty thousand Italian soldiers lisre landed ir. Tripoli this week, aa.i the" work of establishing Italian au turrity throug ' -t fie pror'n e 'H bfe prosecuted with vigor. Three centuries ago the entire northern coast of Africa, from Gibral tar to the Isthmus of Suez acknowl edged the Sultan as Us owlerd. The trial occupations where male "tabor Is to that errent supplanted, has increased over thrity-three per cent. j steel tmen who testified ! thank the committee for. ing to' receive their paper are re: quested to notify us promptly. ' has been conducted with the utmost fairness, and not a single one cf the failed to the fair rand generous way in which he had A.L LEG1T,!WATE BUS,N.E88 8AFE 'been treated. ; , , . . . - . I "The democrats realize the necesl Chairman A. O. Stanley, of the , steel trust investigating committee, , ty for constructive action. They says the Republicans are endeavor wan fhe eoTtotry to fee! that no leg -Agents for the famous brand PURI ing to create the Idpression that the iflroat busicess is going to suffer at TVDnnrtl lnTaaflMln t ll .lul "fhfllr hflnda. roA that nn tinslncMH I TAN FLOUR. , 4 t 11 P. GALLOP GO. '1214 WATER-STREET CLIZ CITY IBDftifers Eucceed when everything eoe bQa. In nervous proutratiot and female weako eases they are the supreme remedy, as tnoasaMia have testified. FOR KIDNEY (LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the test roedlciae ever sold ever a drof yiti's counter. A Full line of CUT LERY and TABLE wear at H. P GALLOP CO. 1214 WATER STREET ELIZ CITY Oucblen's Amu salvo The Best Safve la .. VcriJ. 5 i trust is in the nature oi an attack rlilcl: Is rof lcittaate Is" going to l' ' ' ' ' A