3t THE D EST ADVERTIS ING MEDIUM IN ELIZA BETH CITY. ' A neW paper with AN INCREASING CIR CULATION VOLI ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROUNAPRIDAY, OCTOBER, 27 1911 NO. 24 TPIF BREAT CROWDS 11ilSS S.HEEP BBIDE iFBliil IN A PRETTY HOME WEDDING LAST WEDNESDAY EVENING WITNESSSED BY BRILLIANT MAKES TWO ATTEMPTS HillOM PARTY MIBPHIU TAKES AND COMMITS SUICIDE MOYQCK BRIDE hllf.lliJnO RIMS I I U IV II IWIiW 71 . 5'. J A TO BE HELD AT THE ALBEMARLE PARK IN THIS CITY ON NOV, . - - . .2ND, AND 3RD FAST HORSES AND LOTS OF OTHER AMUSE. .WE NTS. 'The most Interesting theme of con -versation among the local horsemen aid lovers of good racing, is the racing meet which will take place at tae Albemarle Park on Nov 2nd and """ 2ri. . - Decidedly this is going to be tie most interesting gathering of fr.n horses that has been seen in - Elizabeth City in many a day. A large number have already been en tered for the races and more are com The people throughout the district .are interested too in these events ai they are coming to see the ra. CCS, the managers of the races ex .-pet fully five thousand people to be la attendance at the park on the 2nd ' ai 3rd of November. Ample accom- oiations will be provided by the tran pertation companies an the rail re to the great crowd, and the Ellz abetlt City people are preparing to eatertain the crowd in great style.' tizabeth City extends an invitation ta' every man, woman aid child. in the district to come and see the ra. . . - v ! '' OUR NATIONAL LAWS. ' A-.,' ' '-i . ' - Previous Documents Nat Properly Guarded Against Fire l Statesmen tell us that this is a gor emaent ef laws and not ef men, but if a Are should sweep .through the li brary of the state department on the ".ttiira floor of the state, war" and navy buMlng the United States would not nave any laws, so far as the original -copies go. All the laws of this coun ttry, from the days of George VVashing-"-ton'a administration down to the new--est of all statutes, are in that room. They are written and printed on parch--roent and bound In volumes, being numbered In the order in which they reach the state department. There are no fireproof cases in the library. Neither Is there any fireproof vault These unique documenta are ytored away in wooden cases which Would readily make food for flames. There never has been, a Are in the state department library, and no laws have been destroyed. There never was a fire -in the capitol at Albany until yt was swept by flames almost from tew. to bottom, wnne tue state, war and navy building itself is considered to be ajiretty good piece of fireproof eeastruotlon, its office furnishings and eAipment could readily be burned, oler departments of the government take better cnre of their documents thaa tlie state department does of its precious laws.-Washington Letter to Breeklyn Eagle. RADIUM EXPERIMENT. 'To Treat Disease Without Drugs and Without Surgery. Although radium Js no longer the world's wonder it was a few years ago, the opening in London of the Ra ainn institute as a public hospital frefc to the poor .merits attention an another mark in the progress of civilization. ' The institute owes its origin to the ini tiative nnd the patronage of the Uvte King Edward VII. tunl la a measure stands as a monument to commemo rate hia prompt, s.vmypathies with all the news movements of his time. But its essential worth lies in the part it is to play In advancing the science anrf the art of erring the thousand ill ths flesh U heir to. ; The new foundation is to treat dis ease without drags, without surgery and also without mental suggestion or faith cure. All that can be done there, for "awhile at leust, will be largely in the nature of experiment. It is said th4rt of the thirty persons who applied m the opening day only a few were I given treatment. Evidently" the new remedy is not to lx rashly .-.ventured. Tlio very fact of eautioa oxerrlsed is. ' however, a promise of M results in . - - future.' The time may be not far dis- !ogtj jngtanL nt when the new institute uw sof Thpre ,g . be a rush for SJtMiTey at work may be established t , , , w -S.Wong the feremost of the werKLrs- the t:cket8 and U wiU pay tose v ' fVi.c.wneu aospuais oi ue great ASSEMBLAGE. 7 In a beautiful home wedding last Wednesday evening at 7:30 O'clock at the home of the bride's parents in West Main St., Miss Pauline Sheep the daughter of Prof, and Mrs., S. L. Sheep became the bride of Mr. Glenn Hudson of Greensboro N. C . Th home was beautifully decorated, a different color Bcheme being pre sented in each room. The wedding marches were ren dered by Mr.s George W. Ward as sisted - by-Mrs IM-Meekina -in. a violin obligato. Just proceeding the ceremony Miss Hattie Harney sang with great sweetness "My Long Sweet Dream of You." Little Misses Margaret McCabe and Margaret Foreman as ribbon bearers,-were the first of the bridal party to enter theparlors. They were dressed in white lingerie with pink ribbons. The brital party en tered as follows:. -Mrs. F. M." Hawley, sister of the bride and her brother, Mr H. H. Sheep, Mrs. Hawley ,waal dressed in white crepe. Inetier, and carried pink, - killarney roses, Mies Margaret Sheep,, the maid of honor, gowned In w&te'.m'essallne with over dress of matvrot$fte trimmed in pink carrying plnkicarnatloas entered the parlor alone.- Mr. S. Glenn Hudson accompanied by hid best man Mr.j Martin Dcfiglass ' of Greensboro were the nextfto enter. " Then ,came the bride,' Mia Pauline Sheep, gown ed In white duchess satin with pearl and ' princess lace,"-' he canhul tt shower boquet of Ullies of the valley, she was' accompanied by her father, Prof. S. L. Sheep. " The bridal party met be. -. . ; "i Jtev. F.. M. Hawley of Mchane N. Cx performed the ceremony In a most impressive, manner. Immediately after tfce ceremony a reception was tendered the bridal par ty at the home. Little Margaret Foreman and' Margaret McCabe, re ceived, the cards at the door. Misses Evelyn Aydlett and Mary McMullan received In the hall. Prof, and Mrs. S. L. Sheep, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hudson", Miss Mar garet Sheep and Mr. Martin Douglas, Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Hawley and Mr. H. H. Sheep received in the parlor Miss Hattie Harney ant Mrs. C. W. Hollowell presided at the punch bo'.vV Misses Bessie Cahor.n Elolse Robi.ison, Edna Kramv, Eve lyn Etherilge, Mrs. Roscoe Foreirnn. and Mrs. W. A. Worthy received in the dining -room. In the gift room were, Mr. and Mrs M. Leigh Sheep, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Old, Misses Zajda Gonnaway, of Lynchburg and Ettie Aydlett andDr W. L. Sheep. Mr and Mrs. Hudson left on the eleven o'clock train for an extended trip in the western part ot .be state. WALDEN COMING IN MAGIC PERFORMANCES Walden," the magician is coming wiith his performance of illusional wonders. He will give his perfor. mance In the Auditorium of the High School on the evening of Oct:, 31st. This is a rare opportunity for the lov er of Magic and such performances to witDess something of high class. He is said to be one o the best per formers on the road. He never fails to cfcarm his audiences The management of the Star Course has put the price down until '.is is in the reach of all. Tickets for the performance - will Dt. nlaced on sale at Selig's..on the " ---- early. Had Been in Bad health For , hong Time, and was -Despondent, This isAssigned As The Reason. Mr. Will Elliott a prominent citi zen of Skinnersville, Washigton Co, committed suicide last Tuesday eve ning by shooting himself and then cutting h!s throat with a raor. MrElllott was in his room, when a pistoi shot startled members of the family. They rushed to the room and found that he had wounded him self. They hurried to summons a physician by phonef and while they were" out oFthcTT'oomrTie" gothold of a razor and cut hs throat, death resulting almost instantly. Ill health a.nh ' despondency are assigned the causes of the rash act of self destruction. The family is one of the most prominentia Wash .inton County . The foi-e:al and Interment took place in Creswell Wednesday after noon . DR. HARDISON RECOVERED liUa bjQSLot frtendaJu .Eastern, JJor'fc. Carolina will learn with great pleas ure the recovery of Dr. W. H. Hard! son of Creswell N. G Dr. H?rdison passed through the city last Monday euroute to his home from Norfolk, where he has speqjt the past two months in a hospital recovering from the effects of an operation for an attack of appendicitis. Dr. Hardison has been pretty close to death's door. At one time bis con (lit ion was so critical that the hos pital physicians dispaired of his life His recovery so far has been good; and if nothing happens,' he will be completely restored to health in . a short time, and will be able to re sume his practice to the great satis faction of the people of the Creswell section. "" ' Mrs. Clay Foreman has returned from a trip to Greensboro and other towns in the Central part of the state. Miss Myrtle Rolling of Asheville is spending some time here visiting Miss Julia Wood. S 4 Misses Lena Dean and Mattie Has. sel have returned to Columbia after a visit to Mrs. Spencer" Chaplin Jr. in Hunter St. Miss Mattie Arnold after a pleasant visit o Miss Eugenia Pike on First St. has returned to her home in 1'arks ville N. C. Lev McCabe has gone to Baltimore lo become a s.udcni in the tTniver of Marii.i 1. Mrs. A. B. Hoiiiz has g me !d No Yofk State to visit relatives. The many friends of the family, will learn with pleasure that Miss Mabel, White,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. White, has undergone sue cessfully, an operation for an', attack of appendicitis in St. Vincient hospi tal, and that she is rapidly recover ing. . - ' Mr. George Bright and Miss Mat tie Banks of Fowler and, Co. hava returned-from a business trip to New York where they have spent the pas' -w tlavs buying good for the firm. a ICTED OF T- : .. . SECRET Wiley .Up'on pf Camden County was tried before Judge Sawyer last Saturday afternoon upon the charge of an assault and upon the charge of carrying concealed weapons. He was convicted of both charges and was fined $25.00 and cost for' tho as- sauM, -and was bound over to the liext tfmi.of superior court in a 'SSOO forfeited' bond upon the charge of carrying concealed weapons. Uptdn is' the man who secretly as saulted Mr. J. W. Stokely of this, city, last Friday afternoon, while he was standfng back to him on the corner of- Potndexter and Mathews streets. Mr. Stokely was standing on the cor. ner in company of several friends, all looking down PolnUexter St., aud was not aware that Upton was any where' near until he was struck on the . back of the head with a teriftic blow, Mr. Stokely staggered and turn od face lo him to receive a severe blow in the face. He then grappled with "hi assailant and landed a blow which) sent him sprawling. Mr, Stoke ly alleged that Upton used, brass knuckg end: ' several witnesses to the assault gaj com borative testlnionie though Upton denied It and claimed that he had only a pocket knife In his hand. A surgeon dressed the wounds for Mr. Stokely ant it took several stitches to close ithem. Mr. Stokely and Upton had a dis pute about three weeks ago over some nogs and Mr. Stokley's dogs, Upton claiming that the dogs had bit ten his hogs while over in Camden hunting at the time of the dispute, Upton told Mr. Stokely that he would 'get him", f it was brought out in in the trial that Upton had been to Judge Sawyer some days before the assault and informed him that he expected to get into trouble and that he wanted the jodge to be lenient with him. This assault Is considered one pf he most cowarlly that has ever been purpetratea in this city. SPECIAL SERVICE r ,t The Rey. C. F: Smith will- hold services next Sunday at 3 o'clock In St. Josephs Episcopal Church. This appointment is to take the place of that for the first Sunday af ternoon in November. Bishop Stran ;e of East Carolina will l'o ihe preacher at a week of ser vices to begin at Camden Tuesday, Nov. 7th. g $ g Rev. W. R. Haight has returned from the Eastern Shore where he has been engaged for ten days in conducting p. revival. A TO RUN EXCURSION FOR RACING MEET The officials of the Pasquotank and North River Steamboat Compa ny have announced that, the company a-ill run an excursion from points !-. Currituck to Elizabeth City on the 2nd aud 3rd of November for the rccc modntion of those who desire to fi'tend the racing meet to be held :; the Albemarle Park on that date. ''Tho schedule will be arranged to jfuii. the convenience if the ' y'sifors I both coming and returning. COfiV ASSAULT THE YOUNG PEOPLE WILL MAKE MERRY AMID WEIRD SCENES I EMBLEMATIC OF HOLLOW'EEN There will be a Halloween Tarty given by the O. S. B. Class of City Road Methodist Sunday School in the oid armory in Va:er Street to night. A very interesting program has been prepared" for this occasion and a good time is assured to all who at tend, Halloween Legends will be exemplified ,,tn the decorations, per formances and costumes. There will be .something doin every minute in the old armory, ghosts and j spirits will stalk abroad in the crowd ) witcherTvilt plv-their vocations, and fortune tellers will unfold the my 9. tic future amid scenes of weird dal luclnation. " A small adinisfcijn fee of ten cents will be charged. The proceeds wiii be donated tohe annex fund of '.i'e City Road Church. SNAPSHOTS AT NOTABLES Elmer E. Brown, New Head of New York University. 1 -"v Dr. Elmer, Ellsworth Brown, who will be Installed chancellor of New York university en Nov. 0, baa been United States commissioner of edu cation since 1900. Last April he was elected successor to Chancellor H. M. MacCracken, who resigned about a year ago. Dr. Brown will be the seventh chan cellor of the university. Ue is a na tive of Chautauqua county, N. Y., and la fifty years old. He was educated at the IlHuols Slate Normal university, the University of Michigan and the University of nalle-Wittenberg. Ills life has been that of an edu cator, serving first in public schools in Illinois and Michigan and afterward as professor of science and art of teaching in the University of Michi gan and University of California. Jim Ltwit' Undertudy. James Hamilton Lewis, once a member of rongress and now an at torney in Chi 'ug't, wan on one occa sion ci:n!itl;i!( for mi elective position in the mi:-: h weal. At that tlnio Lewis was fi:i' of wM. ins t'.: a nee ; anil f.v; Ul "pink whiskers," n r:..-ete and flam '. ')u.; diiy n;i acquaint ' ilii.pt.fil into a hotel :.i !.ev!ij over there I.- : . -N.i." :.; felly "". like 1.1:-. ". hi l ed I ;.-.s bie a;: i e; la I.fwi,-..' ;eA-;)aie; 4 fi- lr'.:; "t;.at'a a pr.tiv)i-dlaarily J'WlV'' ' o;p..Ksnt have Jio-Tnti iif'.Mtel Ub i e';. I ;.prcrtr. j that be f;: : Kye fu.TJmis,1dea. "If FOR THE SECOND TIME IN TWO WEEKS THE EXTREME BOUND ARIES OF THE STATE REPRE SENTED IN GRETNA GREEN . MARRIAGE. Its becoming the fashion fos Mur. phlans to take Moyock brides. For the second time In two weeks, Cupid has joined the extreme east ant' the extreme west together at the marriage altar. . This time, tt was Mr. Frank D. fDockery of Murphy N. C. and Miss Otelia A Carter of Moyock. They came here last Wednesday armed with the written consen of the brides vparents, easily secired the liscense for marriage and were united In mar riage by Rev . W. E. "West retiring pastor of the Pearr Street methodlst Church. Mr. and Mrs Dockery returned to Moyock where they will reside for a I while, Mr. Dockery Is engaged with the Canal dredging Company and that partly explains the doing of Cupid. MIGHTY CHEAP OVER COATS AT FOWLER'S Mr. Bright on this trip to New York picked up some rare bargains in overcoats. He purchased nearly , a hundred nice overcoats in bhvck and grey, which he practically gave away, selling them for $2.60 and fS.M each. ' . ' The news of these remarkable bar. valns spread in the city aad it wma rot long before there was a crairc "x Fowler & Company's scrajnMtaf for an overcoat There are BOst of them to set the fasaloi in Id abeth City and a lot of people have somejmfghty Obaw ovoi coals. yon can't praise me m toe towqpBpen please roast me, but never have oy name out altogether." New YorkSrib- nne. Mr. Earl Pinaneial Expert. George Hnseey Earle, Jr., the regu lar Republican candidate for maror of Philadelphia, long ago eatabllahed a reputation for business acumen. InJ hi native city be has been called "re ceiver general" aad "buslneaa doctor. He has a record of some fourteen financial Institutions pulled out of diffi culties and made solid. Mr. Earle was born in Philadelphia fifty-five years ago and la a lawyer by profession. Educated at Harvard, he began the practice of law in 1879 and soon won a conspicuous place. In the early nineties, however, he retired from the law aud devoted himself to business. One of his conspicuous suc cesses was the rehabilitation of the Real Estate Trust company. This in stitution closed its doors In August 190C. with n shortage estimated at S13.000.000. In two months and a halfl he was discharyed as receiver; morel than $0,000,000 having passed tbreugbl bis hands. He refused a fee ell . jfZs $1.7).000 for bis work. Mating; that, '!.' : $S0.OOO would be ample He then.;a-:..-$; s:,;jpcI the preidfncy of the trhdf r.!;!"l) i cgaln ue f the leading LaJikx !a the city. jf vew Yeck2. '1 I t - A

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