1 ri E. BE$Wt3y ERTIS WwEDI'JM IN ELIZA A NEW PAPER WITH AN INCREASING CJR CULATION I '- . SETtf C'TY. OLI ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 1 1911 NO. 29 kit v IS1 v r jf 'At 5 ,J , K J "A f 01 OMOEIlS COW AGAIN Af SECOND AND LARGER EXCUR- 5ION FROM THE "BUCKEYE ATE" , EXPECTED MAY 1 VIS- IT, WEEKSVILLE THIS TIME. The Ohio farmers are coming a- xain and a big bunch of them, too, this. time. Th03e who catue here a- feaat three inourjis ago must have Mid a -wonderful tale of mis goodly 3fid"of burs to induce so many fhrif- -1 A: iff I' j f it pay us a; visit so soon, But they 'are-i coming ana somje of tne oia : om9sar comlns back too, to feast v their eyes on this lovely land of ours aid. to enjoy the hospitality of.Pas , ' quotariklans. If , Secretary Lamb's ;'liJans do not miscarry, they are go- rig to get hospitality this time, : ,v tpich hospitality as they have never teen -before. . V-"' ,V The SDecial whieh ' will brinz the' ,--. visitors, will leave Norfolk on the " -laornin of the 7th .", ot December. A, stop will be. made at Moyock, and i taesltors will be given an oppor ; i tunity to examine the lands in that . section. From Moyock they will if xm to Elizabeth" City, arriving here f fcsout, noon. ' ' The-reception committee, the same ,. e that f met the other excursion, will meet 'them at the depot, and the A- visitors' will,; be escorted to the dif- 'iTent hotels'j. where they will make arrangements for accommodations 1 :r the njgbt; -i Then Secretary Lamb ku iJnnWd Vsoroethiug ' big, if the ;rnther;aeeft: not; inierfore. AT trip .. , U1 be ijttfaae i'eeksvilje and down ? '' Salem ; township, the farmers, ri (their 'gbod.L wivee, j of l course) ' will X, Have bigjcountry picinc spread for tke Ohio visitors and for the people :' 'I tar miles, around. ; ,This spread if St uraterializes and it! will, if the 'i-.wealheir-ldoes-' not interfere,' is going -fefiP?K '' eyed of the, visitors,' for ' (it makes' no difference what! kind "of . picnics they have up in, Ohio, they cannot possibly anywhere 1 approach v a Tasqiiotank county picnic seryed owtft in Salem townshin. Here . the visitors will be' given an oporto - , jHv; to inspect the farming ' lands ! ii 8et acquainted with their proa- ective neighbors'. Late in the at- 'nioonvthey will return to Elizabeth -City 'and will spend the night here, v 1 ' the ; early hour of the evening - , seme kind of an informal reception will be held t6 give the people an ' opportunity to meet these visitors. - 'jttext morning about 7 o'clock the ape ; Vial heaping thje excursionisu -will jmve going South to take the visi tors into other sections of ' eastern ".ortb. Carolina. -'-. V The first excursion here about a Vnsbnth ago is now bearing fruit. ' Ev - 1 1 Jntly the people at '. home were 'neatly impressed with the descrip- t'on of our country given bythe ex . v cursionists. Inquiries have been . 'fwuring-in ever since they returned. Some of the most substantial citi 1 Wg in Ohio' are members of this "O party "and they evidently mean to nad a new home by the way that , i. tey are Jnteresting themselves in .' 'iiitfty 4ipn. , .. ; . : ENTERTAINED SUNDAY SCHOOL :.: , CLASS . Hiss Elizabeth King entertained her Sunday . school claas of Christ's ". lurch at the .home - of the Misses ' Albertson in. Church- street last Taeeday evening in an old fashioned "candy stew.. A Urge number of th. Members of her class wer? present tm this occasion ?- - .Ed OFFK CANTON ELE(Tf OFFICERS i ' The PasquoU Cantons held , their annual !ecy.fon of oCBcers last Taesday night and elected . P. H. Williftms, Captain; E. F. Spencer", osignc J- C Sawyer. Lieutenant, Weatherly, ccpuntant CVrk, and C. D. TOOK BIG IRON SAFE CARRIED IT AWAY AND THEN TRIED TO GET INTO IT BAT TERED DOOR SO THAT MR. WILLIAMS CANNOT GET INTO -HIS OWN SAFE. Imagine your surprise, if you were a merchant, and should go in the morning to open your big iron sate and find that it was gone altogether? Well, you would rub your eyes and look again, wouldn't you? This ds the experience that Mr. Tom Wil liams, the Polndexter Street Mer chant, had yesterday morning. He locked his safe - Wednesday evening and went home. "Yesterday, morning the safe was missing. Mi&Willlams, after he had ecovered from f his sur prise, began to investigate and found that the back door of his store had been forced Spen. He began to follow the tracks, and about a hun dred feet up an alley., he found bis safe, which weighs about one thou sand pounds. The hinges, the com bination and the . bar on the door were - badly battered up. This had been done by the burglars In an at tempt to get the safe open; but they failed to get into "it.,,. '.The , seie is In such a condition now that Mr.-William cannot open It, until somebody cuts out the door, The burglars left ho clue. . BRIDGE PARTY ' ! One of the most attractive social events, of 'the seasoil -waa , the' rlde party given by 'Mrs. Harry John Ben,' in honor of ' Miss Etta Brlgs Aydlett, whose marriage to Mr. Wil liam TMInor "will be solemnized on December sixth. " ' .' ' The "home was beautifully deco rated In ferns and wiitfei carnation. The favors were bride's boxes filled with mints and tied . with tulle. De licious salad and cream courses were served. '' - - "V . Those present were: , ' Misses Et ta Briggs 'Aydlett, Elolse Robinson, Mary McMullan, ' Hattie Harney, Alice Outlaw, Elizabeth Outlaw, Ed' m. Kramer, Minnie Leary, Mesdames E. R., Outlaw. S. S. Lamb, F. V. Scott, W. T Old, W. A. Worth, C. P. Brown, J. P. Greenleaf, W. P. Duff. C. W. Hollowell, M. L. Sheep, J, W. Foreman, C. W. Orlce, H. D. Walker, L. H. Foreman, and Miss Evelyn Aydlett. ; . TAKE CHARGE . OF HOTEL SOUTHERN Mr. T. C. Jones took charge of the Southern Hotel this morning. Decem ber 1st ;. 4 Several charges have been made in the heads of the various depart ments of this popular hostelry. J. D. Morris, of Ooldsboro, is Steward, Joe Ward of Hamilton, chief; Hugh M. Edwards, of Raleigh, clerk, and Charles Reid of Atlantic City head waiter. As soon as Mr. Jones leased the hotel he started out to secure first-class help, with which to run it, knowing full well that be could not cater to the traveling pub lic properly with insufficient aid. He feels confident that his help is pro ficient and that he is now prepared to sustain the former reputation of. this institution; and, even to give better service. Mr. Jones Is a hotel man' of practi cal experience. He was a clerk of this hotel for some time and thor oughly understands its patronage., - A pool and billiard room and a music room is being fitted up and will be opened on December the 6th. UB6US CITY ROAD BELL INSTALLED The bell presented to City , Road Methodist church by the pastor, ReV. J. H. Buffaloe" has beeninatalled in the church belfry.. The bell has a splendid tone," and the hour for services is tolled from this church tod. The jyenturejr of Betsey 1 -V Nice Little , Girl Nice JLIttlc Girl WILL SHE GAME PLENTIFUL BUT HUNTING BAD Farmers Protect Their Friends- Posted Lands to Great Extent Prevent Sportsmen From V y Shooting Quail in Pas quo tank GoUnty The hunter's field of operations grows 'smaller , each ' ;day. Hardly a day passes that some one does not post his lands against hunt ert . and posts the usual notice at the court house door. The posting of the notice is hardly necessary since by an act o the state legisla ture all . lands are posted, and the hunter must obtain permission from the owner before be can hunt The owners of lands in this 'county are coming to regard the pastime of shooting quail and other - harmless birds and animals -with a great deal of disfavor nd they are slow to give their permissions to the hunters. On many farms a year or two ago, the hunter could ply . his vocation of de stroying " the farmer's' little friends without being molested.' It it not so . now. The- fanner - has learned to know that quail and other birds are bis best friend; great deal better friend than these hunters, who tramp over his farm, shoot Iris hogs and other live stock (accident ally) and endanger the lives of the members of his 'family, and he for bids the bunter on bis land. There is a movement among the fanners and land owners in, this county, all the way from, Elisabeth City to Weeksvllle to unite in an ef fort to protect their ' lands against the hunters. They are posting their lands and are determined, that the hunters shall keep. off. If they dis regard these notices, arrests will fol low and the law will be enforced. Other sections: of this county and other counties too, are preparing to take similar steps. It looks now as if the days of the hunter are-numbered, and he will have to discard his gang of worthless dogs,' and find some other avenue to satisfy , his longing for sport. The farmers 6) not propose to have hunters tramping over lands, murdering their Mttts friends and protectors, the birds; and, then all next' spring have to fight bugs. "clew' Mrs. 'H. G. Kramer spent several days in Norfolk this week under the care of her physician. Dr. Payne. Mrs. Kramer was operated upon sev era! weeks ago for an attack of ap pendicitis and has not yet fully re covered. . '.'.. HcS Got Somelhin' irl his Other Hand GO TO HIM? THANKSGIVING GENERALLY OB SERVED . Thanksgiving was observed yes terday generally in this city. Practi cally all places of business were closed and all manufacturing ' enter prises were shut down for the day. Every body took a day off. A large crowd went to Norfolk on the special yesterday morning to wit ness the foot ball game between the A.' & M. and the V. P. I. The A. ft M. team spent Wednesday here practic ing for the game. , - ; A ; pretty good sized crowd of local sportsmen took to the woods with gun and dog and spent the day wandering " through swamps . or through briar and bramble after rob ins, squirrels,' partridges, etc. rThe remainder of Elizabeth City's popu lation stayed at home pretty close and the streets were deserted most of the day. '. FELL OVERBOARD IN J-MARLE SOUND Ai.dE- Mr. Tilden Holloway, of Tyrre II county, while coming across the sound one day this week in his gas boat, had a'veryy narrow escape from drowning. :" . . ". ' Mr.'Holloway, who " Is a pretty stout man was leaning against the side of the boat top. , His weight caused, the frame work of the boat top to break, and-it fell overboard, carrying Mr., Holloway with it Mr. Ed Brickhouse, who was accompany ing him on this trip, rescued him from the water. The weather was very rough, "and Mr. HoUbway was in great danger. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT AT CITY ROAD CHURCH ... - " ; City . Road Sunday school is pre paring far a big Christmas enter tainment' The program is being ar ranged and the children are ' being drilled fn the parts that, they will perform. The entertainment will ba held on the evening of December 26th. " ': - j '."';''' . . ELKS TO HOLD MEMORIAL 8ERV I ICES The Elks will hold their annual memorial services next Sunday af ternoon eglnnlng at 3 o'clock in the Gaiety Theatre. Hon. James D. McNeill, of Fayette- vllle will deliver the annual address, . The following program will be ren. dered: "Love Divine" Choir. , Prayer Rev. C. F, Smith. Solo, "O, For a Closer Walk With Cod." Mrs. J. Foreman .Calling roll of deceased members D. "Guy Brorkett. Quartette, "Vacant Chair.'1 Messrs L. E. Skinner, W. ('. Sawyer, J. W. Foreman aud J: C. B. Ehring- haus. Quartette, "Thou Knowest, Lord," Messrs L E. Skinner. W. C. Saw yer, J. W. Foreman, J. C. B. Eh ringhaus. ( ' Tscharkowsky's Legend Choir. Benediction Rev. C. F. Smith, In Menioriam Alwexander Hucka- bee, Geofge- M. Scott, Thomas G Skinner, Benjamin F. ' White, B. Howland Fearing. The following are present officers of the lod.se: ' Exalted Ruler, J. H. Aydlett. ' Esteemed Leading Knight, E. Spence. Esteemed Loyal Knight,, L. Old. Esteemed Lecturing Knight, J. R. E. M. Harney, . . Secretary, D. Guy Brockett. Treasurer, J M.. Martin' . Inner Guard, P. G. Sawyer.,. Esquire, J. C. B. Ehrlnghaus. Tyler, N. P. Parker. :: '-' Chaplnin, E . T . Burgess. ' BUILDING -NEW y CHURCH AT SOUND SIDE Mr. Tilden Holloway, a prominent farmer arid fisherman of Tyrrell county was here this week on bus! ness. ' ; He informed the Advance reporter that the Baptist people , down on Sound Side were busy building their church edifice. The old 'edifice which has done service for a long time has been torn away and a new building is ; taklna V its place. As much of the old material as possible is being saved. The stand timber is ail up and the church membership expects to have the building Com' pleted at an early date. Rev. Joe Tynch Is the pastor of this church. land its under his directions that this building is being done. '' STRANGELY DISAPPEARS William Horton, Jr., son of Mr. William Horton, of this city, mys teriously disappeared from bis home last Monday ajhd hia absence has caused a' great deal of anxiety to his parents. He left home Monday morning tell ing his mother that be was going out to collect some accounts for fish that he had sold. He failed to return st night, and Inquiry failed to se cure any clue as to his movements during the day. or as to his where abouts. Chief Thomas was not! fled and a search was begun but nothing was learned. . The boy is about sixteen years old, weighs about a hundred pounds and is about four and one-half feet tall. There waa no cause for bis leaving home in so strange a manner. MR. LOFT IN RECEIVES PRESENT Rev. I. ti. Lof tin , pastor of Black- well Memorial, church Is ' the reci pient of a handsome gift from the members of the Weeksvllle Council of the Junior Order. The gift Is a pair of solid gold cuff buttons, with the fraternal emblem engaved upon them. " " Mr. Lof tin made an address to the members of the Council several Sun days ago and this gift is a token of esteem from the members of that Council. - 'V V W. N. Gregory Spent last Monday n Hertford on business. OUR PREACHERS ALL COME BACK EVERY PASTOR IN THE CITY RE TURNED TO HIS CHARGE AND THE MEMBERS , OF THEIR HIGHLY CHURCHES GRATEFUL. ARE The membership of -the Methodist moersmj of Enzn churches of Enzabrth City are e- ligl ted that they will have their old . pastors for another year and that there wil' be no rhrnjrcs' In tie ' churches - ' - . Roy. J. D. Bundy (Vines back te th First v Methodist church for aa ' other year, Rev. J, H. Buffalo will be pastor of City Road Methodist church for another year and Rev. M. T. Plyler is the presiding elder. The 76th annual session of '' the North Carolina Conference of the M. E. church, South was held in ions' ton, N. C, last week with Bishop Ho!8 presiding. , It closed - last Sun day. ; It was one of the largest and most successful sessions in the history of the Conference; and too, It was one of the most pleasant sessions. Such was the statement of Bishop Hosa and in . this statement all all the, visitors concurred. A vast ampunt of business .in the Interest of the ' Methodist church, was trans acted. V The reports of . the various . . presiding elderfe "and. pastors of th vork done in the fields , were very gratifying., The reports , 6howed that , the work of the MethodlHt church had inade .iircafpr.-'sirss durin ,tho past year. . The plans for next year's , work were drafted on even larger scale and the field of operation of the, Methodist denomination is to broader in North Carolina until every section of the state is to re ceive Its infuences. .' . - The North Carolina Conference U to raise an endowment fund of $4, 00y and the Western Conference Is to do likewise, making a total of $80,000. . ' Statistics of Conference Bishop Hoss called the minute question involving the statistics ef the Conference. The following PC these are of especial Interest: Num ber of local Preachers, 90; number of .church' membership, 80,019. Infants baptised during the year, 774, adults baptised, 2,771; number ot Epwors Leagues 72; number of members, S,-, 125; number of Sunday schools, 96; ' number of officers and teachers, I, 723; number of scholars, 61,400. A mount contributed to Foreign Mis sion, f 21,934; to Domestic Misdons. $15,761; to Conference claimants, $8,125; to church extension, $8,000. 75; to American Bible Society,- $766.- 27; to "support of Presiding Elders, $18,398.82; to support of preachers in charge. $156,615.16. . Before the Conference adjourned suitable resolutions of tfcanks were presented expressing hearty appre ciation for the superb entertainment that Kinston gave the Conference. Every visitor united in saying that it 'was perfect and nothing' more could be asked. Fayetteville was se lected as the place to hold the next annual Conference. The following is' the appointment of preachers for the Elizabeth City i District: ' , Elizabeth City District, M. L. Ply-' ler. Presiding Elder. ; Camden Circuit. C, P. Jerome. Chowan Circuit. J. A.' Martin. Columbia Circuit, K. . F. Duvall. Currituck Circuit, F. B. Noblltt. Dare Circuit, J. A. Horris. Edenton Station, G. S. Beardea. Elizabeth City, City Road, J. H. Buffaloe. " " ' Elizabeth City, FJfst, Church. J. 9. Bundy. j j Gates Circuit, Vrr-H. Brown. Hattoras Circuit supplied by J. U. Byrd. , Hertford ffaf.on, F. M. Shambar- (Continued, on page lgbt).' UV'': , -