i LEG AL AND SALE ! NORTH CAROLINA, CAMDEN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR -COURT, MAR. TERM, 1912. - Beulah Lamh, Plaintiff, va Tom Lamb, Defendant. "NOTICE OP SUMMONS The Defendant above will take no T tice that an action, entitled as above ' has fceea commenced in tbe Super ior. Coart. Camden County, North Car eltao, the said action being (or an abeofote divorce,; and the said de leanest will further Uke noUce that he ia rewilred to appear at the term o the Superior Court of aald Coun ty to be held on Monday after the first Monday in March, it being the 1IU day. 1912, at the Court Houae of said County in Camden, North Carolina and answer or demur to the complaint of -aid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. , This 18th day of December, 1911. J. W. WALSTON, Clerk ol the Superior Court, Cam den Coanly. WALTER 'L. COHOON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 29 J 5 12 NORTH CAROLINA, PASQUOTANK COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR MARCH TERM, 1912. COURT, Emanuel Commander, Plaintiff, vs IjLiPf-Lelra C'mmander, Defendant. . - ' i NOTICE OF SUMMONS '' rfbe defendant above named will ube notice that an action entitled as above hag boea commenced in the Superior Court, Camden County, North Carolina, the, said action being for an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice thaW is required to appear at the lerw of the Superior Court of said county t0 be held on the second Mon day of I or (he first Monday in March, it belli K the 18th day of March 1912 at the court house in said county, fii" Elizabeth City, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the com plaint of said action, or the plain- i Off -rill apply to the court for the re- lief demanded in said complaint. j Thin 16th diy of December, 1911. G. R. LITTLE. Clerk Superior Court, Pnsquotank County. "WALTER L r-rv Pliihiliffs Attorney. 1 -21) J G J 2 NOTICE .SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY "" in Pnsquotank County, North Caro- By virtue or a mortgage executed Una, on. Monday, the 16th day of to me on the 27th day of June, 1905, January. 1912. at 12 o'clock M., by )j Charles Morgan, which mortgage public auction for Cash', the follow U duly .registered in Book 28, page J icpr described property, to-wlt: 7:'3. in the office of the Register of That certain town lot and improve-D"-ds of Pasquotank county, North ,ments thereon, situated on the cor CuroJina: ,ner of Speed and Ball or Clark sts. , I shall sY-ll tit tlie Court House Di.of !n JV;ftiotatik county, North Carolina, liy public, auction for cash, on Monday the 33th day of January, 1 'J 1 2 at 12 o'clock Jf. the following .described property, to-wit: . 1;K certain town lot and im s:'Km:i"jit!t situated in the town of Af..izahefh City, Xotth Carolina, one .of -Mid lor lfii;. on the West side o'.Skini.er street; and one being on the H&tt side of Gregory utreet, each tfrotKiug 69 feet and extending back 3S2 fSCt known and described as lots Ami i V. of the Skinner and GrMory plot and is duly recorded la the office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank' county, North Caro lina. The other one fronting on the We?t side of Road street, 60 feet and extending back 143 feet, being known and described as Lot No. 244 ot the SWnner and Gregory plot, registered as above mentioned. The above property being a part of the lands and improvements which Charles Morgan purchased of W. J. Brou;hton by Deed of even date. This notice dated and posted this December 13th, 191L W. J. BROUGHTON, by ROSCOE W. TURNER, Attorney. P-c r?2 25 Jaa 12 NOTICE CURRITUCK COUNTY, ' CAROLINA NORTH IN THE. SUPERIOR. COURT, . BE FORE THE CLERK. N . W. Williams. Administrator of Estate of Dennis Barnard, deccBSed. vs vs Jennette Darnard, Defendant ORDER OF PUBLICATION It appearing to the Court that the Jennette Barnard, daughter and heir-at-law of Dennis Barnard, deceased, cannot, affei du. diligence, be foun.l within the State of North Carolina, that the d"fendant la a- non-reeiaen. of said slate, that the defendant is a proper party to a epecial proceed lng re lating to real property in said State and county, being real property heired, by said defendant, from her father, Den nis Barnard, deceased, that the pur pose of this special proceeding is to sell said land for assets to pay debts of Dennis Barnard, deceased, that this court has jurisdiction of the same. It is, therefore, ordered and ad judged by the Court that publication is made for the defendant in the Ad vance, a newspaper published in Elizabeth City, N. C for four suc cessive weeks, notifying the defen dant to appear at Currituck Court House, on Monday, 22nd day of Jan uary, 1912, and answer or demur to Ihe complaint, or judgement will be rendered, against the defendant, -for the relief prajed fcjr in the com plaint. Publication of this order is adjudged sufficient notice. Th's December 15th., 1911. E. W. ANSEL, C'rk Superior Court. D22 29 J 5 12 NOTICE NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator of the late So O. Mullen, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and make immediate settlement and those holding claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months- from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. November 27th 1911. F. N. MULLEN, Administrator. D 8 15 22 29 Jan 5 12 NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY By virtue of a Deed of Trust exe cuted to me by Charles Morgan and wife, Mary J. Morgan, bearing date of May 31, 1905, duly registered in Book 28, page 666, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County, North Carolina: I shall Bell at the Court House door fn the town of Elizobeth City, North Carolina: Bounded on the North by lands of W. T. Love, East by the lot belonging to David Simpson; South by Speed street; West by Clark or Ball street, said lots be ing same Charles Morgan purchased o John B. Morris and wife,, and J. C Brooks by deed dated April 2Cth, 1S93, duly registered in the office of the . Regis '.r of Deeds of Pasquo tank county. North Carolina in Book 2C, page 2C8. This Notice dated and posted this December 14. 1911. . ROSCOE W. TURNER , Trustee. Dec 22 29 Jan 5 12 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY IN THE 8UPERIOR COURT SPRING TERM 1912 MARTHA R1DDICK VS JOSEPH RIDDICK The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been announced in the Superior Crmrt t"et Ah de fendant The purpose nf whic be- ing to scrurc the d;olution of the bends of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff a:.d the defend ant. The defendant will take fur thc notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Su perior Court of rerqulmans which Is to be held at the Court House In the said county on the ?5;h day if March 1912 and answer or demur 10 the complaint or 'hi plaintiff :' I ap?iy to the court for the relief awhrded in said eomolait'... This 18th d7 f De-'t-mher Wl. CHA6. JOHNSON Clerk of Superior Court of Perquim ans county. D 29 J 6 12 19 NOTICE 8ALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY By virtue of a mortgage executed to me by Charles Morgan and wife Mary J. Morgan, bearing the date of July 7th. 1905. duly recorded in Book 29, Page 1, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Pasquotank County North Carolina. I shall sell at the Court House door In Pasquotank County N. C on Friday the 26th day of January at 12 o'clock M, by public auc tion for cash the following described property to wit: THAT CERTAIN HOlfSE AND LOT SITUATED on the South side of Burgess Street in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Bounded on the N., by Burgegss St., on the South by t'ie Lands of J. W. Edney, West, by L?nds belonging t0 Charles Morgan East by an alley, said Lot Fronting on Burgess St., 33 1-3 feet and Ex tending back 110 Feet, being he same house and Lot now occupied by Charles Morgan and Wife Mary J Morgan as a Residence. This Notice dated and posted this the 26th day of December 1911. ROSCOE V. TURNER Trustee I) 29 J 5 12 19 NOTICI NORTH CAROLINA PASQUOTANK COUNTY In the Superior Court Before Clerk " the D E. Williams, Plaintiff, Vs Jane Brocket and Mack Brocket, hus band and wife, A. D. White, the heirs-at-law of Ellen Butt, deceased,- and heirs-at law of John White, de ceased, defendants. NOTICE OP SUMMONS. ETC. To A. D. White; The heirs at lnw of Ellen Butt whose number and names' and residence cannot, after due diligence, be ascertained; The helrs-at-law of John White, whose number, names and residence cannot, after due diligence, be ascertained and all persons claiming through or after them. You and each of yon will take no tice that a special proceeding enti tled as above has been commenced in 1 the superior court .of Pasquotank county, North Carolina, for the pur pose of petitioning certain lot and Improvements thereon and being the same lot heretofore owned by Ma rian Dozler,- deceased, and occupied by the said Mariah Dozler at the time of her recent death, and being the same lot or parcel of land which the said Mariah' Dozler purchased of Elisha Overton and wife by deed duly on record in Book 27. page 109, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank county and which trart or parcel of land is fully de scribed In tbe petition in the above entitled cause and which petition is now on file in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for said County. You will further take notice that you are required to appear before the undersigned clerk for the said court for Pasquotank county on Tuesday the 23rd day of January, 1912 at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. and answer or demur to thepetitlon filed herein as you may be advised. This 11th day r' nfTOirV-r. 1911. G. R. T.ITTl E. CVrk Superior f"urt. WALTER L. COHOOV, Artr-ey for PetP'nner. Dec 29 Jan S 12 ,1 Hot Bread every afternoon, The four delivery wagon Will start at o'clock.- Get Harris' net bread for uepef. w Ight ey ef the even. tAKESY. oooooocc NOTICES NOTICE AH pasties ure hereby notified that there wili be maCo 8' aoi 1: cation for the pardoa of C; i Greg ory btefore the Governor at ih ou the sixth day of Kedruary, 1912, at which time and place all par ties wishing to be heard are noti fied to appear. CAIN GREGORY, Per Attorney. January 2. 1912. 6L N O T I 6 I NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having guallfled aa administratrix of the late Clay Foreman I hereby give notice to all persona indebted to his estate to come forward and make Immediate settlement and those holding claims against the 'same to present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. This January 1st, 1912. MRS. MART M. FOREMAN, Administratrix. Jan 5 12 19 26 Feb 2 9 NORTH CAROLINA, PASQUOTANK COUNTY NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. KNOW ALL THOSE TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME that the partnership heretofore ex isting between J. A. Kramer and T. J. Jones, trading as Auto and Gas Engine Works, has this day by mu tual consent been dissolved and it has been agreed that all accounts due the partnership shall be paid to T. J. Jones or W. P. Skinner trading as Auto & Gas Engine Works and that all accounts due by the partner ship shall e paid by T. J." Jones or W P. Skinner trading ao Auto & Gas Engine Works, and that the Eald J. A, Kramer shall not be lia ble or responsible for any of the present or future Indebtedness of the said partnership. J. A. "KRAMER, T. J. JONES. J;n 5 12 19 26 A GIRL'S WILD MIDNIGHT RIDE To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the Catskills a young girl fire In the Catskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and sav- e;I many lives. Her deed was glo rious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discovery in . curing lung trouble, coughs and colds, which might have ended in consump tion or pneumonia. "It cured me of a dreadful cough and lung disease," .writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex., 'after four in our family had died with consumption, and t gained 8? pounds," Nothing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50 cents and Sl.OO. Trial bottle-free. Guaranteed by the Stan dard PhArmacy. PEOPLE DOUBT THAT DR. COOK DISCOVERED THE NORTH POLE However, no sane person can dcubt the fact that Mitchell's De partment store discovered what real ly low prices are and are putting their discovery to good' use to the igreat benefit of their neighbors. Be sure and come to Bee the great sale. Starting 9 A. M. Wednesday, Jnnuary 10th, 1912,. Elisabeth City, N. C. ' o A HERO IN A LIGHTHOUSE For years J. S. Donahue, So. Ha ven, Mien., a cmi war captain, as a lighthouse keeper, averted awful wrecks, but a queer fact is. be might have been a wreck himself. If Electric Bitters had not prevented. "They cured me of kidney trouble and chills," he writes ''after I had taken other so-callel cures for years, without benefit and they also improved my eighL Now. at seven ty, I am feeling fine." For Dyspep sia, indigestion, all stomach, liver and kidney troubles, they're without miI Trr ttwft ftntv EAc at iha 1 Standard Ptartr.acy. .ak Drummond Canal A Water Co. Laka Drummond Transportation Ce. Lake Drummond Teartag Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An "Inland Rout. Protected fro'm Stem Nine Tee', of Wi.nr Minimum Cf(,th AK-;.' f . Quic'it Trant t Ijr Traffic. Prompt Towin3 and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Building, and at Deep Creek Lock.Va M. K. KING, J. A. MITTEN, Pres.. Secy. J. B. BAXTER, Supt. J. T. WHITEHURST, TratHIc M'g'r. n WEBSTER'S 1M1TO7 II INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged die R Contains the pith and essence ox an authoritative library. Corers every field of knowL edge. An Encyclopedia in single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Fagea. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let ns tell you about this most remarkable single volume. - - I'X Write for sample iSSSm paens, fuU par ticulars, etc. Nina this paper and we will endree a set of Pocket Map. CftCMoruaCa. I Spring-Bald. Maaa.B Iks Agents for .yew FUNIS SULKY STALK CUTTEB. WANTED : Black, Clay, Black Eye and Soja Beans. A full line of Seed Oats, Seed Wheat and Field Seeds on hand. Also all kinds of Farming Imple ments. GET OUR PRIG3 eEFBSE BUYINB I SPENCE AND HOLLOWELL CO. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS) 18 WATER ST EUZUETH tin It shordy is good and itsood allihe time XT; A, 4 W . ; ""feL.UMr .,- . ,rtf. I -..USr?' LUZIANNE COFFE' TncKrxrTmMC& WWOSUJUBtUA.' Mrs. J. W. Ward. Sr., has returned to Nags Head, after a rfstt to rela tives here. V ms T 'JT.i'n.- JP- to.. THE JACKSON DAY BANQUET Coming la witi the new year Wt. a jear in which the Democratic b'1 ts confidently expect to elect a pias.1- -Viit and march lato the promised 3 .ml, the Jacks u day banquet in WaMiinnion January 8th marks a 'rliuni'h hi the as .pudency of the De mocracy that ua:i not been signified -. I-.;!- tiimllar sphering in many -irs. With :yi array cr leaders at the( lu...n.ue! board sixL1 us the p srty has ' not boasted for perhaps a half a cen tury; with 700 prominent party men present from far and wide to add importance anj brilliance this cou pled with the knowledge of all that the enemy la hopelessly divided and dumbfounded, makes , the Jack-sen day feathering an auspicious occas ion to every Democrat. On tbe list of speakers are to eh found the names of Norman E. Uaek Qi New York, Chairman of the Nat ional Democratic Committee; Champ. Clark of Missouri, Speaker of the Democratic House; John R. Polk, x governor of Missouri; James ,T. Lloyd, chairman of the National Congressional committee; William J Bryan of Nebraska, three times Dem ocratic candidate for president; Woodrow Wilson, governor of New Jersey ; John W. - Kern, - United States senator from Indiana; Wil liam R. Hearst of 'New! York; Al ton B. Parker, of New York; and United States Senators Charles F. Tohnon of Main and Atlee PdnTcv rene of Ohio, with Senator James A. O'Gorman of New ork as toast master. When the banquet was first men tioned is was uot expected that it would grow to the proportions in importance that it has. Much of the ciled it is due National Democratic '"'ommitteeman Edwin A. Newman of lie District of Columbia, who, be wuse of the selection of Washington as the. meteting place has been prac tically wholly in charge of the ar- rnngements. Mr. Newman, however, has had "he assistance of two advisory com mittees of prominent Democrats, one named by Chairman Mack of tin National committee, consisting Of National Committeeman J. Taylor Eilyson of Virginia, John T. McGraw of West Virginia, J. F. C. Talbot of Maryland, . and . another named by Chairman Lloyd of the Congression al committee, consisting of Senator Wm. J. Stone of Missouri ; Senator Robert L. 0"e of Oklahoma; Rep--ehentative Lincoln Dixon of Indi ana; Representative Ed. T. Taylor Colorado and Representative Hd. J. Peters ef Massachusetts. 'WORLD WI3E" CAUSES .Vli'eady during this session of tfongress many of the orators amons? the standpat Republicans have tried to explain the prevailing high prices with the argument that the high- price wave is world-wide. This s an other of the half-truths which the Republicans seek to have the peo ple accept as a whole, excuse. Mr. R. H. Hooker, of London, read a paper before the Royal Statistical society of . BagJand recently, in which he showed that the increased cost ofnll commodities" was twlee .1 much In high-protection Germany ' and hgh-protecUon United States, as in free trade Hngland. Comparing food prices for this year with 1896," said Mr. Hooter, "we find ther has been an increase of one per cant in France; 8, per cent in England; 5 per cent in Ger many; 28 per eeat in Canada, aad 3t per cent in the United States." Why is it that "world wide caus es' result ia aa increase of 1 and IK r rent in France and England, ana 34 per cent In th!s country? A STINGER IN THIS ONE The Reciprocity act passed last summer provided for the removal, in pnrt, of the duty on paper import ed from Canada. This provision did no) rrqulre Canada s endorsement. Since then, more than 80 indepen dent paper companies have started butiness jn opposition to the paper trust. Notwithstanding the Reciproc l.y act, with the single exception o the paper provsion, became dead and defunct when Canada declined in acrept it,. Senator Heyburn has introduced a bill for the repeal of thf whole act Were this bill to pass unamended it not only- would upelwsly repeal an inoperative act. but would put the duty back oa paper. There Is a stinger in the Heyburn repealer that will bear watching. 7" Mrs. J. J. Harris, of Norfolk, has pent this week here in attendance upon her-father. Capt. B. F. Spence, who has been very 111. ' Dr. J. D. Hathaway and family have returned from a trip to Hyde county, where they - have sjeat the ! K Ulnars viiiSLj fiUCrss. tjR?US